
Photograph via snooOG

A place where students of the law can meet and discuss the CA bar and get simple answers to questions.

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post bar exam mpre help

this is so embarrassing but I haven’t not been able to pass the MPRE. I took it in August right after the bar exam and scored an 85. I am registered for the November exam the day before bar exam results release.

I work full time and am so worried about my job security. does anyone have any recommendations on how to pass this exam? I feel so discouraged and anxious about it! thanks!

20:03 UTC


Seeking recommendations for legal recruiters!

Hi all! I’d appreciate your recommendations on legal recruiters please!

21:14 UTC


How early should we enroll for a review class for July 2025 bar exam?

Hi! I am a foreign attorney and plans to enroll early so I could study longer. I am planning to enroll at Themis. How early can I enroll at Themis for July 2025 bar exam? How about the other review centers? Thank you!

06:53 UTC


How long for fingerprint verification?

I sent my physical fingerprints weeks ago and still haven’t gotten them verified. I have called more than once and they just say to wait. If they were lost I need time to get them done again within the 60 days. Advice?

21:39 UTC


J24 Question Review

Throwaway account - Barsecrets has started uploading review of J24 essay questions for whoever wants to torture themselves lol (Q1 and Q2 have been posted so far)


No idea how accurate the review is though

02:50 UTC


Bar call today re experimental exam

On today’s call they said julys experiment will be open book on 3rd optional day. What books would they allow??

01:59 UTC


How much would you pay to see results nowˀ̣

Takings bids $, serious offers only.

01:51 UTC


Question for Repeaters - Adaptibar or UWorld?

I previously used UWorld. I did manage to finish attempting all questions but I realized that only half of those were actual licensed questions. Is there much difference between UWorld and Adaptibar that I should get Adaptibar this time or is it not worth it? Another concern is that I end up remembering question fact pattern without effort so when I do a question again I tend to know what the right answer but obviously not because I actually solved it if that makes sense

00:30 UTC


Moral Character - NY attorneys applying for CA

Any NY attorneys that have applied for CA bar, did you have any issues with your letter of good standing?

I submitted mine and it did not hold up my registration for the bar, but I remember that something about NY's letter does not comply with what CA asks for. Looking at my Moral Character application they have not accepted my NY letter of good standing and I am wondering if there is something special you have to do.

1 Comment
18:01 UTC


For those of you who are considering taking the next exam remotely, are you going to take it at home?

The thought of taking the exam at home seems comforting. But not sure if I should opt in to this option due to the possibility of distractions. Maybe I can just rely on earplugs. Would love to hear your thoughts.

04:29 UTC


Moral Character Still Pending

My moral character application is still pending and I am getting more worried because the results come out next month. I submitted in January. I have called and spoken with the State Bar five times now and each time is the same run around answer. The status of mine is still "pending internal review."

PLEASE. Any advice?

04:15 UTC


February 2025 Exam Locations Not Showing

When registering for the 2025 exam, it asks the test method preference with remote and in person options. When selecting the in person option, the location options don't show up, right? Are we not actually selecting a location at the moment and just picking our preference?? I graduated last year so I'm probably out of the loop on something here...

01:52 UTC


Moral Character Police: Failure to Disclose Debt

I just received a notice that the Moral Character Folks want information on 2 debts I failed to disclose. The debts are two unsatisfied personal judgments from another state on 2 credit cards that were entered around 2006. I did not disclose them because (1) I honestly forgot all about them as there has been no real attempt to satisfy them in almost 20 years, and (2) the statute of limitations on collecting them appears to have lapsed.

They want full details and a reason why it was not disclosed.

They also want a credit report, that will likely show some other small consumer debts that that weren't the subject of court action but nonetheless weren't disclosed. [Late edit: I just pulled my credit report and it doesn't even show the 2 credit card debts from 2006. Actually, it shows nothing, as that's rhe last time I ever used credit of any kind.]

Any advice?

