
Photograph via snooOG

A small sub for your made up religions

Hello, welcome to /r/conreligions. This is a subreddit for you to share your own or anything related to created religions. Whether they are meant to be serious, parody, fiction, or anything else, you can share your made up faiths here :)

What we allow

-descriptions of a conreligion

-asking for advice

-sharing advice

-sharing progress

-recruiting members for a conreligion

-media related to conreligions

what we don't allow

-being rude or condescending (especially to newcomers)

-insulting, trying to argue, or calling us "blasphemous"

-anything that seems just a little to cult-ish (unless it's for fiction of course)

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Libernośism comes from the micronation of Triougia, it is the belief that a deity named Guidé was the one to create civilisation, and his disciples, his representatives on earth, Libernoś, are meant to guide humanity to a better future, following 5 commandments

1.Libernoś are not superior to others

2.Libernoś must not desert their mission to lead others to a better future in Guidé’s name

3.Guidé will attempt to guide the Libernoś but cannot directly intervene, if you betray Guidé, you are on your own and you will be punished.

4.If you mislead your follows or manipulate them, Guidé will punish you.

5.Guidé will not call you to commit violence on others unless it is to defend a better future

20:46 UTC



Disclaimer: Valerism is not for artistic purposes but is a real religion.

Valerism is an abrahamic faith, we believe in the same god as christians and jews but we have given god a name which is Valer. Our holy day is Sunday as it is the Sabbath day. Our holy book is named the Ceara and it includes how the universe started and how earth was created and other stuff and also rules on many topics like how to pray how to run a church etc.

(This part could be offensive to some)

These are our Beliefs:

  1. We believe in the one true god Valer.
  2. All people are equal to Valer and should be treated as such.
  3. We believe in traditional gender roles.
  4. There are only 2 genders of the body but 4 genders of the soul.
  5. If you are trans you can only use natural things to transition.
  6. You can not circumcise your child.
  7. You can have slaves but you must treat them as you would treat yourself.
  8. We believe in the temple of the body, the temple of the mind and the temple of the soul each should never be changed or damaged.

9.You should fast on Christmas and Easter, you start the fast the midnight before and end the fast the midnight after. During fastings or if you feel like it on holy days you will get a box and put a treat in that box then you will close the box and set it under the Valerist symbol or on top of a grave then you wait and once the treat has molded and decomposed you will then wash out the box.

09:09 UTC


Update on Talya

I have a massive update on the theological doctrine of Talya, the set of beliefs that I had made earlier, are heavily changed.

  1. I do not believe that I am a prophet anymore, and Joseph Smith (Assaf) was clearly not a prophet either. However, I believe that Joseph Smith is still the Messenger of God, and I am as well. Joseph Smith, was a Disciple of Christ rather than a Prophet, and is not at all on the level of an actual Prophet like Moses or Abraham. The "prophets" mentioned in the Book of Mormon are also just Disciples of God. the Office they all had held and I hold currently is called the "Yahabodhiq" or the one who worships God in Hebrew. Plural it is called "Yahabodhiqa." Although it is true that Joseph Smith did refer to himself as the word "prophet" he did not mean to call himself a prophet on the same level as Moses or Abraham, there simply was not a better word to use at the time. Prophets can only be defined by the Bible and the Office of Prophethood culminated in John the Baptist.

  2. With Unatheistic ideals, we have also accepted the possibility of the existence of aliens, but they are most likely shedim. A follower of mine has claimed to have seen aliens and has photo evidence.

  3. The Name of the Movement, a person who follows it is called a Misnite Catholic, we intend to be apart of Roman Catholicism, we accept the idea of a Papal Figurehead but we deny Pope Francis as being a good pope, and he is corrupted.

