
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit focused on the technological advancements, systemic changes and scientific breakthroughs that will shape the future of humanity.

A subreddit focused on the technological advancements and scientific breakthroughs that will shape the future of humanity.



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Problem-solving architecture using AI models iteratively with centralized storage and distributed processing

Hi everyone!

I'm building a problem-solving architecture and I'm looking for issues or problems as suggestions so I can battle-test it. I would love it if you could comment an issue or problem you'd like to see solved, or just purely to see if you find any interesting results among the data that will get generated.

The architecture/system will subdivide the issue and generate proposals. A special type of proposal is called an extrapolation, in which I draw solutions from other related or unrelated fields and apply them to the field of the issue being targeted. Innovative proposals, if you will.

If you want to share some info privately, or if you want me to explain how the architecture works in more detail, let me know and I will DM you!

Again, I would greatly appreciate it if you could suggest some genuine issues or problems I can run through the system.

I will then share the generated proposals with you and we'll see if they are of any value or use :)

02:12 UTC


What would sexuality, gender and relationships look like in the future with future technologies and technological modifications?

Like could people willingly change their sexual orientation, gender identity and be with whoever they want, both as either famous or anonymous individuals? For example a gay man and his straight male crush falling in love due to his crushes willingness to being open to changing or experimenting with his sexual orientation through technological means

It seems to me like these technologies and other technologies will significantly change these things for sure which is exciting. Asking as a queer black panromantkc gen z male with optimism for the infinite possibilities the future may hold! I also aspire to be an actor, writer, producer, singer and director one day and the future holds much potential for that as well through tech and future possibilties! I know it can sound crazy, but I'm asking in terms of if being consensual and between two consenting adults lol 😂 💜 any thoughts or opinions could help. As I have seen some of my crushes playing gay roles and being allies of the gay community, whether they're gay or not, it's possible they could be open to sexual fluidity within themselves and be open to dating the same sex or gender! Who knows!? And what if we could just be with ai simulations of whenever we wanted including our crushes? That'd be satisfying too I'm sure! What other possibilities can you guys think of? Any beliefs, thoughts and opinions are welcome as long as you're respectful! Much love! ❤️

21:50 UTC


Gate-All-Around — The Future of Transistors

19:43 UTC


I have some ideas on how to counter interact the AI threat

(Phase 1)
1-Allow AI to continue being developed in a open way until it reaches AGI
2- Freeze research and make it illegal - threat ASI as a MAD scenario

(Phase 2)
1-use and scale AGI to solve some infrastructure problems but focus more on biology and genome
2-Although AI is not as powerful as ASI it could allow in combination of researchers and simulation to accelerate our biology, make humans smarter, stronger, live longer , develop ways of faster knowledge transfer like mental downloads, focus on self improvement of the race

(Phase 3)
Humans might feel comfortable and smart enough to give space for ASI, this ASI probably needs a containment , such as a military bunker underground and disconnected from the internet, or better "some sort of sub temporal dimension".

06:40 UTC


Lightning In a Bottle? The Science Of Electro-Thermal Rocket Engines

20:23 UTC


The future of the linkage between the development of human society and human population

This is my first post here, so I may be off-topic or off-form here or there. I have long been studying various topics related to the future of human society and this work produces several basic questions which I would lie to try to put forward in this forum. Several of my questions are based upon what I see as a link between population growth and density, and, increasing complexity of human society - with communication intensity being the sub-effect, which leads to cognition and thought generally. So thought arises from intensification of communications. So the first and most basic question is, what happens when population growth halts for any reason (e.g. global warming - shrinking usable land, population at maximum etc)?

18:17 UTC


Do you believe in the possibility of mind uploading, life extension, time travel and even biological immortality becoming a reality?! And how about immersive VR and technological resurrection?!

All of these ideas excite me!! I believe anything's possible with time!! Feel free to share your thoughts, opinions and beliefs!

10:27 UTC


How will humans genetic intelligence end up in the next few thousand years?

Every time I think about the statistics that show how unintelligent people reproduce at a higher pace, I ponder on what this will lead to in the far future. I don’t know if it will eventually stop or just keep going until we hit a tragic point. Will AI be implemented so that it will take over the need for our intelligence? Will we be able to use some sort of tech to increase our odds of a better brain before we’re born? Will there eventually be some sort of a program that just breeds people for their intelligence?

02:49 UTC


Roko's Basilisk: Dangerous Knowledge & All-Powerful AI

18:42 UTC


Could you 3d print a modular synthesizer if you had conductive and insulating filliments?

I was just thinking about how synthesizers that were made way back in the 70s are still in use. From my understanding the components of those synthesizers are on the scale of what can be 3d printed today.

03:33 UTC


Might it be possible for an english speaker today to understand English if they had a time machine and traveled 500 years into the future?

Assuming the language lasts that long, that is.

00:42 UTC


Futurists unite!

01:29 UTC


What's happening currently/near-future in automation?

Not sure this is the correct sub, but I'm interested in learning what's currently happening in automation, or very near future (<2yr). For instance, Boston Dynamics has robots that can do warehouse work instead of humans - but that's far from being implemented "everywhere". There's also a robot that can cook fries at burger joints, but again that's not everywhere. So, what automation has actually happened recently, or is for real just around the bend?

1 Comment
19:38 UTC

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