
Photograph via snooOG

For pharmacy school students

Greetings and Salutations!!

Welcome to /r/PharmacySchool, a subreddit for pharmacy school students! Feel free to chat, discuss, and vent about the things going on.


If you have questions on getting into pharmacy school or pre-reqs join us over on /r/PrePharmacy. The community will be happy to help out.

Safety Reminder: We do not provide official answers or provide professional judgement. As always, speak to your healthcare professional for answers specific to your condition. Questions regarding specific medical advice will be removed.

This subreddit will not be a place to get others to do your homework for you. If you are struggling with a topic, we will try to help, but /r/HomeworkHelp will be available for specific questions.

Reddiquette applies here just like in any other sub.

No requests or posts of copyrighted content or paid subscription content.


13,287 Subscribers


How do you study for Oncology?

I don’t think I’ve struggled this much with any of my therapeutics before. It feels like I’m trying to study in a whole different language. The end of the year burn out is definitely not helping either. What are some study methods you’ve tried for heme/onc?

23:05 UTC


What are benefits of taking IPPE during summer before starting P2 year at pharmacy school? Normally we do 80 hours in 10 weeks during first semester in P2 and then another 80 hours during spring.

06:55 UTC


Pharmaceutical calculations book recommendation?

Hello all! I have been accepted and was gently nudged to brush up on my math with a pharmaceutical calculations book. Yet my program did not recommend one, I assume they are not allowed to. Can anyone recommend a decent textbook where I can review and get some experience? No idea what book places use. TYIA.

1 Comment
00:18 UTC


Anyone Tried NatMed Pro?

I've got an assignment coming up on Ginkgo Biloba, and I keep getting bombarded with ads for NatMed Pro. Has anyone here used it before, particularly for accessing the monograph on Ginkgo Biloba? I'm debating whether it's worth the hefty $182 price tag just for this one assignment.

Any insights or experiences with NatMed Pro would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.

17:43 UTC


About Sandwich courses (Bpharm + Mpharm)

For context, I'm currently in my final year of Diploma in Pharmacy (Malaysia) programme and currently surveying pharmacy schools for my undergraduate programme. From where I'm from, Bpharm is a much more popular choice than Mpharm as its more accessible and variety of universities to choose from.

If you've completed a sandwich course like MPharm at Nottingham or elsewhere in the UK, I'd love to hear about your academic and clinical experiences. Was it more challenging compared to pursuing only a BPharm? Has the sandwich programme benefited you, career wise?

03:16 UTC


I'm too dumb for this

Heyo, I got injured a couple of months ago and since then I don't think I've recovered mentally, physically or academically. I keep telling myself that everyone is going through stuff but I can't use that excuse forever and I've slowly lost friends in the program bc of it.

20:37 UTC


Preparation for APPEs and CV question

hey everyone! i’m currently finishing up my P3 year and about to start APPEs in May. I’m excited, but also nervous and intimidated. I have some more difficult ones towards the beginning and I really want to do a good job to get positive letters of rec for residency as these are my more clinical rotations. i’ve performed well in pharmacy school and made straight A’s, but I still feel like there’s so much I don’t know and i’m not confident on. I know people figure it out as they go on with APPEs, but I really want to make a good first impression. How would you recommend I prepare? Read guidelines? listen to podcasts? brush up on medication and disease knowledge? my first rotation is ambulatory care geriatrics and I chose to do this one because a lot of geriatric disease states are my weaker points, but i wasn’t anticipating it being my very first. here’s a list in order of all of my APPEs geriatrics ambulatory care oncology adult medicine at an AMC ID stewardship managed care virtual institutional at the IHS heart failure ambulatory care community at an independent that does compounding state health department (i know they do a lot of HIV stuff) diabetes ambulatory care

also a quick question regarding CV: should i go ahead and input all of my APPEs, even ones that haven’t been completed yet? that way people know what i have planned to do?


1 Comment
00:18 UTC


Having doubts about my academic abilities, hopefully you guys can give me some insights!


I’m a third year undergraduate student majoring in Biochemistry and will be applying to Pharmacy School this fall.

Although I’m sure I would be overjoyed if I get accepted, self-doubt get the best of me sometimes and I’m kinda scared of actually getting accepted.

I’m (by all means) not the smartest or most hardworking kid in my classes or uni at all. My GPA is at 3.2 right now and sometimes I struggle to keep it up.