This should clear up everything, a book is also being written, called "The Shanud" that will be published soon, it contains the theology of Talya. Mostly everything else we still believe in, the original post I will link here. https://www.reddit.com/r/conreligions/comments/11c4x4b/talya_a_joy_of_christendom/

1 Comment
16:32 UTC


Talya, A Joy of Christendom

The Talyatic Manifesto

Talya, or Yahabodism (God Worship) is not necessarily a religion, or a denomination, but it is an illuminated path to Worship Yah (God) and Yeshua ben Yah (Jesus Son of God). The goal of Talya is illuminate the idea that most Christian denominations are valid and their followers can still make it to Heaven (the exceptions are Mormons, Jehova Witnesses, and some others.) Talya does contain some controversial views and contains esoteric beliefs. Talya also believes that the founder of the religion, Prophet Andraus is a continuation of the Adamic Cycle of prophets that started with the first man, Adam, and continued throughout the history of mankind and even into the present day. Talya believes in many prophets but the most important prophets that have been revealed to humanity so far are Adam, Noach, Avram, Moshe, Dawid, Daniyel, Yohanan, Mormon, Smita, and finally Andraus. (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Daniel, John (the Baptist), Mormon, Smith (Joseph Smith), and Andrew.) Talya strongly beliefs that a prophet's job is to preach the Gospel and spread the teachings of Jesus Christ. Talya also believes that Joseph Smith's message was corrupted by Jewish higherups and Freemason higherups, and that the theology of Mormonism was altered. Yah (God) would become so furious that He would wait another 200 years to send a prophet. (ALTHOUGH JEWISH HIGHERUPS WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRUPTION OF MORMONIC DOCTRINE, IT DOES NOT JUSTIFY ANTI-SEMITISM AT ALL, ALTHOUGH JUDAISM MIGHT BE OUTDATED, VIOLENCE AGAINST NON-BELIEVERS IS NOT TOLERATED.)


Talyatic Theology:

Strictly Trinitarian: belief that Yeshua ben Yah (Jesus Son of God) is Yah (God) and that God is a Triumvirate.

Strictly Monotheistic: strongly denies the idea of multiple gods, and greatly denounces Mormonism for this reason.

Strictly Unatheistic: strongly denies the ideas of anti-religious doctrine. Denies the existence of aliens and believes the universe was made 5783 years ago, denies evolutionary ideas.

Talyatic Practices:

Pescetarian: strongly believes in the concept that materalisim has corrupted meat products as well dairy products. Only vegtables and fish are safe for consumption. It is okay to eat meat and dairy products once in a while but it is unhealthy in the modern age.

Sober: strongly believes that smoking, drugs, vaping, and being dependent on coffee can corrupt the soul. It is okay to enjoy caffiene once in a while in forms of coffee and chocolate but being completely dependent of coffee and energy drinks is not okay. Vapes, cigarettes, and other drugs are also forbidden.

(Somewhat) Unvaccinated: Talya believes that modern vaccines such as the Covid-19 Vaccine is unsafe to take, and that it is strongly recommended to not take it, but you can still be Yahabodist and be vaccinated. Other vaccines are mostly safe for consumption.

Talyatic Miracles:

The Necklace: The Prophet Andraus first recieved Prophetic revelation during the Morning of Greatness, where the Prophet prayed to God to reveal Himself for 7 days straight, for Christmas he had recieved a golden chain to wear around his neck, he wore it, but it was small, and could only be taken off with a clasp in the back of it. On the morning of the 26th, it moved off the neck while he was sleeping, and moved close to his Bible.

The Birds: In the chimney, there were really loud birds that were chirping and squaking. With permission from God, the Prophet silenced the birds in the Name of God, in order to show his younger sibling that God was real.

The Rain: One day, a friend of the Prophet, who was an atheist, said, "If God was real, let it rain this moment." The prophet was afraid to ask God to let it rain, because he feared it would not rain. Later that week, the prophet was walking around outside, thinking about what the friend had said, and regret filled his mind, regret to not prove to him that God was real. Just seconds later, it would start raining, It was God trying to remove all doubt in the mind of the Prophet.

That is the main theology of Talya or Yahabodism, hope it does not anger too much people, but this is what God has revealed. I can not appeal to the masses and appeal to God at the same time. Thank you for listening.

04:08 UTC


Hi! 👋

Is there anyone in this group?

