/r/debatetrade is a subreddit dedicated to the trading of evidence, cases, and other files that pertain to debate for events like Public Forum, Lincoln Douglas, Policy, Student Congress, and Extemporaneous Speaking.
/r/debatetrade is a subreddit dedicated to the trading of evidence, cases, and other files that pertain to debate for events like Public Forum, Lincoln Douglas, Policy, Student Congress, and Extemporaneous Speaking.
See this sheet for each trader's reputation for good trades and scams.
They're annoying and can just be accomplished by a post.
I need it by please
dm me for more
Looking for different aff and neg contentions. I want unique contentions for both.
I'm willing to trade wealth tax prep for this
Willing to trade a 20 page theory file, 500+ page answer to Ks, and 144 page impact defense file. **SEND FIRST - WILL SEND IF PREP SENT IS QUALITY**
dm me!
All briefs, lots of cases and blockfile, all quality PF
DM me if you have cases to trade, PF
DM for details pls Public forum btw
willing to trade 600 pages of blocks for FREE. in exchange, i want them all of the blocks provided compiled and organized in two google docs (1 for neg & 1 for aff). that's a win win for me and you (you get to use the blocks you get). also want a paraphrased version of the blockfile on top of the cards for easy read & copy paste and a very clear cut organized blockfile. I NEED THIS BY WEDNESDAY OF THIS WEEK. dm for further questions - this will be handled on a first come first serve.
Would anyone be willing to trade extemp jokes?
A new AT File has been released for the new topic. It is linked here. Enjoy.
The Unified Prep League is inviting you to our LD Nov-Dec shared prep folder. To join please send in full cases, blocks, theory or cut evidence. The standard of prep accepted is going to be high OR your reason to not have any has to be good. The purpose of the folder is to give debaters especially from small schools the ability to become more competitive on all circuits both local and national while also allowing everyone to have access to more resources! https://forms.gle/1W1r5hj9bddvhEPj7
If you're submitting blocks:
title it as "(AT/A2) (the argument it answers) (the side you would be when using it, put this in parenthesis)"
If you're submitting cases:
title it as "(1AC/NC) (LAY/TRAD/PROG) (content in the case/whole-res)"
If you're submitting theory:
title it as "THEORY (the side you would be when using it, put this parenthesis or Both)"
If you’re submitting Card/Evidence: Make sure everything is high quality and properly cited. Please title it (AFF/NEG) (Content of the evidence)
Note that we will likely do the next round of admissions on Wednesday!
Former debater here. I have experience in PF, HI, Duo, OO, IX, DX, Worlds, BQ, & LD. I am in college now and miss the world of Speech & Debate! If you're interested in my help, feel free to reach out via DM
dm me :)
For Nocember. Send First Please. It can be a case or just one contention