
Photograph via snooOG

A place for the discussion of lingerie from fit to fashion, trends, history, reviews, where to buy, and more. Whether you're an expert or buying your first set, whatever your size, budget, or style, everyone with a love for lingerie is welcome.


A place for the discussion of lingerie from fit to fashion, trends, history, reviews, where to buy, and more. Whether you're an expert or buying your first set, whatever your size, budget, or style, everyone with a love for lingerie is welcome.


Guidelines and rules to remember when posting on LingerieAddiction.

  1. We are here to discuss lingerie from a fashion standpoint. Discussion of lingerie as a kink or fetish, or its use in sexual activity, is not on topic. Do not sexualize other users or models in images.

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  3. Indicate that linked photos are NSFW where necessary. Do not link to images depicting visible genitals, implicit or explicit sexual activity.

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  6. Posts offering items for sale or swap are not allowed. You can sell, swap, or give away lingerie at /r/braswap or /r/randomactsofbras.

  7. Please post requests to identify a piece or set at /r/findlingerie.

  • View our FAQ to see more on guidelines on posting.

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Links to helpful wiki pages and other resources for all your lingerie needs.

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Lingerie for those of us with large pubic mounds?

I have a larger pubic mound and none of the lingerie that I have tried fit me right down there. Have any of you found sets that are flattering for larger pubic mounds?

23:54 UTC


Looking specifically for lingerie for women with pubic hair

I saw a set that had like a large gap above the vagina specifically for showcasing the pubic hair and it was hot! I haven’t managed to find any. No idea what to search for! Help.

21:27 UTC


Lavender Lingerie

I saw a really cute set of lavender Lingerie a while back, sadly I lost the picture but it opened my eyes to how beautiful lavender lingerie is and the distinct lack of it!

Does anyone know of any good lavender sets? I'd really like to buy one, I'm looking for sexy but elegant

20:34 UTC


PSA/WARNING: Do not buy from bare necessities!

Just thought I would spread the word from r/ABraThatFits to this subreddit. Multiple people (myself included) have been waiting over a month for refunds, and it has been radio silent from BN.

I have $200+ in returns that I have still not gotten and, like many other people, have had to file a chargeback with my card company.

I would routinely call their customer service line to ask when my refund would arrive, and they kept extending the deadline (1 more week, a few more days, etc). I believed them, until I realized that I only had a few days left to contact my card company to file a chargeback before I no longer had that opportunity!)

I honestly think they are going out of business. They were great in the past, but please — protect your wallet!

1 Comment
19:44 UTC


Thongs for all day wear?

I don't usually wear thongs unless I'm wearing a skirt and usually about halfway through the day I have to take it off due to it being uncomfortable. I was wondering if anyone knew of any that are comfortable that can be worn all day.

15:21 UTC


Sturdy garter belt with short straps + looong stockings question

Hi! Recently got into wearing a garter belt in everyday life and I enjoy it. I started with a generic black belt with 8 metalic clasps and I would be actually content with it if not for the fact I really really love my stockings pulled all the way up my thighs, higher than what the straps even on their shortest setting allow. Anyone has recs for a heavy duty belt like this?

Which brings me to another question, Id like to find stockings that are freaking LONG (Im 5'11 and have some thighs) but everything I see online look likey're gonna hang mid thigh, which is an aesthetic I dont like.

I have good success with cutting my longest warmer, solid color tights and attaching them to the belt but as far as the fully fashioned stockings go, I find nothing that would reach as high as I want them and Im kind of bummed.


14:32 UTC


Where can I get these?


Other than Japanese brands, where can I find these? USA so global shipping. Thank you!!

Edit: clarification, I’m looking for brand recs that sell bras and lingerie in the styles I’ve linked above. Thanks you!

20:23 UTC


I need help finding this type of lingerie

There is a scam site on facebook reels that keeps popping up and its like a dog collar with 10 ish ropes/straps that go down to the bossom. and it goes down and around the butt like a one piece, and its super stretchy, you can just rip it around and it looks nice, but i cant find it anywhere. Its on a site called shecurve but its a scam website

19:24 UTC


Help for a broke and busty student

Hi everyone,

I've been really struggling to find nice bras and I am in desperate need of some. I currently live in the UK, so preferably brands from there. I'm a 36F so already find it difficult to buy bras my size. I prefer underwired and padded bras (busty + uneven breasts so this is what looks best and supports me). Also I am a very broke student so my budget is tight, looking at £35 ish tops per bra. I'd love something that is cute as most bras that come in my size + padded are kind of plain.

The only places I've found that really have anything for me are M&S and Freya but the selection hasn't really inspired me. I'd love any suggestions!

18:08 UTC


WCIF/What is this called

I've been seeing Sabrina Carpenter's outfits for her Short n Sweet tour a lot lately, and I saw a really, really cute set she wore that I think it's a custom Victoria's Secret. She's worn the same thing in red and a dark/royal blue, and some sleeved variations, but I'm specifically looking for the sleeveless version of the little dress?/cape? that she wears over her outfit. I'm not sure what it's called, and I've had poor luck getting a good reference picture to search with, so I figured someone here might know. It's easier to see if you find a video, but I found an ok photo of the dark blue version and a blurry photo of the red. I also found a fan page on insta that has good pics, also linked.

