
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit for news and discussion about freedom of speech and voting rights from all around the world.

This is a subreddit for news and discussion about freedom of speech and voting rights from all around the world.

It also has rules

Do not submit:

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 2. Shitposts
 3. Boring reddit stuff
 4. Posts without the point in the title
 5. Duplicates, or too often  

If you face posting delays, please message modmail to become an approved submitter.

Article 19 - UDHR

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.


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Why exactly is it forbidden in most subs to ask anything even approaching medical advice?

It can’t be a legal/liability issue, as Reddit is anonymous and there are still a handful of subs that allow it.

It’s really aggravating as again, Reddit has a monopoly on anonymous message boards. If it’s expensive and slow to be seen by a physician here in the states I can only imagine how much of a chore it is in countries with socialized healthcare getting answers to what would be deemed “low priority” questions or concerns.

The only other option outside of paying $100+ (pre-deductible) and waiting sometimes months to see a provider is to seek online advice from the patient side, yet in most subs these questions are strictly forbidden. Is this just more of Reddit’s bullshit strict moderation?

13:28 UTC



I encourage everyone here to get familiar with an protocol called Nostr. This is a place you can go to share ideas censorship free.

13:05 UTC


The Russian Constitution guarantees freedom of speech

Source: https://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/rus127839E.pdf

Given that the media is biased in the west and there is no freedom of speech, does it mean that Russia has more free speech?

Recently Tucker Carlson went and sat down with the Russian leader who is censored in the west.

10:33 UTC


Does anyone else realize how mentally unhealthy the stress caused by Reddit’s horrific censorship is but is forced to use it because of their monopoly on message boards?

Like every time I see that little padlock icon or get a hair trigger ban with zero warning over a trivial posting guideline not being met or for being “off topic” I want to fucking scream. Yet it is the only traditional message board with any traffic left, it’s fucking ridiculous.

11:24 UTC


Libertarian sub moderator doesn't understand free speech, intervention could mean anything...

08:17 UTC


400 people were arrested in Russia for their posts on social media. 3,300 in Britain for their posts on social media in the same year.

19:22 UTC


Elon Musk hit it out of park - world's richest man trying to do good for humanity by restoring free speech is an amazing thing

09:30 UTC


Banned from Tinder for Hate speech ???

Greetings everyone I recently had checked my Tinder and decided to update my bio….. I updated it yesterday and the ending up my bio was as follows

“ I am solely interested in connecting with Real Natural Born Women. Respectfully, I am not open to engaging with individuals who do not align with my preference.”

Can anyone tell me how that classifies as hate speech when Tinder also asks what you what sex you’re interested in ?

08:35 UTC


How long before the general public gets completely fed up with Big Tech’s draconian censorship and stranglehold on public discourse?

Whenever you bring up the subject of big tech, social media giants and the enormous bias in their censorship people love to tell you “yOu DoN’t HaVe To UsE iT” but that is completely disingenuous, these companies essentially have a monopoly on public discourse.

The popular narrative whenever people complain about Big Tech’s blatant left leaning bias in who it chooses to delete, ban and silence is “it’s a private company you don’t have to use it” and implying that there are “plenty” of viable alternatives.

This is total bullshit, and everyone knows it. In 2024, if you want to be plugged in and in touch with what’s going on in the world you have no choice but to use these outlets. Networking, the dissemination of information and access to knowledge and current events is essentially confined to 2-3 apps, and they all have an enormous left leaning bias and draconian moderation, censoring anything that challenges the leftist narrative.

Reddit is particularly bad, being the ONLY anonymous traditional style message board with any amount of regular traffic and a large user base. The censorship here is out of control, and it extends beyond even just the politics - they will ban you for the most frivolous bullshit without warning, like telling someone to shut up under the guise of “harassment.” The “voting” system is total horse shit too, giving even the angry troll peons who post here the power to silence anything they don’t like (5 downvotes will hide any comment.). But if that isn’t enough the mods zap anything they don’t like under the guise of it being “off topic” while letting other similarly off topic posts slide, and will ban you with no hesitation.

Facebook is so notorious for its censorship it has birthed the term “Zucked.” It’s really fucking laughable how out of control it’s gotten.

The irony is when the tables were turned with Musk’s Twitter acquisition the wokies lost their fucking minds! Make no mistake, they are perfectly fine with echo chambers so long as they echo their idiotic beliefs. Censorship on social media needs to be dealt with.

The inevitable positive reception this post will receive confirms its legitimacy. The only place where this conversation is welcome and where anyone who disagrees with the leftist bullshit can voice their disgust is a Free Speech sub.

00:09 UTC


What's going on on Reddit

There seems to be an extensive effort to ban certain speech and information all the while pushing government talking points and misinformation. I know it's always kinda been like this but the last few months it has been crazy. Are they bots or is their something more sinister going on?

08:01 UTC


This video is from a hearing 4 years ago. In 2022, this person sued me and filed a preliminary injunction hearing that was denied. I wish I had know about this video prior to the hearing.

02:14 UTC


Reddit has a Free Speech issue

First off all I am not simply complaining about reddit mods or reddit pages just for the sake of being difficult. THIS is a prime example of the spineless behavior causing the issues of censorship and political correctness we have on the internet and media today. THIS is why civil and open and FREE discussion cannot be had because that is too dangerous and too uncomfortable for these people to handle.

I posted about the movie V for Vendetta and how it very effectively showed whats going on in the world today especially in the Western political arena. I was banned for it.

And they call themselves intellectual. I encourage anyone reading this to check out my page and read my pinned Wake Up post and then also check the r/IntellectualDarkWeb page and read their rules, especially the #7 rule they claim I broke. I even posted and pinned the conversation I had with their mod. Give them some love.

01:59 UTC

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