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In need of a good read? Let us know what you want and we guarantee you'll find a great book, or your money back.

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    Found family

    Hi! I usually enjoy found family stories a lot. Either someone finding other like-minded people, or just about a group of people whose stories revolve around each other.

    What are your favorite "found family", found group, group "adventure" books?

    21:55 UTC



    Hi All! My novel, "Chasing Arrows" by Tony Scopellito, is free for a limited time on Amazon. Please check it out! TY!!!

    21:51 UTC


    Suggest me a book that's based on the history and culture of Karachi!!!!

    I recently moved to Karachi for studies and want to get to know the city moreee

    21:50 UTC


    Medieval fantasy

    I'm looking for a fantasy romance book or series that has that medieval type feel like Fourth Wing, Game of Thrones, or the Cursebreakers series. I know those are all pretty different stories, but I'm more giving examples for the vibe I'm going for.

    21:37 UTC


    Suggest me some 200 pages books.


    Please suggest me smaller books which are easier to get into for a beginner like me. I love reading fiction but if you think history or science book might be fun to read please suggest me that as well. Mostly I'm looking for 200-300 pages books so that I can read them in 8-10 days.

    Please read below for longer explanation.

    I am trying to get into the habit of reading. I have always loved reading books, but have never done it on regular basis. So I decided to give this hobby a little bit more time and effort to see if I enjoy reading as much as my other hobbies.

    My goal is to take the 52 books challenge starting 1st January 2025, so I thought if I develop a habit of reading that goal might be achieved which right now feels impossible because I am a slow reader and some times put the book half way and might pick up after days or weeks.

    I want to start by reading fiction books as I can get into them easily. But right now I am reading Sapians and even though it's not a novel or story, the author's point of view is kind of interesting and thus I'm enjoying this book so far.

    For the novels, I have read Dan Brown's Digital Fortress, Angels and demons, The da vinci code, Deception point and Inferno and I loved all of them. Apart from these I have also read Around the world in 80 days, Half of sherlock holmes collection book part 1 (I intend to finish both parts sooner or later). The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I have also read 1 self help book Atomic habits, but I have not read enough self help books or applied anything in to my life so I don't feel like they are that much useful (I might be completely wrong).

    So as you can see I have read only a handful of books. I do love reading books, but most of the time I put away a 500-600 pages book knowing it will take me a month or more to finish or sometimes I don't know what should I read or which good books are out there.

    Thank you all for your time. I hope you all have a great day ahead.

    21:27 UTC


    Books to get out of reading slump? Simple and fun to read

    Hi! Does anyone have some recommendations for getting out of a very bad reading slump? I haven't read in months and can't concentrate on anything either. I just opened a book and it was like reading a grocery list. I usually like literary fiction but I feel like I need something simpler with a good plot and very engaging and easy writing. I really enjoyed "Patricia likes to cuddle" and one of my faves in that vain is also The devil wears Prada. If you have anything in mind in terms of the writing that's easy and engaging and honestly just fun to read, I'd really appreciate it!

    1 Comment
    21:10 UTC


    I really need a good booook

    I’ve not read much in a while and I really miss immersing myself in books. The last book I was reading was the Martian I read a few pages every now and then but I’m not so into it. I would like something easy going and interesting. ANY GENRE BUT I REALLY DISLIKE SCIFI/FANTASY

    1 Comment
    20:40 UTC


    Books or authors that make you feel like you’re in a jazz bar smoking a cigarette

    Only James Baldwin has achieved this for me. I quit smoking and drinking and his work is viscerally close to the experience again.


    20:26 UTC


    Can anybody recommend a book like this?

    This is going to be a bit of a strange one, but everywhere I looked, I haven't had any luck finding any other books like this.

    Recently, I have been on a "Narrator/Voice in Head/Bound to an Entity" kick. If you want a reference point for what I mean here is a list:

    The Stanley Parable (video game)

    Venom (Marvel comics)

    Malevolent (Podcast)

    I am not sure what makes this format so fun to me, but I would love to know if any books have this format too. It could be to the main character of the story, or to the reader, or anything else. Are there any books that have this format and storytelling?

    20:22 UTC


    Authors like William T. Vollmann?