1 Comment
02:28 UTC


Church of Chester's kids (cock)

The church of Chester's kids (aka chesterite church,cock,) is a religious foundation dedicated to the worship of the moradignian pantheon. The first God of humanity, chester the cat, is the god. The holy profit Emilia, preaches Chester's tales of taking it easy and love.

03:07 UTC


Holy Miserism of Divine Vision

This is something that I started off designing in Rimworld, but I'm going to use this in the future for a DnD character.

Note: worshippers of this faith are called Diviners

The Narrative

A divinely blessed community worshipped the embodiment of creation, Ca'Rabust in its temple, and we're steadfast in their faith. A Great Being offered bodily comforts to the Diviners to soothe their daily suffering. In their comfort though, they become dependent upon the Great Being, who gained power over them and turned them against each other. Once the Great Being had shown its nature, the people saw that it was a cruel and terrible deceiver attempting to lead them astray from the holy path, that of devotion to all members of the tribe and carrying each others' burdens.

The Child Prophet Ro'ahad was born into the darkness, never having seen the light of day and so had the wisdom of Ca'Rabust strong in his mind. His voice was soft, but firm as stone with the burden of divinity. With these blessings, Ro'ahad set off to free the lost, astray worshippers of Ca'Rabust, rallying the people back to the cause of righteousness and the holy path. The Diviners dug a tunnel under the temple of the Great Being to plant pheromones, summoning huge insects which overran the Great Being, swallowing the bodies of those who dared to defend the usurpation of the Creator of Creation. Thus, the Diviners learned that the consumption of the flesh of the wicked was not wicked. The humans were driven underground when the insects set off to voraciously devour in all directions.

After the victory, Ro'ahad drug the Great Being through the tunnels to the caressing depths of Ca'Rabust's warm embrace in the deep, dark soil of the Cave in the Cliff. There, the Child Prophet stayed with his defeated enemy for ten days and eleven nights, praying for the cleansing of its soul. He had such a love for his adversary that when he thought it near death, he clawed away the robes from his chest and carved into himself with his flint dagger, offering his blood and pain for the salvation of his foe.

That night, his prayers were answered in a dream instructing him to gather sacrifice not from himself, but the Great Being. A cat spoke to him, "When the messenger of Ca'Rabust drinks of the sacrificial vessel, you shall know that it is enough."

For three grueling days, the Child Prophet cut the flesh of his prisoner and collected the blood in his only vessel, a cooking pot. A sacrifice of pain, blood, and hunger, it was then decided, for there was no other pot with which to cook, nor will to delay salvation.

Salvation did not come quickly though, and the Great Being was once again near death. With few other ideas, Ro'ahad made a final, desperate attempt at saving its soul, and abandoned the tradition of only drawing blood from muscle. He plucked the eyes of the deceiver from its skull with his dagger.

A cat as dark as night entered the cave as the blind prisoner wailed. When the feline slaked its thirst from the cooking pot, he knew it to be the messenger of Ca'Rabust.

That night, he had another dream; this time telling him to bring the Great Being to the beach at the mouth of the Cave in the Cliff to send it away. When bringing his saved enemy to the outside, he was blinded by the harsh light of the sun and finally understood Ca'Rabust when he saw that the Great Being wasn't effected by this terrible and destructive, all-consuming energy. He saw that it was the divine duty of the righteous to destroy their false sight of the physical world and hone their divine vision. And so, the Child Prophet Ro'ahad knelt down in front of the Great Being, staring into the devastating light of the horrible sun. Having been brought to righteousness and the holy path, the Great Being willingly obliged the charity of sacred ritual, cutting out his eyes and casting them into the sea.

10:10 UTC


What's your opinions on the Chairman of the Board

14:39 UTC


The Church of Frank Sinatra


What we believe in:

1.- Frank is God.

2.- Do good.

3.- Don't do bad.

That's it.

