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Solar Eclipse Knocked Me Out - Why?

I had such a hard time sleeping last night & I slept through the eclipse today. Both of my cats have been sleeping all day, & my boyfriend has been complaining today about feeling exhausted. Does anyone know if there's any meaning to this or is it just a simple case of everyone being tired? I used to be really into spirituality, but had some mental health stuff that pulled me back. I have yet to get back into it again & I'm wondering if this is some sort of sign to get back into it or a sign that I'm not ready yet. Any advice is helpful. Thank you!

1 Comment
20:51 UTC


Am I the only one getting a weird headache type feeling now that the eclipse has passed ? ( anyone interested in a mediumship gc?)

Just wondering for the ones who are a little more energetically sensitive. I am looking for a little tribe and wanting to make a group chat , like a little ... online coven if you will lol so we can all help each other harness and excel in our gifts together 💗 it's the elephant theory , Six people in a room and they all see the same thing but from different perspectives.

20:48 UTC


I’m having beef with my spiritual team rn (spirit guides)

Okay so yesterday I sat down, realized I haven’t meditated in a HOT minute.

I’m a Pisces female, so fish brain literally lol.

I talked to my guides and was like ‘ yenno what, I’m fully open, and I accept the gifts I’ve been blessed with’

Guess who has a migraine today.

Me. I do.


19:09 UTC


How does the eclipse affect the spiritual realm?

I’m not confident I’m supposed to be in this community as someone without any abilities - I joined out of my respect for the collective consciousness of our universe and the indescribable connection I feel to energy around me. I’m fascinated by your experiences and uncharted knowledge, and it really helps humble my mind. I hope no one is offended by this and I have not broken any rules within your community!

With that said…I’m extremely curious about the cosmic event happening today and it’s ripple effect, if there is one. Im not sure if I have any specific questions, only pure curiosity and to feed the side of my that always wants to learn more! This life never ceases to amaze me

18:34 UTC


Solar eclipse effects?? Anyone else??

Curious what you all have been feeling with the eclipse?? I just started getting a mad headache right in the 3rd eye/pineal gland area!

18:29 UTC


i got a bruise in my dream and i woke up it was there too

so today i woke up and there was an extreme bruise on my legs, both of my knees at the same place. The left one was bigger the right one was smaller and the one on the calf.

i remember these were not here yesterday. It was in my dreams but idk what is this.

My aunt said in our culture it's said that when an entity is trying to attract you subconsciously this happens.

For context 1. im very religious but for the past month it has become so hard for me to pray and have faith.

  1. there is an abandoned house just right beside my window on the ground floor. i sleep so close to that window and it's said there's a spirit there that's why no one can live there without dying or being sick which i can confirm and swear by.

So please can someone do reading if thats the case and what does it want from me. if you want any further details i can give

thank you

1 Comment
17:45 UTC


How can I be sure it is real and not just my imagination?

So I lost a ring some months ago, I adore that ring because my mom gave it to me. I have the sense that is is somewhere in my clothes since I lost it while digging in my luggage, I already looked everywhere in my room but I can’t find it. It is my imagination or is it actually here somewhere? I have a strong feeling about the closet but maybe is just my hope… I am moving out soon and I am kind of losing my hope. Any tips?

17:39 UTC


My dead aunt and and mother make their presence known.

"You have gained two new angels. Our time on earth is over right now, and its our turn to turn around and help you through," my mom and my aunt say to me in my head. A small brown bird is singing over my left shoulder from the branch of my friend the pine tree. She's sitting right over my head and could poop on me if she wants to. I use the word singing mildly as it sounds more like she's screaming. There's an urgency to her voice as she tries to express that I need to pay attention to her for a second. Once I look over my shoulder and say hello and how can I help you, she simmers down and moves along with her evening... While I'm left sitting trying to decode the message she had brought me. My late aunt, I figure, excited about the bountiful tray of new flowers I just brought home.

