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Welcome to /r/Istanbul, the location for all things Istanbul. Travel tips, questions, discussions, meetups, etc.
English and Turkish are both accepted.
Friendly reminder that unlike other Turkish subreddits, this one includes a large population of foreigners, tourists, would-be visitors, etc.
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Automoderator is here. For more info on its rules etc. Refer to this post
Turkish Sports Club Subreddits:
Şu an Çapa'ya gidiyorum, Anadolu Yakasında önerebileceğiniz özel ya da devlet hastanesi var mı?
Edit: başlığa neden devlet yazdım hatırlamıyorum ama özel ya da devlet fark etmez
Herkese merhaba, gectigimiz hafta Pzt gunu Kadikoy iskelede videodaki sokak muzisyenine rastladim. Vapura yetismem gerektigi icin, ne yazik ki cok fazla dinleme sansim olmadi.
Videodaki sarkinin ismini ve sanaticiyi bilen var mi? Simdiden tesekkurler.
Hi, does anyone know a place in Istanbul that sells secondhand digital camera's from the early 2010s or disposable camera's? Thanks
I was in Ölüdeniz for the last week and I had the chance to play backgammon with one of my mates in the hotel with their set.
I'd like to get one for myself and I still have a few days in Istanbul, where do I buy an everyday, casual backgammon set? What's a reasonable price?
I'm not looking for an expensive piece of art, I want a game that I can play. I particularly liked the small, bouncy, spinny dice that were included. Is this standard?
Thanks in advance!
is it just me or what? i keep trying to apply for a new application and it just doesn't want to load for some reason. im so tired ive been trying for hours. is it happening with yall too?
Im currently visiting here and im gonna be here for another week but kinda feel lonely cause i wanna sit in a bar and have chat with someone that would be nice so if u guys need friends too hmu xx
Benim rekorum yaklaşık 30 dk'lık eforun ardından %6 idi
I'm a Lebanese person currently in Istanbul with some family, we came here temporarily to escape the war in my country, but now my family wants to go back. As much as I love my country, I want independence and security, and I can't have that back home. Turkey is one of very few countries I can get into without a visa and without complications. I want to try my best to find a way to make it here on my own knowing I only have a couple weeks to figure things out. I have a remote part time job that pays me around 15K TL, which I was told is less than minimum wage here, but I can manage working a second job along with it. I also have a bit of money saved up, but that wouldn't last me long either. I don't speak Turkish yet, but I am fluent in Arabic, English and French.
I want to ask for resources, about acquiring residency, rent prices, job suggestions, best areas for me to live in, and any advice you have for someone moving here!
En son hatırladığıma göre çok pahalıydı ve genelde küçük şehirlerde olmuyor bunu en son yediğimden beri aklimdan cikmadi istanbuldaki arkadaslarima da sorduğumda bulamadilar satıldığını bildiğiniz bir yer varsa söylerseniz çok mutlu olurum gelmişken yemek istiyorum.
Benim konsolun parçası kendi başına bozulmaya karar verdi (Switch), kendim değiştirebildim ama kapatırken sd kart okuyucusunun takıldığı yere hasar verdim yanlışlıkla, 8-10 tane konsolu aradım, 1 tanesi 1400TL dedi, parçayı aliekspressden 50 + 80(vergi) + 100'e(kargo) = 230'a alabildim. Bilgisayarcıya gittim, adamlar içeri televizyon ve kamera sistemi bağlamış oradan ve de öbür odadan gelen sesleri dinledim.
Vermeden Önce: Konsolun parçasını ben kendim satın aldım, yanımda, isterseniz konsolu da 5 dakika içerisinde açabilirim, sizin sadece bu parçayı takmanız gerekiyor.
Çırak aşağı indi: Anlatıyor işte.
