Reddit's unofficial subreddit for those participating in Camp NaNoWriMo or November's novel writing extravaganza!
Please note that this community is not supported or affiliated with the official National Novel Writers Month organization in any way. This is purely fan organized.
Please note that this community is not supported by or affiliated with the official National Novel Writers Month organization in any way. This is purely fan organized.
If you need anything: have a look at the links in the sidebar, hit up the IRC room or Discord Channel (note: might not be active until November), and unleash your inner writer! See you all at the finish line!
National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a month where ordinary people write novels. No kidding! It can be done, and is - every November.
General rules for Nanowrimo (TL;DR):
Threads for Daily Word Count:
2 | 0 | 2 | 5 | |
[01] | [02] | [03] | [04] | [05] |
[06] | [07] | [08] | [09] | [10] |
[11] | [12] | [13] | [14] | [15] |
[16] | [17] | [18] | [19] | [20] |
[21] | [22] | [23] | [24] | [25] |
[26] | [27] | [28] | [29] | [30] |
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Thank you to Brodrost for our fantastic "Stop Redditing, Start Writing" Alien!
Might be moot with the latest rumors circulating, but gosh darnit I've had this sitting in drafts and I'm going to post it before the organization goes under.
This was honestly going to be a much longer post with citations, quotes, and links, but at 1800+ words it was far too long. This is the tl;dr version.
Anyway, here are the key things I'm watching for from the organization this year:
* Announce the status of their Executive Director search. Kilby Blades' stint as interim executive director was supposed to end last fall. It's not uncommon for these things to stretch on like this, but I'm watching for an update, an amended expectation of when her term will end, any word at all that an executive director search is still happening.
* Staff key roles. In 2023, NaNoWriMo had 14 staff members. Now they have 2. Should be self-explanatory that at least some of those roles will need to be filled if they're planning to rebuild.
* Donations and sponsors. They've lost 60% of their monthly donors and about 20 corporate sponsors. They did not receive key funding from an AWS Literary grant last year nor their usual grant from Project 4 Awesome, money they rely on every year. NaNo usually raises about 1.3 million dollars per year. Last year they raised about $155,000. "Donation weekend" raised a paltry $6k when it should usually raise closer to $150k by itself. With no director of fundraising, Kilby doesn't seem to be up to the task of raising what the organization needs to survive.
* Fix the remaining safety exploits on the Young Writers' Program site and hold to their promise to identity check users who hold an educator account. Last year they used a manual process to certify educators by looking at teaching certificates and information about which school or library they work in. Educator accounts could still work around this process by reusing old classrooms for new students, without having to be verified at all. This isn't enough if they're serious about safety.
* Get their volunteer program back off of the ground. In 2022, NaNo had 791 global volunteers. In 2024, they had zero. Reinstating their ML program was promised through all of 2024, but progress wasn't made and not a single volunteer has been reinstated. And we haven't seen a word of the all-encompassing retraining scheme that's been promised. Volunteers drive participation and donations. Their absence was noted.
* Promised tech improvements. Kilby Blades has promised a complete website overhaul in the coming years. I doubt we'll see any movement on this for a couple of years, but she's offered spaces on a new tech committee to people on Facebook. I'd like to know more about what those planned changes are and how they're planning to pay for them. I'm ignoring all of the promised changes to the forums, which are separate from the website. Changes to the forums seem so far down the road that I doubt we'll ever see them. NaNoWriMo has already stopped their commitment to store YWP projects indefinitely and has started locking older users out of their accounts. I want to know more about what's coming on the tech end for the websites this year, if any of them are still around.
* The board of directors, right wing trolls, sponsors, and the company NaNoWriMo keeps in the future. The board of directors was already down to 3 members at the beginning of last year. Two of those three have since left. The staff and directors pages are hidden. Kilby seems to be styling herself as both interim executive director and still president of the board. With donations down and sponsors missing, NaNo was sponsored last year by a company that doesn't seem to exist yet. Kilby offered a spot on their new tech committee to a known right wing troll. I have concerns that NaNoWriMo might be desperate enough to accept help without looking too closely at who they're working with. I think we should all be scrutinizing who they choose to partner with this year.
* And they should file their 990 tax form. It hasn't been made available on their website or upon request and it legally should be. This is, honestly, the smallest of my concerns for the org at the moment, but if they aren't filing their tax paperwork what other dysfunction is happening behind the scenes that we haven't seen yet? The 2023 filing probably won't tell us much that we don't already know. I do think the 2024 form 990 is going to be damning but we don't have any hope of seeing that until this fall.