Compared to my current undergrad experience, should I expect Pharmacy School to need much much more effort to go into it? Currently, I would say I’m studying or doing research most of my weekdays, and some weekends I take up half my time preparing notes for the following week.

If I avoid working much in the semester at all, and just study for school, would I survive in Pharmacy School..?

.Sorry if I’m rambling on too much, but any graduate degrees demand so much time and effort that I’m giving myself a panick attack

04:55 UTC


VA HPSP Scholarship

Has anyone applied for the VA HPSP scholarship for their pharmacy program? I just applied before the 3/31 cut off for the fall. I was wondering if anyone could tell me a little about thier experience with the process... TIA

01:33 UTC


I want am advice for pharmaceutical calculation

In the first year we have two subject they basically I think the same but they not , which it is the principle of pharmacy and pharmaceutical calculation , I can't understand it and solve the questions , u don't know why we study it and I can't understand , even when I search it on YouTube I can't find something understandable , I'm struggling , and even some of our subject that we take , I can't find anything relate to it in YouTube and I can't understand the Dr . even in the exams I can't solve anything So I want a YouTube videos that are helpful, anything actually help you to be good in these subjects

23:51 UTC


Might have to remediate/repeat

I just want to vent and see if anyone has similar experiences. I’m a P2 and I should be matriculating into P3 in the fall. I have ADHD, GAD, and depression. I’ve been burnt out since PP2. I didn’t do well last semester and I need all B’s this semester to get to P3. And I’m pretty sure I’m not going to make it. There’s no way for me to turn it around in 3 weeks.

I’ve talked with my advisor. I’ve talked to my professors and met with some of them. My 3 friends know about it. I’m incredibly ashamed about it. I’m afraid of being by myself and not getting to be with my friends. It just sucks and it’s my own fault. And I’m not sure exactly if I repeat the entire year or how it works and I’m scared to ask even though I know I need to.

22:39 UTC


Career Guideline

4th Year PharmD Student ( Indo-Pak Region) 6 Multisector Internships including 2 specialized ones 1 Research Paper Submitted on Pharmacy Practice 1 on row Several skills learned and implimented And still one year to go. What would you suggest a career path

1 Comment
16:42 UTC


Question for Preceptors

Hi there. Wasn't sure where to put this question as r/pharmacy says school questions are off topic.

My boyfriend graduates in May. He's had some really great relationships with a lot of his preceptors and I know he's very grateful for their mentorship.

I'm making a grad gift for him that's these translucent pill capsules (about the size of a venlafaxine 150 iirc) that open up and have tiny scrolls of paper in them. So I've been gathering congratulations/encouraging type notes from his family members and friends to put in them - would it be appropriate to contact his preceptors? I haven't met them in person, but I know all their names and where they work, etc.

That being said, I know a lot of them are SUPER busy and I don't want to add more to their already very full schedules. It's only a sentence or two as the scrolls are pretty small, but it's still another thing on their lists.


Thanks so much!

13:19 UTC


Test Scores vs Real life

Sorry for the dumb question in advance.

I’m about to start APPE’s and I’m actually quite nervous because I’ve always been a B student, some classes I’ve gotten a C in and feel like I’m not going to do well on APPE’s bc of that. I have friends that are consistently getting A’s on exams and classes and they don’t seem too worried about APPE’s.

Has anyone noticed a correlation between good grades and being a great APPE student?

16:18 UTC



Any recs on the best study materials/resources to prepare for the New York State MPJE? Books, online courses, etc? l've already been a licensed and practicing RPh in a different state for about 5 years now and just used my school's study guide they created for my state's MPJE when I graduated so l'm not sure what out there is worth the money.

1 Comment
16:26 UTC


I need a study partner

In the last days I can't study any more so I thought that if I had a study partner it will be easy to study

13:19 UTC


What are the things that helped you during your studies to memorize and understand?

18:28 UTC


Thoughts on the Liraglutide STARDUST Trial?

1 Comment
14:45 UTC


Looking into managed care but don’t know where to start

I’m currently a P2 and I’ve been having moments (A LOT) where I find myself excessively stressing about what I want to do after pharmacy school and how to get there. I’m really interested in managed care but I don’t really know what to do or where to start. Despite it being more competitive, I definitely want to do things within that area will help me gain more experience and help me be a better candidate once residency and job searching rolls around but nothing seems to be available.