The signs were all around me today as I went on an adventure to help our surgery recovering friend M in any way we could to brighten his day. I went with my new BFF L who just... Sees me. She sees me, and I see her. We have the BEST times on our drives blasting System of a Down for a few songs then making a drastic shift to a song by J-Lo and Ja Rule. (Most artists these days no longer require so many capital letters. It helps the artist stay relevant because the texters don't need to capitalize so many letters!)

L was today's star cleaner! She put in a solid three hours of work after lunch while my friend M and I went PANSY SHOPPING! According to M I was like a child in a candy store with all the myriad of pretty colourful plants at the flower store!

It was on the way back from the nursery that my mother showed her presence. Right after I picked up a whole flat of pansies, my favorite flowers since childhood. I had the radio playing low while M and I grabbed away and I notice the dash says "I just called to say I love you" playing on the radio. I turned it up a bit and pointed it out to M...

My memories flashed back to the ONE time I saw my mom perform karaoke. She dedicated the song to me and belted it away with her friend on stage. I'd never seen her more happy. She loved singing. That song ended up being the very last song we sang together, in the hospital room, just hours before her death. She couldn't communicate verbally anymore and it was getting increasingly challenging to try and guess her needs based on small but constant games of charades.

How many times my mom called me in my life and we sat on the phone in silence after catching up because we didn't know what else to say. So we say I love you, and goodnight. Always I love you, after every single phone call no matter how long or short.

Alright, so maybe I AM gifted. Spiritually, I mean. From blatant deja vu's, dreams that end up being prophetic, and birds that bring me messages.

Now, I am following the flow of life like a gentle babbling brook, babbling my way through the darkest period of my life to be endured to date.

"It's our turn to help you in ways we never could alive. So relax, get into receiving mode, and watch how we help you work magic."

1 Comment
15:31 UTC


Perceiving "paper snake" entities in the room of a dying person

When I envision the space around someone I know who is coming to unfortunately a rather painful and unpeaceful end of their life these months, I see this space filled by many long, tube-like objects that move fast and in straight lines. They come off as something akin to hollow paper lanterns, only without the light inside, and they are all colored with identical patterns of green, yellow, and orange. They also seem semi-alive, chaotic, and like they have a function or a meaning to being there. What can they be? Have you seen something similar to this?

00:23 UTC


How do you know that the cat you pick is your familiar?

Like the title says, how do you know who your familiar is?

23:07 UTC


Hoping to speak to a medium about development and learning (post includes experience/story)

Hi, I would love to speak to a medium as I’m intrigued about developing this suspected gift I have. I have had multiple encounters that have left me in shock and I want to understand more about this side of myself.

My most recent experience that pushed me to this was an encounter I had within a hyper-realistic lucid dream. In my house there’s me, my mum and her boyfriend cloudy. My father passed when I was 13 (I’m now 18) and 2 nights ago I had this dream. In my dream I had woken up to use my bathroom downstairs because I’m not supposed to use the upstairs one as it’s broke and I stick to use the downstairs one even though my mum n her boyfriend use the upstairs bathroom. As I get to the bottom step I hear someone come out of my mums room and I looked up through the banisters of my staircase where you can see the upstairs hallway. I caught a glimpse of a man who I believed to be cloudy (mums Boyfriend) go into the bathroom but it didn’t really look like cloudy. I started walking back up the stairs saying cloudy name as I was confused and then saw him walk back into my mums room as I was walking up the stairs. I realised it really didn’t look like cloudy but he was the only man in the house so I kept saying his name as a question waiting for a response. I got to my mums room and said cloudy name again as I let myself in. I had suspicions I was seeing my dad as I could tell it looked like him but I was fully aware of everything in my dream so I was in disbelief as it just felt like me waking up during the night to use the bathroom. When I let myself in my mums room I saw my dad stood directly by the window and TV on his old side of the bed. I was in shock for a second the started consciously repeating “you’re dead” “you’re dead” “how are you here” “you’re dead”. He starts walking over to me n I think Omfg this must be real how. The first thing I ask was “where have you been” almost in tears as he hugs me. I was then thinking if he’s here he couldn’t be dead so where has he been. The only thing he replies to me with is “Mexico” and a giddy grin on his face. He stopped hugging me and my vision jumped to his perspective where behind me my mum and cloudy where stood and that’s when I woke up.

