
Photograph via snooOG

like r/trees, but queer

If you:

  • think "legalize it" has two meanings
  • read r/trees and wish the sexy smoking girl pics had male counterpart
  • think r/LGBT is too serious all the time
  • like to also pack other things besides your bong

Well, then r/LGBTrees is the place for you!

Check out the whereabouts of your fellow gents at this map and click "add marker" username: lgbtrees password: trees.

And don't forget about our two mommies:

  • r/LGBT

  • Our new sister reddit:



    17,947 Subscribers


    Academic Study: Social Media and Mental Health (18+ and LGBTQ+)

    I'm currently a doctoral student at the University of California Santa Barbara and conducting research on mental health and social media with LGBTQIA+ individuals. The link is a survey which asks questions about your mental health and social media habits.

    If you are over the age of 18 and identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ then you are eligible for the study!
    There is also an opportunity to enter in a drawing for compensation at the end of the survey.

    Link: https://ucsb.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cZmMolbGYZqyZTw
    The study has been approved by the UCSB ethics board.

    21:20 UTC


    Smokers - what is your drink of choice when smoking?

    Currently having a joint and as I began to cough I grabbed my coffee. The warmth was soothing on my throat, and tasted great.

    Then I realised I have my own list of “approved drinks. Recently coffee has been my choice of drink for when I smoke.

    Coffee (no sugar, skim or 1% only) Tea (the kind where milk is added) Water (room temp if filtered) Seltzer / club soda (cold) Beer Wine (Sav Blanc -Marlborough region)

    What do y’all associate your joint with?

    (Hoping none of these words are triggering for anyone in recovery of any sort)

    23:33 UTC


    LGBT-owned cannabis card game

    Hello! Have you ever wondered why drinkers have all the fun? Well, now smokers can too!

    Please check out our kickstarter, which explains the rules of the game. Under “rewards”, you can preorder the game!

    Thanks for all your support:


    99% funded, check it out

    17:41 UTC


    The Psychological Impact of Discrimination

    Hello everyone! I'm a master's student in psychology and I'm collecting anonymous data for my thesis which is a research study aiming to investigate the psychological impact of any kind of discrimination one might have experienced, including discrimination on account of somebody's sexual orientation or/and gender.

    I would be really grateful if you could participate by filling out my survey! Thank you very much in advance! :)

    This is the link to my survey for everyone who wants to help:


    18:22 UTC


    Struggling to eat since starting t break?

    Hi everyone! On Tuesday, I started my very first, well needed t break. I had been a daily smoker for almost a year and got to the point where I was high most of the day, every day.

    I haven’t had many symptoms past day 1 thankfully, except I still have zero appetite. I simply never feel hungry, and even my favorite foods just don’t taste right. I have 2 or 3 bites and I feel full & disgusted by it. I know appetite loss is normal, but has anyone experienced it this intensely? Any tips on how to get this to pass?

    Thank you all in advance!

    22:13 UTC


    Who else is ready to bark for their partner after they smoke? [9]

    15:31 UTC

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