r/Oilpainting it's a place to share your OWN paintings, we don't care if you are new or professional, all art are welcome.
we only allow real oilpaints, not digital or AI generated, both will get you banned.
For all oil paintings, tips, photos, everything about oils.
Useful Subreddits:
to identify paints:
Follow the rules or your post will be deleted and you could be banned
Shortlist Rules
Only pictures of oil paintings made by you.
Pictures of persons (others than reference) aren't allowed, this include the painter.
Mark NSFW if apply sorry, this it's a Reddit rule
We allow pictures of paints from famous painters to discuss about their style.
Video post aren't allowed, only as reply to a tutorial video from a well known youtuber, btw: all videos are manually approved.
Don't post your social media links or handles
Don't post links to external sites.
Do you have any question?, please write us via modmail
Off-Reddit places:
Colorhouses (partial list, no particular order, no endorsing):
First time painting with oils in 10 years, she was only supposed to take 1/4 of the canvas but I wanted to keep going :)
(Had to repost because I forgot to attach the painting)
First time painting with oils in 10 years, she was only supposed to take 1/4 of the canvas but I wanted to keep going :)
I want to make the colour on the right. Which colour on the left would work as the best base to mix with? And then what colour should I add to it to get to the colour on the right?
Thank you in advance for the help. I’m not a painter and I don’t know much about colour theory, I’m just trying to DIY my letterpress invitations!
Oil painting (1 of 2) for our living room 50x50
Oil on paper, A3 size (29,7 x 42 cm // 11.7 x 16.5 in) 290 gsm paper
I'm not really sure about this 🫡
hello! i painted this over the summer, want to share my work more so here goes 🚗🎀
Just wanted to let you guys know that I am very thankful for this group. You have all motivated me to put out a full website and get my art into first ever show. I never would’ve done that without this group.
Just finished this one.
Just adding the final touches, any critique appreciated!
oil on canvas board. i almost had a fit painting those hands but i soldiered on.
I’ve been wanting to try to experiment more with different materials or tools. I’ve seen fluorescent oil pastels used in some posts and they seem like a cool addition to add in a bit.
How are oil paint pens? Do they go over the regular paint?
Any other materials or tools to try out?