
Photograph via //r/neologicism

Neo-logicism is a theory about the nature of logic and mathematics. The fundamental claim of logicism is that all mathematical truths can be expressed in terms of logical truths.

Welcome to /r/neologicism

Neo-logicism is a theory about the nature of logic and mathematics. The fundamental claim of logicism is that all mathematical truths can be expressed in terms of logical truths.

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  • No commercial activity. No ads. No promotions. No fundraising.
  • Relevant posts only. The post has to have something to do with Neologicism.
  • No duplicates. A repeated post may be removed. Please try to keep a discussion on a single issue within the same post.
  • No empty posts.
  • Openness. In general, no post, comment, or member shall be removed, except for a serious and compelling reason. This subreddit is public

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