I especially want to utilize my time during the summer so I’m hoping to find something by then.

I’m wondering if anyone else has the same issues or those who are in managed care/in the process, what did you do?

I’m also curious about residency and how it works for managed care. Is it competitive? What do you look for when choosing a “match”? How long was it? What were your roles and responsibilities? Etc.

Thanks in advance! :)

1 Comment
04:38 UTC


Is it possible to transfer from one pharmacy school to another?

I have a friend, a P3, who is going through a lot of problems at her pharmacy school with a professor. She was wondering if it would be possible to transfer to another pharmacy school.
Do you know anyone who has done something like this before? How was the process?

1 Comment
03:02 UTC


How do you study with difficult professors

So I have this one Professor who just likes to sit and ramble for 2 hours by reading off over PowerPoints word for word without any explanation. I have this exam Friday and I’m so lost.

I spend countless hours of writing things out only to retain so little information.. I think I’m going crazy but it’s this specific class and the professor refuses to help saying “seems like most of you don’t pay attention in class” (she says this to everyone). Problem is she reads off PowerPoints without explaining anything.

. I tried reviewing and have this one professor I REFUSE to listen to on recording (she basically reads off the slides).

How do you go about this? What’s a fast and efficient way to just get through the material and get a good grade? I feel like I don’t even know where to start. She’s fairly new with teaching and doesn’t really teach. Her PowerPoints don’t even make sense :/

Thank you :)

02:26 UTC


Is this high school? Currently a P1 but I've quickly realized that this program is like high school. The "popular kids" get voted for club exec positions even though they have no experience, people only talk to me when they need something and call me incompetent just for asking a question.

11:21 UTC


How do I calculate this paediatric antibiotics problem correctly?

We have a child who’s 9 months old weighing 8 kg. He gets Abboticin (Erythromycin) granules for an oral suspension 100 mg/ml 100 ml.

3ml 3 times daily for an infection.

How do I go about this problem? This is a hypothetical case.

06:49 UTC


Rotation Learning Experience for others

Boy do I have a story for you, let me set the scene I was a P2 on my rotation at an infusion center that dealt with mostly abx and chemotherapy. So let me tell you I studied really hard for this rotation, I was really excited, I was trying to be impressive. So I got to this place and I met my preceptor who introduced himself and we talked for about 15 minutes and asked about my aspirations in pharmacy blah blah blah just getting to know me; sounds normal right?

WRONG. What really happened was, I met this dude for all of about 45 seconds when he made sure what my name was, told me to go into the sterile compounding room where I stuck labels on things for about 4 hours then I went to lunch. All the while all I could think was "jeez did I forget to put on deodorant or something? this dude hasn't said 10 words to me" so I gave him the benefit of the doubt maybe he was having a bad day, maybe he was going through something whatever. So after the first week (I had not yet begun timing) I estimate I spoke to this guy for a total of 5 minutes after week 1. I was like "woah something isn't right like this dude must hate me" so I scheduled a meeting with him, and asked if there was something I could be doing better trying to be humble/hat-in-hand thinking I was the problem. TO MY SURPRISE he told me he thought I was doing a great job... I was like huh? He hadn't given me any projects, tried to get to know me, or even spoken to me.

I swear on my life this dude would tell me "good morning, I will have something for you to do soon just wait and I will come over to you" (for reference I was sitting in a cubicle on a useless computer, useless because I wasn't even shown how to log into the damn thing) and he would just never come over to me. So I started going over to him asking for things to do and would just say to check in later. I was shocked. Genuinely like what the heck I paid like $3800 to sit on my butt and do nothing. So now I am starting to think about my grade on the rotation and was like "if I don't do anything how tf is this guy gonna grade me?" So I started asking other people than my preceptor what I could do and started doing minor things. I think out of the 160 hrs I was there I did about 9 hrs of work. I promise I am not exaggerating I actually documented this because I knew that something was going to come up during either mine or his evaluation.

