Hello DIY guitar (and bass) effect pedal makers, and welcome to r/pedalcircuits, your home for everything pedal circuit diagrams.
Hello DIY guitar (and bass) effect pedal makers, and welcome to r/pedalcircuits, your home for everything pedal circuit diagrams.
1. Include the name and brand of the pedal (or if original) in the post title or on the illustration of the diagram.
2. Posts must be illustrated circuit diagrams, not photos of wiring.
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Trying to make a bazz fuzz with a мп41... I'm using a BAT41, 6k resistor, 0.1 UF for Output and 4.7uf for input. I've made this before and it worked, but when I soldered it, it didn't work. It makes a noise when I play but it's not distorted.
Hey I was wonderin, what's the best way to add onboard distortion? I have a bunch of germanium мп41 transistors and some higher voltage diodes. I also have a bunch of capacitors and resistors.
Hey! I saw this post https://tonefiend.com/guitar/onboard-distortion-without-a-battery/#more-6160 I was wondering what diodes I could use? I was thinking about using a 1N34A or a 1N4742 but what other diodes could I use that might sound cool?
So I'm thinking about putting a bazz fuzz directly into my Harmony/Aldens Tuxedo, does anyone have any ideas how I'd do this? I think this would be a cool mod with a germanium transistor.
I bought a tap delay from harley benton and try to use it with a modified jack to stereo jack cable but it doesn’t work. I can’t understand if it’s a software problem or a problem of the cable. I read on the manual that the tad delay feature must be activated on software but after i activate it it still doesn’t work. Someone knows how to solve this?
Does anyone have a print layout for the EHX Neo Clone or knows how to do the chorus/vibrato mod?
hi, whats the easyest and cheapest way to make a pitch shifter pedal? i cant find any schematics anywhere. then, i would like to customize it in a weird way so i need a control for two harmonization: the fifth or the third and the octave or the fifth. they will be turned on and off with footswitches. (thanks for anyone for help)
I've always wanted a dirty phaser i could control with my foot, so i made it myself.
Schematic and PCB (kicad) in the works. I've never made a custom PCB, so probably going to be a while
Excuse the clipping. I just fixed that after this video by lowering the resistance in the feedback loop of the buffer.
Made this site which is a repository of many pcb builders, with links to their schematics (with their approval)
I got this old BBE 427 distortion pedal I found in my basement and I wanna change a few components and stuff to make it a bit better. (Which I have no clue how to) how can I remove the circuit without needing to resolder again?
Hi there! First time posting for me, and I’m not sure if I’m in the right spot to ask this but I acquired a Wampler triple wreck from a a buddy, and it doesn’t power up correctly. When I plug power into it the red light blips real quick, then nothing. It can takes a 9v battery, but I won’t be using that because I have a Zuma powering my board. I did however change the battery just in case. I also tested this with a Walrus Audio Aetos, and had the same results. I don’t have that much experience with pedals but I have a little. I looked at the guts and everything seems fine but I’m not sure what’s going on,so any help would be cool. Thanks! I made a little video to show what’s going on.
Hello, Sorry for my English, I'm return at clases of English for minimum next 2 years, I promise in the next posts I will be most advanced 🤘🏻🤘🏻 🤘🏻 🤘🏻.
I like to made diy pedals like kits or pcb with transfer and acid.... I am looking for the most brutal, with lost, hundreds of gain😂. Or the most satured and equaliser, or add a equaliser in a big enclosure. This is my first post here. Please, write your opinion, post about it. Kits or acid and where I can obtain the pieces, mods, kits, schemes, BOM, graphics... Your help is recibed with hi-respect. Thanxx tooo all..
Can someone make me a schematic for the pedal named above?
Was given this circuit layout years ago was told it’s a fuzz, anyone able to tell what it may be similar to? Haven’t built in a while and was hoping to jump back in with this!
Can anyone identify from this picture what type of circuit this might be or style after?
It was in an unmarked casing at a pawn shop, and appears to have a volume and gain knob with a toggle switch
Also would there be a way to wire in a led light for on/off without affecting tone?
Just curious, since I just started doing DIY pedals. Should I use the solid core I already have for breadboarding to solder into a pedal, or should I get stranded wire for that?
Can anyone help with this circuit it makes a horrible hissing sound whenever anything is played?
Rat Pro co Distortion pcb build. - Replacement for 2N5458 transistor? I can't find any on digikey and it seems a few other sources are low quality, as the 2N5458 has been replaced by another transistor, but not sure if thats what i want if i want the authentic Rat sound, if it's not a big deal, im happy to hear alternatives. Digikey suggested this replacement:
Hello everyone, I need help to repair dod deathmetal made in china switch . The LED stays on, and the sound is good.Last year, I tried to change the switch with a classic momentary tactile switch (the same in an Arduino kit), but it did nothing. The color of the original tactile switch button is white (see the picture), not black. I wonder if the color on the momentary tactile switch is important. And if it's possible to find a normally closed tactile switch or a switch that is not normally open, Maybe someone has already encountered this problem and changed the IC switch. Thanks in advance.
Hey guys! I’ve got a Aria EQ500, that I’d like to put in the back of my amp permanently, only issue is that it doesn’t have a power supply input, but 2x 9v battery connection only.. I’d like to modify it so is plugged to a power supply, to the mains and not have to worry about batteries..
So first question, is there 2 9v batteries because of a it draws too many amps for just 1battery? Could I just cut off the battery connection and solder a standard 9v connector ? And if so could I connect both “battery connectors” to just 1 power supply or would I need 2power supplies?
Cheers, let me know if it’s unclear
is there a way to make a switch that drops the dry from the signal of my neo clone? im looking to get a vibrato sound out of it with the flip of a (foot)switch (if possible). thank you
I recently bought a Behringer UP100 and I’ve tried messing with the tone knobs and I’ve found that I only achieve the desired effect after maxing out the depth and rate knobs. I’ve looked online at demos of the pedal and found that different settings don’t produce the same sound. The pedal is older (around 2005 i think) and I wasn’t sure if I just need to replace the pots on it or not. If not, does anyone have any idea on what I can to to fix this issue?