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Looking for decent loot tables for different areas at different levels

Something I've thought would be really cool to have are random loot tables that both support different kinds of creatures and areas and for different levels. That way, I could roll on, say, the CR 0-4 table for Bandits/Criminals or whatever and get loot that feels like it'd fit a bandit lair and be suitable for my party at that level, but then maybe roll on a CR 5 - 8 table for Undead and find loot that feels more suited for a tomb or burial ground. Does anything like that exist? I know the DMG has generic loot tables, and Fizban's has tables specifically for dragon hoards, but is there anything else I could use?

23:23 UTC


Whats your ideal ranger?

Time and time again it has been said that rangers are one of the worst classes in the game. I am currently revising it for my own table and am wondering what the general public thinks. What do you not like about the class and what would you do to improve/change that? I was looking at past posts and saw some suggestions such as:
Making Hunter's Mark a cantrip.
Making the subclasses based around different biomes.

I am of the belief that hunters mark should be buffed earlier than 20th level. maybe bumping to a d10 at 10th level and a d12 at 20? I am a first time dm and trying my best kindness is greatly appreciated.

23:06 UTC


Magic Item Homebrew Thread – September 24, 2024

Since this subreddit has seen a lot of posts with one or two magic items, this thread now offers a place to see all the new items at once.

Please post magic item homebrews on this thread from now on.

Link to all the old Magic Item Homebrew Threads

23:00 UTC


2024 Ranger fix?

Do you dislike the new Ranger? I do. The main problem stems from the reliance Rangers now to Hunters Mark acting like it's a core class feature when it's an ehh spell at best. I've been rattling my little peanut of a brain bc I hate how they massacred my boy.

Lvl 1. Favored Prey: Marriage of Favored foe and Favored enemy. You mark a creature when you make a successful attack roll. Any creature of said type you can add your proficiency modifier damage to your attack for 1 minute. You get number of uses equal to your profiency bonus. (Or prof. Mod + Ranger level for damage idk which sounds better) You also have Advantage on Perception checks on said enemy if their trying to hide from you or flee from you within 60ft. (You know magically where they are?)

Level 2. Keep Deft Explorer mostly the same but change the 2 languages into knowing the comprehend languages spell for free.

Level 13: Favored Prey grants you Advantage on attack rolls

Haven't thought of a change for level 17 or 20 yet.

ALSO BIG CHANGE! Hunter's Mark is now upcastable. Either add an extra die per level or go the 2024 method where it changes die every other level, 2,4?

Thoughts? Feedback? Opinions?

22:50 UTC


Yggdrasti Clarification

Should the Roots used to Grapple on the Yggdrasti be counted as part of it and able to be attacked? Reasoning is that 'no, or else it is in too much risk to do so', but also, Lightning Conduit allows one to take said damage, redistribute it, and regain said expenditure.

You could also be bonkers, say it shoots itself and intentionally fails the roll, and doesn't lose said Discharge. Another thing, it doesn't list a size measurement, so I don't know how much space it would take up. Currently, I assume 60' long and 10' wide is accurate, but I am not sure.

Anyone have answers before I try running this?

22:46 UTC


Is there a way to legally publish D&D inspired non-campaign content (like a book)?

I am working on setting up a campaign with friends. I'm not sure that the gaming podcast route is something I'm fond of, but I am interested in taking what happens in our campaign(s) and adapting it into a novel. The thing is, I'm hesitant as to whether that's even worth it, seeing as if I can't publish the novel, it will kind of be for nought. It would be a lot of work to simply collect virtual dust somewhere like AO3.

So, my question is - does Hasbro/WotC have an avenue for creatives to seek to publish non-campaign works, like books, that take inspiration or lore from D&D settings like Forgotten Realms? I'm very fond of the idea I have cooking, and I feel like it has a lot of potential, but, ultimately, some of its core ideas hinge on D&D lore in a way where I'm not sure I could replicate that charm trying to make everything a sort of royalty-free equivalent, y'know?

I'm looking at stuff like the Systems Reference Document, but I'm having trouble clearing up my confusion because most of the information I've been able to find seems tailored to people interested in publishing campaigns with their own lore and need apprroval to utilize the mechanics of D&D, which I figure is a patent thing. Since I'm interested in making a creative work, I imagine that would be a completely seperate copyright sort of matter, and I'm unsure if there are any official channels where I could look to find more information.

Any and all knowledge would be appreciated!