01:14 UTC


Registration help for foreign lawyer

Hi people I am looking for some clarifications on the registration portal.

1.Law office study program - Do we say yes or no?

2.Pre legal education- how to fill this if you have a bachelor degree in Law only?

Would really appreciate any help.

23:09 UTC


Remote v. In-Person

Which one's better remote or in-person for CBX 2025? While I love the idea of no logistics with remote, I am worried about random tech issues or unanticipated disturbances.

15:35 UTC


No Bull


I know Ed's book is great and popular here, just wondering if anyone has taken his full course as well, No Bull Bar Prep?

And for those who did, any feedback on it and if you recommend it. Thanks!

06:48 UTC


Is the attorney exam going to change for February?

I know the CA is projected to change quite a bit for the next iteration of the exam with Kaplan and remote testing. Is there any info on how this will impact the attorney's exam? Is that supposed to change too? Will it still be allowed, since attorneys from other states would not have taken the CA multiple choice? Will attorneys from other states need to just do the full exam?

1 Comment
03:04 UTC


So what exactly are we supposed to use to prep for the MBE? People still using adaptibar? U world?

01:44 UTC


Registering for CA Bar tonight


Does anyone know if tonight is when registration will open for the February test date, and if so does anyone have a link or guide on how to go through the process?

I am already registered with the Bar but I am a first time taker.


01:15 UTC


FYI: California Bar Examiners Endorse Switch to Kaplan Exam

From law.com (https://www.law.com/therecorder/2024/09/30/california-bar-examiners-endorse-switch-to-kaplan-exam/)

The California Supreme Court previously said it would not consider a proposal to allow Kaplan Exam Services to write the multiple-choice section of the bar exam unless the Committee on Bar Examiners "considered and approved" the move first.

A state bar committee on Monday endorsed plans to use a Kaplan-written multiple choice test on the February 2025 bar exam, paving the way for the California Supreme Court to give the proposal a fresh review.

The 10-0 vote by the Committee of Bar Examiners authorizes state bar staff to resubmit a petition, with its members' imprimatur, that the high court rejected on Sept. 18. In a two-sentence docket entry, the justices said any request to switch test-writing vendors and to rely heavily on remote testing during future exams had to be "considered and approved" by the committee that oversees bar admissions and not just the bar's board of trustees.

Monday's three-hour committee meeting featured lengthy questioning of the bar's testing expert, who assured members that the lawyer-regulating agency could switch from multiple-choice questions previously written by the National Conference of Bar Examiners to ones crafted by Kaplan without affecting the validity of an applicant's overall score.

Committee members also quizzed officials with Meazure Learning about the test company's ability to administer and proctor future California bar exams. Bar officials are negotiating the final points of a $4 million contract with the Alabama-based company to oversee online and test-center based exams.

In the end, there was little debate among committee members about whether to approve the proposal. Paul Kramer Jr., a Supreme Court appointee to the committee, said he was reluctantly voting yes.

"I'm nervous that we're effectively changing the cut score by not giving ourselves the opportunity to calibrate the new questions against the old ones," he said. "But things have been allowed to go on for too long, Deficits have painted us into a corner and we have to move forward with something else."

Bar officials have promoted the switch to Kaplan Exam Services and remote testing as a way to save millions of dollars in costs. The bar's admissions division has run a deficit and agency leaders have said they need structural changes to escape the red ink.

The bar has laid out an ambitious schedule to deliver a Kaplan-written 200-question multiple-choice exam section on the February 2025 exam. Officials are recruiting applicants for the February and July 2005 bar exams who are interested in taking an experimental multiple-choice test in November. The results of those field tests will be studied by the bar's testing expert to measure the validity of the test and any potential effects of a remote exam administration.

The bar has asked the California Supreme Court to award qualifying applicants extra points on their actual bar exams in an attempt to encourage test-takers to approach the questions seriously. The court has not responded to the bar's request yet.

