A subreddit for things that make you go "Hol Up... wait a minute."
Hol' up
Be civil and don't be a jerk. We're a humor sub. Please be civil to one another and spread laughs, not insults.
No TOS violations. TOS violations get a lot of negative attention from Reddit and get subs quarantined. Don't do it here.
Your post must fit the subreddit. Posts should have a confusing element or an unexpected twist and must make you go "hold up wait a minute."
No Politics or Social Issues No Political posts (to include world politics). We want humor and comedy, not "I hate this political figure, social group, or social issue." No outrage or rage bait posts.
No NSFW/Nudity. We don't allow nudity/porn. If we allow it, we will be de-listed from r/all and r/popular. Take it elsewhere.
No Blatant Reposts. If your post was recently submitted to r/HolUp by you or some other user within the last 3 months it will be removed.
Moderator Discretion. The moderators reserve the right to remove any post or comment at our discretion even if it does not break the above rules.
See them all the time but today I did a double take and thought, is that two johnsons and a plug?!