Aeni, Korean animation.
An English trailer of the upcoming movie "Running Man: Light and shadow" was released on 2023. At this moment, the movie is still unreleased, both in South Korea and other countries. This movie is based on Running Man Animation, an animated series based on the Korean variety show Running Man. In fact, this would be the second movie of the franchise, the first being the Running Man: Revengers movie.
My friend showed me an edit they stumbled across from the show but they don't know what it is because of the Korean text. If you could help me identify it that would be great
Theres this korean animation I found a while ago about like animal humans in school, but I cant remember the name.
Can someone help me find an anime i forgot the name to? There was a character named Kun Jun who was a slime lord??? I don't fully remember. Ik it wasn't TTIWRAAS though. Anyone know what anime is mean?
Curious if this subreddit will grow and become like r/anime. Over there, they do anime episode discussions for each new anime release. Thought it would be cool if this sub did something similar with all the new aeni production announcements by a Korean studio.
Hi there! I created an award-winning sci-fi/fantasy anime short film based on Korean history titled One Last Monster that has been featured in Forbes, NextShark, Yahoo! News and more. Me and a good friend of mine named Elmer Barcenes animated everything ourselves in Toon Boom Harmony over the course of 2 years. You can check out a trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zHNhqHJ3ew and the full film here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FatUHtZvYZ0 - thanks for checking out!