
Photograph via snooOG

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873,133 Subscribers


How come did Vietnam have US channels like CNN and Fox News when broadcasting is still heavily regulated?

1 Comment
20:29 UTC


Food poisoning

More than 500 people got food poisoning after eating vietnamese sandwich, it could be e-coil. The business would have been closed forever with heavy fines if it happened in US. The business owner possibly faced jail time.

18:38 UTC


Made Banh Bot Loc

17:54 UTC


Bệnh viện tỉnh gây sự để không khám bệnh

Mình gặp phải một số vấn đề trauma, do đó chuyển về sống với chị mình ở một tỉnh trên Tây Nguyên. Trước dịp lễ 30/4 mình có dấu hiệu đau nửa người, vì lo lắng bị đột quỵ nên mình đến bệnh viện để khám. Tại đây họ chẩn đoán mình bị rối loạn tín hiệu não và cho một ít thuốc về uống hẹn tái khám. Sau lễ mình có đi tái khám thì bệnh viện này bắt đầu gây khó dễ. Đầu tiên họ không phân mình vào tái khám tại khoa cũ nữa mà chỉ định sang Nội tổng hợp. Sau khi mình đi vào phòng này, bác sĩ chỉ định lại sang phòng cũ là Lão- Tim mạch thì bác sĩ liền hỏi mình là có chắc được chỉ định sang đây không? Mình nói là bác sĩ bên Nội tổng hợp chuyển sang thì họ mới cho vào khám. Sau đó, bác sĩ trong phòng khám này liên tiếp nói với mình dưới 40t không thể nào bị những dấu hiệu như mình nói trong khi người mình vẫn còn đau. Mãi đến khi mình nói vậy người bị đau thì phải làm sao thì vị này tiếp tục kê thuốc tiếp 20 ngày và đề nghị chuyển sang Đông y để châm cứu hỗ trợ. Mình đồng ý và quay lại quầy viện phí để đóng tiền thì thu ngân nói rằng, bác sĩ chưa chuyển trên máy tính, mình cần quay lại phòng khám để nhắc bác sĩ. Đến lúc mình quay lại, nộp hồ sơ khám bệnh và chuyển tiền thì khi xin lại hồ sơ chị này bảo không có, em để ở đâu. Trong khi rõ ràng mình đã bỏ vào rổ nộp hồ sơ theo yêu cầu. Mình nghĩ bệnh viện sẽ ưu tiên cứu người bệnh nhưng mình cảm giác bệnh viện duy nhất ở đây không như vậy, rất nhiều người cũng khuyên mình khám ở chỗ khác chứ đừng khám ở đó. Hiện tại người mình đã đỡ hơn nhưng một số chỗ vẫn còn đau nhiều và mình cũng lo lắng sẽ bị nặng hơn trong tương lai vì không được chữa trị. Mình cảm thấy rất tồi tệ và không biết phải làm gì, vì hiện tại mình không đủ sức khoẻ để làm nhiều và chuyển đi nơi khác sống.

1 Comment
17:01 UTC


Facial filler clinics recommendations in north Vietnam?

Going to be in the north of Vietnam soon and I need my filler topped up and new areas injected.

Looking to have general facial balancing done (jaw, cheeks and maybe chin) and have my lips and nose topped up. Ideally want lemon bottle in my chin too.

If anybody knows where I can get this done, any help would be massively appreciated 💖

16:32 UTC


Best way to get from ha long to Sapa ?

16:26 UTC


Saigon/Da Nang Solo travelers?

Is there any solo travelers here? I'm in Saigon for a week and then I'm in Da Nang for 3 weeks.

Male Aussie Euro keen to meet anyone for coffee, events or a beer or food!

If anyone knows any events, arts/sports that's on in May ples let me know.


16:03 UTC


Is Hideki Tojo a well known or infamous figure in Vietnam?

