
Photograph via snooOG

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Mouse in my room/house I desperately need help

So I will admit I know damn well I got myself into this mess by being lazy for so long and not keeping up with cleaning my room/house but needless to say I have a mouse problem. My buddy first saw it the other night in his room and immediately we went and bought poison traps plus snap traps. Sadly I know if there’s one there’s problem a ton more but so far we’ve only seen one. We only have a few setup but the little asshole hasn’t went near any of them. My room is a huge cluttered mess. I got all the food that I could think of out but it’s close to impossible to get every single little crumb. I don’t even know where to start in my room . I’m lowkey freaking out because when I got home and went in my room I saw him run across my bed frame… which leads me to believe he’s now been on my bed and will continue to . It’s 4 am and I have work tomorrow but I can’t sleep because I’m afraid he’s gonna be on my face or something when I wake up. I need help with either some peace of mind or a way I can try and get him out asap

1 Comment
07:53 UTC


**How to eradicate hookworm larvae in garden?

We have moved into a rural property with a lot of stray dogs wondering around. They all have hookworm and our domesticated dogs are very vulnerable to them. One became extremely I'll. We are doing all the right things but I really need to eradicate them from the garden now that it is fully secured and no strange dogs can enter. Any pest control suggestions? I can't believe the only way is to kill the larvae once they hatch inside the host - this will takes years to get rid of the pests and I just can't bear the thought of these yucky things in the garden. Even our tortoise has had to move indoors.

1 Comment
05:26 UTC


Question about ants

Is it possible that ants can be attracted to a specific person? This sounds strange but ants often pop up in a room area where only a specific person sleeps/works. When he moved rooms for several months, the ants were nowhere to be found. Now he’s moved back to this room and the ants are ONLY in his areas. Two people in the room (think split down the middle, dorm style). Ants on his desk and bed. Nothing on the other areas. No food goes into the room, minus a cup of black coffee in the morning. Cup goes back right away once the coffee is drank. I’m starting to think ants like his scent or something. Have you ever come across something like this? We have had professionals come with no real success. I need to solve this issue because it’s really disruptive, he really hates bugs. 😫 It’s like 5-10 ants usually. What do I do? Thanks

1 Comment
04:43 UTC


A couple German roaches

Me and my wife are renting. We live in south Louisiana and we have found just a couple German roaches over the last couples months.

Like two or three in two months.

We have set our roach motels but should we be concerned.

We keep our house very clean, and don't even go to sleep with dishes in the sink so it's not from sanitation and seeing a small roach is absolute nightmare fuel for me...

1 Comment
03:39 UTC


Voles-extermination techniques

Ive got a serious problem with voles, they’ve dug like 10 holes underneath the pool patio. I fill them up, they dig them back out, or dig next to it. I have tried bait traps, caught like 2. I’ve tried paprika, didn’t work. I just need the best no fail solution.

1 Comment
03:21 UTC


Looking for a spider web dissolver for inaccessible, medium to large webs.

Dusting won't work, I do not care about the spiders returning, handling that another way. I live on the second floor, in a screened-in patio. The webs are outside the screen, and the only way to get there is via a ladder, and it is an unsafe area.

I want to clean the outside of the screen, as there is a dirty wood railing that is begging for it, and it starts with these webs.

I need a chemical, preferably pet-safe, that someone has used that is effective for webs with little outside intervention, i.e. spray and leave.

1 Comment
02:07 UTC


Pest infestation in Kitchen

I have a vacant apartment that has a major roach infestation. I have an exterminator come in twice already over 1.5 weeks but still a lot of activity. I'm thinking of taking the appliances and cleaning them and also taking out cabinets to wash or replacing them. That way I clean out the hiding spots. Do you think that's a good idea? Or, should I just have terminator continue coming

01:58 UTC


Tips for moving out of roach infested apartment

Hello everyone!

We unfortunately moved into an apartment that had a roach issue. Fortunately, we did not have it as bad as others. We have small ones primarily but do see 1-2 big ones per week. They were American cockroaches.

What do we need to keep in mind moving into our new apartment? We are throwing out all of the rugs we have and our going to wash our clothes and bedding in hot water and immediately put them in sealed space bags.

Is there anything else we need to keep in mind / do? We want to leave this behind us and be done forever. Thank you in advance.

1 Comment
01:57 UTC


Flea battle plan


Asking for advice on a flea control plan.

