
Photograph via snooOG

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796,659 Subscribers


Viet instead of Vietnam or Vietnamese

How do you feel when Vietnamese refers themselves as Viet instead of the full Vietnamese?

I’m living in the US for quite some time now, and still can’t get used to this, mostly in messages/comments, sometimes in conversations.

Viet as a stand alone word is more often used as a name than described a group. When referring to a bigger community or countries, more words are added like “nuoc Viet,” “dan toc Viet” to express the meaning.

20:54 UTC


How is Bien Hoa Military Cemetery of the South respected in Vietnam?

No hate talk. Just peaceful conversations explaining your views. No hatred and no arguments.

Southern Vietnamese Soldiers fought for the Country to and died for the Country. Why the disrespect and hatred after the war is over. Why not reconciliation and respect to the Brothers of the South who died? Peaceful reconciliation and forgiveness. Move on and let bygones be bygones.

"The location of the cemetery was marked by a 13 feet (4.0 m) tall statue on Highway 1 by Vietnamese sculptor, Nguyen Thanh Thu, depicting a weary ARVN soldier seated with his M1 rifle on his lap that would come to be nicknamed Thuong Tiec. The statue was originally caste in concrete at a cost of US$170 and put in place in 1966, however in 1972 it was replaced by a bronze version at a cost of US$22,000. Over time legends grew of the Thuong Tiec statue coming to life to warn of Vietcong attacks."

"The statue stood at the beginning of a ceremonial road leading to a hilltop pagoda accessible by stairs, behind the pagoda was a ceremonial walkway leading into the cemetery with the graves laid out in a series of circles around a circular monument and obelisk. The cemetery was built to hold a maximum of 30,000 graves and by the time of the Fall of Saigon in April 1975 approximately 16,000 burials had taken place there, with half the graves covered by cement and half simple dirt mounds. By 2009 total burials numbered approximately 12,000."

"Following the Fall of Saigon the Thuong Tiec statue was destroyed and access to the cemetery was restricted until 2006 when families were allowed to tend the graves.[citation needed] A sign was erected outside the cemetery which read "Here lie the Americans' puppet soldiers who have paid the price for their crimes."

"In 2015 then United States ambassador to Vietnam Ted Osius visited the cemetery."


20:36 UTC


What are your thoughts on this?

No hate talk. Just peaceful conversations explaining your views. No hatred and no arguments.

"Communist North. Democratic South. What were they fighting for? History often claims that each side wanted different things, the North wanted Communism while the South wanted freedom and democracy. Simple enough, on the surface, anyway. If you take a closer look at the motivation for each side to fight, you will be surprised that although the Communist North and Democratic South were bitter enemies, they both had Vietnam’s interest at heart. It is important to note that in this case, when I say North Vietnam, I am actually referring to the citizens and soldiers of the North, not the Communist leaders such as Ho Chi Minh and Le Duan. The soldiers in the North didn’t pick up their guns in the name of Communism, it was Vietnam that the Northern soldiers were fighting for. Unlike the North, the South was not taken in by the lies of Communism, but like the North, the South truly loved the country. Both sides wanted a free and independent Vietnam and both sides wanted Vietnam to be strong. Unfortunately, ideology, external influences, and the malicious motives of power-hungry individuals (Ho Chi Minh) split the country into two, ultimately dragging the country into a costly and destructive civil war."

"It wasn’t Communism that helped win the war for North Vietnam, but rather the patriotism of the Vietnamese people. Ho Chi Minh deceived his supporters, accusing South Vietnam of being a puppet of the U.S and other foreign powers. This allegation, however false it my be, struck the nerve of many Vietnamese people within his influence. One of the strongest (if not the strongest) forces that motivated the North Vietnamese soldiers to keep fighting was their determination to defend Vietnam’s independence. The Viet Minh (old Viet Cong) had just expelled the French imperialists from the Vietnamese nation and viewed the Americans as the new invaders to the sacred land. It was this reason that the North fought so fiercely against the U.S. and it was for this reason that the Americans lost. The North Vietnamese soldiers never fought with Communism on their minds, but instead fought with the freedom and well-being of Vietnam on their minds. Ho Chi Minh only gained widespread support because he claimed to fight for these ideals. Through propaganda, lies, and deceit, he successfully turned the North against the South, Vietnamese against Vietnamese, and patriots against patriots."

"South Vietnam fought for the same ideals as the North: a free and independent Vietnam. The only difference is that they saw the truth behind the lies, what Ho Chi Minh’s real intentions were, and that Communism was not good for the nation. The Republic of Vietnam (aka South Vietnam) understood the detrimental consequences that Communism would bring to Vietnam, so therefore, they were willing to go to war with the North. The outbreak of the war was triggered by Ho Chi Minh, the South under President Diem simply stood their ground, resisting the northern invaders."

"By now it should be clear that both the people of North (except Ho Chi Minh, of course) and South wanted what was best for Vietnam. The dictator Ho Chi Minh rallied the Northern troops with his false claims of freedom and peace while President Ngo Dinh Diem defended his own people, fighting for truth and democracy. It is possible to argue that the South simply had a better understanding of what was best for Vietnam. The North was blinded by false hope and blatant patriotism that later evolved into deep hatred and contempt for the South caused by the ingenious and wicked propaganda orchestrated by the cunning and deceitful Ho Chi Minh. Communism didn’t win the war, the national loyalty and devoted love of one’s country helped the North defeat the Americans. The subsequent American pull-out and abandonment of the South resulted in the Communist takeover of the entire country in 1975."

