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Hi all. I got a set of ADA Metal Jet Pipes (V-1, P-1) for my ADA ES-300 canister filter. The ES-300 has an intake designed for a hose 12 mm interior and outtake for a hose 9 mm interior. The issue is that these metal jet pipes which should be compatible, work both with a 12 mm interior hose.
As so, to connect the outflow hose to my filter, I would have to add an adapter that goes from the 9 mm filter outtake to the 12 mm hose. Can this pose damage to the filter?
Or can I use a 9mm hose with this pipe somehow? maybe put the adapter on the pipe end rather than the filter end? although I don't think that changes anything?
Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/naUKmLB
Thanks in advance!
I have Fluval 107 external filter. Every few hours it makes sounds like it is choking for few seconds, but the water stream continues as usual.
What can be the issue?
TL;DR: Is it possible to rid of the fungus gnats in and around our aquarium with sticky traps alone, or without impacting the fish living in the tank? Do we need to dispose of all the other plants in the tank?
My fiancé recently decided to try growing orchids hydroponically in his aquarium, but I think it inadvertently unleashed a plague of fungus gnats in our home, mostly concentrated on the two walls around the tank but sometimes flying around the house. Our belief is that the orchids were probably harbouring the fungus gnats in their roots or it was exacerbated by the moist environment because previously we didn't have this issue. I'm most afraid of the fungus gnats infesting my beloved houseplant collection.
I bought my fiancé the yellow sticky traps, and the traps seem to be quite effective over the course of a week trapping many of the surrounding fungus gnats. However, he decided to remove the traps for a day as his friends were coming over to visit. The next day there were still SO MANY fungus gnats on the wall, it was horrible.
He has a planted tank, so there is a huge mass of phyllanthus floating on the surface of the water, as well as plants growing in his tank. My question really is how long it may take to draw down the fungus gnat population using sticky traps alone, or whether they might now be colonizing the surface plants or even breeding in the tank? Is there any way to get rid of them for good without hurting the fish living in the tank?
Many thanks in advance.
How long should moonlights be on?
Always entertaining watching it chomp
So this my first fish the shop say only has guible i hope didn't butcher the name. I may add another one i don't know..the water little dirty because the wood and i did my first change water. I enjoy see fish eat on the rock and sleeping..i hope next build up be bigger.
Hello I’m new to this , a fish tank with everything included fell in to my possession but I’m a little confused how to start it up. I’m gonna cycle it before I add fish but can I just use any filter cartridge for the filter? I can’t find the same brand of filters cartridges for the filter I have. Thanks
I’ve had a tank going for about 6 months now, bought it on sale at petsmart for a pretty good deal. It’s the biggest tank I’ve had to date and I absolutely love it. I have 8 guppies 2 angelfish a powder blue dwarf gourami and a bristle nose pleco in it. My guppies were pretty happy in the beginning but started hanging out at the top and I thought maybe they were gasping, so I bought an air pump immediately. That seemed to help a little bit but they were still hanging out near the top but not looking like they were gasping. (I think I may be a bit overstocked) but last night I decided to get rid of the top fin silentstream the tank came with and upgrade to an aquaclear ac50, woke up this morning and all of my guppies are going crazy swimming around the plants and structure in the bottom and going to the top and truly seem happy now. I don’t know if it was a coincidence or not but after the upgrade on filters all the fish couldn’t be happier. (I am doing a 20% water change weekly since I think I am a bit overstocked. It’s a 36 gallon bow front)
Could the filter upgrade be part of the reason my guppies are moving around more? That’s the only thing different than before.
One of my black phantom tetra seems to have damaged fins.
My water parameters are: Kh 10° Gh 7° pH 6.4 Nitrate <5 ppm Nitrite 0 ppm Chlorine 0 ppm
It is a 52gal/240l aquarium with 20 juvenile black phantom tetras, a juvenile pair of nannaca anomala (which I've never seen being aggressive towards other fish), and 7 otos.
The fish were erratic since I've just fed them. The tetra have been flexing on each other.
Any help or advice is much appreciated.
Just picked up a 180 gallon, it's dimensions are 6×2×2 feet.
It will be Blackwater, ph of 5.5-6.0~, moderate-heavily planted, tons and tons of hardscape, low lighting.
My thoughts of stocking were either:
×6 angelfish ×6 bolivian rams ×30 neon or cardinal tetras ×30 sterbai corydoras ×2 bn plecos
×1 male betta ×40 chili rasboras ×20 dwarf chain loaches ×20 kuhli loachs
African cichlid tank?
Thoughts? Suggestions? TIA 😊
Just noticed this guy isn't schooling, his eyes are bulging slightly and the lump on his head has gotten larger
Quick google search says lymphocystis and the rest of my tank would already infected but it shouldn't become a problem unless my water quality drops
What do you think it is and what's your reccomendation on how to proceed?
Not sure what eggs these are. I’m pretty sure they aren’t fish eggs. Since it’s under a coconut bridge. But I do have shrimp and 3 albino plecos. Just need help identifying them and what to do next.
Hi, started this tank about a week ago and the water went cloudy after about a day, which I expected. Soon after though the water had a green tint and then went slightly brown. Its less brown now but it is still noticeable and still very cloudy. I recently noticed a plant had died so I think it could have something to do with that? You can see particles floating around. The water parameters are also at good levels so not sure what to do or ig I should just let it be?
Im setting up an aquarium inside of my school because I am part of an aquatic environmental club. We’re going to set up an aquarium but we think it’s best if it replicates an ecosystem. We have a tank (40 gallon) and all the other supplies. Any suggestions?
How do you like my new 58l fish tank?
So I think I'm experiencing both at the same time. After a couple weeks I've decided that it was enough and I did a 60 percent water change. I don't really want to get a uv light filter. I'm probably going to do it again in a day or 2. Neither showed any signs of stopping so I've decided to start doing water changes for the time being. Water parameters show no ammonia.