Improv, one word at a time.
Form sentences one word at a time!
Comments must consist of one word each, unless they are in response to the end of a sentence or PXFbot. An extension of this is that you may not respond to your own comment. You may, however, participate multiple times in the same sentence chain, and you may also participate in your own OWE.
Titles must follow the format [Title] OWE
Nothing that prompts one-word answers/No one-word answers. This defeats the purpose of sentence chains.
Know the power of the vote. Comments with the most upvotes decides the prevailing word chain. You decide what the sentence becomes not only with your comments but with your up/downvotes.
Strive for originality. If every chain descends into the same old jokes, it's not as fun.
Strive for coherency. The goal is for sentences to make sense. Avoid adding random words that do not naturally follow the previous word. Sentences should not only make sense in the context of themselves, but also in relation to the prompt.
Be civil. We're all here to enjoy ourselves, so be excellent to one another! Build a community!
Now, let's have some fun!
Header Snoo courtesy of /u/dootier
I tried to post this three times and it didnt work