20:18 UTC


Ha long bay 🇻🇳

20:00 UTC


Going to Vietnam in mid-May, I want to chill on the beach, which area?

Hi everyone,

I plan to go to Vietnam with my girlfriend for 1 week mid May. We're looking for a nice hotel, with a clean beach where we can rest and swim. Do you have any area/hotel recommendations? We don't mind the nightlife in the evening.

Thank you very much!

19:49 UTC


Is Hansem Vietnam Legit?

I saw a couple of job proposals from Hansem Vietnam in freelance translator groups. I am a freelance translator and I just wanna know if that company is legit or scam. Thanks!

19:44 UTC


Saigon Metro is delayed to the end of 2024

This project seems to never going to be finished. Just 17 km and they can't even succeed.

Source: VietnamPlus

17:58 UTC



Saw this billiards club near my house. [OC]

1 Comment
17:39 UTC


Rush Hour Traffic with motorcycle in Ho Chi Minh city - Vietnam!!

17:11 UTC


Zip line in North Vietnam

Are there any cool zip lines close to Hà Nội or Ha Long Bay? Google is being unhelpful.

16:26 UTC


thats gotta be the best pilot ive ever seen

14:52 UTC


Parents travel

Hello- My parents will be traveling to Vietnam and will use an agency called "Vietnam Trips" or "SVietnam". I don't see many reviews on it. Are they legit? Thank you!

14:36 UTC


Automotive regulations for gas emission

Hey Y’all! I’m curious what are the procedures and what is required especially for cars to be allowed legally run on the streets if any?

For example, here in Europe we have something called “eu control” for any car to go every 2 years. They’re checking - brakes, lights, suspension, engine, gas emission and doing some tests to check if car is legit to be present on the road and that’s every 2 years.

I want to understand if you guys have something similar and what are the procedures especially for gas emission.I appreciate anyones input here!

P.s we are working on a project about gas emission world wide hence this info very relevant, thanks!

#cars #gas #emission

14:18 UTC


How much coffee is allowed to bring back in bags?

Hi, I’m travelling back from Vietnam to India and was wondering exactly how much coffee ( in weight ) am I allowed to legally take back? Are there any extra customs applicable on it or anything like that? I really liked the coffee and my father wants to use it in his restaurant so I want to know just how much can I take back. Thank you in advance!

14:16 UTC


Vietnam football match

I will arrive at Hanoi tomorrow.

I saw that there is a football Match vietnam against indonesia tomorrow in Hanoi.

Unfortunately I didnt find Information about buying tickets for the Game.

Do someone know if there are tickets available and how I could buy them?

1 Comment
14:01 UTC


Looking for an unlimited Internet Sim. Any suggestions?

Like the title says, I had one until recently. Sadly, the company stopped proving unlimited Internet packages. Now looking for a new one. Any thoughts?

13:50 UTC


Huge bottle of piss on Hanoi bus. Driver didn’t even try to hide


13:44 UTC


What is this?

Hi sorry for the bad photo; I’m currently in Da Lat and I seen a few places have these tables outside of it with what I’m assuming is a selection of Longan fruits, other plates of food like fish; some lit incense sticks and a selection of colorful cards. I’ve been trying to find what it is online cause I was interested but I’m struggling finding stuff about it.. anyone know more?

12:48 UTC


Weird and mysterious bar in Da Nang

Stumbled across a weird bar in da Nang on top of the grand tourane hotel called the X bar. Looked like a posh brothel and had weird interactions with the owners and girls. Can’t find anything about it online. Does anyone know what this is?

11:42 UTC


Alright, new question, what are these? been seeing them everywhere in the North (Cao Bằng currently)

11:33 UTC


I am living overseas. Got corrected by a foreigner for saying “Saigon” instead of “Ho Chi Minh City”.

I mean, where do you get the balls?

I don’t go to your city and tell you it’s not Singapore Chicken Rice, but it’s Hainan Chicken Rice.

Standing there and repeatedly “educating” me that it’s “HCM City”

10:27 UTC


Can you tell me what’s the purpose of this store please ? (Hanoi suburbs)

10:15 UTC


Housing in Hanoi (specifically just browsing in Tay Ho mostly)

Does anybody know, from an economic/business standpoint, why rental prices can be so cheap ($500/$600 USD as a very rough average), yet housing prices are in $150,000+ at a very minimum?

08:53 UTC


Transportation in Vietnam

Which transport is the best? I heard great things about the sleeper busses, but as a fairly tall person (195cm) would they fit me? And how are they as a whole. Is there air condition, toilet etc.

And so anyone have other transportation in mind?

Any thoughts and insight is greatly appreciated !

08:49 UTC


Aboard wife

Hi Guys
Just wondering. Are there any of you here have married to a foreigner girl ? i have never seen a "white" (no racism) with a Vietnamese guy ever before.

08:15 UTC

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