22:26 UTC


Curiosity of the day:

Did you know that even tough people say Ranger sucks, if you read Tasha's you realize that book fixed the Ranger? YES! WOTC ACTUALLY ALREADY HAS MADE A FIX FOR THE RANGER AND NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT! which is why if you are a DM, use the Tasha rules on ranger

21:06 UTC


Tip for naming regions (or places in general)

So, I had, and still have this problem, createing an intricate map or city...then coming up with a dull name. I used to look around in my home and find a word on a bord game box, or a random word from the D&D book I was looking at, and alter the word slightly. That worked, but made for some...odd names. So, I've found a pretty good way to come up with names...Google translate. I've found that translating names into Latin gives them a more fantasy feel, and I've really enjoyed most of the names I've gotten just by running somthing like "silver springs" through and getting somthing more like "argenti fontes" which I think sounds better. Anyway, im happy to share this little tip, and I want to know what yall use for YOUR names, because I'd love to expand my DM naming toolbox.

21:04 UTC


We're pirates who want some soft PVP. How to implement?

We're doing a pirate-themed campaign and as a crew without a lot of points in Int/Wis our characters are inclined to solve our disputes by hitting each other sometimes.

I say "soft pvp" because of some core principles -

  • PVP is opt-in. If you don't want it done to you, you can't do it to others.

  • PVP isn't to kill. It's just a fun way to settle disputes.

In that vein, I'm considering how best to mechanically implement this.

My initial thoughts were:

  • Max of 5 damage total receivable in fight

  • Damage done is base damage without rolling. If my rapier is 1d8 + 3, I do 3 damage.

Not sure if this is the best strategy though. Suggestions appreciated.

20:49 UTC


2024 DMG Live Stream event next week

Premiere times are likely to be 9am PT

  • Tuesday October 1st
    • Everything you want to know about the 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide
  • Thursday October 3rd
    • Intro to Bastions


19:46 UTC


How often do Player Characters die irretrievable in your campaign?

Title basically says all. By irretrievable, I mean that the character has not been revived by spells or miracles and the player must create a new character. One session is about 4h.

View Poll

19:21 UTC


Character idea who brings modern equipment with him back to where portal takes him.

Not to go into the back story as much but he has come with him a sludge hammer that you need 2 hand to use and then a bat wrapped in barbed wire which can be versatile. Also a trashcan lid as a shield and his catchers gear chest protection which becomes breast plate. I’m trying to figure what these weapon would be compared to in the games weapons catalog. I’m figuring out what to take for my character

19:19 UTC


Help Roleplaying My Lizardfolk

Apologies in advance for an incorrect flair.

So I have a character I'm making who is going to be a Lizardfolk Monk.

While the entire backstory is a lot of fluff, the main thing here is that he trained to become a Monk (Way of Mercy, if it helps), not at a traditional Monastery, but with a people who live in a sort of mountainous, lush, tranquil part of the world. (Maybe a bit cold for my character's taste, but that's neither here nor there)

He still has the social mannerisms and survival instincts of a Lizardfolk, but I want his training and time spent in the mountains to mean something and show in the way he acts and speaks and I'm having trouble finding a way to mix the two together.

I also wanted to get a consensus on using the snake-like "sssss" on the "s" sound. On one hand it adds flavor, but on the other hand it feels more Yuan-Ti.

Any ideas would definitely help.

18:58 UTC


Adventure modules with notable rules expansions (i.e. Ghosts of Saltmarsh)

Besides ghosts of saltmarsh are there any published adventure modules with significant rules sections that can be used in the core game? I’ve also heard somewhere that Mythic Odysseys adds new mechanics, but that’s the extent I’ve been able to find with google.

18:34 UTC


Ideas for side quests / Characters in a Bioshock themed dnd game, in a city like Rapture

Without giving too many details I already mostly have the setting down as well as the main NPCs etc, I’m more looking for ideas for Low - mid level party’s to deal with, that seem fitting for the theme of a rapture like world

18:21 UTC


Opinions on Odyssey of the Dragonlords?

been seeing mixed to positive reviews on this book all the while being very few on youtube or articles online. Any thoughts on whether I should get it?

18:20 UTC


What are the most noteworthy, important, relevant, or pertinent DND villains, either ever, or from 5e?

I'm working on a story/campaign that is, essentially, a DnD isekai kind of story, and I'm trying to brainstorm some driving forces of conflict in the world. It occurred to me that it would be good to implement some villains, but - almost all the D&D I've ever played has been largely or entirely original. While I can easily go and read about various core campaign/lore book villains to know about them and how they operate, I don't really have the depth of experience with 'canon' D&D to know which villains would be legitimately good and relevant and worth looking at pulling in.