Would love one if anyone has one they’re not using! Dabble works better for me than Scrivener at the moment but I’m looking to cut back on some costs.
A question on another thread got me thinking, does anyone actually know what staff members NaNo still has? All I've heard is Kilby Blades is running things and that they recently lost their tech guy, but I have no earthly clue who's actually behind things anymore.
Per someone who worked there until recently. It's going down. When I dont know. Back up your projects.
I know this subreddit is largely divorced from the actual org at this point, but something confusing popped up in my feed from here, and I need some clarity.
Not that I've ever seen any of this here, but there has been a kibosh put on at least three other social media sites for here. I. E., links from those sites aren't allowed here.
The confusing part is, there are still pages for the official NaNoWriMo org up on all three sites that were mentioned in the post from a few days ago. Unless one is an insider to all the mess that's gone on with the org, it could be confusing to outsiders. (I just double-checked, and....yep. They're still there.)
I don't know if there's a solution for this, or if there even needs to be. But it's just a super-weird thing, and I thought I'd mention it, see if this is bizarre to anyone else, or if anyone has any thoughts on how to tackle this minor but weird issue.
The charity NaNoWriMo was required to file a copy of their 2023 tax return (Form 990) with a transmittal form with the state of California Secretary of State no later than November 15, 2024. The state website shows it has not yet been received and that the last filing done was on 11/06/2023, presumably the 2022 tax return.
I'm not sure what I can and cannot post in terms of links, but here's a screenshot of their record at the CA Sec'y of State.
If I'm allowed to post links I'll happily add them.
In all honesty, this probably doesn't mean all that much, assuming it is corrected in the near future. Charities get quite a bit of leeway in these matters, but it certainly isn't a good look.
I guess it is possible the state hasn't updated their records yet, but another charity I follow (the Science Fiction Writers of America, or SFWA) also had their tax return on extension, but did do the filing by 11/15/2024. And their record is up to date.
Unfortunately the IRS charity lookup is still down, as they're gearing up for filing 2024 returns.
So I have a few scenes I would like to finish writing by the end of next month since I've only been able to chip away at them for the past month and its getting kind of boring being stuck on them. I get the normal answer would be just to write on something else and return but I'm trying to end my bad habit of writing 20 stories at once and making no progress on any of them. When I find the voice in writing I can easily write out a thousand words in an hour of great writing but for the past few months I've been struggling to get into that right groove?/ Mindset / voice that makes my writing a lot more fun to do and higher quality. Does anyone else have this same issue with writing and if you have had it how do you get out of that funk and find your voice for writing again?
While these websites were likely not a historical motivator of posts in this subreddit, the mod team vehemently rejects the words, policies, and actions of these corporations and their owners. As of today, automod will be removing posts and comments that contain links to these sites.
We stand with r/writing and their decision to ban Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram links from their subreddit, along with the many other subreddits that have taken similar action this week.
If you disagree with this ban, you are welcome to unsubscribe from the subreddit at your earliest convenience.
As always, we will never tolerate bigotry in this subreddit. Please let us know if you notice automod doing something wrong. Fuck nazis.
Hey everyone, does anyone have a spare scrivener discount code he or she doesn't need? Would be grateful :) tia
Sorry in advance,
I just spent all my savings on building a new pc, since before i only really had an ipad and a laptop that recently gave up after around 5 years of use.
Now i’m just very very broke for the next 2-3 months. I would however love to get scrivener and I missed last years nanowrimo because of university.
If anyone has one leftover they don’t use, i’d be very thankful!
Not sure if this is the right place but it feels like the place that will reach people who might actually have answers—is there any site that has story/plotting forums like NaNoWriMo used to? the adoption threads were fun to participate in and read through
Thank you in advance!
Hey all, this is just what the title says! Let's work together to reach our writing goals in January. Join the leaderboard with this join code: b0aa09e0-7338-4dac-93d6-35f63f0b4996
Hi all! My 25+ friendly writing group is hosting a NaNoWriMo editing challenge in January and I wanted to extend an invite here.
Our group has been running our own challenges, including alternatives to NaNoWriMo since 2023 and we have some form of writing challenge ongoing most of the time. In January, we're going to be working on editing our 2024 NaNo projects and other long form writing drafts.
