This subreddit is for the discussion of Anarcho-punk music, culture, philosophy, people, and shows. If its Anarcho-punk related, post it.
Welcome to /r/Anarchopunks! We have one rule here, and that is that your posts be directly involved with Anarcho-punk music, culture, philosophy, literature, people, or gigs.
You may be wondering what Anarcho-punk actually is, so i'll give you a quick definition, but first, a quick definition of Anarchism.
"Firstly, anarchism is not mindless anarchy, it is not meaningless violence and disorder. It is as valid a socio-political ideology as any other, primarily meaning order without power. There are many different forms of anarchism."
Now for the definition of Anarcho-Punk
"Anarcho-punk in literal English language definition does not mean anarchist punk, it is a term that means punk that is influenced by anarchism, or other radical progressive political motivations. Here we do not assume that just because a band is commonly labelled anarcho-punk by it's fans means that they are anarchist idealists."
These definitions come courtesy of "ghost in the void".
Some Anarcho-punk websites that may interest you are.
ANARCHO-PUNK.NET For most of your Anarcho-punk needs and wants.
No Gods, No Masters Support your fellow Anarchists and not be naked with these Anarchist Cloths.
Want more music? Check out /r/audioinsurrection & /r/anarchomusic for more anarchist music and /r/folkpunk for all your folk punk wants and needs.
Looking for a list of anarcho-punk bands?
BAM! <Click that shit
Looking to learn about punk cultures? Check out /r/punksubculture.
Want more punk music? Look no further than /r/punk.
Listen to some comrades over at /r/libertarian_music.
Interested in Anarchism? Find a local organization, it may even change your life.
Come join us on our Discord server
https://www.anarchistfederation.net/ for up to date anarchist news.
My favorite is Behind Enemy Lines. I like how every single lyric is political and its always spot on antiauthoritiarian.
Hey folks,
My band just put out their first single Rockefeller. Send it to your favorite anarchist…or war profiteer.
Check it out here
So I’ve always been anti-consumerism and all that since I was little. I come from neglect, I never owned clothes when I was little, I had 2 oversized shirts and that was it. So when I was about 15 and started looking for a job, I had to get “appropriate” clothes. My mum forbid me from going to a thrift shop and said I had to buy first hand clothes. I ended up buying like 3 pairs of pants and a couple shirts from a business (that most likely exploits people, which I didn’t realise at the time). My question is, can I still wear these pants while wearing a battle jacket without being considered a poser/appropriating punk culture?
There's a lot of books and other media being banned, especially queer cartoons but also WWII books like Maus are getting banned in some places
I want to preserve them while we can still access them and y'all are welcome to join me in building a digital anarchist library that doesn't restrict important information