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  • Provide Info: When you ask for advice, give as much information as possible (e.g., LSAT/GPA/URM, age, where you want to practice, ties to the area, what kind of law you want to do, total cost of attendance). When posting an admissions decision, please provide as much information as you are comfortable communicating. We will not remove a post for not including stats, as we respect people's privacy decisions and encourage everyone to participate. However, please consider the benefit that slightly anonymized stats would provide to the community.
  • On giving advice: When giving advice, answer the question first. If both options asked about are bad, you can point that out too and explain why.
  • Affirmative action discussion policy: See this post.
  • No grandstanding: Submissions are allowed to touch on political topics. However, submissions that are overly political or which use a subreddit-appropriate subject as a springboard for soapboxing may be removed at moderator discretion.

Advice here often seems harsh. Here's why: on blunt advice

For book length coverage of the dire state of America's law school market, this is required reading: Don't go to law school unless

And a nifty flowchart of the book: flowchart

I wrote a list of factors that can help assess whether LS is a good/bad choice here

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Retakes are a no brainer in these circumstances:

  • You scored at the low end of your PT average
  • Your scores were still increasing in the weeks up to test day
  • You had less than perfect on logic games

If none of these are true for you, and you're clearly stalled, then make this clear. Most people posting have retake potential.

Even 2-3 points can make a large difference in admissions/scholarships. That's why so many people here post "retake!" to a lot of situations.

Canada? Most people here are US. So most advice doesn't apply. Feel free to ask questions, though, there are some Canadians. Big differences:

  • Almost no scholarships.
  • Most schools are pretty good.
  • Go where you want to practice
  • GPA is significantly more important. Do all you can to raise it.
  • For god's sake don't go abroad. That's Canada's TTT.


218,903 Subscribers


UT Law chances

Hello friends, wanted your honest opinion on my chances at UT Law

I’m a URM, president of student club (I suppose that counts as a soft) and an in state resident.

My one major major flaw is my gpa. It’s terrible. 2.6 at the current time. If everything goes well, my next three semesters could bring it up to a 3.0. Which seems to be likely since my classes are going great this semester.

What realistic shot do I have at UT with a 3.0 and a 170+ lsat? I’ve been scoring around that range on the practice tests. I’m really trying to score in the upper 170’s so I have a fighting chance.

Any input would be appreciated.

1 Comment
08:21 UTC


Fee waivers?

Does Stanford, Columbia or UPenn give fee waivers at admission events ?

Just curious because I didn’t receive one for merit and wanted to know how I can go about getting one without filling out the financial need forms.

08:09 UTC


Have the opportunity to meet the SGUSA + visit SCUSA, how do I best use it?

I apologize if this is the wrong place for the question(and if it is, please feel free to delete it).

My university has given our pre-law society the opportunity to attend oral arguments at the Supreme Court soon. As part of this, we are also scheduled for a Q&A interview with the Solicitor General! I’m really excited about the opportunity as a whole but was wondering if anyone had any insight on how to best utilize this experience. Should I take notes? What types of questions should I ask? Is it possible to leave an impression on the SGUSA through the Q&A, or does the group setting + undergrad + the unimportance of the program make that a useless effort?

07:23 UTC


Overwhelmed, can someone point me to a consultant please.

Background info: I’m Canadian and very prepared for my Canadian apps, but life threw a curveball at me and I need to apply for US schools in a specific state (just to not dox myself- one of Cal/Washington/New York) due to a family situation.

Issue is that I am completely overwhelmed with the scope of US applications (they even ask me things about my parents??).

Looking for recommendations for a consultant (or someone) that won’t charge an arm and a leg who can guide me through the process - mainly essay proofreading and application strategy.

My stats are 165/3.8x/not looking to get into HYS but still aiming for T-25s in the state I need to be in. I have unique work experiences and volunteer activities that I *think * would be beneficial to my app.

Appreciate any tips and support!!! I feel like I am already late in the cycle and I am truly panicking. I want my apps in during November latest.

