A place for historically-accurate content relating to the Second World War.
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So before anything I want to preface myself almost anyone convicted of war crimes especially Nazis deserved to rot away and die in prison, but the Western treatment of German were criminals seems very inconsistent.
Gottlob was sent to 25 years, but only served 6.5
Raeder was sentanced to life but was only imprisoned for 10 years
Peiper was sentenced to death, then life, then 35 years but was released after about 11 years of total imprisonment.
While I know that the other Spandau prisoners except Raeder I think filled their sentence why not Hess?
Just finishing the book, which has nothing really to do with the movie. I’ve rarely encountered a more thorough slog through human misery. It even puts With the Old Breed at its lowest to some shame. Hard to have much sympathy for Nazis, but what that 6th army endured is beyond imagination.
Hi everyone,
I was wondering if someone in here could help me out. I am looking to incorporate more graphs and data into my Honors U.S. History course (line graphs, bar charts, pie charts, regular old tables, etc.). We are about to enter our WWI and WWII unit and I am trying to find websites where I can easily access some of this data (think like emigration/immigration data, number of Japanese Americans interned during WWII, losses within major battles, maybe even a graph on women entering the workforce too). If you know of a site/sites that I can use to then create handouts I would greatly appreciate it!
Thanks for your time.
Hey I just thought I’d share an American world war 2 history story. So my great grandpa was born in Mexico. He illegally immigrated to central California in the late 30s to make ends meet by picking oranges and grapes. When world war 2 broke out he was already 30 years old and enlisted in order to gain American citizenship. Supposedly, he was the oldest junior enlisted man in the 555th anti air battalion. Anyways, at the beginning of his service he was shooting planes with his 40mm bofers. Until he fought in the battle of the bugle the German Air Force was weak and shot the bofers straight into the German line. He left the service and gained citizenship and bought property and never worked a day in his life after.
Finnish soldiers hear that the continuation war is over 1944
In my opinion he would've been pissed at Stalin for sending his soldiers to Gulags.