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82,768 Subscribers


Which AI Chatbot is best for coding

I am writing code for python. As I develop the code:

Chatgpt plus forgets what I asked it to add previously to the code, or pits a placeholder.

Claude pro stops mid generation.

I need to write a huge chunk of code reliably, what would you suggest?

1 Comment
18:42 UTC


What's the best starting programming language?

I want to learn a coding language that will teach me many things and make it easy to learn other languages. (Pls no python)

17:59 UTC



I had a code off github I downloaded, anyone know how to have the code successfully run? I tried with microsoft code studio and it just gave errors after errors.

16:48 UTC


Border Help?

I am attempting to learn to code by creating a portfolio website for myself. I am currently learning html and css and wanting some advice on the best way to code a complicated artistic border. It is supposed to look like a background box (that will have my content in it) with vines flowing above and behind the box, in a non-repeating pattern.

My current ideas are:

  1. just have the entire background box be an image that includes the vine border in the image?
  2. simplify the border so it is just as long as the screen and make it an absolute position?
  3. (my least favorite idea) use border-image and make it a repeating pattern. I like the look of the border not repeating, but maybe I could make it look a bit more complicated by making the repeat a bit big?

Does anyone have advice or ideas? Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!

Edit: here is a link to view my rough draft drawing of my website https://imgur.com/a/8oDqia4

16:40 UTC


Not a developer yet but wanna start the journey. Suggest free resources.

Exactly what the title says. Also, is there a way to practice coding on android or ipad. My laptop is too laggy.

14:25 UTC


Having issues with Github API and Netlify

Hello folks, so I am helping out my mom by making her a website where she can track the inventory for her sewing buisness. It's very simple, just an html page that displays a table, with the data stored in the same repository in a .json. when you click on a cell in the table, you should be able to edit it and update the data file. To do this, along with using github to host my website, I'm using netlify since I heard that was good for this sort of thing. However, I keep running into this specific issue, "Error in updateData function: GitHub API Error: 404 Not Found" everything else seems to be working, and I am unsure what the problem is. I've double checked my repo name and everything matches, my access token is still working and has the proper permissions, and all my files are in the right place. If anyone has any ideas what else I could do to fix this or troubleshoot, that would be greatly appreciated.

1 Comment
09:09 UTC


Hey can someone help me with this error?

1 Comment
00:09 UTC


Should my scoped packages be visible on npm?

I've created a few packages before, and I can see them all in my account in npm.

I've just started a monorepo for the first time, and also created an organization for the first time, in order to publish some packages as scoped packages (@organization/package-name).

I've created the organization under the same name both in npm and in GitHub. Also, my accounts are linked.

I've published 10 scoped packages under that organization. I can see all 10 under my organization in GitHub, but on npm I see nothing. Not under my account (I seeybold packages) nor under the organization (shows 0 packages).

All packages have access set to public.

Are the packages only hosted on GitHub? What am I missing here? I am a bit confused.

EDIT: I've just noticed that all 10 packages in my GitHub organization were set to private. I'm not sure if it's the GitHub setting that also affects the nom setting, but I've changed a couple to Public for testing, and I still don't see them at npm.

21:17 UTC


How can a python file run in a browser?

How can I run a python script in a browser? I want to upload my script, get a link and when I open it my script runs. Can anyone help?

17:45 UTC


Best Way to Record and Render a Process as MP4 or PNG Sequence in a Web-Based App

I’m not a coder (wish I was!), but I’m trying to create a web-based app with the help of AI. The app generates and processes text, and my goal is to render the process as an MP4 video.

I’ve tried two methods:

  1. MediaRecorder (WebM) – Results in a 0-second video.
  2. PNG Sequence – Only captures the first frame or whatever is currently visible, instead of recording the full animation.

Since both methods aren’t working as expected, what other techniques could be used to properly record a process in a web-based app? Would something like a virtual canvas or offscreen rendering work? Open to any ideas!

17:16 UTC


Looking for someone to help me create a Mock Up creator


I’m looking for someone who can help me create a mock up creator like DIYbookcovers (.com)

Where you upload an image and it places it onto a 3D mock up.