So now it's after week 2 and I spoke to him for a whopping grand total of 4 minutes. During this time he would sometimes let me go early, ALSO sometimes this dude would leave early AS IN GO HOME and not even tell me. At this point I was in my head a lot, I was like okay if I give him a bad review, he's gonna go blab his mouth about how I technically didn't complete all of the needed hours to pass bc he let me go early (thankfully did not end up being the case.) I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

So now it's week 3 (total time spoken to preceptor after 3 weeks: 7 minutes), and I was SUPER bored all the time. I had to bring a phone charger with me, because I was able to watch 3 movies a day THATS LIKE 6 HOURS. So at this time I ran out of movies, so I started seeing what I could get away with. I just checked to make sure my profile doesn't have my real name so I can say this, in the cubicle I was in I drew goal posts ON THE WALL and made a paper football that I would flick from various distances, even going a pretty good distance outside of the cubicle to do so. I know this might seem detailed but I just want to convey an accurate representation of my boredom. It's kinda like when you're a kid and you're sitting in church for what feels like 35 years. So at this point I had the "genius" idea of finding out what other students had this rotation before me so I could ask them if something was going on with this preceptor/did the same thing happen to them. Like does he have 3 months to live? Is he a murderer? Just like what is wrong w this guy. So I found someone in my class and I didn't know them very well and I got their # and texted them all the garbage that had been going on. The reply was, and I kid you not, "lol" I concluded from this that this was not a me thing this had happened to EVERYONE.

Thank god, it's week 4. 1st freakin' day of week 4 my preceptor was nowhere to be seen, I thought maybe he was coming in late or something, but he never showed up. So at 5pm I promptly left and then the next morning, 9am, 10am, 11am this dude had disappeared. Turns out the guy was on vacation NEVER TOLD ME, NEVER EVEN FREAKING NOTICED: "Can't wait for this vacation! I should probably let my student know" BRO NEVER THOUGHT OF ANYTHING LIKE THAT Finally its like 2pm and so I asked someone where tf he was and they told me he was on vacation saying "oh he didn't tell you?" like... bro, no this dude hasn't even told me what he does around here. So he comes back on my 2nd to last day and tells me I don't need to come in for the last day, that I've done a good job blah blah blah. Total time spoken to preceptor after 4 weeks: 19 minutes. IN 160 HOURS I SPOKE TO THIS DUDE FOR 19 MINUTES. I know this sounds fake but I stg this was my life for an entire month that I PAID FOR, FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Needless to say I absolutely laid into this bump on a log in my evaluation. So the experiential office at my school emailed me and was like ayo... what happened??? So I had a meeting and told them everything and I told them "I'm sure you've had multiple others like me, there is no way I am the only one" but you guessed it, I was the only one that said something. I couldn't believe it, these people after hearing nothing from others must've thought I was next in line for the looney bin. It turns out, among P4 students this was known as the "seminar rotation" its a rotation P4's go on to work on seminar while simultaneously collecting rotation hours, bc god knows you don't have to work when you're there.

I was pretty hung up on this for a while, I couldn't fathom what this dude had to gain by having a student, I was like why even have students??? you don't do anything with them! Just take your name out of the pool buddy. It was a truly the most: unreal, humbling, welcome to the real world buddy experience I have ever had.

All of this is to say... REVIEW YOUR PRECEPTORS, IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM TALK TO SOMEONE. I didn't because I was worried about my grade but they will help you, and they won't let something bad happen to you, they won't force you to retake a rotation, anything like that.

01:24 UTC


Rotation Story: For a Good Laugh/Informative

I am currently a P3 almost a P4, and just wanted to share this story for anyone coming through the program or feeling stuck on rotation.

Let me set the scene I was a P2 on my rotation at an infusion center that dealt with mostly IV antibiotics and chemotherapy. So let me tell you I studying my ass off for this rotation, I was really excited, I was trying to be impressive. So I got to this place and I met my preceptor who introduced himself and we talked for about 15 minutes and asked about my aspirations in pharmacy blah blah blah just getting to know me; sounds normal right?

WRONG. What really happened was, I met this dude for all of about 45 seconds when he made sure what my name was, told me to go into the sterile compounding room where I stuck labels on things for about 4 hours then I went to lunch. All the while all I could think was "jeez did I forget to put on deodorant or something? this dude hasn't said 10 words to me" so I gave him the benefit of the doubt maybe he was having a bad day, maybe he was going through something whatever. So after the first week (I had not yet begun timing) I estimate I spoke to this guy for a total of 5 minutes after week 1. I was like "woah something isn't right like this dude must hate me" so I scheduled a meeting with him, and asked if there was something I could be doing better trying to be humble/hat-in-hand thinking I was the problem. TO MY SURPRISE he told me he thought I was doing a great job... I was like huh? He hadn't given me any projects, tried to get to know me, or even spoken to me.