    Normally when I see this question asked the usual pomo heavyweights are always mentioned (Pynchon, Gaddis, Delillo, etc.) and I find those answers a bit disappointing. I want toget recommandations of authors who are still writing, i.e. they have releases from the last five years minimum. Vollmann obviously is very unique, so I don't mean writers who emulate all the intricacies of his smile, but I'm struggling to find writers who are similarly ambitious in their disciplines, and who weave journalistic and fictive techniques together so well.

    20:16 UTC


    Novel about life of person experiencing the real world. adapting to it

    Is there any book were person is coming out of college or school or maybe out of isolation into world were he need to work hard, feed himself , struggle, take care of himself and be responsible for those who depend on him.

    20:04 UTC


    An exceptionally well-written book that’s in third person.

    As per title.

    What’s a third person book that you feel is very well-written?

    When I say “well-written”, I mostly mean in terms of immersion, prose, and imagery. Have you ever read a book and thought, “wow, this author describes things so vividly and I feel like I’m there.” I’m talking about books with also masterfully done metaphors and prose that just rolls off the top of your tongue and the words are perfectly selected.

    To me, that book is ‘The Bell Jar’ by Sylvia Plath, but it’s in first person. I’m working on something third person myself and want to draw inspiration from writing similar to ‘The Bell Jar’ that is in third person. Ideally, the protagonist is a woman. Thank you.

    20:01 UTC


    Please recommend me a book that depicts a tumultuous marriage.

    I really enjoy reading books that show not only the good but the bad as well, even better when they involve marriage. Fiction or non-fiction doesn’t matter!

    Please and thank you !!! :D

    19:36 UTC


    Book reccs with a dark edge, good plot twists, OR memoir, OR clever humor

    Some examples of books & authors I've enjoyed are Audrey Aubrain, Shari Lapena, Roxane Gay (An Untamed State is my favourite book ever). I love fiction about the dark side of family and relationship drama, not like horror/gore but more like psychological thriller or just heavy topics based in reality like Three Women.

    On the humor side of things, Romantic Comedy was a good one I read recently, hard to think of others.

    Thanks in advance!

    19:36 UTC


    Need a book to read after I finish leave the world behind any suggestions

    Looking for something similar

    1 Comment
    18:37 UTC


    Suggest me a book about psychology

    I’m studying psychology and I’d love some suggestions for books that offer unique views on the mind, different areas and theories within psychology. Just books that give an unique understanding of the mind, it doesn’t necessarily need to be a non fiction book.

    18:36 UTC


    Mystery or crime solving books that seem to supernatural crimes / occurrences but ultimately have a mundane solution

    To clarify - mundane as in "not supernatural", not boring.

    My wife is really into mystery / crime novels. She likes the ones with sort of an eerie, supernatural feel to them, but she finds it kind of boring when the actual final solution is something supernatural - she prefers it to be something realistic that was elaborately covered up to look supernatural - like a more complex Scooby Doo scenario.

    By way of examples, only a few come to mind - she really liked Cemetary Dance, liked Brimstone quite a lot, just read Bloodless but didn't enjoy it as much really cause it didn't entirely meet the criteria. Hound of the Baskervilles is another comparison. Some episodes of the TV show Psych fulfilled it (though obviously those were on the goofier side).

    In addition to the the main criteria above - she's not super big on romance in mystery stories, especially dislikes infidelity of any sort. Really she's not a huge fan of ones that go into great detail about a detective's personal life in general, preferring it to focus on the mystery - this is also because she likes to be able to hop around in these sorts of books so even if it's a series, not needing to have read every entry is preferable because she'd rather grab the ones with the most appealing premises.

    I can try to provide additional info if necessary but I feel I've narrowed it a lot already. If you have something that meets the main criteria but not the others, feel free to recommend it regardless, though if you can mention that I'd really appreciate it! Thanks so much in advance for any help.

    Tldr: mysteries that seem like they have a supernatural solution, but it's just an elaborate trick. Prefer: no romance, no infidelity, no real elaborate segments about the detectives personal life (focused on the mystery itself), if a series prefer readable in any order. Cemetary Dance, Brimstone, Hound of the Baskervilles are her best examples of what she's looking for.

    18:31 UTC


    Interview Prep in general

    So I am appearing for many interviews now. Majority of the time I do have my content but when it comes to putting them in STAR method or so while talking, it sort of slows me down and then might leave negative impression on interviewer.