Please help your fellow neighbour Canadian out 🥹🇨🇦

05:50 UTC


Seeking Advice on Gap Year Plans Before Law School – Input Needed!

Hi everyone! I’m currently a third-year student at UConn graduating this spring. I’m majoring in Political Science with minors in Spanish and Social Responsibility & Impact in Business. I’ve made the formal decision to apply to law school and will be taking the LSAT this April. After that, I’m planning to take 1-2 gap years before starting law school.

I’m currently exploring a few different options for what to do during my gap years, and I would love some advice or insight from others who have been in similar positions. I’m not set on a specific area of law yet, but I know I’m not interested in criminal law.

Option 1: Pursuing a Master’s in Social Responsibility and Impact in Business

This program just started at UConn, and it’s closely related to my minor. It includes several business law classes and could offer me a unique opportunity to build connections with UConn Law and gain valuable insight into business law. I could complete the program in one year, have a master’s degree by age 22, and establish myself within a new, developing program. However, this would mean paying for another year of school and not working full-time, which would impact the savings I’m planning to use for law school. I might be able to work part-time, but I’m not sure if it’s worth it.

Option 2: Full-Time Work or Fellowships

I’m also considering finding a full-time job, ideally in a law office, but I’ve found that it’s tough to secure one that pays more than my current waitressing job. I’m particularly interested in fellowships, as they could offer a structured and meaningful experience without the long-term commitment of a full-time job. If anyone has suggestions on fellowships related to law, community development, or Spanish-speaking roles, I would love to hear them!

Option 3: Peace Corps

Another option I’m seriously considering is joining the Peace Corps. It’s a two-year commitment that would allow me to gain fluency in Spanish, have a unique cultural experience, and potentially qualify for loan forgiveness. However, it would push my law school application back by two years, and I’ve heard mixed things about the Peace Corps. Plus, I would likely be earning less than if I stayed in the US and worked. It’s a longer commitment than I initially planned, but I think it could be a rewarding experience.

I would really appreciate any advice or insight you have on these options. Has anyone here pursued a master’s program before law school? Done a fellowship? Or been a part of the Peace Corps? What did you gain from those experiences, and how did it impact your path to law school?

Thank you in advance for any input you can provide!

1 Comment
05:40 UTC



Hey guys, so I have the chance to be the founder of a legal empowerment brigades at my university. You basically fundraise money to help 3rd world or less fortunate countries in obtaining legal knowledge. You also take trips to different places like Greece, Panama, or Honduras for about a week shadowing lawyers and aiding them with educating the community your placed in on different legal issues and how the actual lawyers can help them in their lives.

My question is do you guys think this is a quality soft or just some kind of time waster where I’d be better off getting more hours shadowing a lawyer in my area or just volunteering in general?

05:15 UTC


When to submit applications if you are testing in January????

So this would be my third time taking the LSAT, originally I was going to test in November but pushed it to January. When is it a good time to submit applications? I already have 2 scores on file so how do you go about submitting if you don't want those scores submitted? Can admissions see if you are registered for a future test? BTW i am not looking to get into a major law school so testing in January is not a big deal to me. I just want to get in somewhere. I graduated undergrad in 2020 obtained my masters and paralegal certification, im applying to part time evening programs being that I am a mother/wife/business owner. Thank you in advance for the advice :)

04:50 UTC


penn fee waiver?

has anyone gotten this?

04:33 UTC


Is submitting apps end of October late?

04:24 UTC


Duke representative kind of rude today at the Los Angeles LSAC Law Forum? What was your experience?

Hey all, I was wondering if anyone else went to the LSAC Law Forum today in LA and talked to the representatives? What was your experience like?

All of mine were pretty positive except the lady who was representing Duke. She was kind of rude and also kept talking over me to answer my questions when I hadn't even finished them yet (and they weren't long-winded or cliche questions either.) It made me kind of not want to apply to Duke anymore. (Also the Northwestern admissions officer was a little rude too but I went to him at the very end of the day so maybe that was my fault.)