00:28 UTC


A Combined Faith with a Scientific Flair

It is an adjustment of pandeism, intertwined with the big bang theory, what I believe is a remnant of the first frequency, combined with the Hindu/Buddhist concept of Maya, collective consciousness, and manifestation. The idea is once there was nothing but a frequency in the void of space this frequency started the trigger of the big bang leading to the manifestation of matter. This frequency was also the first representation of consciousness. Due to all matter being a frequency/vibration essentially this frequency ("God") dispersed/grew. Now, this is where it gets a kinda new age and the metaphysical. The concept of Maya is that god created the illusion of the universe. Applied to this is that the universe's expansion and all matter is but an illusion and all that there really is the void of space. In reality, there is only consciousness/frequency and this is a derivative of the original frequency. Due to consciousness stemming from one point, it forms in a way a collective consciousness. We are all the same being masqueraded in many personas, shapes, and sizes. As neuroscience supports our reality is a hallucination of senses and what determines it to be real is the majority say, aka the crazy versus the sane. My idea of why we exist is loneliness and the illusion of companionship and why the universe is so in-depth is to expand the limitations of communication.

08:05 UTC



  1. Lord though I may be but one person, thy grace, glory, and love make my actions feel like that of a thousand.

  2. God requires me to live under the same roof as thee and thus i shall shelter thee and love thee as family

  3. Give to the needy, starving, and huddled masses for the poor owe the wealthy nothing and the rich owe the poor everything.

  4. The lord cares not if you believe in them or not but only that you love thy neighbor no matter what

  5. Love thy gay neighbor for their love is as holy as any romance

  6. When lost oh lord, I pray to thee for guidance and help. For you are my lantern in the darkness

1 Comment
16:01 UTC


New changes and mods recruitments!

Hello, lovely people of this Subreddit!

I as a mod decided to make some changes in rules and how you guys should make the post on this subreddit and get a little surprise for those who want to moderate this subreddit!

Now your post has to have a flair! to make it easier to find a specific topic in this subreddit.

The new rules are the same but in different categories, follow the rules, and your posts will be accepted. The only rule that we in this subreddit won't tolerate anymore is about recruiting people to your constructed religion after some spam post recruiting people to a "constructed religion" we think it is better maintenance this subreddit only for description, asking for advice, sharing progress and media related to constructed religions.

I and other mods do not have enough time to moderate this subreddit as we wish, so we are opening a mods recruitments!

what you have to do is fill this Google Form and in about 2 weeks or less, I am promoting new mods to take care of this subreddit!

15:35 UTC


so my friend and i was bored and decided that we should make an enierly new mytholygy. someting to do in quarentene u know. this is what we have so far. draw some pictures if you'd like. (me and my friend does not belive in this as a religion. we were just bored and made it as something to do)

name of the human world:


the name of the world of the gods:


the name of the "hell":


the name of the land of the afterlife:


god's personalities

Xahnir god of time (his clolur is purple)

the god of time is ironicly late for things.

he talks about stuff that hasn't happend yet.

and discover things that happend long ago.

you could say he is all over time.

Thuana godess of love(result of Xahnir's existance) (her colours is red and pink)

her personality changes as much as love varies

every day she will have a new personality based on

one type of love

Lyntia godess of life (result of Xahnir's existance) (her colour is green)

the godess of life has a kind and motherlike personality

she spends most of her time watching humans from her temple

Somlios god of death (result of Xahnir's existance) (his colour is black)

Somlios is calm and quiet. he is quite the introvert, so

he only speeks with the other gods when he has to. he

also likes to watch the humans sometimes, but he spend most of

his time in the world of the afterlife (Gyenoxis), so he doesn't have to be

around the other gods.

Thunos god of wisdom (result of Xahnir's existance) (his colours are blue and yellow)

he spends nearly all his time in his temple reading.

he also gave the knolage of the existane of gods to the humans.

he is really didstant and sometimes stays in his temple for moths

if not caled for a meeting.

Ania godess of the moon (daugther of Somolis and Lyntia) (her colours are white and grey)

married to Aros. her favorite child is Ephine, godess of the ocean.

she is not the brightest but she is quite smart.

she is not as dramatic as Aros, and normaly doesn't want

to be the center of atention

Aros god of the sun (son of Somolis and Lyntia) (his colors are gold, yellow, and orange)

Married to Ania. Aros is overdramatic and always wants to be the center of atention.

he is quite the boaster. and thinks he is way more important than he is.

to sum up. he is the guy where you would think "oh its him again" when he

approches you

Enthys godess of the sky (daugther of Somolis and Lyntia) (her colours are cyan and white)

moastly floats aroud and minds her own buissniss most of the time.

she is not one to pay attention to a lot of stuff. and you usually have to

call her name a few times for her to hear you.

