A subreddit dedicated to Bloodborne: The Board Game
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Will these expansions be released or are they Kickstarter only?
So for any chapter that requires you to return to a certain time after having gathered two insight or any insight for that matter would you gain insight when fighting the mini bosses with the cards that have you place insight tokens on them or do you have to specifically fight the boss to gain insight? Also I have been ruling it that since going to the hunters dream either through death or choice counts as your turn ending you would only move the tracker once space instead of two since it feels like it’s a replacement effect for the end of turn advancement but if you do still advance it twice some confirmation would be nice.
TLDR: do you gain insight for killing mini bosses for purposes of completing the chapter and do you only advance the blood tracker once from entering hunters dream as it automatically counts as a forced end of turn.
Hey all, recently I purchased the base game, the hunters dream, the chalice dungeon, and the forbidden woods expansions and have started the base game with my girlfriend and her brother. We JUST made it to the cleric Beast and then had to wrap up for the night, but as we near the end of chapter 2 it got me thinking about the next campaign we start, and how we might implement the expansions. I haven't actually checked out the expansions boxes much yet, as I've been trying to avoid spoiling what new things they add until we actually open them up for the first time. I was just curious how we would implement them once we get to starting a new campaign (or maybe even sooner?). Are the expansions meant to just mix the tiles in with the base tiles, or is each expansion meant to be played as it's own separate thing? Also I assume once our campaign is done we lose all upgrades and start from scratch going into the next one correct? Thanks in advance guys, been having a blast with the game so far and cannot wait to explore what else the game has in store for us!
Hey there!! Solo player who really is enjoying this board game, though I'll be honest I'm using 2 characters as WOW this is hard solo haha. Beat the original board game a few times now, looking for what I should get next or if the expansions are any good in general. Rn cainhurst and chalice peaks my interest for sure.
Hey everyone, pretty much as the title says - I bought the BB bg a few months ago, was happily playing, and then realised my copy is missing card 57 of The Long Hunt. Could anyone tell me what's on that card, I'd really appreciate it :)
I tried sourcing a replacement card from CMON, but since I don't have the receipt from buying the game anymore they can't help, so I'm hoping this can be my second best option. Thanks in advance!
What are the corpse and insight tokens for during chapter 3 of this campaign? The insight missions say to spawn them but never what they are for.
Hey all just bought the base game and the Hunters dream expansion is wanna get either cainhurst or forbidden woods as well but my main question is do you add all of the campaigns to gether like you do the 4 from the base game 2 from either cainhurst and the woods and then do the final one from hunters dream? Or do the expansions replace the 4 campaigns in the base game?
I had my first scenario as a solo player and I got my ass handed to me without completing a single insight. I know I made a lot of mistakes, I was just wondering if I did the rules correctly.
I started as the saw cleaver hunter, and used 2 cards to move 4.
Discovered a clinic and a random tile with two monsters. I was able to kill one monster with my last card, but it damaged me, end of turn the other mob moved on me. New turn advance the tracker, I had to go back to the dream refresh, I advanced the tracker twice and respawned.
Went to another location, with a mob and a quest. Killed the mob, but it respawned after I ended the turn. Killed it again, had to go back to the dream, two advances again.
Moved back for the quest, escort and npc to the chapel, boss monster comes. I had 0 cards in hand, so it got a free hit on me, had to go back to the dream, 3 advances. It had 2 health pools, I kill one, but run out of cards, had to end turn, it gets refreshed. I have to back to the dream again. I go back, but as I have to interact with the lamp to teleport into the fog gate, I am again there with 2 cards in hand. I fight for 2 rounds, but could not kill the beast, it kills me with a special.
At this point I gave up, as the tracker was at 3/4 completion, didnt have a single insight and was on chapter one. I know I made a lot of tactical mistakes, but looking at the size of the campaign deck beating it all with 1 tracker seems impossible.
Did I made any obvious rule errors? Any tips for a new player?
Playing my first game and suffering from confusion on this...so for example: Hunter pistol has the rules text:
"On Hunter turn, discard 1 card to refresh" after use. So does this mean any time during the Hunter's turn, including during combat or does it have to be done before slotting your stat to attack?
I’m confused about the surprise enemies mechanic. The way I read it makes it seem like enemies activate when you spawn them on tile flip. Is this true or only when a hunter turn ends?
I'm playing The Long Hunt and finished the Chapter 1 hunt mission, which spawned a Pack Alpha scourge beast, but the rulebook also says that when I finish a hunt mission the chapter is over and I go to the next one, which seems to mean clearing the board. Why are these 2 things triggering at the same time?
Also, how am I supposed to use the enemy action deck if there are multiple fights happening on the board at once?