I’ve never been able to remember what my dad’s voice sounded like but in my dream it was on point. Everything was. The layout of the house, people’s faces - it didn’t feel like a dream. I keep crying every now and again over the past 2 days now I remember what his voice sounds like again.

I’d like to learn more about this and if any mediums could message me with help and advice I’d be so thankful.

Again this isn’t my only experience I’ve had but it’s my first one involving my dad I believe. My mum and her mum used to study this but neither of them are stable enough anymore to seek advice from.

Again any help or advice will be massively appreciated :)

18:45 UTC


Not getting dreams or signs from passed loved ones

Ever since my great grandma died in 2018, I don’t think I’ve had a single dream of her. I dream every single night, and my dreams are pretty vivid I’d say. I have bad OCD, and because of that I think I don’t dream of her because “I’m a bad person” or something. It sounds crazy, but I just miss her so much and wonder why I don’t get signs. I also was in a bad atv accident in 2014, and watched my friend die. It really messed me up. I was only 14, and she was 16. But I only remember having one dream about her and in the dream it seemed like she was really upset. I have a lot of survivors guilt.. but I haven’t had any dreams of her since. I wish I could get some reassurance or sign from them.

15:43 UTC


Freewill and everything happens all at once

If everything happens all at once (past, present and future), how can there be free will? For example we live in 2024 and if i choose to go right instead of left at a point in my life, then the future of say 2034 would be totally different. But since 2034 also happens now (if linear time not exists, what i read here all the time), doesn’t that imply that everything i do right now is totally scripted and free will is an illusion? Our history could also be totally different if there was true free will in decision making by certain people (maybe europeans never colonized the Americas, no WW1 and WW2, etc.). What is your opinion on this subject?

15:43 UTC


Might Have Dreamt Of My Pregnancy In the Future

Hello all, 21F here and I had a vivid dream the other night where I was on a helicopter ride around in London with someone. We past this hospital called the "Kensington hospital" where I gave birth to my first kid. I eventually woke up from that dream only to remember that part of the dream. I searched up Kensington hospital in London, although it was not a real hospital, however, there was a Chelsea Hospital. Within Chelsea Hospital, there is a Kensington wing where all the baby deliveries are held.

That was quite freaky.

15:26 UTC


Getting random people vs the one you seek

I get sometimes those on the other side may have something they need told, but there are times I feel I've connected with someone due to such random references they give me or how clear it feels.. but then it ends up not being who the requestor is seeking (& not any other relative/ friend they can think of).

I generally don't ask for names or pictures so I don't "guess" at their relationship or insert any of my own feelings. I'm still new at this so try to keep it as "blind" as possible to know (for myself and the requestor) it was a legit, pure read.

Do I need to ask for names?? Is there a reason they wouldn't come thru if the requestor asks them to and tells them my name and a time I'll be open to receive a message?

I've no idea how to really zero in/ hone this to have a better accuracy at getting the right person or what to do with the info I get from the wrong one. Like if I post the experience here, maybe someone is seeking them...

1 Comment
11:26 UTC


Is Helping Parents Heal organisation just for parents who are seeking communication from their children or do their mediums also help communicate with other relatives?

I came across this organisation which is quite reliable and has authentic mediums. Does this help other relatives as well or just parents?

06:50 UTC


Curious about how entities feed

I listened to a few interviews with mediums that were very interesting. It seems that humans can tell ghosts to leave them alone with great results and entities don't bother with us much except for feeding. But they can be removed through prayer and staying at a positive or higher energy level. I am trying to find resources to understand this more but I thought it might be worth asking here too.