Therus god of Strotur "hell" (son of Somolis and Lyntia) (his colours are gray red and orange)

does not like any of the gods, and only likes to reek havoc.

the other gods bannished him to hell (Strotur), which is diffrent form

the world of the afterlife. Strotur is where mosters live.

he is allowed to come out 24 hours every century under strict


Pheana godess of the weather (daugther og Aros and Enthys) (her colours are blue, yellow, and white)

she likes punds and is very lazy. but she can be very serius when she needs to.

she almoast never uses the full extent of her power. but when she does it's for

a good reason. the weather coresponds to her fellings

Ephine godess of water. (daugther of Aros and Ania) (her colours are blue, with a litte bit of white)

there is not much to say about Ephine. she is very naive and innocent,

and she likes to interact with the other gods

Magteus god of earth (son of Ania and Aros) (his colour is brown and gray)

he is very ambitious and wants to prove himself to the other gods.

he is very serius and almoast never jokes around. if the other upper

gods tell him to do someting he will do it immedeatly.

Hutarr god of fire (son of Ania and Therus) (his colours are yellow and orange)

Hutarr is a flamboyant god who presents a confident, charismatic

image of himself. He works hard and, despite his brash personality,

is kind at heart. He is optimistic and innocent. and he is quite handome

the family

NOTICE: what you will precive as son and daughers of

Xahnir is not son and daughter of Xahnir. they are just the

result of his existance

it happend in this order

Xahnir is "father" of

thunos Somlios lyntia thuana

Solmios and Lyntia are parents of

Therus, Ania, Aros, and Enthys

Ania Aros are parents of

Magetus and Ephine

Aros and Enthys are parents of


Therus and ania are parents of


here is some of the story for you as to why Ania and Aros was unfaithfull towards eachother

Ania and Aros is married, but Aros decided that he wanted more.

Thus Pheana was born. daugther of Aros and Enthys. This is the reason

Enthys is so distant, she can't move on from her shame.

Ania quiqly fuigerd this out and got agnry. To take revenge she had Hutarr with Therus.

Therus agreed to do so cause he is the god of hell and he was bored.

Now Ania avoids Enthys as much as posible, but she blames it more on Aros,

even thoug he feels really bad about it.

11:59 UTC


My creation myths

Book 1: The Ikebbe

In the beginning there was nothing. Tahwa, keti, puratichha and mekê were nothing. But, that nothing was something. Ikebbe. Ikebbe is all, but all is not, and can not, be Ikkebe. Ikkebe is the nothing that surrounds the universe that surround us. The universe is her child. And, only she is infinite. Her children have not lived forever. But she has.

Ikebbe has many children, but the first were Tahwa, Keti, Puratichha and Mekê. They were her first creation, the toil of her work. In the darkness she lay, and she though to herself the concept of light. And so it was, Tahwa was born. The next day, She though to herself the concept of the sea. And Keti appeared. On the third day, she came up woth the idea of life, and Puratichha was formed. On the last day, tired by her work, he drafted the idea of a planet. She called it Ëshwa. And, life on Ëshwa flourished, with Mekê as it’s guardian.

Soon after, Ikebbe became hungry. She longed for the food which was not yet alive. And thus coconuts were formed. Ikebbe kept them secret, and cradled her new child. She thought it was so prescious, she created a guardian to keep them safe. Her name was Ğetą. Ğetą kept her secret safe. One day, Ikebbe came home, and smelled a rich, delicious fragrance. She walked over to Ğetą. She asked Ğetą what the smell was. Ğetą replied ‘Ġorrya,’ to which ikebbe replied ‘Korya?’ For, Ğetą was cooking coconut curry, the true staple. However, at that time Keti walked in. “What is this delight that you have made for us?” he asked. Ikebbe asked him to leave. He rushed towards Ğetą and asked her why she wasn’t out helping them in the garden. Ğetą said to him, “If you wish you may cook.” And that is why men work indoors.

