A place to post pics of female celebs/influencers/even just someone relatively popular and to have a good time.
I only saw one episode so I don't remember much but it's kinda been in the back of my head.
But I remember this girl who's part of the group was protecting a little boy from the robot that was attacking them. (Human sized robots not giant ones). But then it turns out she was actually one of the robots they were running from and she never knew.
I'm pretty sure there's a scene, after she loses the human disguise, where she finds the boy's teddy bear and tries to return it to him and is confused and upset about why he's scared of her now. She might've been dying at that point too.
And I vaguely remember one of the robots, I think it was the girl, having a kinda heart motif. Like the head was kinda heart shaped and she was pink.
It was on right before Inuyasha, we were watching it cause we were waiting for it to come on. And I know it has to be in the 2002-2004 range because I discovered Inuyasha around that time and my cousin was still alive.
Basically title, but LOOK at this spread. I don’t even know why there’s so much Pikachu candy, but the event probably helped. Once I top off the Cooking Pot, I’ll need another use for all those Dream Shards. We probably have Eevee Day coming up, so the Cram-O-Matic won’t be showing up any time soon. IF it appears, my priorities will be:
Caterpie candy: Vikavolt is in high demand right now
Psyduck candy: Water is extremely versatile. Quaxly, Vaporeon, Feraligatr; the first of whom can be used as “filters” (Pokémon whose lines cover a variety of types, allowing the ENTIRE line to take advantage of all of them)
Hopefully it’ll arrive again. In the meantime, what’s your candy hoard look like? I wish you all a good sleep!
I consider myself very mechanically inclined and have fixed many scooters (mostly 2 strokes). I recently purchased a 2008 Piaggio Fly 50 in non running condition. I still have not been able to get it to start. I’ll start with the things I have done.
Fuel is getting to bowl on the carb and the peacock vacuum lines have been replaced, and definitely spurt fuel out of the fuel line when kicked. Only if I crank it for about 10 seconds will I have any signs of gas on the plug, which is kind of strange. I know that the compression is a little low I put I feel like I should be able to get at least a pop out of this thing. I’m really at a loss. This thing will not pop it will just crank and crank or I’ll just kick and kick. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I want to start with my soulslike journey and lies of p was on sale thats about it. If there are any better games for a first time souls like player please suggest them. Thanks :)
Here is the translation:
This is a photo of a corner of a drawer from a piece of furniture where I found mold inside. I thoroughly cleaned all the surfaces of the furniture with bleach after completely disassembling it, but the areas where the wood is porous, like the part in the photo, still smell of mold. Is there something I can apply to the wood to completely remove the mold? Could I try using glue?
Me: Why is this building not hiring?
Oh, the game is paused.
Just want to know how much someone would have paid their car mechanic to fix back on their loose fog light? I'm a girl from UK who don't know anything about cars and not entirely enthusiastic about getting my hands dirty or injuring myself. All that was done was the splash board cover (or whatever the heck you call it) was removed and the fog light was clipped back into place. I paid £20 for reference - this was a quote over the phone since the mechanic was unable to see it so gave me a rough estimate (it wasn't to replace the light since the light was already working, it was just loose). And I only ended up paying this amount as the guy on the phone wasn't there when I arrived but his colleague was and I told him the rough estimate I was quoted.
I know that nudism has lots of benefits, but I don't have a recollection of hearing Him speak on the matter. What, if anything, has He said about it?
I got some money transferred to me in my account around 600. Later received a call where a lady requested to return. Is this legit. I have confirmed i got money in my account. But later is there any way they can reverse transfer through bank?
Hallo Läufer,
ich habe aktuell Probleme mit meinem Knie, als es die ersten Anzeichen gab habe ich mich frühzeitig beim Arzt gemeldet. Da ich ein relativ schwerer Läufer bin hieß, wie ich es erwartet habe, Pause, Ibu, Abnehmen. Das war Anfang Juli.
Ich habe weiter trainiert, das Knie tat ab und an mal weh, nix wirklich schlimmes. Im September wurde es dann aber schlimmer, ebenso kam die ein oder andere Erkältung hinzu weshalb es eben mal Pause gab. Seit dem wurde das Knie immer schlimmer und das Laufen weniger.