I can't do extermination because unfortunately my mother-in-law had a stroke not too far back and she's staying with us. She's not mobile enough to leave the house without a lot of effort, we try to limit it to doctors trips.

We have an infestation from our indoor cat, luckily we noticed it fairly early I believe. I gave him a bath in dish soap and saw about 10-15 fleas in the water. I also noticed the water was turning brown which means there is definitely activity on him.

I don't know how severe it is, but our entire house is carpet except the kitchen and bathroom. In terms of how much activity is around the house, I see them every now and then, but you could walk around my house for a while doing the white sock test and not end up with any on you. With that said I do see them from time to time and we do have some bites on our ankles. Strangely enough I've mostly seen them in the tile bathroom, not as much in the carpet areas. My cat seems to be pretty smart, we noticed one strange behavior on him before picking up on it being fleas, he stared preferring to sleep on the tiles in the kitchen and in the bathtub, I think he knew that the carpet is where they do better somehow.

I'm in this for the long haul, I know with our current situation we aren't going to be able to beat it quickly with an exterminator or a bomb or anything like that. Our plan of action is this:

Advanced XD flea topical ointment for the cat

Vet's best flea and tick spray on as much carpet and furniture the cat goes to as we can, every couple of days

Vacuuming all visible carpet, every couple of days

Washing couch covers and bedding, every couple of days.

At Night we will be setting up flea traps to place on the floor in each room, to try and get any adult stage fleas we can, to prevent further reproduction

I can live with the situation as is for a while, it's not like you're getting eaten alive in my house. I'm hoping this strategy will be able to eradicate fleas within the next 6-12 weeks. I'm not in a position, with our current situation, to be able to use bombs or borax, or bring in an exterminator. So I'm trying to be realistic with timeframe, I'm willing to deal with this for that amount of time so long as it doesn't get worse.

Just wondering if anyone whose experienced fleas thinks this is a realistic expectation, given I'm not going with the more aggressive measures.

1 Comment
01:09 UTC


Exterminator using poison to kill mice

Does this mean it’s going to stink inside my walls now 😪😪😪😪

00:54 UTC



I am freaking scared to death and utterly sickened by rats. I live in a small town and two lots near me do not cut their properties, so the grass is nearly 4 feet high. We are having really high temperatures and thunderstorms off and on, so I'm wondering if any or all of this is contributing to my problem. I am hearing them under my house scratching and on my back porch they are chewing through a heavy duty 50 gallon drum I keep my dog food in. I have set out poison bait and last nigh set a trap on top of the barrel, but I'm losing my mind with concern that they will get in. I'm seriously scared to death of these things. I didn't even want to look on my porch to see if the trap worked (it did, btw, and got two at once; one eating head on and the other from the side).

Does anyone have anything they can suggest? I'm using Rammik Green and it has helped in the past, but still...

00:54 UTC


Bottle Flies Invade My House EVERY Summer...

I'm a first time homeowner who has lived here for 3 years. I keep a clean home and have NO pets or children. Every single summer, like clockwork, my house is invaded by bottle flies. Their timeline, and the fact they only emerge when I'm cooking something fragrant (red meat, broccoli, etc.), tells me that it's not a dead animal, but the cooking smells they are attracted to. The rare exception I've seen them when not cooking has been early in Spring when it first starts to warm. I cook, I sit down to eat, and I see one (kill one), see one (kill one), until I've wracked up a body count of anywhere from 5-40 within a half hour. I've broken down and cried. I have nightmares. I can't invite family over to stay with us during the summer. I'm at my wits end. I have the house professionally treated as well as additional insecticide treatments I do myself (both liquid and dust). I've thrown all the money I can afford at this issue: entirely replaced both doors and doorframes; I've had the exterior completely re-caulked. I've powerwashed the exterior, I've had handymen try to assess this, a crawlspace guy (no issues, it's drier than bone down there), 2 different pest control companies, and an insulation rep come out and NO ONE has been able to solve it or even remotely suggest how they might be getting in. There's obviously an easy access point for these flies somewhere, so my questions are: 1-How can I go about narrowing down the access point? and 2-Is it possible that bottle flies are living in my walls, since they always seem to be waiting in the wings ready to enter? If so, how would I determine this? I should also note that they're in abundance throughout the front and back yard but again I don't have pets and I sweep the property often for dead animals (birds, etc). I know people with filthy homes and a ton of animals that don't have this issue - WHY MY HOUSE?!

00:38 UTC

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