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Subreddit dedicated to the TV show Supernatural on the CW Network starring Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins.

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Season 2 Episode 15. Tall Tales

It's the first time we meet the trickster.. AKA the Angel Gabriel.. I died laughing! That is all.

22:26 UTC


my favourite episode in this season

anyone else remember this episode? its gotta be my favourite out of this season by far. althou there were a few that i enjoyed

20:53 UTC


Good Monsters??

I’m currently on a rewatch and I’m on season 7 now. Throughout the series we’ve run into this pattern where Sam sees things more complicated than simple monster=bad must kill; whereas Dean is always more black and white. Sam advocates for monsters who seem to not be hurting anyone and Dean is usually against it. Specifically, this episode in s7 with Amy the kitsune that Sam let live after she explained she was only killing to save her son. What do you guys think about it? I didn’t like that Dean went back to kill her and then lied to Sam about it. Sometimes his character can be high and mighty on the judgement. Im not saying that she didn’t deserve to die for killing those people but Dean shouldn’t have gone behind Sam and lied about it.

20:45 UTC


This girl did a lot for Sam and Dean

20:36 UTC


What is your headcanon, that wasn’t explained on the show but you believe happened?

Mine is that Jack after bringing Cass back to life, made him an archangel and left him to watch over heaven. That would also explain why he didn’t return to earth, after he was brought back.

19:02 UTC


2 Castiels

Say I accidentally bought 2 Castiel funko pops last week. They are now both here and I now have Sam, Dean, Castiel the first and Castiel the second.

18:52 UTC


The Shadow, The Empty and God

Hi, I wanted to discuss something. So while I was reading through the Fandom wiki I came across the Shadow and read through her entire post and came across something that I don't agree with. It is; "The Shadow later admits that its claim that not even God had power in the Empty was "sweet little lies." But that's not really true, at least that's how I understood it back then. She said to Dean: "The Empty was supposed to be mine. Not even God held sway. But lies, sweet little lies." It sounds to me more like only the Shadow had power in the Empty until Chuck somehow lied to her and tricked her so that he too could exercise power in the Empty. At least that's how I understood it back then. What do you think about that?

15:45 UTC


What’s the dumbest thing one of the brothers have done?

17:35 UTC


What if Demon dean was actuay too powerful for the cure?

Further detail, what if it like...brought his humanity back, but he was still a superpowerful demon? I think sam and dean Deserve the powerup ya know? And they resolved that stuff WAY too easily. Why was it so hard for them to do a good demon plot line? They can'f ALL be pure evil

15:56 UTC


On Rewatch I Think the Colt was the Worst thing to Happen

As the stakes were getting ever higher I forgot the show's original appeal.

A family is introduced to the supernatural aspect of their reality through the death of the mother (Mary Winchester). In their quest of revenge they delve deeper into the supernatural world and join the good fight against monsters and evil.

Sam and Dean even though they had martial training were just regular folks not some ancient cult. They rely on myths, legends, their father's journal and other hunter experience to identify and kill the evil beings. And that research, the mystery of it, the thrill of figuring the correct killing method was (at least for me) the most appealing part of the show.

Azazel and his posse were terrifyingly powerful on their first formal introduction. it was a struggle to survive the encounter with the only effective weapons being holy water and exorcism chant.

Then come the Colt out of the machine, a gun that can inexplicably kill anything (with few exceptions of course), then the demons became just another monster. Constantly getting nerfed to a grunt status. In season 3 just a 100 demon getting out was the apocalypse in later seasons it's just another Tuesday.

Instead of introducing the method of burning the bones or the demon bomb or even the knife held by a demon (Ruby) we jump straight to a magical gun that can get any job done. that forced the show to nerf its powerful monsters and raise the stakes perpetually.

Like if instead of the Colt the Winchesters came to learn of other methods try and fail and try again, all while the demon blood psychic kids plot develops better than "kill each other and the survivor opens the gate to hell" the show would've been much more exciting.

12:46 UTC


I did a thing with Photoshop

Learning how to Photoshop things into sunglasses and I thought this was really cool.

14:19 UTC


Just stated watching

On season 1 and I’m on episode 3

11:37 UTC


Crowley comes and goes to Hell as he likes

Isn't it kinda plot hole that Bobby shut down Gates of Hell in the last episode of season two and later on Growley can go in and out when ever he likes. And I don't think it's because he is the king of Hell becuse Lilith was the ruler before him and she got out from Hell when the Gates opened at the end of season two? I love this show and this just nitpicking cause rewathing

09:40 UTC


Met Jared at a con in Denver!

It was so fast but he was really sweet and gave really nice hugs 🤗

07:06 UTC


Love the time a "fan" got mad at me for saying this

05:40 UTC


How messed up is the Netflix version?

Hello! I recently decided I wanted to rewatch Supernatural but it seems that the only way online is Netflix which I've heard bad things about especially regarding the music changes which sucks but I can live with it however I'm on the second episode and noticed they seem to have cut out some scenes. There's tons of awkward cuts with subtitles that don't match and clearly show what should have been said or happened in between scenes and it totally ruins the flow of things. Did they completely botch the entire show or does this ease up a bit in later seasons?

Also before someone suggests it I can't get the DVD version of the show because I don't own a TV or a DVD player so online streaming is the only way

03:36 UTC


If you had to pick one season to watch for the rest of your life, which would it be?

I honestly can’t decide!

03:34 UTC


whats your favorite creature / species / monster from the show?