After enjoying their curry, Ğetą left the house. She came to a river, and picked up a long, pointed stick. Thrusting it into the water, she caught a fish. Due to its rainbow scales, she called it ‘Nehaketti’ – colour fish. Ğetą thoughto herself that she needed to write down all of these new words, so she invented writing. Needing to guard her precious invention, she gave birth to ‘Kim-Peng.’ She named this invention after her child, hence why we write in the kim peng script.

21:19 UTC



If I have 1 deity but many manifestations of that deity is my religion monotheist or polytheist...

18:58 UTC


I made a modifiable and customizable spreadsheet to help you create custom, in-depth religions using Crusader Kings III's fantastic faith system. (repost from r/worldbuilding)

Hey everyone here. I was told that this tool that I made would might be helpful here, so here it is.

"Crusader Kings III unintentionally created one of the best world building tools out there with their new faith system. I made a modifiable spreadsheet that utilizes their system of Tenets and Doctrines to help people create in-depth, realistic religions fairly easily.

Each religion has 4 tenets (the game only has 3, but that's due to gameplay reasons) which represent "a religion's most important rites, rituals and traditions." I have 53 different ones listed (with descriptions), plus room for 13 custom ones which you can use to reflect your world's specific features.

Doctrines "determine what is allowed and what is forbidden within a faith" and are separated into 4 main categories: Main doctrines, Marriage doctrines, Crime doctrines, and Clerical doctrines. Each doctrines has a number of issues in it, which there are selectable stances to choose from. Each stance is also described. Each doctrine category has room for custom issues to reflect your world's specific features.

Using a simplified version of CKIII's trait list, I also have selectable sections for Virtues and Sins, as well as a simple "Religion quick facts" section. I really think this tool can help people create compelling, in-depth religions fairly easily. I've used this tool in my own world, and it's really helped me flesh out religions I already made plus aid in the creation of new ones.

The the template page references the other pages. So if you change the name of something on those pages, the template page automatically changes to reflect those adjustments. That allows for easy changes to the names of tenets, doctrines, or traits. That is also the best way to utilize the "custom" sections.

If you want to create more than one religion, simply create a new page and then copy the "template" page to the new page (that can be done by hitting ctrl-a then ctrl-c on the template page. Then click the new page and hit ctrl-v.

I'm totally open to advice, suggestions, and criticism on how to make this tool even better."

The link to the google doc.

04:22 UTC


Does your Conrel have sects or branches like Abrahamic Religions?

Does it have sects, like the Twelvers of Islam, the Shauvism of Hinduism, and Pagan Cults?

Does it have branching off religions like the Abrahamic ones?

02:16 UTC


Rough draft of the story of the universe

In the beginning, there was void. Then there was Elora. She said “Let there be light” and so there was. Within a second, particles began to form. Soon there were stars. But she was still alone. Thus, she created a family to keep her company. First, she made Eredan to be her lover. Through him she birthed Enu. And so the Elohim were born. Elora would create, Eredan would destroy, and Enu would preserve.

But that was not enough gods to rule the cosmos. She needed more. So she created the gods of chaos, order, power, courage, wisdom, knowledge, creativity, and perseverance.

The gods suggested she create gods of good and evil next, but none of them could agree on how to define either term. Then Elora had an idea. She scooped a handful of souls and sprinkled them across the cosmos, creating life. Over time, it spread, and grew more complex. However, they were mortals. Whenever they died, the gods would be able to judge them based on the actions they have observed them perform in their lives to determine on a case by case basis what is right and what is wrong. Then they would send the souls back to be born anew in a mind and body befitting of the life they had just led. This was the start of reincarnation.

However, the gods could not attend to every soul themselves. Thus, Elora created the Anubians, a race whose duty it was to judge the dead.

Eventually, a day will come when the universe ends. Just as Elora created it and everything in it, Eredan will destroy it and everything in it. He will kill all the gods, saving her for last, then himself. That is the fate of the universe: to come full circle. And yet it is said that those same souls Elora had scattered across the universe may be able to save it. Maybe it is not doomed after all.

