
Photograph via snooOG

Web Design

/r/web_design is the place for exploration and discovery of all things web design, development and the life cycle of the web designer. We welcome beginners and veterans alike to contribute useful and informative posts, ask questions or engage in discussion.

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Basic question, but can anyone tell me if this website is made from Wordpress.Org? https://nischa.me/


01:02 UTC


Where are y'all looking for work?

Web designer for 5+ years, looking for my next role / contract. Just curious where you guys look.

18:33 UTC


Portfolio inspiration

I was wondering if anyone knew of any interesting/experimental portfolio websites. I am a graphic designer that recently purchased a domain and want to put my portfolio onto it, but I would also like a sort of experimental presentation or something with a lot of personality. Really what I’m looking for is just inspiration from some websites that have a very distinct stylization and such.

16:35 UTC


Is anyone interested in starting a collective of less-experienced designers/devs?


  • It started as a small bubble of an idea, after a few months of going it my own way (doing my own lead generation, signing up for tons of websites as a freelancer, getting my name out there and such) but lately i've slowly come to terms with the fact that finding work is a sh*tshow.

However, please do not confuse what I just said with "there IS NO work".

Having had experience running a student organization in college, participating in a few hackatons, as well as numerous companies doing everything from sales, advertising, marketing, and now most recently web design, I've noticed that in my professional journey, many websites, such as Fiverr, Thumbtack, Twine, and various other platforms for finding creative work are saturated with companies posing as freelancers.

That being said, many of these companies have the tools, talents, and the wherewithal to conduct agency-level work, taking a majority of the projects and leaving practically nothing for the ones who have less experience or are not part of an agency.

As someone who also struggles to find work but sees TONS of opportunities slipping by every day, I want to find a way to fight back and get people who need experience the work they need to grow their skills.

Main point

I am considering the idea of forming a decentralized hierarchy (read: collective) of web designers and devs who haven't had the chance to get their name and talents out there. However, the traditional agency model is something I want to escape, and rather, I'd like to take elements of decentralization and socialist practices to create a model where all members part of the organization are creative specialists in one way or form (e.g. web designers/developers, copywriters, et al), and have a chance to contribute to open/available projects opened by the collective.

No one is going to force you to take a project, but the collective would pool all their resources to find as many projects as possible, and all members would be open to take any available one (Imagine an open internal-only Bounty board that members can see).

A few potential rules for this collective would be something along the lines of:

  • All qualified members would have a specified role, but you'd always have the freedom of asking someone else with a different specialty to collaborate with on a project, without having to ask for permission from anyone else.
  • When engaging in a project, the collective's contractors (e.g. sales and marketing team) will act the primary point of contact for your client, but afterwards you would take responsibility for how the project pans out. Of course, as we are a collective you can always ask for help from any other members at any time.
  • That being said, no work is ever free; any collaborations would incur a small percentage of the finished project's cost towards the collaborator, but at the end of every finished project, members will also contribute a portion of the proceeds towards the growth of the collective (more leads, projects, etc.).

This decentralized model is aimed at providing work opportunities for those less experienced, and granting freedoms for fellow members not traditionally seen in most top-down agencies.

As this is meant to be a small operation, I'm looking for people knowledgable in these sort of affairs. Initial membership will be limited to 10-15 people. Ideally, I'd like to start work on this as soon as possible.

If you're interested in signing up to get this off the ground, please fill out this form, and I'll reach back out to you soon!

16:08 UTC


Created a new gig on Fiverr and got dozens of this hilarious phishing attempts! Designers beware!

12:11 UTC


Which web theme?

What theme do you prefer for a landing page? This is just a hobby site to practice, I can bloat the pages a little more with content if it's lacking, but this is what I came up with:

(Text was redacted for personal reasons, Eric is a template name I would otherwise populate with unique names) "Name" is redacted for the name of the website



05:56 UTC


Templates for website

Selling templates to people just to help them with site making

1 Comment
02:48 UTC


Best source for design assets

I'm sure this vague question has been asked plenty of times, but probably seldom with these requirements. And I guess it's not strictly limited to web, but... It's a more general question that still applies.

I'm in need of a good source of stock photos, clip art, and fonts. Ideally without any licensing restrictions since I really don't want to worry about what I can and cannot do with something.

I've used things like Pexels and Google Fonts and such up until now. Legally speaking, I just very much prefer public domain/open.

And no, I'm not giving Adobe a single penny ever. I despise them, especially since they switched to a subscription model - I'd rather pay once and not have crap running in the background and installing updates that break things and I think preventing me from working without Internet access.

Canva is also way to limited. Not interested in Figma. I basically work in Inkscape because I know it quite well and SVG is what I want anyways.

I'd prefer to not pay per asset, or at least for rates to be reasonable. And I definitely want to not have to worry about how I can use or host an asset. I will be printing things, using them for various images on the web, and occasionally hosting them in their original form on the web... Licensing often prohibits or limits at least one of those.

