A debate and writing playground where we discuss how X can cause Y to happen.
We are a writing and debate subreddit where you discuss how X can cause Y to happen, no matter how outlandish the situation. Or you could try making your own scenario to be defended!
Saturdays and Sundays are weekly X and weekly Y, respectively. Similar to /r/onewordeach, users give one word in succession, which is then used to create the community scenario on Monday.
The third Friday of every month is Feedback Friday. Come and tell us how we can improve!
If you like this subreddit, consider telling others about it so we can grow!
Post format must be "X = ___ Y = ___"
Posts must make sense.
No hate speech. Violators of this rule will be banned.
Keep your posts SFW. NSFW posts will be removed.
*conquer not concurs
The alien is the adopted one btw, just so you know, and this takes place on earth