Jensen Ackles is an actor, director, producer, and musician.
Jensen Ackles.
"Actor. Director. Husband. Father."
Posting Rules
Disrespectful creepshots will be removed.
Please flair your submission if it's art or a photo manipulation.
Contact Information
Fan mail address for JA: c/o Management 360, 9111 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Charities & Organizations supported & promoted by Jensen Ackles
The #AlwaysKeepFighting campaign
Related Subreddits
Not for love nor money can I remember the name of it, but it was very popular circa 2004; it began before Supernatural catapulted Jensen into the broader public eye. (Most focus was on Dark Angel.) It had a fanfiction section that required submission and beta-ing from the mods. There was a Javascript chat, but no message board. Pretty sure the color scheme was mostly black.
I very much doubt the site is still up, but I was hoping to find it through the Wayback Machine. (I'm dating myself here, but a couple of my fics were there and nowhere else and I'm trying to collect them.) But I can't even begin to look without the name. Any geriatric millennials here with better memories than mine that can help me out?