There's characters like the beholder Xanathar, but I was anticipating having Beholders just be like 'an enemy type' for the players to encounter and I'm hesitant to rely on a named beholder NPC as a big bad. Strahd might work, but I'm not sure how I'd factor him into the world I'm writing.

I'm considering Vecna and Tiamet as 'big bads' driving conflict in this world since it's supposed to take place in a sort of modern equivalent of the world of Toril and, to my understanding of Tiamet and Vecna, both are entities that aren't really killable in the traditional sense and so it could make sense for them to arise and pose a threat in this world even after being formant for hundreds or thousands of years.

One I'd like to try to incorporate is Acererak, as my first ever D&D game was the Tales from the Yawning Portal version of Tomb of Horrors, so I felt like it could be a cool throwback for me. But he's hard to figure out how to implement because, from my recollection of Acererak as a character, he doesn’t care about power, or godhood, or subjugation, or anything like that - he just likes to enjoy the suffering of adventures who show up in his dungeons, which feels like it might be too passive to work with.

If anybody has any input or advice, I'd really appreciate it!

Edit: Thanks for the advice, everyone! Having looked into things some more and followed up on advice from people, at this point I've narrowed it down to either Venger or Acererak. Will follow up here when I've decided!

18:11 UTC


Am I lagging behind the casters?

Hello, I apologize if this post is akin to hitting a dead horse, alas, I feel the need to vent (and check if I'm insane). So, we're playing this homebrew campaign. I'm playing a vengeance paladin, and it feels like I'm lacking a real role, that is, I'm not the best at anything. My main role is to be a striker, I'm good at sustained damage, but the light cleric does the same really, just has a ton of other options due to being a full caster. Same AC, I have a bit more HP, so basically the same at tanking. Damage wise, I have two attacks with a great sword+5, the cleric has spiritual weapon +5 and 2d12+5 from a cantrip. Sure, I can blast a bit more if I smite, but it feels kind of shit when the cleric can just use spirit guardians, and then do the same thing plus 3d8 to everyone else. Am I tripping, or is cleric just better at every roll than paladin? It's not a big problem for me, and I feel like most of the problem would be mitigated if I had a +x weapon, but the DM doesn't want magic weapons in his campaign. Do you guys believe there is a problem here? If you do, what solution would you propose? Thank you for the input.

17:50 UTC


Frontline Hexblade magic items

At my table I have a Hexblade Warlock flavoured as a samurai with elven swordmaster bounded to his katana. What cool magic items I can give him?

16:48 UTC


Trying to flesh out a twilight cleric backstory. Let me hear your coolest ideas!

Let me start by saying I did do some searching but i didn’t find a whole lot. This subclass’s theming is a little nebulous but intriguing. Below are my general ideas but I’m stuck on how to flesh these out into a character who has motivation to join a party of adventurers.

*Something themed on the solar eclipse, when the sun dims to twilight and everything goes still. I like the idea of twilight being a time when the veil between realms is at its thinnest, so this character’s motivation could be finding out where and when the next eclipse will be in order to get there for passage to another plane, or maybe to stop something from entering the material plane, or to meet their god or something, etc. Otherwise, maybe they draw their power from not one but TWO gods - one of light and one of darkness, and only when the two combine do they access their full potential

*Something based on the idea of Charon, the ferryman of Greek mythology who ushers souls to the afterlife. This is based off the idea of twilight being a transition from day to night, light to dark, life to death, etc. It's also a common idea that one of priests' or clerics' roles at a funeral is to guide the soul to the afterlife. This character could be the friendly face of a caretaker type, maybe someone who once worked in a hospice and found a higher calling that brought them into the adventuring life - or they could be a stoic and unsettling grim reaper type figure with a lantern to hold back the shadow of death.

*A fey! There are some descriptions of the Feywild that say it’s eternally twilight there so this seems like a natural fit. Like the other ideas, this character could be interested in the borders between the Feywild and material plane. Maybe they guard those borders, or maybe they usher lost travelers into or out of the the Feywild (possibly against their will). Those seem more like NPC motivations than PC though, so idk. A fey species like centaur or harengon (follow the white rabbit!) would be perfect for this. Not sure what deity would be a good fit though.

*A raver lol. Someone who celebrates all nocturnal festivities from dusk to dawn. They could be a follower of a deity like Dionysus, maybe even wearing a masquerade mask, or maybe glowsticks depending on the campaign. Better yet, combine this with the fey idea so that your fairy just wants to trick humanoids into attending the party of their dreams at the Seelie Court for Queen Tatania’s entertainment or something like that. Or maybe they somehow got stuck in the material plane and are desparetly trying to get back

*Lastly, a cleric based on sleep and dreams who follows a god like Morpheus. This one is the biggest stretch for me since twilight really only works as a metaphor for falling asleep, not for sleeping itself. Still, this one like the others could be someone who ushers people into the realm of dreams.