I have the mock up built that the images will be placed onto I just need someone with the know how.

I have a wix site and want it to be placed within that.

Will appreciate the help for free, but certainly can pay. Already have notes from ChatGPT on how to do it. Just need a hand.

13:04 UTC


I want to make a website as a birthday wish

Hello everyone I am making a website to wish for the birthday of my friend I have seen some templates or code which is already written in GitHub so can anyone guide me what should I do since it's Tommorow and I wanna make it asap

1 Comment
05:33 UTC


Codemagic help

.yaml file for an android app dev. Im getting a line error “line 10 incorrect type. Expected a list”

I was originally able yo resoldve this but then like 11 error said “must be a string”

My current is from line 10 to 15 is;

  • keystore:

        base64: $…..
        password: $……
        key_alias: $……
        key_password: $…….


If i remove the “dash” on line 10 i get the error on line 11

Im sure im just currently an idiot but im tired of staring at this and am asking for guidance.

05:24 UTC


Хочу найти наставника для обучения программированию на Python или же C++

Незнаю где еще написать и искать себе учителя, поэтому решил попытать удачу здесь, может ктото откликнеться. Я хотел бы научиться хоть немного разбираться в написании кода, знаю пока что еще мало (возможно даже очень мало), это да, но мотивация к изучению нового есть, просто возможности пойти учиться в даной сфере у меня пока что нет, но очень хочется научиться, пробовал через гайды на ютубе, но они не сильно помогли

05:06 UTC


Need help with python

I have inadvertently found myself in a coding class. I’m old, tired and confused over the assignments. I need someone with an enormous amount of patience to walk me through some of these assignments and explain what in tarnation is going on. Although I was a good student and have a college degree, I am an absolute moron when it comes to this stuff. I know my limits and would have never gotten myself into this predicament on my own. I have a job but I’m working part time on top of it just to keep up with inflation, so I don’t have a lot of money, but since this is an intro to python and coding in general class, I’m thinking coders will see this work as simple and quick. The only thing that would take time is trying to explain anything to me. 🙃 Anyway, I hope to hear from someone. Thank you!

04:27 UTC


Any good OS Gmail alternatives?

hey guys i’m looking for a os gmail alternative to self host. are there any good ones out there?

00:00 UTC


Error integrating airtable API into voiceflow.

Whenever I run my post command for my program I get the error: API call failed - Error: Bearer [My api key] is not a legal HTTP header value". The code the voiceflow documentation recommends is "-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_API_TOKEN" " And I have Bearer space in my heading then my api key in the value. I have tried regenerating my key removing the space and nothing seems to help.

1 Comment
22:20 UTC


Help scraping data from UNWTO.org

Can anyone help or give tips on how to extract table data onto a .csv file using python? The data is in power BI on the website. My coding experience is pretty limited so I’ve been relying on AI a lot.

00:58 UTC


Best courses to take to start working as a freelancer

I want to start working as a freelancer and have studued code for some time. Where and what are the best places to learn and start worki g as a freelancer. Also, what courses should I take?

21:40 UTC


How to Capture Code Execution for Visualizing DSA (Like LeetCode but with Animations)

Hey everyone!

This is my friend’s project, and he’s stuck on an interesting problem. I’m posting on his behalf.

The Idea 💡

He’s building a platform similar to LeetCode, but with a twist—users can see real-time visual animations of their code execution. The goal is to help beginners understand DSA better by visualizing how their algorithms work step by step instead of just reading output.

For example, if a user writes a basic linear search on an array [1,2,3,4,5] to find 3, they should see an animation showing the algorithm checking each element until it finds 3.

The Problem 🤔

Parsing the user’s code using an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) helps in identifying what the user is doing (e.g., iterating over an array), but it doesn’t tell us how many times the loop runs or what comparisons are made at each step.

👉 How do we track the actual execution of user-written code to generate animations?
👉 If the user writes multiple loops or conditions, how do we determine which loop runs how many times and what happened in each iteration?

Possible Solution (Debugger?)

My friend thought of using a debugger, since it tracks execution step by step. But we’re unsure how to integrate or build one for this kind of real-time visualization.