22:08 UTC


Anyone interested in contributing to a web app for their portfolio?


I'm in desperate need of some design and CSS help for a web app I'm building. I've got most of the functionality down—user authentication, API integrations, backend validations, well structured DTOs, ingredient lookup, nutritional charts, unit conversions, and cost analysis. But my styling skills are terrible, and the app really needs a better look - it's terrible.

If you're good at design and CSS and want to work on a meal planning/recipe making app, I'd love your help! In return, I can teach you .NET, React, E2E testing, or just code along with you. I'm doing my Master's in SWE and have PLENTY of free time over the next month. I live in the Uk but time shouldn't be too much of an issue.

Really hoping to find someone who enjoys styling and can help make this app look as good as it works. Hit me up if you're interested!





21:33 UTC


Landing page I created in Figma

Hi guys/girls,

as the title goes, I've created this Figma mockup for the landing page of a tattoo studio.

Fonts are not definitive and I'll surely change most of them (maybe I'll just let there the Lobster titles). Images are just stock ones took from Unplash etc. at the moment and text content is still work in progress.

I'd just appreciate an external opinion about the overall feeling you get out of it, so feel free to share your thoughts.

Some elements (like the overflowing ink splashes) will need to be clipped within their containers for the sake of not driving me crazy while I code this down and I make it responsive.

Thank you very much.

Edit: typos.


20:55 UTC


Need assistance in hosting a site on InfiniteFree


got a task for a junior fullstack dev role, and i need to host it so its available live for some time.

on my localhost everything runs and works as smoothly as possible, but after hosting it to the InfinityFree i can only see the design without the data.

as a beginner, of course i did it with GPT, but i understood lots of things what i've written.

the thing is that i dont understand how the routing differs from localhost to live.

for example if on my local machine i go to this http://localhost:3000/ i can see the mu products displayed as a grid.

the part of code that fetches the products looks like this:

const response = await fetch('http://localhost:8000/graphql', {

project structure in local is this:

root ->
backend ->
Schema.php (graphqL query and other files.
frontend ->
App.js (displays the list of products

i made the the site with domain: http://ecommerce-site.42web.io/

with the same project structure. and when i try to fetch items with this code:

        const response = await fetch('http://ecommerce-site.42web.io//graphql', {

im not getting anything on the screen, only some static texts and buttons.

as a beginner in web development i dont even know what else to provide. if you've done this before you could ask me for more questions and i can provide.

here is the github link for the project. it has two branches, one for localhost and another for live:


any suggestion is welcome and appreciated!


1 Comment
20:49 UTC


Looking for new projects

Looking for a new project

19:42 UTC


Anyone know of any well-designed agency websites?

Can be any agency, dental, marketing, etc…

17:41 UTC


Best way to find quality designer for a Thrive Themes build

Where should I be looking for a designer that can create a website design while following the design limitations of a Wordpress page builder (Thrive Themes)?

My goal is to find a designer that can both follow those limitations, and build something that is heavily inspired from Google’s abc.xyz site.

Can I rely on designers to do both?

Upwork was a massive fail due to lack of quality, and Dribble is very overwhelming because I don’t know what specifically I should be looking for.

If anyone has any suggestions on other places I could look or post for designer, I’m all ears.

14:40 UTC


Supplement E-Commerce Website

I have a potential client wanting an e-commerce site for their male enhancement product. They will have 10 skews to start. They also want subscription capabilities.

I didn’t realize this is a high-risk item that will most likely require a high-risk payment processor.

I know this will involve a bit more work. How much would be a reasonable price range for a custom site like this? I live in the US.

I prefer Webflow. Not a Wordpress fan.

Also, if anyone has recommendations for who to use please share.

13:58 UTC


What makes a great website great?

So I've started offering a website design + development services and as a developer I want there to be a check list ✅ so that roughly we'll know we're on track to make it a great website. Not talking about the usual sections (hero, pricing, qna,...), more high level.

Here's what i got

  1. Messaging clarity
  2. Space
  3. Some motion
  4. Feeling of completeness
  5. Good color palette
  6. Nice Images, videos
13:42 UTC


How can I improve my understanding of responsive design and ensure my websites work well on all devices?

Hey everyone, I'm a developer at Keene Systems, and I'm delving deeper into responsive design to enhance our websites' performance across all devices. I'm keen to refine my skills in CSS media queries, mobile-first design, and flexible grids. What are your go-to tips or recommended resources for mastering responsive design? Any favorite tools or frameworks you find indispensable? I'm eager to hear your experiences and insights!

06:39 UTC


Client breaks contact and mangles website I use in my portfolio. I thought I'd link to my staging site instead - Should I add a note explaining this is a demo only or say nothing? If so, what should I say?