A little bit about our group and the novel editing challenge:
If you're interested, this link should never expire: Coze & Prose [25+] 🩷
Made the 6k mark But am trying to flesh out ome of my characters now. By a flashback. So I need RL write prelude right in tbe chapter title??
Hey all, so the December challenge is almost over! It was such a huge help to me with writing motivation that I really want to keep it going next month. Who's interested in joining me on Trackbear? And is anyone else doing this? I would really love to be part of a larger community too. Let's keep writing and encouraging each other!
I didn’t do NaNoWrimo but I did a similar challenge where you had to write 20,000 words in a month. I successfully completed the challenge last month, but unfortunately it completely wrecked my ability to write. I’ve only managed around 350 words so far this month and I feel completely drained creatively. What can I do?
Hey, not sure if this is where I can ask about this but I can't find information literally anywhere else. Plot Factory's servers went down today and I'm panicking because I've spent a year writing and organizing several novels and pieces I'm supposed to submit for publishing. Is the site down for maintenance? Did something happen? You can't even access the main site nonetheless the app so there's no way to report an error or contact support. I can't find contact information anywhere online either. Please help, I'm completely panicking.
Yes, I was able to write 50k words in 30 days. One might think I'd be happy with the success, but I'm one of the tortured types (starting with that in case anyone can't stand people like me; not trying to waste your time).
One thing I've learned from this nanowrimo exercise is that the numbers and timeline are all arbitrary. The silverlining is that I've realized I can choose to sit down and write whenever I want, and I can set whatever word-count goal that I want. I did it for 30 days, after all, missing about 5-6 over the course of November. It could've been Decembowrimo, or Januwrimo, Februrimo, and it could've been 20k, 30k, 100k—whatever. How much or how often writing occurs is entirely up to us, generic-you, me. That should feel a little bit inspiring...
Unfortunately, I also learned some bad things about my own writing.
I'm an amateur, of course. Yet I hate my writing, and I decided over this weekend to take an indefinite hiatus from writing. I might never come back to it, I hate it so much. So take my advice here with a grain of salt, as I'm still being a bit emotional/ranty, but this is one other thing I learned:
Write for yourself. Don't write for anybody else. Don't write for a friend, or a loved one, or for people on the internet. Don't write to be published. Don't write to be famous. Don't even write to be this thing called a writer.
In other words, do not write for external motivation. Some people might be saying "fucking duh" but this is really hard for me. If you write, you write, and I think it can really be that simple. Perhaps that takes away a lot of pressure for someone.
See, I'm part of an online writing community (not this one, it's a smaller online forum), and it's hard for me to self-motivate, presenting an intrinsic motivational dilemma. Maybe it's my ADHD, I don't know, but the short-story is I wasn't receiving enough 'Likes' dopamine. Possibly even worse, I wasn't even receiving much of any feedback or comments at all. Which made me wonder why in the Hell that I was even bothering. I know it's not fair to expect a lot of feedback on fifty THOUSAND words, but brain's gonna' brain.
The issue with having people only read an excerpt or a single chapter is that you cannot quite get feedback at the global level, where someone can constructively breakdown (oxymoron) a full character arc, the pacing of the plot, etc. I'm not saying it's a bad or useless perspective, but it's limited, and I'm having issues at the global level with my WIP. That is, I believe that I suck at telling a story. I don't understand what I don't understand, in fact. That's how bad it is. Asking me to fly solo and figure that out on my own is like asking a kid in pre-algebra to do quantum math and just magically figure it out. I don't have the perspective, the capability, the tools, the knowledge, to just magically "figure it out" on my own. I'm stuck. Reading every novel by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky and Jane Austen and Hemingway is also not going to make me magically figure out the secret sauce. I've read my whole life, and experienced hundreds of *stories* in every medium imaginable: novels, short stories, manga, video games, movies, anime, theater, even music and paintings. Yet despite having developed a consumer's taste, I still don't know what the Hell I don't "get." I could read stories that I love until the end of time and I'm not sure I would ever "get" it.
Anyway, I don't know how you find intrinsic writing motivation. I don't know if I really intentionally "found" mine. My intrinsic motivation is to be creative, and writing has always been that outlet, my strongest skill (yet nevertheless useless, evidently) since I was single-digit age. I wanted to write super-duper cool, epic stories like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. Nowadays I would commit unimaginable crimes to write anything as good as the Persona games, in terms of world-building and character development. I could say the same about the Monogatari light novels in terms of voice and plot. I digress.