This open up so many questions though. Are they parasites that exist without sustenance and feed off people when they can or need? Can they feed off kids more easily because they aren't as strong as adults and therefore the preferred host? Is their relationship to us just like predators in the wild, except the feeding method is parasitic? Why does prayer and belief work to ward them off? Is positive energy damaging?

05:42 UTC


better methods for tuning into my clairaudience?

i notice i feel a distinct pressure right at my throat chakra if someone is trying to communicate me (like a ringtone/call to 'pick up the phone' haha) or if i use my own inner voice by a means to amplify my intent. thankfully, this allows me to determine what's my inner thoughts and what isn't mine for the most part

i tune in and hear their voice however they present it and the pressure stops, be it i dismiss/they leave politely or banish

however sometimes it gets to the point of a intense/kind of choking? pressure like the words stuck in your throat- it can get intense if someone is attempting to speak to me- while i'm learning to block and close communication when necessary (still tough as sometimes the dulled pain is isn't ignorable and i feel like i have to 'patch' it up in my headspace. learned to thankfully integrate cutting cords after communication but it still stings like a physical strain fading :[ )

if anyone can maybe
have more less pain intensive? methods, i'd be really grateful to know
it's a reliable method but it can be 😬
ouchie, so it's something that needs to be altered to another way of doing things
can't keep doing it that way if it brings pain

05:37 UTC


To those that give readings, have you had a client specifically decline any message from a spirit?

Just curious as someone who is not "spiritually-adept", but has anyone ever done a reading for someone that specifically said that they do not want to hear from a spirit?

Example 1: "I do not want to speak to my aunt nor do I have any interest in what they may want to say."

Example 2:
You: "You have a grandmother here that wants to pass a message to you."
Client/Receiver: "No, thank you."

What would you do? Or what have done in those types of scenarios?

05:22 UTC


Where do Mediums get their training from?

I’m looking to study the supernatural, paranormal, and mediumship full-time. Where can I find decent, reliable sources of information?

04:20 UTC


I was thinking about my deceased grandmother while peeling potatoes, and this fell out of the bag. *A heart shaped potato!*

Maybe it’s something, maybe it’s nothing, but it definitely made me smile. My potato soup will be made with extra love tonight. ❤️

03:20 UTC


how can I grow as a medium?? anything helps.

long story short, I’ve learned almost 1 1/2 years ago that I am a medium. I’ve seen spirits from as long as I can remember. I’m growing on my own, but I really don’t feel like I’m getting much better. Luckily, my boyfriend can protect me, as he can switch over into their realm and speak to them, keep them from coming in certain spaces, etc. He just doesn’t feel very comfortable with me expanding with what I have because he knows how dangerous it is. I’d really like to embrace it though, if someone could give me a few pointers, that would be wonderful. Anything is really appreciated.

02:32 UTC


What’s the one thing that made you believe in the afterlife?

It can be a mediumship, verified NDE, personal experience, paranormal, a scientific study done, etc.

I’m a skeptic/non-believer currently and wanted to know from y’all!

22:28 UTC


I used to get signs from him but they stopped.

When it just happened I got some really nutso signs. Like undeniable paranormal stuff, unexplainable things. But 4 months later, nothing. Even if I ask. Nothing. What happened. 😢

19:36 UTC


Do souls plan to die in wars or similar cases?

I have read about how many souls have reincarnated too Mother earth because they die in brutal way. They also told it was planned long before they were born. Many have shared it during the hypnosis or when they have sleeped very deep/meditation. Mediums, have you met souls in this lifetime who have died in wars? Did they tell you if it was planned?

1 Comment
17:28 UTC


Dreams of people who have died (who are strangers), whats going on?

