
Photograph via snooOG

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Aquarium coop sponge filter

So I have a few of these sponge filters in my aquariums and I've had issues where the bubbles stop coming out and as I go to inspect it, I notice a rock to be jammed into the opposite end that the hose plugs in causing no bubbles to be pushed out. Has anyone ever experienced this issue and do you have any tips from keep this from happening?

23:41 UTC


Ich on my dwarf gourami?

Hey all! new-ish fishkeeper here and am curious if these strange white dots on my dwarf gourami that seem to have just popped up might be ich. he also has a similar one on his pectoral fin. Thanks!

23:35 UTC


Losing young snails one by one

Every 2-3 days I’ve been finding young (pea sized , give or take) ramshorn snails that have died. I have rams and bladder snails in all 5 of my heavily planted tanks and these are the first losses I’ve ever had, I’m quite concerned. The rest of this post is just care & habitat information.

I moved the livestock (30+ of both types of snails, 120+ black worms and 15ish neocaridina shrimp) and the contents of a 3G to this 5G, 2 weeks ago. This is including the mature cycled filter and 8 houseplants rooted in the water. Parameters are unchanged - 0 across the board (gh and kh are consistently barely perceptible. I’ve never had nitrates due to an abundance of terrestrial plants in all my tanks, I’m switching to NilocG ThriveOG to address this) and the ph hangs around 6.3. I have crushed coral below the substrate and add cuttlebone, there is no shell disintegration for the snails nor molting issues with shrimp.

After weekly 50% water changes I add 2ml of nutrafin plant gro, a cap full of FritzZyme and a small amount of bacterAE. Feeding wise I alternate between green beans, baby spinach, stinging nettle pellets, algae/spirulina wafers, powdered bug bites, hikari crab cuisine, shrimp snowflake pellets and frozen food. (mysis shrimp, blood worms, daphnia, brine shrimp)

What could be causing this?

23:32 UTC


How could i do better?

What would you change? Im new to this aquarium life.

It’s about 6 weeks old. We have high pH and hard water. Took a yellow tinged once we added the root at the back.

There’s colorful pebbles because you know, kids..! :)

20:53 UTC


Any stocking ideas for 29 gallon?

I’ve just set up my long awaited 29 gallon tank and I have plenty of time to consider what I want since it’s still cycling. My plan is to have 10-12 cherry barbs and a school of 6 corydoras. In the past, I’ve only kept livebearers and bettas, so I’m not sure if this setup would be overstocked. I’ve looked up information, but I can’t seem to find a consistent answer. Some sources say 12 cherry barbs would be too many, while others say you can keep a school of 12 in a 20-gallon tank. Anyway, enough rambling let me know your thoughts!

18:40 UTC


So I have a 15 gallon aquarium and I’m not sure what to do with it.

I found it on the side of the road and it’s been many things, a grow out tank, a walstad tank, a cold water tank ect.

But what else could I do with it?

I usually go for fish that won’t kill shrimp or snails because I love the whole ecosystem look, plus it helps me being lazy lol.

But any ideas? I love invertabrates and plants and interactive fish that are not overbred like bettas and stuff.

20:39 UTC


how can i help her get better?

this is sophie. we just noticed that she has a scratched up belly and we have no idea when it happened. she’s a very fast swimmer and attacks her food like its her last meal. she’s still eating so that’s not an issue. just scared for her. she has a black pleco friend and a goldfish friend

20:11 UTC


What’s wrong with my fish?

One of my two rasborras can’t keep his rhythm in swimming and is constantly going up and down, he is also facing straight up to the top of the water? When I came home today he was just lying on the ground, I want to do everything I can to help him but I don’t know what’s wrong

17:52 UTC


Identification help

hey guys I need some quick help, can anyone identify which canister filter this is in the corner of the photo?

13:38 UTC


Feeding Time

My Clowns

17:40 UTC


help with identification

hey guys, can anyone help me identify which canister filter this is in the right corner?

17:45 UTC


Am I Overstocked? Be honest Pls!

Hey all 20 long aquarium which is about 3 months old with live plants as you can see and an AquaClear 50, air stone, and CO2 injection. I might be adding a smaller internal filter as well to maybe help up if needed.

Current Stocking: Black Neon Tetras x 10 Harlequin Rasboras x 9 Male Guppies x 4 Neocardina Shrimp x 20 Nerite Snail x 1

Old pic without fish and now there’s a couple more plants and plant growth

17:34 UTC


My 2 year old aquarium is running well but I cannot get plants to grow. I did not know about putting any kind of soil down and I only have gravel. Do I really need to redue my entire tank by adding soil and waiting for the levels to stabilize or is there another way I can add plants?

17:00 UTC


Tetra Glofish completely eating one another?

08:04 UTC


Can I keep German blue rams with apistogramma?

I am a fan of dwarf cichlids and new to aquariums. I have decided to get a 30-gallon tank in 2025. Can I keep a pair of apistogramma, a pair of German blue rams and some tetras together in my 30-gallon community tank? If possible, should I get a bigger tank? My apartment allows me to have a 40-gallon tank at most.

1 Comment
06:19 UTC


How To Make It Rimless

This tiny tank was originally for a jumping spider. It wasn’t ideal because it’s a top opener so we moved him to a better home :)

I want to convert his tank into a little shrimp tank! It’s around 2 gallons so I wouldn’t put fish in it obviously!

I really hate the look of the black rim on the bottom. My plan is to reinforce the whole thing with silicone since it’s not technically meant to hold water. Does anyone know how to take off the rim? I think it’s just stuck on with a bit of silicone but I’m not sure how to get it off without scratching the glass a bunch!

Thanks for any recommendations :)

04:30 UTC


Do Aqueon flat heaters normally come with suction cups?

The image on the instructions booklet shows a suction cup on the cord, but mine doesnt have that. I've owned some aquarium products where the image didnt quite match the actual product, so I'm not sure if there's something wrong here or if its normal. Are they all like that, or should I return it and buy a new one?

03:20 UTC


Name suggestions

03:12 UTC


One home made with low budget (there are shrimps somewhere inside lol)

02:06 UTC


Planaria or Detritus Worms

Was gone for 2 week and came back to these little worms in my tank. Did a little research and found out it can either be planaria or Detritus worms. Just wondering what you guys think it is.

23:17 UTC

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