My stupid need to be creative, to write, doesn't mean I enjoy it though. Sometimes I do, but right now I really don't. I am at an impasse where I don't know what's right or wrong, so any attempts at revision are just blind, which is very stressful and demotivating. It leads to fixing things that aren't broken because you don't know the difference between broke and fixed. I'm not one for writing "fun" stories; I can really only motivate myself to write something that means a lot to me personally, which ultimately makes this all the more painful. I find it difficult to follow the advice of just spinning out random short-stories I feel no deep, honest connection to. Sounds like a me problem.
I wanted to write 50k in 30 days just to prove to myself that I was serious. As it turns out, perhaps I am too serious. Anyway, this has turned more into a venting session, so I'll stop. I at least hope that a couple of the things I learned from nanowrimo are useful to someone. I understand that a lot of people won't relate to this for one reason or another, and I'm not about to actually engage in the tortured artist debate. Some will relate, some will empathize, some will punch-down, that's the internet. Just figured I'd try to share a couple of relatively positive takeaways before I quit. Not that this is me announcing me departure from the writing subreddits, I'll still lurk as always. Maybe in 30 days or 30 weeks or 30 years, I will try again, who knows.
Take care and best of luck. If you finished nanowrimo, my belated congratulations. If you attempted, also congratulations—if 1% of people are "writers" then only 1% of the 1% bother attempting nano, so good on you. If you can somehow find a way to still like what you're doing, that's all that matters, because it makes it very easy to keep going.
After hitting 50,000 words at the end of November today I actually finished my first draft. Somehow I'm excited, nervous, giddy. It's a weird feeling. I mean I know it's just the first draft but it's something, right?
Anyways, what do I do now. Do I jump into editing or do I send it off to close people like partner and a friend or two? There's no way I'd look for any pro editors or anything at this point but is it worth sending it to people at all?
Started at 13627, ended Saturday at 62627! This is my first year doing this an I'm super excited
I'm going to write the second draft of my YA mystery novel in 31 days, from December 17 to January 16.
I'm aiming for the word count to be 75,000 words.
I lost access to my first draft, which is kind of good because I didn't love it 100% anyway. I just have my outline I created in June, which I also don't love 100% either.
But anyway, I'm a freshman at Southern Methodist University and December 17 to January 16 will be my winter break for those that don't know.
But anyway, I'm asking if anyone wants to join me in tackling their writing projects during this 31 days.
Let me know in the comments if you plan to tackle a writing project during this time. Maybe we can keep each other posted on our writing projects!
Stay tuned for more updates!
85,036 - final count but its not complete just at a climax. My most productive day was over 8k words. I wanted to see how I could do full-time writing. I see now how Harlequin authors manage 200 books in their career, their turning out one a month. My story won't fit their current lines...but that's what January is for.
I won Nano this year, though I didn't use the website or anything.
I really felt a strong sense of creative purpose in writing every day, and am now feeling a bit lost. I could of course continue to write every day, and maybe I will, so the point I'm trying to get across here (and which I make at length in this article) is that it feels Good to write.
And just as we don't need Christmas to give presents to those we love, we don't need a specified month to make us write. With that in mind - what are you doing on Reddit (this applies to me too), get writing!
This November was my first NaNoWriMo, and my first ever long-form writing project. I'm very proud to have completed the 50K goal, and tied a neat bow on this stage of the story I plan to tell. I'm currently re-reading and fine-tuning a second draft, and that's going well so far.
My current struggle is twofold:
- I don't have anyone in my life available to read my story and give me their thoughts. I've been going back and forth about the "need" for a second set of eyes, as there are obviously pros and cons to this. I'm a visual artist as well, so I'm no stranger to critiques. In theory, I feel like letting someone read my novel before submitting it for publication would be a good step for me anxiety-wise, to sorta... break the seal on that, even if the story doesn't resonate with that specific reader. They might notice something I, as the writer, have completely overlooked, as well.
I have two questions about this: Would you consider getting a second set of eyes on your work important, if your end goal is publication? And, are there any good communities online for this type of exchange?