To repeat exactly what I'm looking for here, I want either the name of the garment so I can look up versions for myself, or links to dupes that aren't from Amazon, Shein, Temu, etc

Thanks!! :)

Fan Insta: https://www.instagram.com/styleforsabby?igsh=MWt0emVmZm1lNW5seg==

Blue: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTiUhgVWvxrZp1n2fAj_nd9_bxWfWH8bSCn-J6T1L-LzA&s

Red: 

1 Comment
17:24 UTC


High end brands in Tokyo

Hello everyone! I'm taking my girlfriend to Tokyo on Friday and was wondering if you could point me to any high end brands that we should checkout. I've bought her tons of Agent Provocateur, Fleur Du Mal, Bordelle, etc. I'd love to get her something beautiful in Tokyo. T

12:55 UTC


Anyone tried Miss O's stockings / thigh highs?

How's the quality is compared to things like maison close, ballerina, etc?

22:43 UTC


Any brands like Agent Provocateur?

My favorite lingerie brand is Agent Provocateur (just got a package today after the extra40 sale), specifically because my weakness is lace and silk sets that mix multiple bright colors.

I also go crazy for silk night gowns and robes.

Do you know any other brand who sell similar things? I have tried Marjolaine, La Perla, Aubade, Lise Charmal, intimissimi…

To give you an idea my favorites sets from AP are Molly, Lorna and Lucie.

18:06 UTC


Where could I find this?

This is the style I’m after:


Where could I find that or something similar to it? Even keywords to start my google search would help.

14:55 UTC


Où faire produire en Tunisie des culottes menstruelles ?

Je m’intéresse au lancement d’une start-up dans ce domaine, mais je recherche une entreprise certifiée, qui sache faire des coupes laser et qui travaille déjà sur ce type de produit

21:41 UTC


Plus size sheer bodystocking?

Looking for plus size nylon sheer bodystocking for my wife but can’t find anything stretchy enough that would seem to fit her (everything is petite sized). Does anyone know where I can find some? Doesn’t have to be of high quality.

19:12 UTC


Help finding boxers in AD

First time every posting. I hope I'm allowed to ask for help here. So I saw this AD for Savage Fenty and I loved this boxer with the floral print on the AD. Went to the website and didn't find it. Have looked on Google and haven't found anything like it. Did I miss something? Has it not dropped? I'm so confused and disappointed. Screenshot from AD

15:58 UTC


need a dupe for fentry bra!!!

https://www.savagex.com/shop/savage-not-sorry-unlined-lace-balconette-bra-ba2042992-5179-12815371 This is the most beautiful bra i have ever seen in my life plzzz help me find a dupe especially smth sparkly like this one

06:31 UTC


Looking for high-waisted and cheeky panties

Hi! I'm looking to upgrade and add some new pieces to my wardrobe. I'm chubby and have a bit of a tummy but also a pronounced weird curve/dip at my waist which makes me look a bit like a snowman, if that makes sense (think of when you're wearing something too tight on the waist; that's how I look all the time for some reason); so I like high-waisted undies. However, most of the high-waisted underwear I find is a full brief or a thong- neither of which I really like. I tend to prefer a cheeky cut. Any recommendations?

23:50 UTC


I just got sized and bought my first bra!

I found out that I am a 36a but need 2 extensions on it. I am looking into a bodysuit for myself I just don't know what size I would even be. I'm a M for the bottoms. If you need anything else just lmk! Also what are some recommendations for a bodysuit?

21:36 UTC


Gaps in the Market


I'm looking into how to make better underwear/lingerie for women. I've been looking into market gaps however I found this subreddit the most informative. I'm thinking of doing plus size and bigger cup sizes with more coverage and avoiding itchy lace. I'm looking into fabrics: cotton, satin, some people like silk but I have to look into skin benefits more. I also want to make sure they are underwear I can wear with a pad without looking like a diaper if possible.

I'm curious to hear any additional thoughts and feelings on this idea here and appreciate feedback! I guess what I'm asking in all is, what do you need in underwear that you cannot find?

1 Comment
20:58 UTC


I need ideas to wall display my sets and decorate my bedroom with a "lingerie store" type vibe!?

So I've always wanted to decorate my bedroom with my lingerie sets and favorite bras, panties, garters, etc, and only recently really started trying to make it happen because I've always loved the aesthetic lingerie stores have when you look around them. I was introduced to lingerie when I was quite young because my mother did amateur modeling of Victoria's Secret and Fredericks in the early-mid 90s as well as exotic dancing and some XXX content to help pay the bills (18 year old single mother with a deadbeat sperm donor) and had her room decorated with her modeling portraits and her higher-end lingerie sets because her bedroom was the scene for most of her modeling shoots and videos. Growing up with her as my only parent and role model, I started to appreciate and view what she did as art and always wanted to "be like her when I grew up". She helped me realize at a young age that display of sexuality, femininity, and the human body are not taboo, but rather a beautiful art form.

