
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for those who want fashion from British shores!

Where can I buy X? is a common question over at /r/femalefashionadvice & tends to lead to US sites/stores to fulfill requests. For requests that can be fulfilled by UK stores, we're here for you.

Posts may include tags of [SELL], [SWAP] items between Redditors; [WANT] and [RECENTLY PURCHASED] for items you're searching for/have recently acquired + are posting a review.

A subreddit for those who want fashion from British shores!

Where can I buy X? is a common question over at /r/femalefashionadvice & tends to lead to US sites/stores to fulfill requests. For requests that can be fulfilled by UK stores, we're here for you.

Posts may include tags of [SELL], [SWAP] items between Redditors; [WANT] and [RECENTLY PURCHASED] for items you're searching for/have recently acquired + are posting a review.

Please see wiki for details on [SELL] and [SWAP] etiquette! You are responsible for your sales. We are not liable for any transactions. Buy and sell at your own risk!

POSTS MUST include [WANT] or [RECENTLY PURCHASED] tags for high-street, retail-centered threads.

[WANT] Coveting a certain blazer but wanting to venture further than M&S? Dissatisfied with the range of sunglasses at Debenhams and need other options? Curious as to what's out there in the high-street world of bargains and '3 for 2' offers? Post your desires here, and our community will hopefully be able to fulfill your dreams.

[RECENTLY PURCHASED] Want to show off a spectacular Primark haul? Need some feedback on others's experiences of Next jeans? Feeling proud of a gorgeous pair of heels you found in TK Maxx? Share them here! Please post pictures/store details of products if available.

Related subreddits /r/makeupaddictionuk /r/skincareaddictionuk


722 Subscribers


Setting up your own fashion label? Thoughts

Hi all,

I'm thinking about offering a UK-based service: design / manufacture / store setup for your own clothing brand.

I've been through this process myself having known nothing about the industry and after a lot of time and money I have a good methodology which I believe I could offer as a service to anybody else that would like to do the same - with no requirement of having experience in the clothing industry.

If not yourselves, could you see other people being interested in such a service?

11:24 UTC


New fashion discover platform

Rag tag style asks you to fill in a quiz, sends you a complete report (doesn't only take your data!) and then gives you a page where you can filter your style type and discover clothes that match that, with referral to the brand's website! I thought this was pretty cool, and it was quite accurate for me but haven't purchased anything yet - has anyone else tried it?

15:43 UTC


Size inclusivity in the UK womenswear market: survey respondents needed!

Hello! I am Jasmin Bahia, a final year International fashion business student at Nottingham Trent University.
I am conducting a survey to support my dissertation looking into size inclusivity within the womenswear market on the UK high-street.

The survey targets anyone that is 18+ and has or currently does shop within the womenswear market on the high-street. By completing the questionnaire you are consenting to participating in this study, however all answers are anonymous and will be kept confidential and only used for the purpose of my dissertation.

Please click this link: https://forms.gle/hQ9JPzpb83serteR7

If you have any further queries please contact me via email at: N0798597@my.ntu.ac.uk
Thank you for your help!

19:59 UTC

19:25 UTC


Vibrating eye massager

Does anyone know any in-store brands in the UK which sell vibrating eye massagers? Thanks in advance :)

19:37 UTC


Where to find 80s scrunch/slouch socks in the UK?

All I can find is dodgy looking eBay listings or links to US sites with crazy postage. Anyone know of anywhere that does the authentic looking scrunch/slouch socks in the UK?

1 Comment
17:30 UTC


Looking for a t-shirt from a music video...

The video in question is Feeder's "Buck Rogers" from 2001. Here's a pic of the specific t-shirt for reference: https://scontent.fedi1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/fr/cp0/e15/q65/269748026_10227733292062068_2995321584333534215_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=110474&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&_nc_ohc=bWLaIJOY8JsAX8g0AE2&_nc_ht=scontent.fedi1-1.fna&oh=00_AT_GDu0Rqp_3V5B4UTHRTIXfFwTy7hTShkesj8UC9PozCQ&oe=61C7632E

I've tried Google (standard search, image search, lens - you name it!), which typically gets me results, but sadly to no avail this time.

Can anyone help me in my search?

1 Comment
07:57 UTC


Where can I find well-made, minimalist clothing like this store? [links below]


their Instagram

I know COS, Uniqlo, Zara, Arket, Mango, Everlane, Abercrombie have similar aesthetics but I’d like to explore more options. Your suggestions are greatly appreciated.

13:30 UTC


Where can I buy decent high waisted jeans able to fit my large hip to waist ratio?

FIRST of all I am short 5'1, I have small calfs and large thighs and large hips and then a really small waist think Kim Kardashian but chubby xD

I usually buy f and f jeans from Tesco but I can't find any.

I need skinny jeans as baggy jeans make me look larger. I need something that can stretch over my hips and then fit snug on my waist. They also need to be high waisted as I'm very squishy on my hips from fat and excess skin so mid rise jeans gives me rolls and if I size up the jeans fall down.

Any recommendations?

Fashion Nova jeans fit me well but dont last. I also find a lot of jeans pockets are really low and end up on my legs because of my shortness

10:22 UTC


Looking for these neon yellow sleeves. Screen grabs from the Glastonbury Honey Dijon set on iPlayer

22:10 UTC

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