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    I want to study law after b.tech, my elder brother used my mobile number and mail id for his bar council exam.is this gonna make a problem in my attempt to bar council.

    1 Comment
    05:26 UTC


    Evidence Question - Rule 609

    I'm studying for my Evidence midterm and I have a question about Rule 609 that has been driving me crazy.

    Under Rule 609(a)(1) - Admissibility of criminal convictions occuring <10 years ago, where the crime is punishable by death or >1 year imprisonment;

    • 609(a)(1)(A) - provides the rule in Civil OR Criminal where the witness is NOT the defendant

    • 609(a)(1)(B) - provides the rule in Criminal cases where the witness IS the defendant

    So, my question is - what's the rule for 609(a)(1) criminal conviction evidence in a CIVIL case where the witness IS the defendant? Is it just a simple 403 balancing for admissibility?

    05:18 UTC


    Do you know of any law programs for high schoolers interested in law and government.

    I live in California ,but I am willing to travel for summer programs only. Thank You in advance.

    04:30 UTC


    BL Summer Take-Home Pay

    hi everyone! i was wondering how much you take home for a big law summer (4327/week) after taxes in california (plus any from tax returns)? thank you so much advance for your help!

    1 Comment
    04:04 UTC


    Advanced degrees for IP law

    Hello! I am a current microbiology undergrad and am considering going to law school. What sort of law careers could I pursue with this degree? Would it be necessary to get an advanced degree to get a job? I think I am most interested in patent and IP law for pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Any general advice is appreciated.

    02:29 UTC


    Recently issued contracts have just been released.

    1 Comment
    02:24 UTC


    Falling behind

    I’m a 1L and my big brother was killed in an accident two days ago. I have been having a really difficult time with his passing and I honestly just feel drained and have no motivation to study. I’m worried I am going to fall behind on my readings this week and I have a midterm I’m worried about not being able to adequately prepare for. I guess what I’m looking for is 1. Advice on how to get myself motivated during a time where I feel completely devastated and 2. Advice on whether I should bring this up to my professors (I’m not looking to be cut any slack, but maybe they know of services the school may provide that could be useful to me during this time).

    02:06 UTC



    Y’all I don’t know nothing about property and my teacher is not teaching it very well. He is reading straight from the book. What can I do? Do yall have resources?

    01:50 UTC


    Dating a classmate (Good idea/Bad idea?)

    Long story short, this girl and I seem to be hitting it off and I enjoy hanging out with her. She also almost certainly uses this subreddit so I can’t get into specifics, though I’m fairly confident she’ll say yes. Suffice it to say, if this were any other context I’d say fuck it and just see where things go. Though I feel like I’m making a commitment much larger than just grabbing a drink because immediately word is going to spread in our tiny little community, and I’m not sure what the consequences may be.

    00:00 UTC


    3+3 Law Programs

    My high school senior son wants to be a lawyer and is considering the 3+3 law program at Ole Miss. It seems a lot of ppl discourage against going to a 3+3 program. For us the school is affordable and he would start law related classes as a freshman.

    What are your thoughts on this type of program? Any advice appreciated. Thank you.

    00:19 UTC


    how to gain experience?

    how do i gain experience as a student in the UK for Law ,specifically anything in London?

    23:43 UTC


    Minecraft Mods for law students

    I only know the bare basics of Minecraft, but I have a stroppy tween who has been asking for a Minecraft mod.

    Can someone explain this to me like a 1L. How do I install/create/build -- or whatever you do with mods?

    This is how I'll be spending my free time until the bar results come back.


    1 Comment
    23:43 UTC


    Circuit Court judicial clerk with no JA

    This is a mini-vent but I welcome all forms of advice!

    I have been clerking in a state circuit court for a judge who has a reputation for being unable to keep admin/judicial assistants. This judge is not very kind lol. For over a month I've been expected to learn both the responsibilities of a law clerk and a JA with basically no training. The most frustrating part of my situation is that JA's in this county get paid about $30k more than law clerks. Honestly I'm happy to do two difficult jobs if I getting paid that much, does anyone have any idea who I need to complain to? It would be great if I was paid a JA salary since I'm doing JA work.

    23:36 UTC


    Normal to feel like you have not absorbed anything before midterms?