Looking for Suggestions

1️⃣ Can we use a debugger API (like Java JDI) to extract execution details?
2️⃣ Would instrumenting the code with additional logging help?
3️⃣ Are there any existing tools that can capture and replay execution for visualization?
4️⃣ Any other ideas on how to turn execution data into animations?

We’d love to hear thoughts from anyone experienced with parsing, debugging, or visual programming.

1 Comment
16:50 UTC


Tkinter Sql stuggle

if somebody has a few spare minutes helping me grasp a tkinter syntax issue im having that would be great, dm me for more info i have a 70 hr exam coming up and it would be a huge help

16:50 UTC


problem with fetching data from esp32

can anyone dm me and help me? if there is a change in the server it causes the whole page to refresh

16:10 UTC


I was trying to learn CSS tailwind, but something is going wrong.

I have a folder with the main python folder (flask), html, css but I need to create something called a package.json(?) to be able to use Node.js for tailwind. Personally I don't know what any of these words mean, but I figured I'll learn along the way. Why is the file not being created despite using npm init -y??

10:05 UTC


What am I missing?

I have python code(app.py) that scrapes data. I have flask written into app.py. I have 2 HTMLs and 2 CSS files that display the data. I would like to put it on a server/host.

When running HTML it can switch between pages. But when I run the app.py file, and click on a href link, the page can’t be found. I would also like to be able to store data created on the website itself. I assume I need to write javascript for a lot of this.

Please help I’m lost.

05:32 UTC


Using AI to help me with coding challenges instead of Googling stuff

Do you guys think it is a bad idea to ask AI to help me with coding challenges instead of Googling what I need? I kind of feel guilty. I don't want to take up too much time searching for the answer on sites full of pop ups. iI'l give an example: I had this question on freecodecamp, and knew exactly how to solve it with just one look at the problem: regexes. Only problem is that I just went into Deep Seek and asked for the regex that would handle it. Got the regex I needed and wrote the code myself (minus the regex). I feel like it is cheating because I'm not Googling the 'old fashion way'...

This was the code I wrote:

function spinalCase(str) {
let string = str[0].toLowerCase() + str.slice(1)
let answer = string.split(/[ _-]+|(?=[A-Z])/);
return answer.join('-').toLowerCase();

spinalCase('This Is Spinal Tap');

00:19 UTC



I have been trying to set up a local blockchain on my Windows PC using Docker and blockchain tech like Geth, or Ganache. Sadly it all failed multiple times now am stuck. All I am trying to do is set up a local blockchain with at least 5 nodes that use Proof of Authority as the consensus algorithm. PLEASE HELP!

1 Comment
23:31 UTC


Trying to get a discord bot to be active

Would anyone be able to help in dms with code I have, I can't tell anything wrong with it

22:59 UTC


Help formating my vertical monitor.

Hey, so I have my stock chart on my vertical monitor, but for some reasons my buy and sell is not showing up, but when I put the tab on a horizontal monitor, its there. Also, when I zoom out to 90 in google Chrome, it shows, but I don't want to be in 90; it looks small. anyway i can fix this so i can see it better. ( coinbase advanced mode chart)

1 Comment
22:16 UTC


Filtered Packet sniffing

I am currently learning how to use packet sniffing and spoofing using a virtual machine I have set up, currently I am having difficulties with filtering packets. Below is the code I am using. The first 3 filters I am trying to do are ICMP, TCP on a specific port and packets coming from a specific subnet. For ICMP I may be doing it correctly but the sniffed output is the same as without the filtering. For the TCP I cannot seem to sniff any packets, I have tried to sniff my VM and my real computers with no avail. For the subnet, I just don't know how to set the filtering for the specific subnet. Also, from what I have seen I need to have the iface= <networkid>, is this all I can do or can I change it for an IP or somrthing. If anyone could either show me a good manual or assist me directly I would appreciate it.

Sniffing code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from scapy.all import *

def print_pkt(pkt):


pkt = sniff(iface='<networkid>', filter='<icmp>', prn=print_pkt)

21:15 UTC


does anyone know python?

does anyone know python. i have been trying python to recover my storage thumbnails pics without getting pixelated

18:17 UTC

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