Anyways, maybe I'm judging her too harshly. I'm sure she was probably super tired and had been hearing the same five questions all day. But idk.

Anyone else go to this? What was your experience?

04:18 UTC


I'm boring. How should I approach the Personal Statement?

I've had no "great struggles" or challenges. My life has seemed pretty average and boring. I chose to pursue law school after finishing my associates in Cyber Security. Chose to finish my BA in the same to have an undergraduate degree. I also am not a great personal writer.

My current approach is to write my mindset before choosing this path from high school, why I chose Cyber Security, why I decided to try to get into law school, and then why I want to be a public defender.

Main goal is to keep it simple and clear. Service is going to be a key element. Below is an outline of my current thoughts. Any feedback would be appreciated.


03:35 UTC


Tutoring during 1L

Recently, I went to an LSAC Forum and asked a couple of T14 schools about tutoring for first year students. They said that they didn’t provide that because they only admit smart students. But they do have mentoring programs available for first years.

Is tutoring helpful for first year students? Is it necessary? Is it better to go to a school that provides tutoring and mentoring?

03:34 UTC


Should I Go Fish Vandy’s Goal Post Out of the Cumberland and Submit It as Part of My Supplemental Material?

03:31 UTC


Chances of Admission to NYU

URM with 2 years of post grad work experience as a paralegal.

I have a pretty good LSAT, 175, but unfortunately my undergrad GPA took a hit during the COVID Years and I graduated with a 3.56.

I am only able to apply to schools in the NYC area and while NYU would be the dream school, is my undergrad GPA an instant disqualifier?

03:31 UTC


Submit App before LOR or Wait?

Hello homies! I’ve been waiting to submit my app to my top school because I’ve been waiting on my manager to finish a LOR. I already have that schools minimum # of LORs, but I really wanted to include this one in my app. I know that if I submit the app now before the LOR is completed, it’ll just be forwarded anyway to the school upon their submission and my assignment of that LOR to that app. Im wondering though if I should just wait till they complete it to avoid any confusion for the adcoms? My manager’s been saying for the past week it’s almost finished and so hopefully it won’t take them much longer, but I’m getting anxious as time goes on lol. Thanks for the advice and all the good vibes!

02:36 UTC


Which is better, being part of the debate team or on the judges panel?

I recently had this opportunity to attend a national debate competition. Initially, I was offered a role as a debater for a team, but I was also given another option to be part of the judges panel for the competition.

Which experience would look better for me? Should I join as part of the debate team or does it look more prestigious that I am part of the judges panel?

1 Comment
02:11 UTC


Statement of Purpose/Personal Statement

So the last thing I need for my CAS report is to get letters of rec from my professors. One professor has gotten back to me and asked for a statement of purpose. I understand every law school application asks for one (with their own unique questions/reflections/etc.) but how would I go about writing one for my professor?

I attended CC and then a CSU, so I’ve never needed to write a statement of purpose before. I know this kind of document shouldn’t be longer than a page, so actually writing it isn’t a problem. It’s just making sure I’m giving the right information to my professor and making it easy for him to write this letter of rec for me.

Even though I’ve been in college for six years this is kinda new to me. Any help/tips will be very much appreciated!!

01:55 UTC


Question about LSAC GPA?

I was reading through the exact transcription steps on their website and it says this:

Grades Excluded from Conversion-

Official withdrawal grades that signify failure (such as WF=Withdraw/Fail, WU=Withdrew Unsatisfactory, WNP=Withdrew Not Passing) if the issuing school considers the grade nonpunitive. (This does not apply to WF, WU, and WNP grades only considered nonpunitive by the institution due to a successful repeat of the course or some type of grade-forgiveness policy.) The total number of credits assigned to these grades will appear on the applicant’s academic summary but will not be included in the GPA calculation.


I have 4 such classes that LSAC averaged into my GPA the same as Fs. They were non-punitive because of a medical situation. They are coded as RWF (removed withdrawal fail). They aren’t added into the “credits attempted” on my college transcript or calculated into my colleges gpa. This wasn’t because of any type of grade replacement/forgiveness policy.

