Remember to always ride safe!
This is a community dedicated to showing motorcycle accidents. As such, some content may be disturbing to some viewers. Please use your own discretion when clicking links. Please use the NSFW tab when needed, and label Fatal if you can.
Have you been in a motorcycle accident? tell us your story! self posts are not discouraged, just remember to stay on topic.
A few friends:
Outside resources:
1 broken femur, tibia broken in 3 places my ankle and heel shattered had to go through 3 major long surgery’s and was lucky to even keep my leg
hey guys so as the title says, i slid on my bike today going a bit too quick in a corner. im fine but my bike is kinda fucked, i was hope you guys could help me out and lmk what issues i might be facing? the handle bars also make a bit of a squeak when i turn it