I want to decorate my room like hers was and display my lingerie and some of my favorite modeling portraits of her that she's let me have over the years as she's always been my inspiration to become the woman I am today. I really want my bedroom to give off the sultry and exotic "sex room" vibe that hers gave you the second you walk into it because as ive gotten older ive grown very relaxed and proud of my sexuality and identity as a polygamous kinky lesbian and have no shame in admitting it or displaying it because lingerie and (sex) are truly just art.

I would love ideas and inputs on types of wall racks that I can hang toys from and clothing hangers that will allow me to display full sets as well as general aesthetic things I can do to help really give my room the "lingerie store\sex room\kink dungeon" feel that gives my partners the vibe that they are going to experience intense sexual release in there from the moment they walk in.

Currently I only have 1 wall kinda decorated as a "rough draft" of the aesthetic I want and decided to turn to Reddit for opinions on how to really make it sultry and decorative and what better sub-reddit than lingerie addicts 😅🥰

Please feel free to shoot me ideas!

15:27 UTC


Agent provocateur advert Mandela effect

Does anybody remember an agent provocateur advert from back in the day, I presume around year 2006-8; I saw it as a young girl at the time on YouTube, and every so often it has popped into my memory because the whole thing was quite bizarre and I’ve tried looking for it on YouTube and in a search engine and nothing! I’m questioning if it even exists anymore.. it showed a woman clad in lingerie ironing a shirt, she was in what it looked like an alpine shack. Then a bloke comes in and it goes a bit awol from then on 🤣

Can anyone help?? Am i going mad ?

16:02 UTC


ISO wireless bullet bra

I currently own this bra: https://a.co/d/5Ya6lGs in a 38C (US)

The fit is great and I love the feminine details but, oh my goodness gracious, the fabric is terrible and feels like a Brillo pad against my skin.

I’m hoping there is something equivalent out there but with much better quality material (and willing to pay more for it). Bonus points for satin detailing as well! I prefer the classic white/ivory/black mono color schemes but open to multicolor and/or bolder styles as well.

Thank you!

1 Comment
15:47 UTC


Opinions on coucou intimates?

Are they comfortable for everyday wear? They’re so expensive but they are so beautiful, I’m just wondering if they actually are super comfy?

1 Comment
13:18 UTC


Wtsstadamnit dresses

I’ve bought a cpl dresses for my gf that I was hoping would be a wtsstadamnit type dress and neither have been when they showed up. Any tips on finding what I’m looking for? Materials? Search words? Particular dress?

09:16 UTC


Velvet knee high socks

Girlfriend loves the look of velvet knee high boots. But het curves does not fit any brand shz tried so far. So at this point she is considering mimicking boots by buying over knee Socks and heels in the same velvet material. Anybody done this before and can recommend thick velvet socks that really look like boot material?

1 Comment
07:33 UTC


What to pair with this

Update: So far I've gotten so many ideas that I will be ordering more! ☺️ I ended up going with my original plan for right now.... I ordered this skirt in vibrant pink from the latex store. https://thelatexstore.com/circle-skirt/

First I'd like to say I'm sorry if this is all over the place. I'm at work and trying to post this. I need help deciding what to pair with this MarieMur piece. https://mariemur.com/products/celine-crotchless-bodysuit?variant=40099031122033

I know it's beautiful on its own but I want to have a little fun with it and surprise my husband.

I was thinking a latex skater skirt. I kind of want pink or purple, those are definitely colors I never wear. I've honestly never worn latex either.

These are the two I was looking at: https://latexmagicbest.com/product/latex-skater-skirt-2/ https://latexmagicbest.com/product/latex-fit-and-flare-skirt/

I'm trying to incorporate some pieces that are out of my norm.

Does anyone have any thoughts or recommendations on a color or different style (maybe even material)? For cost I'm trying to stay under $100. Especially since I don't know if I'll like the feeling of latex.

If it matters I recently did a color analysis and I'm a soft summer.

01:40 UTC


Looking to rebuild my collection

All of my lingerie got damaged in a water leak / I’m not going to try to recover things from moldy, unpotable water. I’d like to focus on getting a few pieces I really love this time. I love sets but interchangeable pieces are fun too.

What’s good for someone a bit petite/ but curvy (34-23-34)/ (28E)?

What has fine details that make you feel like it’s an exquisite/ special set?

I’m looking for a couple—something more whimsical and something black but open to other suggestions. Ideally it can be washed by dry cleaning/ silk wash.

20:16 UTC


Storage like Stores

I have a want for my new home. I want to make a closet where i can hang my lingerie, even the thongs etc just like in lingerie stores. Is there someone who already did this and give my tips and tricks on how to make sort a thing. You can if you want even give me furniture advice from Ikea or likewise. I want to buy hangers in bulk, that would be great. Thank you in advance

17:45 UTC

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