Tamirci: Bu switch sen 2000TL de yaparım diye ilet. (konsola bakış attı, dokunmadı bile)
İçimden gereğinden fazla sövdüm, çünkü o kadar fahiş fiyatlar diyorlar ki 1 sd kart okuması yerine yeni bir switch oyunu ya da (Biraz daha eklersek) monitör alınabilecek fiyata geliyor.
El emeğinden 500 hatta 600tl bile vermeye razıydım ama bu kadar olmaz cidden.
Ucuz bu tür işleri yapan laptop/televizyon/telefon tamircisi varsa söylerseniz çok yardımcı olursunuz
Casio DW-5600BB-1DR bu tarz bi saat arıyorum nerelere bakabilirim?
Arkadaşlar selamlar ben İstanbul’a işim gereği atandım önceden Ankara’da yaşıyordum İstanbul’da tanıdığım yok iş yerim de full remote çalışıyor ofise gidemiyorum maalesef. Kaynasabilecegim etkinlikler oluyor mu( Takip edebileceğim yerler var mı daha doğrusu) özellikle benim gibi (25M) gençler için. İs arkadaşlarım Kadıköy falan önerdiler ama bilmiyorum ben ataşehir civarlarında oturuyorum.
Hi! Where do locals usually shop? For example, I would like to go and buy spices amd some teapots. If the bazaar is the answer, which one is pocket-friendly and is visited mainly by the locals? Thank you!
Hi all! Does anyone know where I could buy the tools to prepare matcha latte? 🍵 Like Chasen (bamboo whisk), Chashaku (bamboo scoop), Chawan (tea bowl), Sifter: and finally the green tea powder? Is there any store I could find this? Somewhere in Kadikoy?
Where do most of the expat or the refugee community live in Istanbul? I might be traveling soon and would like to meet other ppl that also don’t speak Turkish like me and I am a Pakistani American and I’ve heard people are mean to foreigners and don’t talk to them if they can’t speak Turkish.
Going to istanbul soon and I want to take my simple fishing gear. Is it possible and what are some places near to Chill and fish ? I am also staying in agva can I fish there ?
İstanbul'da minigolf oynayabileceğim bir yer var mı? Teşekkürler
Merhaba Istanbulda 3ds psvita psp gibi retro el konsollarinin satildigini bildiginiz bir 2. el magazasi var mi? buranin bunun icin dogru sub olup olmadigi bilmiyorum bu konu ile ilgiki turk sub bulamadim.
So I'm an international student studying in Istanbul (i have fluent Turkish with no strong accent). As a rock music enjoyer where are the best places to hang out where it's chill. I'm open to place suggestions where: •good interior •where i can socialise •normal, slightly above normal prices •not very busy it can be any of these or all 4 at the same time. I've been to Kadikoy but i don't get what all the vibe is about. It's a really busy place filled with overpriced bars that are boring. Trying socialising there is basically pointless too since most people go with their friends there.
is there an official webpage for it?
Aile büyüklerim ve anne tarafım doğma büyüme İstanbullu olduğundan arada bir şehre gelip kalırım bu gelişimde ortamı sevdim ancak turistler çoğu güzelliği bozmuş Türk halkı açık hava hayvanat bahçesindeki hayvanlarla benzer muamele görmeye başlamış benim gibi hissedenler vardır elbette çok rahatsız edici bi durum illaki güzel tarihi yerleri turistlere terk edip Türkler beylikdüzüne mi yerleşsin?
Am working on a project and I need the mindwave mobile but on their site it only has a link to Amazon which that specific product doesn’t ship to here, and I found sites but they sell it for double and triple the original price
Hiii might be a dumb question but I'm a tourist and I need to buy a hava.ist ticket from Taksim to IST for today, nov 7. The website isn't letting me buy a ticket and I submit my payment and then it says something about a payment account not being created (I am an English speaker who speaks no Turkish, probably a mistranslation)
Anyways, does anyone have any help or advice?
Also could I buy the ticket at Taksim square tomorrow? Or is that not possible?
Looking for streets or sites to visit on Bomonti and Osmanbey. Babylon Bomonti is on my list.