Deans of California-based law schools have criticized the fast pace of the proposed transition to Kaplan as well as the planned field tests. Fifteen deans of American Bar Association-approved schools asked the Supreme Court on Sept. 17 to block the use of the Kaplan questions on the February test. 

None of those deans spoke at Monday's committee meeting. Audrey Ching, the bar's director of admissions, said she held meetings with deans last week but did not disclose the outcome of those conversations.

A statement provided by the state bar Monday afternoon said the agency would "promptly" resubmit to the Supreme Court updated petitions noting the bar examiners' approval.

A notice on the bar's website said the agency still intends to open the application period for the February 2025 exam on Tuesday.

00:40 UTC


CA Bar Outlines

I’m looking to take the bar exam. I’ve been out of school for a while, a lot older, kids and a demanding job. Does anyone have any good (detailed) outlines for the MBE and essays they are willing to share? I’d like to start reviewing some material.

03:47 UTC


Moral Character Employment History

I am being asked about jobs I had many years ago when I was 19 years old (I am 40ish now). I can recall certain jobs but not all as I was highly experimental when it came to employment when I was younger. I was asked about two specific periods of time, one of which I thought I'd adequately provided original information on but according to "their records" is missing employer information.

I have three questions:

  1. How precise does one need to be in providing employment history from many years ago and

  2. In situations where you simply cannot recall the information being requested, what is the best way to retrieve the information they seek?

  3. What happens in situations where their records indicate employment that you either do not recall or have inaccurate dates for but there was no intention to deceive on your part?

For the record I have reviewed my social security statement and credit report. Unfortunately neither provides specifics about my employers - only earnings at the time. I suppose this is the trouble with being an older applicant and having survived three major recessions where job turnover was very high.

I want to be as forthcoming as possible but the details of jobs where I earned $6-$8/hr 15+ years ago are tough to recall.

00:29 UTC


New Experimental Test Date Added

Got the email this afternoon - it's now the 8th or the 9th - they chose the day, and where (remote/testing center). They want our help - shouldn't they be a bit more flexible? And for those who get July 24 scores on the 8th - if they don't pass - I doubt they'll really want to take this test the next day... just sayin'.... PPP=piss poor planning.

22:44 UTC


2023 Themis CALIFORNIA & MBE Bar Exam Review FULL Set + Mary Basick Essay book on SALE!

Hey everyone. I am getting rid of all my bar prep stuff. The price negotiable and I willing to ship out meet around the Eastbay. Pm me if interested.

The Themis set comes with: Mbe Practice Exams; Ca Outlines; CA lecture handouts; MBE lecture handouts; Mbe outlines; and CA performance test.

21:05 UTC


California Bar Examiners 9/30 Meeting Agenda

For all of the Feb takers, try to watch this meeting. The only agenda item (so far) is the 800 pound gorilla in the room, the "modifications to the California Bar Exam".


19:30 UTC


Podcast or AudioBook Recs for the CA BAR?

I've seen some resources but they're more tailored to the MBE and am wondering if there's stuff out there more specific to CA.

16:53 UTC


Foreign attorney Certificate of Good Standing

I have a Swedish law degree and I am trying to register for the California Bar exam

They asked for a Certificate of Good Standing from the Highest Court in Sweden

Contacted the Highest Court in Sweden and they are lost, do not know what type of document the California Bar association is referring to They referred me to a notarius publicus

Are there any European lawyers, Scandinavian lawyers here that can help me and show me a template of the foreign document you have used to show the California Bar association your eligibility that they have accepted

Really appreciate any help!

00:29 UTC


Study for Feb 2025 advice

To the lovely people here I would like your advice on some basic study tips for Feb 2025 that could be available online for free as I am still in the process of applying as a foreign attorney ( this process takes about 1 month) then I will have to apply for the exam , so I am reluctant to purchase any expensive course unless I have clearance that my foreign attorney license is accepted by State bar of Cal and in the meantime I would like to utilize my time to study something that is basic and sure to be part of the exam.

Will really appreciate your suggestions

23:11 UTC

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