I swear on my life this dude would tell me "good morning, I will have something for you to do soon just wait and I will come over to you" (for reference I was sitting in a cubicle on a useless computer, useless because I wasn't even shown how to log into the damn thing) and he would just never come over to me. So I started going over to him asking for things to do and would just say to check in later. I was shocked. Genuinely like wtf I paid like $3800 to sit on my ass and do nothing. So now I am starting to think about my grade on the rotation and was like "if I don't do anything how tf is this guy gonna grade me?" So I started asking other people than my preceptor what I could do and started doing minor things. I think out of the 160 hrs I was there I did about 9 hrs of work. I promise I am not exaggerating I actually documented this because I knew that something was going to come up during either mine or his evaluation.

So now it's after week 2 and I spoke to him for a whopping grand total of 4 minutes. During this time he would sometimes let me go early, ALSO sometimes this mf would leave early AS IN GO HOME and not even tell me. At this point I was in my head a lot, I was like okay if I give him a shitty review, he's gonna go blab his mouth about how I technically didn't complete all of the needed hours to pass bc he let me go early (thankfully did not end up being the case.) I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

So now it's week 3 (total time spoken to preceptor after 3 weeks: 7 minutes), and I was SUPER bored all the time. I had to bring a phone charger with me, because I was able to watch 3 movies a day THATS LIKE 6 HOURS. So at this time I ran out of movies, so I started seeing what I could get away with. I just checked to make sure my profile doesn't have my real name so I can say this, in the cubicle I was in I drew goal posts ON THE WALL and made a paper football that I would flick from various distances, even going a pretty good distance outside of the cubicle to do so. I know this might seem detailed but I just want to convey an accurate representation of my boredom. It's kinda like when you're a kid and you're sitting in church for what feels like 35 years. So at this point I had the "genius" idea of finding out what other students had this rotation before me so I could ask them if something was going on with this preceptor/did the same thing happen to them. Like does he have 3 months to live? Is he a murderer? Just like wtf is wrong w this mf. So I found someone in my class and I didn't know them very well and I got their # and texted them all the garbage that had been going on. The reply was, and I shit you not, "lol" I concluded from this that this was not a me thing this had happened to EVERYONE.

Thank god, it's week 4. 1st freakin' day of week 4 my preceptor was nowhere to be seen, I thought maybe he was coming in late or something, but he never showed up. So at 5pm I promptly left and then the next morning, 9am, 10am, 11am this mf had disappeared. Turns out the guy was on vacation NEVER TOLD ME, NEVER EVEN FREAKING NOTICED: "Can't wait for this vacation! I should probably let my student know" BRO NEVER THOUGHT OF ANYTHING LIKE THAT Finally its like 2pm and so I asked someone where tf he was and they told me he was on vacation saying "oh he didn't tell you?" like... mf no this dude hasn't even told me wtf he does around here. So he comes back on my 2nd to last day and tells me I don't need to come in for the last day, that I've done a good job blah blah blah. Total time spoken to preceptor after 4 weeks: 19 minutes. IN 160 HOURS I SPOKE TO THIS DUDE FOR 19 MINUTES. I know this sounds fake but I stg this was my life for an entire month that I PAID FOR, FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Needless to say I absolutely laid into this bump on a log in my evaluation. So the experiential office at my school emailed me and was like ayo... what happened??? So I had a meeting and told them everything and I told them "I'm sure you've had multiple others like me, there is no way I am the only one" but you guessed it, I was the only one that said something. I couldn't believe it, these people after hearing nothing from others must've thought I was next in line for the looney bin. It turns out, among P4 students this was known as the "seminar rotation" its a rotation P4's go on to work on seminar while simultaneously collecting rotation hours, bc god knows you don't have to work when you're there.

I was pretty hung up on this for a while, I couldn't fathom what this dude had to gain by having a student, I was like why even have students??? you don't do anything with them! Just take your name out of the pool buddy. It was a truly the most: unreal, humbling, welcome to the real world buddy experience I have ever had.

All of this is to say... REVIEW YOUR PRECEPTORS, IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM TALK TO SOMEONE. I didn't because I was worried about my grade but they will help you, and they won't let something bad happen to you, they won't force you to retake a rotation, anything like that.

