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  • In Kantō (Tokyo-Yokohama) Area:

Edo-Tokyo Museum

Eisei-Bunko Museum

Idemitsu Museum of Arts

Mitsui Memorial Museum

MOA Museum of Art

Mori Art Museum

Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo

Nezu Museum

Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum

Tokyo National Museum

Suntory Museum of Art

Ukiyo-e Ōta Memorial Museum of Art

Yokohama Museum of Art

  • In Kansai (Osaka-Kyoto) Area:

  • Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art

    Kobe City Museum

    Kyoto National Museum

    Nara National Museum

    Miho Museum

    Museum of Modern Art, Shiga

    Osaka City Museum of Arts

    Sen-Oku Hakuko Kan Museum

  • Elsewhere in Japan:

  • Kyushu National Museum


  • In USA:

  • Asian Art Museum, San Francisco

    Freer & Sackler Galleries, Washington DC

    Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

    Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

  • In Europe:

  • British Museum, London

    Musée Guimet, Paris

    Useful Dictionaries & Reference Tools


    6,848 Subscribers


    Find Japanese artist who appeared in short anime in my memory

    Photo of Water ruffle look like this? I guess

    Hi I guess it long time ago when I watch it [maybe around 10-20+] I think it kind of serie about history or somthing like that I guess?

    because it's about

    1.Japan artist, male //maybe painter or some kind of use ink to draw

    2.inspiration of his work is water ruffle by rain drop on floor,I think he's painter but not in landscape/ religion/portrait or anything . He ONLY paint that water ruffle

    3.I think at first he draw it on japan fan that have curcle shape

    4.//I'm not sure about this// but I think that time in anime people don't wear ukata

    5.In that anime I think it's just 1 chapter not long series anime //or maybe it's tv anime series about history??//

    that's all I can remember I hope anybody use to watched it and remind me the name

    15:40 UTC


    Japanese Woodblock Print "Miyajima — 宮島" by Tsuchiya Koitsu Question

    Hi there, I recently came across this print and was hoping to get more information on it. I saw Tsuchiya Koitsu has some famous prints and this isn't one of the more documented ones.

    Does anyone know where I could find more information or talk with an expert about its history?


    16:06 UTC


    Trying to read seal to identify artist

    Paintings have been in the family for years and I'm trying to identify the artist now. Having trouble reading the smaller seal. It seems the larger one is Akiyama but I can't figure out the smaller one with the second name in it.



    1 Comment
    03:22 UTC


    Inquiry re: Edo and Taisho Period Keys and Makoto Shinkai’s Suzume no Tojimari

    Hi, y’all! I’m doing research about a key featured in Makoto Shinkai’s Suzume no Tojimari (2022) for a project. Unfortunately, examples of keys that look like this, much less its potential historical context, is scarce— at least in my research attempts, as an English-only, amateur researcher from America! 😅

    In the movie, one of the main characters wears a key around his neck. Here are canon images of the key in question (from the movie, the manga, and the official visual guide, respectively):




    A talented young woman on Instagram, sam_meeps, posted a more detailed closeup image of her 3D rendering of the key:


    I’ve been able to find keys with remarkably similar silhouettes compared to the one featured in the movie. While I’ve only been able to find a handful of examples, they have helped support the theory that the animation team may have pulled inspiration from history for their design. 

    A Cast Iron Key, Edo Period, Japan | Bukowskis

    A Cast Iron Key, Edo Period, Japan | Bukowskis

    Iron Keys from Taisho - early Shōwa Periods | Kofukuan

    Iron Keys from Taisho - early Shōwa Periods | Kofukuan

    I was unable to verify the legitimacy of this listing, however it does purport to show Edo-period keys of various shapes and sizes.


    Would anyone be able to give insight on where this style of metal work originates from in Japanese art and history? Does this style of key being used in the movie convey any particular cultural subtext that might go over a white American girl’s head? Other than the fact that the key’s pretty old, of course. 😬

    ありがとう ございます! 🙏🏻

    20:14 UTC


    Any information on this scroll would be greatly appreciated.

    17:28 UTC


    Help with with identifying- Japanese textile in Kato Tokyo frame

    I found this piece in Georgia(USA) today at a thrift store and need some help identifying. I found plenty of Japanese wood block prints and artwork with a similar pattern but no textiles that were even remotely similar. Does anyone have any info it?



    23:06 UTC


    Help with identifying

    I found this beautiful piece at a thrift store and used google lens to attempt to learn more after I got it home. Seems to be a style of art using gouache watercolors on cork but I would love to identify the artist, country of origin or at least time period this was made. Thanks!

    1 Comment
    03:37 UTC


    Has this artist ever existed ?

    Hey, I wanted to know if this artist "Taguchi Tomoki" has any historical presence or has he ever existed ?

    I found this link explaining his story: https://tobyleon.com/fr/blogs/art-design/yatsuo-no-tsubaki-imprimes-en-blocs-de-bois-par-taguchi-tomoki [FR]

    The main thing is that posters/art is selled with this name on it claiming that it was some woodblock printing.
    I want to buy one of them (https://www.pstrstudio.com/products/yatsuo-no-tsubaki-woodblock-print).

    Could it be possible that this name was created just to have a story to better sell the product ?

    Thanks everyone.

    11:40 UTC


    Where to sell Japanese Woodblock Prints ?

    Tried Ebay, FB, no one interested, no place to sell my prints now.

    Any suggestion sites could give a try ?

    04:20 UTC


    Can someone help to identify the artist signature ?

    I acquired a Sakura blossom 4-panel silk byobu and I’d love to know more about it and in particular the artist

    00:51 UTC


    Is there a term in japanese or english for this style of painting? Would love to find similar art.

    13:08 UTC


    cool video about Kawanabe Kyosai

    01:21 UTC


    Can someone identify this artist?

    This is a sizable screen that's in very good condition. We're trying to get a sense for value. Thanks!


    22:56 UTC


    Looking for artist

    I’m hoping someone can help me. This is a mug I purchased in 2012 at Kyoto Station. It had an unfortunate accident a few years later, but every so often I think about this mug. I named it bunny pancakes.

    My friend that travels back home to Japan each year always tries to keep an eye out for a replacement but we’re not able to find it. It makes it particularly challenging because the artists signature is difficult to see. We think it was signed TSUKI.

    Is anyone familiar with this artist and if they have a website or contact info?

    20:14 UTC

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