
Photograph via //r/Multicopter

Have a rotorcraft that has two or more horizontal rotors?

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Bicopters, Tricopters, Quadcopters, Pentacopters, Hexacopters, Octocopters, indeed any non-fixed-wing aircraft is very welcome here.

Have a rotorcraft that has two or more horizontal rotors?

Then you're in the right place!

Bicopters, Tricopters, Quadcopters, Pentacopters, Hexacopters, Octocopters, indeed any non-fixed-wing aircraft is very welcome here.


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Taranis X9D+ SE and Crossfire "looking for devices"

Recently getting back into the hobby after 3 years being away. I still have my old Taranis X9D+ SE with a Crossfire Nano TX, I was running this setup back when I stepped away from the hobby. Bought a new nano RX to use in my drone build but I couldn't get it bind so I went down the path of updating the Nano TX through the TBS agent web app and adding the latest Lua scripts for TBS Agent Lite.

After going through all of this I am getting the error "looking for devices" when I try to access TBS agent lite under the tools section on my radio, Any thoughts? I am ready to throw this radio against the wall..

Some additional information

Taranis is Running OpenTX 2.3.7

Agent lite .98

Tried the latest 2 firmwares for the nano TX

Still receiving looking for devices when I try to access the agent lite .98

23:10 UTC


Walksnail video system randomly has visible lines with garbage quality and the video is a pinkish color

The visible pixels arnt just from the photo, it looks like that in person too

00:32 UTC


My tightest gap so far 😁

18:50 UTC


Battery question


17:15 UTC


Coupons AliExpress for Love Delivers Sale 🔈🔥 Updated 1st February!

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Valid for most products except phones.

1/1/2025 ~ 1/31/2025

13:33 UTC


The Weekly r/multicopter Discussion Thread

Welcome to the weekly r/multicopter discussion thread. Feel free to ask your questions that are too trivial for their own thread, make a suggestion on what you'd like to see here, or just say hi and talk about what you've been doing in the world of multicopters recently.

Don't forget to read the wiki, where you'll find details of suppliers, guides and other useful links.

If you want to chat, then the Discord server is located here (an invite link is here if you haven't already joined)

Old question threads can be found by searching this link.

08:01 UTC


DIY Lifting drone help

Hello guys, I’m working on a drone with the following setup:

3000mAh 6S LiPo (possibly x2) 3115 950kV motors (60A max draw) SpeedyBee 4-in-1 60A 6S ESC Pixhawk 2.4.8 (PX4) Raspberry Pi 5 (needs 5V 5A) 10” props

I had a few questions:

  • The 4-in-1 ESC says 60A, but is that per motor (i.e. 240A total)? The wires/connectors don’t look rated for 240A bursts. If it is 240A, why is there such a discrepancy in pricing? (some are $300, and this was $60)
  • I’ve seen people on YouTube running 3115s with this type of 60A 4-in-1 ESC, but how can the battery-to-ESC wire handle 240A total? Are they just not giving enough current to each motor?
  • Is a single 3000mAh 6S battery enough? Will it supply the right amperage? Or should I run two in parallel (keeping them at the same voltage, same age, etc.)? - If they are in parallel and charged independently, do I need a diode?
  • Any recommendations for a 5V 5A power module for the Pi and Pixhawk?

Does everything else look good?

Thanks in advance!

20:46 UTC



Trying new rates on Apex Evo 5inch quad

1 Comment
08:03 UTC


3 or 3.5 drone that supports GPS

Wanted to install a GPS on my Crux35, but it seems a bit to challenging since it lacks uarts. I want to install a GPS, Inav and Walksnail or DJI unit on a smaller drone and have a little holiday drone I can do some tricks with and capture some beautiful footage. Would the Babyape 2 work for my purpose?

16:20 UTC


I need help for some Blade Nano QX’s

I recently found some of these drones in my closet, sitting there for a while evidently, however the motor(s) were broken. Everything else was fine, but I want to get some replacements. Does anybody know how fast these things are? Because I found some that looked right listed as 19000kv, but that just seems to be too much. Please help!

22:14 UTC


New build

Fresh build for the hanger Alfa Rc beetle-3 skystars f411 fc JHEMCU 40 amp esc HGLRC 350mw nano VTX HGLRC 2.4g receiver newbeedrone flow 1404 4000kv motors and a rush lollipop antenna waiting on a xt30 connector. Thoughts?? 🤔

18:13 UTC


Electronic Ducted Fan

Why are there so little sources about EDFs? There are very known brands for conventional brushless motors, like T-Motor but everything regarding EDF just looks not trustworthy!

Are there any websites/further resources you could link? That would spare me definitely some hair loss

15:53 UTC


The Weekly r/multicopter Discussion Thread

Welcome to the weekly r/multicopter discussion thread. Feel free to ask your questions that are too trivial for their own thread, make a suggestion on what you'd like to see here, or just say hi and talk about what you've been doing in the world of multicopters recently.