23:16 UTC


Religion based on science fiction

I am making a world which has no humans, nor any humanoid species. In the place of humans, there are extraplanetary monkey-like explorers who, long ago, became trapped on the world's surface, a somewhat toxic environment for them. While exploring from ships in orbit around the planet, they began experimenting with hybrids of their own DNA with that of various native species. The result were lines of sentient, fertile offspring which could survive on the planet. The alien species ended up in a civil war among its members which led to the destruction of enough orbiting resources that they were forced to evacuate their ships. Some members of the non-interference faction relocated to a larger nearby lifeless world, where they have a permanent base and the ability to communicate with their homeworld. The interference faction created habitats for themselves on the life-bearing planet, relying upon the labor of their hybrids to supply them with their needs. Many of the hybrids ended up seeking freedom from their interdependence with the alien "gods," who eventually sought shelter in smaller habitats hidden underground. This remnant of the colonists still relies upon the help of a loyal minority of hybrids, for whom they are gods, and about whose origin and technology they have gained a modicum of knowledge. All that the surface-dwellers remember about the colonists is that they were gods who once occupied a giant tree, but that through their greed and folly, they caused the death of the tree, which fell to the planet and formed a long, equatorial chain of mountains and islands. Some gods who had wings were able to fly to the moon, and still intervene to help the surface dwellers. Some, however, became ugly, misshapen demons who live in the underworld and stir up trouble among the good surface folk.

19:30 UTC


Is it alright if I have a genderless "god"?

10:32 UTC



Why do you create a conreligion?

View Poll

11:48 UTC


Holy book

When you create a conreligion how do you present your work? If you do both wich is more important for you?

View Poll

21:02 UTC



When you create a religion, you come up with all the ideas or you "steal" some from real ones (to make it look more real)? Which religions or stories you use to get inspiration?

18:20 UTC


Three's a crowd?

Do you prefer (when creating a religion) monotheist or polytheist religions?

View Poll

17:58 UTC


Is there a guide to creating religions?

During quarantine, I decided to start creating a new world. I have a language and geography but want to create a religion for them. This is my first time looking into this, and had one, simple question: Is there any guide to creating religions, particularly polytheistic?

00:08 UTC


A deity that is feared instead of loved?

I am building one of the religions in my world as monotheistic that is worshipped predominantly by people who live in a very harsh environment.

I feel like these people could feasibly rationalise their difficult existence through the belief that the powerful God that created the world around them is a harsh, or even evil being. Mankind and their accomplishments, working together to survive, especially kind courageous or helpful people, are those that deserve adoration and love. God should be respected and feared, offerings should be given etc, but they aren't at all an individual that should be given adoration, love, or worship in a positive sense.

Is this at all realistic? Are there any examples of real world religions that view their God this way (fear, bordering on disdain)? I understand that in polytheistic systems it isn't unusual to explain evil through one deity, who is feared or revered for their power, but would this be something that could arise in a monotheistic system?

If anyone has done this in their own system too I'd love to hear about it.


03:41 UTC


I need help to create religion that is based on chaos/darkness but at the same time is neither objectively good or bad

Sounds a bit contradictory but I don't want to go down that very original path of having objectively good and bad gods, but I still want to have a religion based on darkness though.

In short, in the world I'm currently building, there are four gods that were created to perform very different tasks, back when the world was being created by the "main god".

Stuff happens and three of these four gods were banished from the immortal realm. Each one of them created a new religion based on what they built on this world, and as you can guess it by now, one of the banished gods was the one tasked with, among other things, bringing chaos to the world.

How do I make the religion based on him and his creations not seem bad?

It's worth mentioning that all four gods created stuff that made the inhabitants of the mortal realm suffer.

01:38 UTC


different polytheism (discussion)

well i would like to ask you if a polytheistic conreligion, which has beliefs that heaven and their gods are bad, and quotes in hell is a good place and their gods are good .. well i would call this a simple inversion of roles, I think, that would be possible anyway, I say I disagree with religious logic and such. :p

19:54 UTC

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