Am I misreading the information on their website? I want to make sure I’m seeing it clearly and have a bit of a game plan before contacting them.

01:38 UTC


Vandy Binding Decision

Has anyone applied to Vandy's Binding ED program or heard more details about it? Vandy is definitely a reach for me (20-25% chance of acceptance) but would absolutely be my top choice if accepted.

I would normally be wary about binding ED programs but it does come with a great minimum scholarship and I already got a fee waiver so it's essentially free for me to apply. I'm struggling to come up with legit reasons not to apply ED.

01:05 UTC


Study abroad on resume?

I'm planning to apply to schools from the end of October through the end of November, and I'm studying abroad in early January. Should I include this on my resume? I'm not sure because it is futuristic, but I thought it could help explain why I don't have employment/work study this fall semester since I won't be here for Spring.

1 Comment
00:31 UTC


deciding on who to ask for rec letter

I just started a new paralegal job in April. I didn’t mention in my interviews I was considering law school because I felt embarrassed. I am working for a more prestigious firm and work for one eminent attorney who is legend (+ has also been a law professor as well for decades).

I planned to ask two attorneys who worked with me for several years at my previous firm to write my letters. We’re friendly and they actively encouraged me to go to law school.

However, someone recently pointed out that I should ask the attorneys I work for now because of prestige. I just feel nervous doing this. I don’t want them to be mad and feel like I am going to abandon the job (I am even considering a part time program so I can continue to work here at reduced hours). I also don’t want them to feel like I am asking prematurely, even though I have more than proven myself (as a paralegal at least).

Most of all, I am terrified of my current coworkers or attorneys knowing I am applying in case I don’t get in to any schools or I only get into less-than-respectable ones. I have witnessed admission cycles in the past where one paralegal gets into a T14 and another gets in nowhere.

I would love some advice or thoughts on this situation.

00:18 UTC


UCLA ED deadline question

hi all :) im applying ED to ucla, but retaking my lsat in November.

UCLA states that the “priority early decision deadline” is November 15, with the latest LSAT accepted being October. On the UCLA pamphlet I received at the lsac forum, it says the ED priority deadline is “mid November” However, it also states on their website that Early Decision applicants applying after November 15 must take the LSAT by January and will receive rolling decisions.

So, that means you’re still able to apply ED after the priority deadline of November 15? So sorry this question seems dumb. :( just want to make sure I’m not screwing myself by retaking in November and missing my chance to apply ED.


1 Comment
00:03 UTC


Writing sample

I have a writing sample from last year before they changed the format. Should I keep it or change it to the new one? I know I don’t HAVE to, but does anyone have any insight on whether it’s preferable to have the new format on file?

23:56 UTC


Any current Michigan law students or alumni willing to look at my “Why Michigan” essay?

Michigan is my top choice and my Why Michigan is very specific to the school and its programs. I also mention a current student who I spoke to about Michigan and some of my personal experiences and how those relate to Michigan’s specific programs. I would love to have someone who goes to or has gone to Michigan Law School to look it over and let me know if it is too much or just right. This is the first why X I have written so I’m not sure if I went about it correctly. I would really appreciate any and all feedback, thank you!!

23:50 UTC



Anyone have experience of applying to SMU for early decision and an idea of how long it usually takes to hear back?

22:48 UTC


LSD is back!

I can finally make changes to my page

22:30 UTC


washu ED w above 75th GPA and LSAT between 25th-50th?

so washu ED website says ED admits are “awarded the strongest scholarship available to them as part of the entering class.” is this basically a full ride? anyone who got in ED have any insights into the program?

i’m a KJD with stats listed in title. i’m debt averse and i would be happy with any high paying job. should i ED washu?

22:22 UTC


Wisconsin Under Review

Applied ED to UW - Madison on 9/10 and went complete on 9/16.

Under Review as 10/1.

Anyone else in this boat?

What does UR 2 or UR 3 mean for stages? Like what is different? What’s happening at those points?

1 Comment
22:14 UTC

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