Hey guys, Just stubbled upon this thread and really glad it's here. I've had dreams about people who passed before but lately its becoming stronger? In a sense clearer and more often. Usually I get them once in a while or once a year but now it's more frequent. I'm usually the kind to think its something I've watched before bed, but I cleared that out and that's not it. All of these types of dreams are people I've never met. Sometimes I'm watching from the outside, sometimes I'm witnessing there death through there eyes. I tried researching based on what I see and nothing has showed up, Unfortunately I never get a name and most of the time they don't speak, just showing me.

My most recent dream was last night, it's the first one I've ever that's been very modern. I was talking to a young African American boy, probably just finished high-school or early 20s, and asking him questions about what he does and questions about his girlfriend. I knew it was set in like a swamp environment because of the trees and lake that was nearby. Near it was train-tracks and behind the train tracks next to the swamp was like a junkyard, where I think he worked? He was sorting stuff out and moving things around whilst I was talking to him. His girlfriend was behind him the whole time, only she was a spirit. And only in the dream I could see her, she was also a young African American girl with straight hair wearing a black singlet top and light black denim wash jeans. The whole time she just standing behind him looking at me, she then turned her head to a pile of junk and paint that was on a pile of logs floating near the swamp riverbank. And it wasn't until I looked again that I could see that there was a white sheet that was long and wrapped up, it was actually shaped like a body, with a bunch of paint tins on top and other random junk and just a ton of paint dripped all over it and on the log, you wouldn't even really notice it was there unless you really looked. So I looked back at the girlfriend behind him when he went towards the junkyard and she gestured her head back towards the log again , so I turned to look, that's when I realised what she was trying to tell me. Then I woke up.

I've had a couple of dreams like this and it's strange cause most of the time its people internationally, not where I'm from, As I am Australian. I honestly don't know what to do. Sometimes it scares me because of how real and intense some of these are, just not good circumstances. I avoid watching anything along these themes now before I sleep, because of these dreams. I don't know what to do with this information especially cause it's still so vague and I have no names, just visuals.

14:15 UTC


Is my friend trying to communicate with me?

My close friend passed away about 3 years ago from complications from Covid. I didn’t even know he’d be hospitalized, just sick and thought it was weird that he wasn’t returning my texts until I found out, on Facebook, that he took a sudden turn for the worse and died in the hospital. He was in his 40’s and a fairly healthy guy. I didn’t get any closure, any warning and last talk we had, no indication this would happen. I have dreams about him from time to time, normal is suppose, but mornings after the dream, will have weird out of the ordinary mentions of him, memories on Facebook that he would mention our “life long friendship”, pictures out of the ordinary that I don’t keep out, seeing his name in random places I go that next day, etc. Yes, this could all be a coincidence but it only seems to happen after a vivid dream of him.

07:23 UTC


Outa curiosity how do you all feel about ghost hunters?

I personally like watching these type of videos and shows but sometimes it annoys me a bit. I understand that they are trying to capture evidence but a lot of times it feels like they treat the spirits as circus tricks essentially.

On a side note why don’t these kinds of people seem to have heightened sense to the spirits despite constantly exposing themselves to them. Is it because they less focus on trying to connect to them but rather rely on the spirits connecting to their devices?

04:26 UTC


Why do some ghosts not see each other?

I heard someone retell their experience of becoming a medium and they stated all the spirits were asking him for help, but they didn’t see each other or other ghosts in the room. But some ghosts do see each other right? Do you help them see each other?

1 Comment
03:30 UTC


Been seeing deceased friends name everywhere

Hi so this is my first ever post on this subreddit. A decade ago one of my friends I grew up with passed away. I don't want to go into details about it. He visits from time to time in dream form or I'll see his full or last name somewhere in waking life. But recently me and my girlfriend (she never met him) have been seeing his full name everywhere, I've been having vivid dreams with him in them and I just wondered what does this mean? Does it just mean that he's making his presence a little bit more known right now for some reason?

23:46 UTC

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