I'm a bit nervous about just handing my manuscript to a random person and hoping they don't just... sell it off as their own or something... But I'm also anxious about blindly submitting my manuscript for professional consideration as a first step. Anxiety on all sides. 😬
- As stated above, my goal is publication. I don't even know the first place to start with this. I am hesitant to self-publish, as I don't have any method of distribution or connecting with an audience. I am very creative-process-focused and the whole salesmanship side of creativity (in art and writing) always feels very unnatural and icky to me (no offense to anyone who likes it); as a result, I'm not very well versed in it at all. I was wondering if anyone had any good recommendations for communities dedicated to aiding in the transition into publication, or just resources in general. Beyond just getting my novel to exactly where I feel comfortable, I don't have any plan whatsoever, and I figured it would be smart to ask other writers first before blindly googling and hoping for the best.
So I created a new leaderboard for December writing goals and then forgot to post the link! 😋Anyone who's interested in continuing the momentum from November with Trackbear, please join. :) Just go to Trackbear, Leaderboards, Use Join Code, paste: 30af0ba7-524f-4c8f-a91b-6b8f839187ae
Set your own goal, and let's keep writing!
tl;dr: i did it. i won. it felt muted. i'm glad i did it. i plan to keep my streak [2006-2024] going for as long as i can. so will be writing again next year.
i didn't use the website at all, this year as a result of what's been happening. instead, i stuck to the local discord for my area, posting updates to that while using trackbear to get /some/ of the site functionality i've lost.
my experience of trackbear itself was very pleasant. it's mostly easy to use with one or two little hitches that - i think - could use a little bit more polish.
but my experience of the actual sprint to the 50,000 was quite muted. it reminded me - in a lot of ways - of my early time doing the actual competition when the site itself didn't really exist in it's current form [and when my area didn't have a region.]
back then, i was just doing it by myself and seeing if i would crash out.
i'm glad i did it - it's been like a little ritual for me since i discovered it through word-of-mouth in 2006 - but it was also a kind of disconnected experience.
the writing - and the way i was writing - did give me time to reflect on the implosion, though and my feeling really has become that while it's nice that the challenge existed, it's also ok that the organization that ran it has blown up. it means - to some degree - that this writing - and specifically this year's writing - was very much by me, and for me.
[which is probably correct, because i wrote a VERY TERRIBLE litrpg thing.]
will i do it again in the future? i think so. previously, for me, there was a vast sense of quiet community around this time of year that's - obviously - been lost, but to be fair to that idea: i didn't participate a lot in the forums other than to poke my head into my local region every evening to talk with those folks there. and while that's now gone, and while i do - on some level mourn it - i am ok with how this year turned out.
it's a shame things turned out the way they did, but for me, personally, writing this way again was a reminder that sometimes, you DO just need to write for yourself.
So nanowrimo is not for me but I am writing 100 words a day . I'm at 4000 words. My goal is get too 50k before the new years
So, NaNo HQ has gone down the tubes, but there's still a Scrivener discount for anyone who did register a win on the site. This is your thread to request and share winner discount codes for Scrivener or any other sponsor (are there any other sponsors at this point?). If you want a code, comment with the request--if you have a code, put it in the thread. If you use a code from the thread, reply to the comment so everyone knows that one's taken.
November is over, and I successfully wrote 50k words about my time travel story. I'm feeling great about it, but yesterday I had a great idea to make the entire thing written in iambic pentameter. The pull is so strong to just rewrite the entire novel beat for beat in iambic pentameter. The worst part is that I think it would work so well. That's the crazy part about this. That's the thing that's really bugging me is that it would work SO well. I just don't have time in my life to do this and I need convincing that I really should Not Do This.
I am not equating failing with being a failure. They are not the same. Failing happens. It doesn't make you a worse person.
I knew I probably wasn't going to reach 50,000, but thought I would get to around 38,000. I wrote 16 days of the month and ended with 16,088 words. By every metric I could measure myself, I failed. There's a lot more written than I had before, I understand and enjoy my setting a lot more than before. Concrete progress has been made and that last month was objectively good, even if I failed in my goal.
So what now? I thought about going back to the days I didn't write anything, and filling those in. Write 50,000 words in 30, non-consecutive days.
I could also put the book on pause until next year, with anything I write before then being counted as part of the 50,000. Knowing me, it's possible I won't write very much at all without an event like this adding a deadline.
What's your plan, if you didn't finish the novel, if you fell short of the 50,000 word marker or whatever goal you set for yourself? What happens next for you?