Hey everyone. I’m going to be playing a session soon of bloodborne and I had a question about combat. Whenever you play a card do you resolve the ability immediately (such as draw 1) Even if the enemy staggered me? Furthermore, if I drew a dodge from that draw one could I then use it to dodge the enemies attack? Answers would be appreciated.
I Just got my Board Game and tested the First chapter of the Long hunt. But i didnt quite understand the hunt track progress, does it move Forward after every Hunter Turn, every round during a Fight and after each visit in the dream or Just after the dream and during the Fights?
Like the title says, I'm looking to get rid of a sealed, NIB Full Moon pledge. I have the details posted over in r/miniswap;
Sorry if this isn't allowed.
Hola gente, quería consultar sobre si tienen algún enlace de aliexpress, amazon o un plano 3D de los cofres y lámparas que vienen en la caja “blood moon”. He buscado y solo he encontrado en eBay y para mi país Chile, sale muy caro el envío. En aliexpress encontré los cazadores de kickstarter, pero no los cofres y lámparas, quedo atento, muchas gracias.
If there are any Bloodborne Board Game expansions you still want, now is likely the time to get them. Find them right here.
I tried to recreate some of the messenger outfits from the game using green stuff.
Howdy y'all. I recently picked up the base game for a steal of a price, and was surprised and thrilled at the campaigns' existence and structure; so much more variety than I thought! I have Hunter's Dream on the way for the various and many things it adds to any game, but am wondering: which campaigns across the base game or any of the expansions have you had the most fun with, and why? Started The Long Hunt with my partner and a friend and had a great, albiet chaotic, blast! Wondering what other folks think of any and all existing campaigns.
Hello! I posted a while back seeing if anyone else had done a nightmare of Mensis homebrew and couldn't find anything. After a long while I'm finally able to put some time into it. Here's a link to my google doc on it if people are interested! Currently finishing Chapter 2, cliff notes are in the doc of my outline for the whole thing, making small edits / reworks as I go. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vt1Iv9-LHqS8dFFBqOfRb8e0bPy2zIo1mgTae-a7AsI/edit?usp=sharing I will update when it's complete! Heads up but it does require pieces from a few different expansions(list in google doc), so this is only for the goobers like me who own so many for this delightful game!
Update: It's complete!
I have it all in a workable state all the way through to the end of chapter 3. It's still in an ugly format, and needs some polish for sure, as well as some proof reading but for anyone wanting to check it out, there you go! Any feedback is appreciated. I will update again once I've got it looking pretty and polished
Update 2: It's very Complete! It's all sorted out and in an easy to understand format. all 3 chapters and bosses with side quests for each chapter! There is a listed google doc with all cards in order, a newer format of the same thing my Fiance is in the process of drafting for me, and a printable format that can be printed on 15 standard sheets of paper easily! .Feel free to try it out and if you have any feedback let me know. I plan to do a play test myself in the next week or 2 :)
Update 3: I added photos of the minis I made for this campaign!
Hi, bought the game a few weeks ago and giving it a try lately. I got some quick questions regarding the bloodmoon, campaign progress and saving
I know enemies respawn and go back to full health. But does this also apply to enemies/bosses you're currently in combat with? Do they just go to full health or teleport away back to spawn if hitting a blood moon during combat?
Does the chapter end as soon as you uncover the card that says that the hunt/chapter is finished or can you grind out a few more enemies/blood echos to get a few more upgrades?
If you finish the chapter woth some blood echoes on hand, can you upgrade between chapters?
Do you gain any further upgrades for completing a chapter or only ones for killing enemies?
How many insight tokens do you gain for an insight mission? Just one or does it scale with the number of players?
Regarding saving, i know you simply keep any upgrade cards, consumables and whatever else you gain during the chapter. Though are upgrades gained during a campaign saved for other campaigns too or is everything fully reset when playing a different campaign? Same for if losing a campaign, do you lose all your progress and reset to the basic deck?
Hello, fellow hunters. Bough the main game not so long ago and we tried to play first scenario and have some questions.
First thing first, how the hell did you suppose to beat Cleric Beast, when it’s have 44 total hp and usually it comes out at the end of the hunt? We did beat it and complete the mission on 2 part, but on last one it was nearly impossible, since it’s regenerating health after every red moon phases, and our top damage per turn was in about 4-5 from a guy with big axe, and this mf attack everyone on zone it’s standing usually.
The second one is about combat. Do you make your move first and open monster action or open it and do your move to match it? Maybe we have some problem in translation, but it’s not very clear.
Third one, do you play with some home rules? I know the game isn’t suppose to be easy, but sometimes it feels unfair for the sake of being unfair, even video-game never did it. For example it feels weird that we can’t exchange items with each other or fight together vs one monster.