
Photograph via snooOG

We are a community dedicated to cannabis, hemp, and cannabinoid news from across the universe.

Cannabis, hemp, and cannabinoid news from across the universe.

Our rules:

1. Cannabis news only.
Please post only cannabis news, analysis, and opinion here. Surveys, petitions, and posts about other drugs will be removed.

2. No blogspam, low quality sources.
Blogspam is basically content that rips off another site's work. Also, sites that are not strictly news sites (they also sell bongs for example) are typically not allowed.

3. No image, video, or text posts.
There are many other cannabis subs that may better suit your needs, such as r/trees, r/weed, or r/Marijuana. For a much longer list, see below in sidebar.

4. No editorialized titles.
Please don't insert your personal opinions into post titles. In general, copy from the title of the article and/or the body to title your post.

5. No advertising.
This includes trying to buy/sell weed, which will get you banned.

6. Be respectful.
Keep it reasonably civil and we will try not to get in your way around here. Follow good reddiquette.

Please report content that violate these rules.



Related subreddits

Our friends at r/trees have compiled a large number of cannabis subs on their wiki page, split up into three lists. They are:



Information & resources

We strongly support the legalization of cannabis here in r/cannabis. Below are some resources to educate yourself about the cause and get involved.

For activism at the local level:



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Interview With Sheriff Chad Chronister About The Decriminalization Of Marijuana - Freakshow Daily Podcast (2020) - New DEA Head Appointee by Trump

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04:15 UTC

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