    I need something that maybe has sample QnA or has some leadership talk to sort of prep me up??

    Maybe behavioural questions, maybe Leadership during challenging times etc.


    18:26 UTC


    Suggest me a good book series please.

    I just finished Outlander and I’d like to read another series. I’m not picky about genre, but I do really enjoy historical fiction and liked the mystical element in outlander. I just want a good story. Something where I feel like I personally know the characters and feel sad when I know I’m about to finish the last book.

    18:15 UTC


    Short modern novels about Men loving Men?


    I'd like to find a modern, short novel about men loving men. Similar to: "Heartstopper", "Lie With Me", "Call My By Your Name", "Swimming In The Dark", "Giovanni's Room", and "Red White & Royal Blue". Preferably characters in their 20s and that it's well-written (I don't like poetic/lyrical writing, sorry).

    Bit of mystery/thriller like "Sharp Objects" or "The Flight Attendant" would be cool, but not a necessity. I don't like overly romantic or books all about sex, etc. Hopefully not too many TWs.

    I keep seeing "Song Of Achilles" everywhere, and I'd love to read it, but don't have the time for a 300+ page book at the moment. I'm not interested in "Less" after reading its blurb (sorry).

    I've been suggested "On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous" too.

    Thanks! Have a great day

    1 Comment
    18:03 UTC


    Suggest a cosmic horror book

    I’m looking for a scifi horror book that is graphic, violent, and scary. I love alien concepts such as the alien franchise and dead space. I am fan of Steven king and Brandon Sanderson. I have dipped into Cthulhu mythos a bit.

    17:55 UTC


    Dystopian/Apocalyptic fiction set in San Francisco

    I recently watched The Man in The High Castle and was very intrigued by the alternative reality Japanese occupied San Francisco. I'm looking for dystopian/apocalyptic fiction set in San Francisco preferably about people trying to get by in San Francisco after a disaster. Thanks in advance!

    17:49 UTC


    Can someone suggest me a book about developing self confidence or becoming more confident in my decisions?

    I’m a fairly anxious person who is constantly worrying about whether I’m making the right decision or being influenced by people around me. I’d love to grow my self-confidence. TIA!

    17:44 UTC


    what's a book that you just couldn't put down?

    suggest some books that were addicting to read!

    17:27 UTC


    Suggest me middle grade books for new readers

    So does anyone who has or work with kids that are around 10-12 have any middle grade book recs? im trying to figure out what to possibly get my baby sister for Christmas and she mentioned she wanted to get into reading novels I do know she really enjoys fantasy stuff and she loves to learn

    17:21 UTC


    I'm looking to scratch an Disco Elysium-like itch.

    Looking for something like Disco Elysium but in novel form. Noir elements. Eclectic characters. Pathetic but ultimately redeemable main character is a plus.


    1 Comment
    16:53 UTC


    dark subjected book recommendations

    hey guys, i have a bit of a darker taste in books and i was hoping i could get some recommendations. for some reason, ive always had some sort of gruesome curiosity type of thing when it came to subjects of school shootings or murders or war in both books, documentaries, and movies. i feel like i should explain that the idea of something like this happening in real life literally terrifies me so much that i hate leaving my house and i’m always preparing for the chance that something like this happens to me but for some reason i literally only enjoy darker themed books that involve subjects like it. two of my favorites are hate list and this is where it ends. i think it’s just the high intensity of stressful situations that always keeps me intrigued. anyways, if anyone has some good darker themed books around these subjects i’d love to hear your recommendations. thanks!

    1 Comment
    16:42 UTC


    Suggest Me a Novel with an Emotionally Unavailable Female MC

    Want to read some light YAish romance novels with an emotionally unavailable female MC. Or atleast a female MC who is trying not to get into a relationship with someone she has feelings for. Basically a lot of inner emotional conflict. Don't want anything with rape/SA plotlines or anything too dramatic.

    Ideas: Chase x Cameron (HouseMD), Doom at Your Service (KDrama), House of Mirth (Edith Wharton), Jane Austen (ig)

    16:36 UTC


    Hi everyone :)

    Recommend me some good books in murder mystery genre

    1 Comment
    16:32 UTC


    Books about period and menstrual cycle

    Which books about period and the menstrual cycle have improved the quality of your like and awareness of your body?

    1 Comment
    16:25 UTC

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