Mine is Gabriel as a trickster and witches. I love the trickster episodes, I find them so entertaining.

03:13 UTC


This was perhaps the single worst thing to happen in the show

The fall of the angels was pretty awesome when it happened, but in hindsight it’s one the worst things to ever happen in the show. Every storyline, and nearly every character, spawned by this dreadful event was fucking horrible.

More than the awful stories and characters, it permanently ruined the angels as a species. From powerful badass religious warriors of god, to annoying groups of slightly more powerful humans. Truly a fall from grace.

Anyway, this is just my opinion. What is yours? Would love to hear it.

03:01 UTC


Favorite Dean Death Scene from 3x11 "Mystery Spot"???

I personally love the part where he gets electrocuted while plugging in the razor into what I’m assuming was a faulty outlet in the motel he and Sam were staying in.

18:55 UTC


Slightly ridiculous 🤣

My wife always has Supernatural playing in the background and I have to shake my head in the episode where Pamela is summoning Castiel. Her eyes burn out of her head and Bobby yells “Someone call 911!” Really…🙄 How would that call go?

02:06 UTC


So… I have a question

Maybe I’m dumb idk lol when “other world” Sam and Dean are covering for them in season 15 episode 14 (Destiny’s Child) at the end of the episode Dean is sending them on their way to Brazil. On their way out they say to Dean “when we were looking around… we saw it.” Dean then says “you didn’t touch it?” Other world Sam says “we drove in it”. When, how and where did they have contact with Baby? Dean took the car when they took Jack to the Occultum. Am I dumb? Help lol

02:13 UTC



Imo, Spn should have just ended on ep 19. It gives it a narratively satisfying ending, with the ending tied up in a bow, Chuck defeated, and everything back to normal. We got our ending montage, Sam and Dean in the Impala, an epic speech from Jack, and the boys having a toast to everyone who they lost on the way.

Without episode 20, we can still have an ending that makes sense, but it leaves the future open enough for us to have our own opinions on the boys' future. Maybe Cas gets brought back, maybe he doesn't. Maybe the boys die young, maybe they start a family, maybe they die tomorrow, whatever you think is best. Everyone's opinion on what comes next is different, and we can (with a few exceptions) all be correct. Ep 20 just adds extra stuff that wasn't needed, and removes fans abilities to have their own interpretation.

02:06 UTC


Season 15 - what show is this

First time watcher of the show. I survived the levithians, British men of letters, and the AU. I'm on season 15 E. 3 wondering what soap opera I'm watching, because this doesn't feel like supernatural at all. 😭 how did it get this bad?

01:36 UTC


Favorite/least favorite season premiere/finale of each showrunner?

Kripke: Favorite premiere: 4 or 2(Best ones by far!) Least favorite: 3(easily) Favorite finale: 5(Best episode, full stop.) Least favorite: 1(Still amazing.)

Gamble: Favorite premiere: 7 Least favorite: 6(might be the worst premiere.)

Favorite finale: 6(actually a good finale to a bad season.)

Least favorite: 7(at least we wouldn't have to deal with the levis for another season.)


Favorite premiere: 11( solid start to an ok season.)

Least favorite: 10( Deanmon does karaoke, nuff said!)

Favorite finale: 8(overrated, but still solid.)

Least: 11

Dabb: Favorite premiere: 13(Actually good start to a horrible season.) Least: 15

Favorite finale: 14(overrated, but the I think the first half with Jack and the no lies was pretty great, but it falls apart with the Chuck stuff.)

Least: 15( Doesn't even matter if we exclude "Carry On" "Inherit the Earth is still the worst.)

1 Comment
01:33 UTC


Shows recommendation

Okay, I have been rewatching supernatural for the 100th time because I got nothing else to watch. I'm a binge watcher, I've watched and rewatched sooo many tv shows and now I got to the point where I got nothing new to watch cause I've already seen it. I want something good but I can't find anything as compelling as supernatural. I'm not the "I'll wait for the show to get more interesting" type, I need to be immediately taken by the show. Do you have any recommendation for me? I would really appreciate it!!😊

23:00 UTC


The Supernatural Musical

With people making musicals out of popular movies and tv (like Waitress, Legally Blonde, Heathers, etc), I’m so surprised no one has tried their hand at a Supernatural musical!

Season 10 episode 5’s ‘Fan Fiction’ really set up the idea, and reaffirmed just how powerful the fandom really is, from insane fan fiction to actually having a hand in influencing the canon of the show. Fans make their own stories, book bindings, and merch. There’s no way that we could not write our own musical (maybe even taking inspiration from that episode), and market it. Take a look at the unofficial Bridgerton musical concept album.

It honestly blows my mind that it hasn’t been done already, even to the extent of just a high school doing it for fun like in the episode, especially when the episode’s done a lot of the leg work. I KNOW for a fact that most fans would get on board and support it so we can have some more content now that the series is over.

Idk, maybe it’s just cause I’m watching episode 5 rn and it makes me really want one lol, but I think a fan should get on it. Maybe this post is also me lowkey hoping to encourage someone to start it 👀

*edit for spelling

22:56 UTC


always HATED the gadreel, cass and dean thing

I hated !!! HATED !! That Dean kicked out poor human homeless Cass out on his ass just because Gadreel said so.

God, I hated it. Where’s that whole family doesn’t abandon each other shit he keeps talking about? Fuck Dean very much for that.

22:41 UTC

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