00:56 UTC


Rotation Learning Experience for Others

Boy do I have a story for you, let me set the scene I was a P2 on my rotation at an infusion center that dealt with mostly abx and chemotherapy. So let me tell you I studying my ass off for this rotation, I was really excited, I was trying to be impressive. So I got to this place and I met my preceptor who introduced himself and we talked for about 15 minutes and asked about my aspirations in pharmacy blah blah blah just getting to know me; sounds normal right?

WRONG. What really happened was, I met this dude for all of about 45 seconds when he made sure what my name was, told me to go into the sterile compounding room where I stuck labels on things for about 4 hours then I went to lunch. All the while all I could think was "jeez did I forget to put on deodorant or something? this dude hasn't said 10 words to me" so I gave him the benefit of the doubt maybe he was having a bad day, maybe he was going through something whatever. So after the first week (I had not yet begun timing) I estimate I spoke to this guy for a total of 5 minutes after week 1. I was like "woah something isn't right like this dude must hate me" so I scheduled a meeting with him, and asked if there was something I could be doing better trying to be humble/hat-in-hand thinking I was the problem. TO MY SURPRISE he told me he thought I was doing a great job... I was like huh? He hadn't given me any projects, tried to get to know me, or even spoken to me.

I swear on my life this dude would tell me "good morning, I will have something for you to do soon just wait and I will come over to you" (for reference I was sitting in a cubicle on a useless computer, useless because I wasn't even shown how to log into the damn thing) and he would just never come over to me. So I started going over to him asking for things to do and would just say to check in later. I was shocked. Genuinely like wtf I paid like $3800 to sit on my ass and do nothing. So now I am starting to think about my grade on the rotation and was like "if I don't do anything how tf is this guy gonna grade me?" So I started asking other people than my preceptor what I could do and started doing minor things. I think out of the 160 hrs I was there I did about 9 hrs of work. I promise I am not exaggerating I actually documented this because I knew that something was going to come up during either mine or his evaluation.

So now it's after week 2 and I spoke to him for a whopping grand total of 4 minutes. During this time he would sometimes let me go early, ALSO sometimes this mf would leave early AS IN GO HOME and not even tell me. At this point I was in my head a lot, I was like okay if I give him a shitty review, he's gonna go blab his mouth about how I technically didn't complete all of the needed hours to pass bc he let me go early (thankfully did not end up being the case.) I just couldn't stop thinking about it.

So now it's week 3 (total time spoken to preceptor after 3 weeks: 7 minutes), and I was SUPER bored all the time. I had to bring a phone charger with me, because I was able to watch 3 movies a day THATS LIKE 6 HOURS. So at this time I ran out of movies, so I started seeing what I could get away with. I just checked to make sure my profile doesn't have my real name so I can say this, in the cubicle I was in I drew goal posts ON THE WALL and made a paper football that I would flick from various distances, even going a pretty good distance outside of the cubicle to do so. I know this might seem detailed but I just want to convey an accurate representation of my boredom. It's kinda like when you're a kid and you're sitting in church for what feels like 35 years. So at this point I had the "genius" idea of finding out what other students had this rotation before me so I could ask them if something was going on with this preceptor/did the same thing happen to them. Like does he have 3 months to live? Is he a murderer? Just like wtf is wrong w this mf. So I found someone in my class and I didn't know them very well and I got their # and texted them all the garbage that had been going on. The reply was, and I shit you not, "lol" I concluded from this that this was not a me thing this had happened to EVERYONE.

Thank god, it's week 4. 1st freakin' day of week 4 my preceptor was nowhere to be seen, I thought maybe he was coming in late or something, but he never showed up. So at 5pm I promptly left and then the next morning, 9am, 10am, 11am this mf had disappeared. Turns out the guy was on vacation NEVER TOLD ME, NEVER EVEN FREAKING NOTICED: "Can't wait for this vacation! I should probably let my student know" BRO NEVER THOUGHT OF ANYTHING LIKE THAT Finally its like 2pm and so I asked someone where tf he was and they told me he was on vacation saying "oh he didn't tell you?" like... mf no this dude hasn't even told me wtf he does around here. So he comes back on my 2nd to last day and tells me I don't need to come in for the last day, that I've done a good job blah blah blah. Total time spoken to preceptor after 4 weeks: 19 minutes. IN 160 HOURS I SPOKE TO THIS DUDE FOR 19 MINUTES. I know this sounds fake but I stg this was my life for an entire month that I PAID FOR, FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Needless to say I absolutely laid into this bump on a log in my evaluation. So the experiential office at my school emailed me and was like ayo... what happened??? So I had a meeting and told them everything and I told them "I'm sure you've had multiple others like me, there is no way I am the only one" but you guessed it, I was the only one that said something. I couldn't believe it, these people after hearing nothing from others must've thought I was next in line for the looney bin. It turns out, among P4 students this was known as the "seminar rotation" its a rotation P4's go on to work on seminar while simultaneously collecting rotation hours, bc god knows you don't have to work when you're there.

