A subreddit for any and all conflicts involving Kurds.
The same rules as /r/syriancivilwar are enforced. Most of you here are regular users there anyways so that shouldnt be too much of a problem.
Related subreddits:
Which faction should occupy the borders between the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Syrian National Army (SNA)/Republic of Türkiye to serve as a buffer zone ?
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🔸Zindanlar 200 gündür eylemde
🔹Türkiye ve Bakurê Kurdistan zindanlarındaki PKK-PAJK’lı tutsakların “Önder Abdullah Öcalan’a Özgürlük, Kürt Sorununa Çözüm” hamlesi kapsamında başlattıkları özgürlük eylemi 200’üncü gününe girdi.
Some in depth explanation if you can
You might be interested in this interview I did with Macer Gifford, a British volunteer who spent three years fighting ISIS in Syria with the Kurdish YPG. Covers the tactics used by ISIS (drone bombing, armoured suicide car bombs etr), how the Kurds learned to defeat ISIS (including western help) and what captured ISIS fighters were like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQOX7hZ5Bc4&t=2450s
As an aside I'm trying to grow my independent geopolitics related YouTube channel (exclusive interviews, documentaries etr) so very grateful for any subs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCetlUojQbTTi61gUipz0YVg?sub_confirmation=1&fbclid=IwAR25Zl3vQTd--bS0X1apy2LOy8rbGZqdkVvsJsaxwMY8TChQrLmU-25YdLM
"Western leftists seem to clearly, and rightfully see through US imperial war propaganda but fail to see through the Iranian and Russian equivalent to it. This results in repeating their propaganda with strong resources and smearing those as enemies who oppose all global and regional acts of imperialism and authoritarianism. As an activist, a Middle Eastern socialist feminist and simply as a human being, I refuse to stand with oppressive governments, murderous leaders like Assad, just like I refuse to side with Western imperialism or jihadist opposition groups. If you are an Anti-Imperialist out of the true spirit of righteousness and justice, how can you support any leadership that benefits from human suffering? Selective empathy reflects neoliberal and colonialist characteristics, which impose the repetition of history, at the cost of Middle Eastern and North African lives. Which is why it is essential to unite in struggle and in solidarity to support popular uprisings of the civil society inside the whole region and eliminate counterproductive Western leftist myths once and for all."
The title really says it. I keep hearing how poor and unfortunate the Kurdish people are and how Turkey is basically bullying them and how they just need a homeland etc. Why does Turkey hate the Kurds so much? I am just really confused. Thanks for any reply!!