I'm struggling to come up with a note on the staging site that adequately explains the situation, without making the client look bad. Would appreciate any advice on wording this. Or am I overthinking and should just keep it simple like - "Please note this is a demo site".

04:56 UTC


I'm a high schooler and this is my best design so far. How professional is it?

04:24 UTC


best blog plugin for indie website?

I run a simple, small website , very plain , very 90s but readable on phones. I wrote it myself but it's not a deep advanced code. it's about my indie electronic music . the url is gustavojobim.com .

the site has been a frozen repository of links and images and I want to take it back to the pre social era after my Facebook account was hacked and disabled by the network (their support is a broken bot).

so, I'm thinking of a blog. which blog platform do you recommend? my host has a list of them, I don't know which one to pick. I'd like to have it simple to read and update, readable like a social feed, allowing commentary but secure to avoid invasion. the host suggests WordPress , pubvana, dotclear, serendipity, sitepad, b2evolution, textpattern, nibbleblog, htmly, nucleus, chyrp, flatpress, pivotx, leafpub. thanks for any ideas.

18:16 UTC


Website design for a branding design studio. what do you think? thank you

17:46 UTC


Roast my first ever portfolio

After spending every waking moment in the last 3 months learning everything I could about web design, I created my first ever portfolio on Webflow.

It would be hugely beneficial if someone could let me know their thoughts on it. I don't know anyone in the field so it's hard to say if I'm going in the right direction or not!

Here it is: https://sandriano.webflow.io/

PS: I know it's a bit simple but 1) I like a clean style and 2) I thought it might be best to get the basics right before jumping into some complex animations

Thanks in advance!

15:31 UTC


Now… I’m confused. Do you guys use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript?

I was on Facebook saying how I want to be a web designer/developer and mentioned that I’ve been learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and someone told me that JavaScript isn’t even used anymore and HTML and CSS aren’t useful for useful design assets for web/graphics.

It was said on Facebook, so I don’t know how accurate this person was or is. I was always under the impression that HTML is the structure of the webpage, CSS is the styling, and JavaScript is for the website to be more interactive.

They also said HTML and CSS isn’t even basic of the basic and I should keep myself up to date.

10:19 UTC


I'm confused on how to design cards with text only to keep it readable and clean

So context, I have to display some cards on my frontend containing the name of a github repo and its description.

The more I think about it, the more I stress about it because I've no idea how to render it because of that text only thing.

I was maybe thinking of adding a small colorful (randomized) square at the beginning to help the user to distinguish each cards and maybe just a down ^ to display the description if needed?

What do you guys think would be the best approach to this problem ?

08:22 UTC


Woocommerce| Wordpress

Checkout page |

Hello guys, I hope you're all doing good.

I need some support in setting up the checkout page, whenever I try to place a test order on my website, I face the error "There was an error processing your order. Please check your payment method and review your order history before placing the order again."

Now the funny thing is that even after that error, I still receive an order at the backend. However at the front end, customer doesn't get a thank you message and order id. Neither do I get the email about the order being placed.

Kindly help me resolve this, this is one of the last and crucial steps needed to get my website up and running. I can connect with someone over at Skype/Discord/AnyDesk/Google meet to share screen to get the job done.

Thank you very much.

14:05 UTC


How to design this ingredient search and select - REACT


First time posting here so I hope this is the right place. Basically I want to have users do three things for a feature in a meal planning app I am doing. I'm not looking for any technical advice just design advice.

A. Look up an ingredient -> This returns a list of ingredients with a name and a picture
EXAMPLE: Search apple -> returns Apple, apple juice, apple pie, etc.

Initial design thoughts: A card with the name, picture and a select button, inside a scroll area.

*There must be some trigger between searching an ingredient from the ingredient results and step B. Put simply, you must select an ingredient before the app can display possible units of measurement*

B. Choose a unit of measurement and an amount
EXAMPLE: 100 grams of (ingredient)

Initial design thoughts: a modal that pops up with a slider and a dropdown for possible units of measurement

*again, there's seperation between step B and step C. You must choose an amount and a unit of measurement before step C.

C. Add the ingredient to some sort of list or datatable (this then fills out the nutritional information for the ingredient)
EXAMPLE: 100 grams of apple juice - 72 calories - 0 protein - estimate price: 2 dollars - etc.

initial design thoughts: A datatable or table.

Ok so thanks for reading that. Basically I am struggling on the flow of this from a design perspective. I am using components from https://ui.shadcn.com/ but can also build custom components if I need to. I am curious what components people would use for this flow or how you'd design it.

11:25 UTC


wanted to know more about the community: what assets do you want to see more of in figma's community

11:19 UTC


Most efficient way of creating a home page design for potential prospects.

I like to show some of my skills upfront to my inbound inquiries, so I usually create a homepage for them based on the logo they present and the information they already have. It takes quite a while, so I'm trying to do this more efficiently. Does anyone have a bank of templates that I can use for free to edit on Figma?

18:31 UTC

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