I was pretty hung up on this for a while, I couldn't fathom what this dude had to gain by having a student, I was like why even have students??? you don't do anything with them! Just take your name out of the pool buddy. It was a truly the most: unreal, humbling, welcome to the real world buddy experience I have ever had.

All of this is to say... REVIEW YOUR PRECEPTORS, IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM TALK TO SOMEONE. I didn't because I was worried about my grade but they will help you, and they won't let something bad happen to you, they won't force you to retake a rotation, anything like that.

01:18 UTC


Contraception unit

I'm currently going through a contraception unit in school, and of course with that, IUDs have come up. In two separate classes, at least three different professors have listed "discomfort" as a downside.

I have personal experience with an IUD, and "discomfort" doesn't begin to cut it.

I did bring it up to one of the other professors (she was helping teach the second class but she was playing the standardized patient, so didn't actually say discomfort) and she was very receptive.

Today is another class where will will talk about contraception, with the same professors as the second class mentioned above. I'm hoping the receptive professor will have talked to them, but I'm seething and honestly might have to leave to avoid anything worse.

Rant over, but I'd appreciate some words of encouragement to get through today.

16:03 UTC


Elective APPE finished - worried nothing verified by preceptor?

Just completed my elective Transitions of Care APPE. None of my hours or requirements have been verified. My preceptor has been uncaring and uninvolved. When I reminded her to verify my requirements on the last day via email, she replied that she was taking PTO, so I need to meet with her after the rotation is completed, to finish final eval (??). She never emailed me or told me to meet beforehand, nor did a midpoint eval with me, nor told me about her PTO.

Some bad things about this rotation:

- On the first day of the APPE, my preceptor put her PGY1 resident in charge of my rotation. However, the PGY1 resident was starting her internal medicine rotation and was extremely stressed. She told me she didn't know what to do with me. Also, my preceptor and the PGY1 resident do not have a positive relationship. The PGY1 resident mentioned that my preceptor said she was "stupid" and "not a good pharmacist".

- The PGY1 resident expected me to be completely independent after 1 day. She showed me where discharge rounds occurred once, then told me to counsel patients on my own. The next day, I could not find my way to discharge rounds. I emailed her for help and left my phone number, but she never replied. I came in early the next day to wander the hospital until I could find the correct room on my own.

- For the rest of the rotation, the PGY1 resident was on the floors by herself. She did not come to the office to see me, or tell me where she was.

- Each day I came to the office, attended discharge rounds, then counseled patients on my own. I documented my counsels in the online portal. My preceptor and PGY1 resident did not check on me or my counseling, did not do midpoint eval, and did not attend my required presentation.

- There were a few days where the preceptor would take PTO, but did not tell the students. She wouldn't show up to the office, and we wouldn't know until the next day that she had taken PTO.

I am not sure what to expect with my preceptor's meeting, or if the PGY1 resident will be included. This is the first time that a preceptor had required me to meet for final eval after a rotation has ended. Should I get the school involved, or is this another case where preceptor is just too busy and will verify stuff later? Can she fail me if she's feeling spiteful? I don't want the PGY1 to get in trouble either...

23:51 UTC


Marriage and School

Hey everyone I am currently a Junior undergrad student and I was planning on going into pharmacy school, I will be graduating with a biology degree. I was planning on proposing to my girlfriend this upcoming summer, my girlfriend is also a junior in college and she is planning on going to go to medical school, now I dont have much saved but I was wondering if it would be possible, would I be able to work and go to school? I currently still live with my parents so I would have to start paying rent and everything, I really want to get married but I'm worried how I would be able to handle all this. End goal is retail pharmacy, and for context we live in the PNW, what do you guys think? Is it doable?

22:34 UTC


Medpace is a horrible CRO. I sympathise with all of you who work there

1 Comment
01:13 UTC

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