    I am fortunate that our midterms aren't graded and are take-home, but we're supposed to treat them like we're under normal testing conditions and I am realizing how little I know. I also don't know how I would have been prepared for these exams if they were graded and I'm freaking out a little. The thing is that I'm busting my ass. I feel like all I do is law school and obviously that means I'm doing something wrong. Ugh.

    23:07 UTC


    Halloweens coming up, anybody planning any law related costumes? I'm going as a tortfeasor.

    23:00 UTC


    AITA Law School Edition

    In my 1L writing class, we have a graded (~1/5 of our final grade) writing/research assignment due in a few weeks. I’ve been putting in hours and hours of research/writing a day to the point where I’m a little bit ahead of the people I talk to in class. As a result, they’ve been asking me what cases I plan on using and the kinds of structure/argument. It’s worth mentioning that this kind of discussion is allowed and encouraged. We are not allowed to read each others writing is all.

    Lately, I’ve been reluctant to give out my advice because (1) I’ve poured hours and hours of work into what I have at the moment. I don’t feel like it’s fair to just give people a “shortcut” to what I have. (2) I’m also a 1L so I don’t know if what I’m doing is even the right thing in the first place. And (3) trying to explain my thought process is just taking up time I should be dedicating to working on my own paper.

    I’ve been actively trying to go against the competitiveness of law school by collaborating as much as I can. So a part of me feels like I’m being selfish by hoarding my knowledge and I can tell people know I’m withholding some info. I’m also self conscious and don’t want people to think I’m in that competitive mindset, but I feel like it’s understandable given the reasons I mentioned above.

    So am I the asshole??

    22:17 UTC


    Which textbook did you use while studying Immigration law?

    Hi, im an attorney from Sweden trying to learn U.S and Canadian immigration law. So I was wondering which textbooks you guys used while studying the subject in uni. Is there any gold standard etc. what does everyon read? Seperate book for procedure? Thanks

    20:38 UTC


    Difference between a Law Clerk and Attorney?

    Hey everyone! I'm new here and hoping to get some clarity. A friend of mine recently started as a Law Clerk at Debevoise & Plimpton, and I was looking into the H1B salary data for the firm.

    I noticed that the salary for law clerks seems surprisingly high. I always thought law clerks typically earned less than attorneys, so I'm curious about this. **Why would someone work as a law clerk instead of becoming an attorney right after law school?** Does it mean they haven’t passed the bar yet?

    I know Big Law firms tend to pay well, but I’m a bit confused about how law clerks fit into the hierarchy compared to attorneys or associate attorneys.

    Could anyone explain the key differences between a Law Clerk and an Attorney/Associate Attorney at a firm like Debevoise & Plimpton? Is this kind of salary common for law clerks across other firms, or is it specific to Debevoise?

    Thanks in advance for any insights!

    20:10 UTC


    Should I be going nuts over my contracts midterm

    My teacher fucking blows. I read the material and I understand for the most part, but then she teaches and I lose all my understanding of the subject. That being said I'm scared shitless over my contracts midterm this week. How do y'all prep for contracts. and should I be crashing out over this?

    19:58 UTC

    19:55 UTC


    High school student interested in law

    Hi! I’m a high schooler who’s interested in pursuing law. My goal school is rice university or an ivy. I already have good grades but I need extra curriculars and achievements. Does anyone have any recommendations or ideas?

    (Im in varsity debate going for toc)

    19:51 UTC


    Can someone help me understand Specific vs General Intent in Crim Law?

    Professor said the statute: “intentional carrying away of property with the intent to permanently deprive the owner thereof when the property’s market value is greater than $10k” is a general intent. Can someone explain why?

    Based on my understanding: Specific intent has three categories:

    1. An intent to commit future act
    2. A special motive for committing the actus reus
    3. Awareness of an attendant circumstances

    Why is “intent to permanently deprive the owner…l not a special motive for committing actus reus?

    Thank you!!!!!

    19:37 UTC


    Civ Pro Question

    In 15(a)(2) what does “The court should freely give leave to amend when justice so requires” actually mean? Can a judge allow for an amendment at their own discretion if they think it will lead to more information in discovery? It just seems too open ended.

    19:24 UTC


    IRS Honors Attorney Program (?)

    I was curious if anyone knows anything about the IRS Honors Attorney Program (specifically SB/SE). What's the work/hours like? Does the work you do differ significantly based on the field office you are in? How much supervision/mentorship do you get when you first begin?