15:46 UTC


Undead Thralls at higher level gameplay

To me the bonus from proficiency being applied to damage rather then attack rolls seemed like the less useful option. In the short term I can see the damage boost working better, but I can't help thinking at higher level play the bonus going to the attack rolls being more useful.

But I did want to ask if anyone here has used it at higher levels and what there experience with it is. Also I have gotten really into the necromancer type in the last couple of years and the DM let me flavor the zombies in a specific way so even if it is dog shit at high levels I'm still sticking with it.

14:34 UTC


Should I still multiclass my Hexblade Warlock

So I’ve been playing with this group for a year and a half and we are currently at level 9. I’m playing a full hexblade warlock and it just came to my mind the thought of adding 3 levels in sorcerer but at this point I don’t know if it is worth to multiclass. Or should I reach level 11 in warlock and only then level up in the sorcerer tree? What should I do, do you guys have any recommendation? Should I start multiclassing only now or should I go for a non-mukticlass hexblade warlock at this point?

13:54 UTC



My I present: Hunk Baxter 33yo mayor/chief organiser of a refugee camp, combating illness and a drugcrisis. On the other hand I got: Otto motor, head engineer of our party's home base

12:55 UTC


Paladin's Smite feature question (PHB2024)

The 2024 PHB paladins smite feature states:

You always have the Divine Smite spell prepared. In addition, you can cast it without expending a spell slot, but you must finish a Long Rest before you can cast it in this way again.

Is the implication that it can be cast at my max level spell slot available? I think I'm correct in assuming that but I'm second guessing myself.

12:02 UTC


Help my singing seaman Bard getting onboard with new rules

So, we got a oneshot coming up, playing in a water / coastal environment. I prepared the Character some time ago with the old rules:

Waterelf: Can use net. Breath underwater. High Dex.

Old Sailor background: Proficient in Nav-Tools, water vehicles. Feature: Ship passage

Class: Bard

Plan for background story: I was hiring in board of ships. And while I am capable of setting the sails of a hand is needet, I prefer just playing music for the other seaman on board, singing shantys and stuff. Playing with high Charisma, then Dex, then Cons/Wis/Int, Low Streng.

Now since the new book is out, we want to try play it with the new rules. With again Sailor, I would be forced into a strength build by tavern brawler feed and currently -1 strength and no option to change to Dex.

My now idea was: Merchant. Can choose +2 CHA and give regular points to high Dex, still low strength. Since my ships captain likes the rum, he often is too incapacitated to leave the ship. I got a costume in captain uniform and leave the ship for negotiations for supply's or stuff in the harbour.

Someone got another idea?

11:41 UTC


Can you slap a Human Thug's ass with Mage Hand to distract him and make him go somewhere else to avoid having to roll for stealth?

There's a pesky thug guarding an exclusive tavern that I want to get in. I wanna cast Mage Hand and slap his ass to distract him and make him attempt to investigate in order to leave the area.

Is that possible?

09:59 UTC


Does teleportation sirkles just ignore objeckts?

The spel spesifyes persons? So its not a portal just a wery spessific here to there sapper? so if i throw a black of chese into the portal the block doesnt teleport, but any rat that goes after the chese will do?

09:42 UTC


5e.2024 - I'm hiding, what can I do ?

Imagine the following situation: you are in a 10 feet wide by 30 feet long corridor, with a door at one end, flanked by two torches which are the only illumination in the room. There is also a human guard, fairly alert, standing 5 feet in front of the door, watching down the corridor, with a cocked crossbow in hand. There are some crates 5 feet away from other end of the corridor, along one wall, and 5 feet wide, and you are a rogue, hidden behind the crates. You have rolled 17 on your stealth check, and you think you have beaten the passive perception of the guard, so you have the Invisible condition due to hiding.
What is the most daring thing that you can do without losing that condition ? Discuss !

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09:36 UTC


Contacting Wizards about missing books


UK Order so used the Scalefast SAS partner site linked from D&D Beyond.

I pre-ordered all 3 Standard-Cover Book + Digital bundles in June and have my keys (so have the Digital PHB).

Still no information about when they are posting me the physical PHB, and my Tickets with Wizards have been unread for a week now.

Does anyone know if there's a supply issue or have a way to contact them?


09:36 UTC


Actual play’s

Hey all, I wonder what you find most important for your personal enjoyment when watching an actual play dnd show

06:49 UTC

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