Ich bin darauf hin natürlich wieder zum Arzt, Überweisung zum Orthopäden, Diagnose Patellaspitzensyndrom. Es tat meistens auch direkt unterm Knie weh, daher war die Diagnose naheliegend. Orthopäde hat mich zum MRT geschickt, nächste Woche werden die Bilder endlich besprochen.
Mein Knie tut seit dem nun einem Monat ständig im Alltag weh (Druckschmerz), an training ist nicht zu denken, mittlerweile nicht nur direkt drunter sondern auch mal an der Innenseite.
Wie ist eure Erfahrung mit so einer Verletzung? Eventuell gibt es jemanden der ähnliche Probleme hat/hatte.
Habe mich für 2025 für zwei Halbmarathons angemeldet und würde da echt gern drauf trainieren, aktuell ists aber maximal spazieren + dehnen. Bin für Tipps offen :)
Over the last few years I (14f) have started daydreaming about a lot of explicit, disgusting and dangerous stuff. These things include me being in a situation where I hurt someone or someone hurts me. The people in these fantasies (except for me) are almost always completely made up characters that often don't even have a face in my mind.
I know I would never act on them since I am really scared of hurting someone but I know that it's not OK to have these thoughts. I'm not willing to talk to someone about it since I'm sure that if I did people would become scared of me.
Most of the time in these fantasies and thoughts I'm the one being hurt, and most of the time the ones being hurt are getting hurt physically.
I have a very vivid imagination and have always been sort of in my own world, creating situations in my mind that I know would never happen, but the older I've grown these thoughts and worlds have grown darker. In most I am a villain of sorts, with my own twisted moralities.
I listen to a lot of podcasts, most of them being a about true crime and stuff and I know that killers begin with fantasies and I'm just really scared.
I'm scared that even though I know I could never hurt someone like that now, maybe I would be capable of it after some time. I honestly sort of feel like I'm going insane (maybe a bit exaggerated but you get the idea).
I don't want to hurt anyone, but these fantasies give me comfort. I have been abused (molested by my on grandfather for years) so idk if this is some sick way of coping or something like that, but I'm just scared.
If I'm capable of these things I my mind, maybe I'll be capable of them in real life one day as well.
Someone please help. Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you for reading, have a nice day! 💕
Pl. szimplán nem ért a szakmájához, nagyon bunkó, vagy kifejezetten ártani akar.
Has anyone been switched to a different division after they've started playing an event? I was in division 4 hunded something last night and when I got on this morning I'm in division 232. I severely dropped in rank lol
My google pixel 6 has a redish purple tint to the screen after I took it into a repair shop to get the battery changed, as I think it was leaking. Everything is contrasted and has a red tint to it and it hurts my eyes... Tried every setting imaginable and it doesn't change it. I restarted it and everything. Only had this phone for a year or so.
I ran across this picture and immediately had memories of these candle holders.
Let me preface here that I'm arguing here for the common people, those that asks the clerks "Which phones are good". I don't want to go too deep about the technical stuff.
I will always be mindblown by the sole fact that you have to pay upwards of 800$ for an iPhone 16 with 128GB of storage (which in on itself is ridiculous, but I won't get into the golden plated storages of iPhones). iPhone inarguably became the new Supreme stuff, where its expensive despite it being practically worthless, if you know what I mean.
A pocket-sized item to text, scroll through social media, take photos, and for some people, play games, that's why we want phones. My issue with iPhone, is that its too powerful. It's not really about future proofing, since they release an iPhone every year with better CPUs anyways, its too powerful for the majority of people that uses it. They only text, surf the web, social media, the basic simple stuff, they don't really need an extremely powerful CPU to do those kind of things.
I think its practically better for the majority of people that uses phone for the basic 'phone stuff' to buy something like the Samsung A55, which can do everything a common person needs adequately, at the cost of like 200$ or something, an extremely balanced value for money phone imo. iPhone's "features" are all built-in on android or can be done by an app anyways.
You all are paying way too much money for that