    I know that there is a compensation/pay scale, and you move up a certain number of steps as you gain more experience - does anyone have insight into how quickly you move up the scale? What sort of events trigger an increase (or is it just a yearly increase)?

    I'm also curious about exit opportunities - I like tax but I'm not certain that I want to narrow my practice so early in my career. What are the odds I'll be able to leverage this experience to do broadly transactional/corporate work at a bigger firm down the line? How does this opportunity compare to a transactional mid/biglaw firm job in terms of exit opportunities and compensation?

    I'm just trying to weigh pros and cons here - if anyone has any insight, please share!

    16:51 UTC


    Law Review

    Is being in the law review a big thing at law school? If yes how so?

    19:03 UTC


    What are the legal strategies taken by your goverment to fight business crimes ?

    Hi im a law student resident in tunisia im preparing a thesis about how to fight business crimes and what are the legal strategies enforced by the gaverment to prevent them . I need so legal professionals to tell me how their goverment fights theese types of crimes and specially if their legal strategies are efficient and lastly what are the problems facing law application that helps the wrongdoers . Thank you in advance for your help i would be a huge add to my thesis to have diffrent legal strategies

    18:54 UTC


    Anyone looking for a Business Associations hypo?

    18:42 UTC


    1Ls: How Should I Teach You The Bluebook?

    TL;DR: I realized after a month of being a TA for a group of 1Ls that most of them are still really struggling with the Bluebook. How can I encourage them and rework my teaching methods to make sure they understand how to properly use the Bluebook and cite their papers by the time the semester is over?

    I'm a currently a TA for a class of 1Ls who just completed their first big writing assignment of the semester. We've been meeting regularly for about a month now, and each week, we do some kind of in-class assignment where I guide the students through a worksheet and teach them how to conduct legal research, use CREAC, format citations, etc. Their classes are supplemented by other online assignments and seminars from the law school introducing students to legal writing and the Bluebook.

    At first, students were hesitant to ask questions in class about the material we were covering, but over time, they became more comfortable (either with me or with the content generally) and started asking some great questions, and so I did my best to answer them freely and encourage more. By the time their first writing assignment was due, I thought students were likely in a good place for being a month and a half into legal writing. I let students know a few weeks in advance of the due date that they could contact me via email with any questions they had about their paper or citations. I also let them know I was available for in person meetings if they'd rather have in-person feedback. Very few students took advantage of this option.

    As I am grading their citations in their papers, I realized something went VERY wrong. Somewhere, there was a huge disconnect, and to my horror, none of these students really know how to use the Bluebook nearly as well as I thought they did. I can't help but think I failed these poor 1L's who are going to get their papers back and feel like the world is ending because there is more red on their papers than white. There doesn't seem to be one concept that the class is struggling with across-the-board. Rather, it's a little bit of everything.

    So, 1Ls -- if you were my students, what would you want me to do next? I would offer more one-on-one meetings with students, but those weren't really utilized the first time around. I could do more Q&A's in class, or I could go back to the drawing board and teach the Bluebook like it's day one? Throw your best suggestions at me -- anything is appreciated. I remember feeling so hopeless after my first writing assignment last year, and my TA's really helped get me through the rest of the semester. I really wanted to be that positive role model for these students. The last thing I want to do is make these students feel like they are failures.

    18:16 UTC


    civ pro STRESSING me out...

    I swear Civ Pro is the bane of my existence. there are SO many rules and subsections. I have a midterm soon and I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack every other hour. Would anyone here be willing to share their own/other outlines they found helpful or flowcharts?! I'm so overwhelmed. So far we've talked about Pleadings, Discovery, Juries, Adjudication & the rules [7,8,9, 11,12,15, 26,30,33,34,35,36,47,50,56,59 etc.]

    17:57 UTC


    How to get recommendation letters

    Hey everyone, I went to a top public university for psychology and got great greats (3.98 GPA). I just graduated. I am studying for the LSAT and trying to get together my applications. My issue is with letters of recommendation. Most of my college was completed through covid and it was so difficult to establish relationships with professors. I don’t have much work experience either. I’m freaking out because I don’t know how to get any letters of recommendation. Please be nice I’m new to all this 😭

    17:57 UTC

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