Don't forget to read the wiki, where you'll find details of suppliers, guides and other useful links.

If you want to chat, then the Discord server is located here (an invite link is here if you haven't already joined)

Old question threads can be found by searching this link.

1 Comment
08:00 UTC


What is the Best Beginner Drone worth buying today?

At any price, when it comes to the best drones for beginner, which options come to your mind at the moment? I'm super curious to know your initial choice. Highly appreciate any thoughts!!

Thanks for your interest.

01:04 UTC


Drone used by arrogant peeping tom

So there's a YouTuber who's been called out for using his drone to look into a woman's apartment in Toronto. He is arrogant and cocky about it and thinks that because his drone is sub 250g, he is safe to do whatever he wants with it. In the UK, CAA regulations state that if you accidentally record someone in their home, you should edit out that video. In the case of the peeping tom, he didn't accidentally record the woman, he was cruising his drone slowly up and down the apartment block, and when he spots the woman, he takes the drone up close to her window. She sees the drone and turns away to leave the room.

The peeping tom is ridiculing anyone who calls him out for the spying. He's quoting Canadian law regarding sub 250g drones.

Any thoughts on this?


10:58 UTC


Mamba H743 V2 Flight Controller board won't connect after I accidentally clicked "Reset Settings"

I am relatively new to this hobby, and when I tried to configure my flight controller (MAMBA H743_2022B), I accidentally clicked Reset Settings, this caused my controller to not be able to connect to BF, and I couldn't see it at all in BF. Any ideas? I tried flashing firmware but to no avail. Thanks in advance!

02:52 UTC


Could a cpu overload cause the motors to stall?

1 Comment
01:24 UTC


6S or 4S for Hexacopter?

Hello! I am going to be designing and building a 550mm hexacopter drone with an articulated arm to allow the drone to grab and carry things. This is for my engineering capstone and I just think it would be pretty cool. I've done some limited preliminary research, but should I use a 6S low kV setup or a higher kV 4S setup? Speed is not my main issue, rather I want to maximize battery life and run time as well as stability in flight. Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

22:42 UTC


Will This landing gear be practical?



I want the Front to tilt up a bit for aesthetics reasons. Idead is when armed the drone will stabilise itself before taking off. Can i Expect any issues with it.

10:05 UTC


Do I need to use all 4 ESCs on a 4-in-1?

I want to build a hexacopter, using two 4-in-1 ESC boards instead of individual ones for all 6 arms. I'd be using all 4 on one board, but only 2 on another. Shouldn't be a problem, right? (I'll only be connecting 6 of the FC's motor outputs to the ESCs)

07:46 UTC


Just curious

Hey so I’m apart of a drone team with a few classmates and we want to start building our own drones from scratch. We have access to a 3d printer and we want to basically 3d print everything that we can apart from motors,EFC, etc. but we can’t use FPV drones how do we get started so far we have been using 30 dollar Temu drones that break all the time. Any help is welcome

22:52 UTC


Air75 frustrating

Hello, I have a Betafpv Air75 with 4 in1 board. Got it connected to a Radiomaster Boxer eith internal elrs module with binding phrase through the wifi set up and then connected in Betaflight. I did not update the elrs or betaflight. Went outside, flew for a few minutes then lost connection. The whoop never reconnects, just flashes orange, red, then green over and over. I had this same issue with the previous one. I chopped it up to ke crashing and shorting something out but this one is brand new. I'm new to the hobby, it's my first quad and I haven't been able to fly in almost two months. What do I do?

16:42 UTC


Liftoff®: XR Drone Update 0.3 is here!

11:22 UTC


Roll inverted

The roll for my drone is inverted (when I move the stick to the left, the drone moves right, and vise versa), but pitch and yaw work as expected. How do I invert my roll?

19:44 UTC


DJI O4 vs O3

01:28 UTC


XPost: Need help getting receiver to work after adding GPS and updating FC to Betaflight 4.5.1

23:10 UTC


Benefits of having flash Memory in GPS modules

I am contemplating between Holybro Micro M10, which doesn't have flash memory and

iflight blitz m10: https://www.drkstore.in/iflight-blitz-m10-gps/ which does have flash memory

What are the benefits of having flash memory in gps and how can it help with autonomous flight?

1 Comment
17:40 UTC


Can 2d lidar be used for Obstacle avoidance on drones (ardupilot).

I have a STL27L 2d Lidar, and i am sure, i can build a setup where with continuously rotating mechanism and lidar at right angle. i can cover 360 degrees of the drone.

I have Mamba MK4 H743V2 Fligth Controller that can run ardupilot. i have to somehow use this 2d lidar for Obstacle avoidance.

Is this possible?

08:36 UTC

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