During WW2, most people in japan or worldwide didn't know anything about Emperor Hirohito since he was a private figure who rarely showed his face, so Tojo became the face of imperial Japan in the West and the target of US propaganda. There is still debate over how much authority the Emperor had during the war, so Tojo is still seen as the main man responsible for Japan's imperialism and atrocities in WW2. How well known or notorious is he in Vietnam?

15:23 UTC


Flying into Hanoi

Hello all, I have two questions about flying into Hanoi.

Do I need to do anything special for my visa if I am arriving from bangkok with an american passport?

Has anyone used the airport expedite service in Hanoi? Is it worth it ?

Thanks for your help!!

15:13 UTC


Why do many Vietnamese girls have hundreds fake followers on Instagram?

I'm not talking about "influencers", but everyday Viet girls. Some of my friends and colleagues have thousands of followers and by looking at the list of followers of one of them, I discovered that 90% of them were unquestionably fake.

Is the number of followers how people set their value or what?

Help me to understand.

14:59 UTC


Landmark 81 Souvenir

Hi, I am the vincom centre landmark 81. I want to buy landmark 81 souvenir, but i am unable to spot it anywhere. any help where i can find it?

14:25 UTC


How much was your electricity bill last month?

Mine tripled from average. Yikes. Never seen it this hot in VN before. A/C 24/7.

14:14 UTC


Shopee app download from overseas

Anyone know how to download shopee from Australia? Tried to change appstore country but it said my account is not in Vietnam. Also tried to use Mullvad VPN but they don't have Vietnam zone. Send helppppp!

14:10 UTC


Where to watch canelo vs muguia in HCMC

Hey everyone anybody has information where to watch the fight ? I understand is in the morning of Sunday so I have no idea where to go and watch it. If anybody knows of a place pls lmk!

13:39 UTC


Vietnamese Names of Different Types of Limes.

I have noticed there are at least three types of limes here. 1. The small ones that are sweet with a similar flavor to Filipinio calamansi. The are so small they are easy to discern from the other types. 2. The medium size ones that taste like a lime but also a bit bitter/medicinal flavor. 3. The bigger ones that often have no seeds that are pretty much identical to limes in the US as far as flavor goes and might very well be the exact same species. My problem is that the second type often look big enough to be the third type. Do they have different names so I know I am getting the 3rd type instead of the 2nd type?

13:12 UTC


Visiting Hanoi In June

I know that June is one of the hottest seasons in Hanoi,but my options are limited. Do tourists come to Hanoi in June? Will it be too hot to walk around?

I would love to hear opinions from anyone that was there in June.

12:57 UTC


Psytrance/techno parties.

I'll be in Vietnam end of may. Travelling with a mate. And we love psytrance techno music, along with the bush festivals. Anyone know of anything on, from end of may till end of June?

12:43 UTC


What is the name of that fish?

We watched the fisherman selling his products and wondering what type of fish he was selling.

12:42 UTC


For Malaysians in Vietnam: cash or ATM during travel?

My hotel bookings are to be paid in person. I’m wondering which is better: (Trying to avoid using credit cards because of add’l costs the hotel is charging.)

Bring cash and change in Vietnam or withdraw from ATM in Vietnam?

And for Malaysians, any suggestion which bank is best for ATM withdrawal? TIA

12:31 UTC


Looking for volunteering in HCMC

Im a foreigner currently living in Hai Phong. I’ll be moving to HCMC in August. I’m looking to volunteer at a non profit or charity. I’d prefer something with humanitarian work but I’m open to most positions and organizations. I work a full time job but would like to give something back to the community in my free time. If you have any recommendations of reputable organizations I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you.

12:03 UTC


Xin tips tăng cân cho người khó tăng cân..

11:35 UTC


Temperature and street vendors


Just curious, but it seems like vn is getting hotter and hotter every year (or at least it's hot this year). How do street vendors keep their food from going bad quickly when it's this hot? And how are people eating these food and not getting sick? Is there a trick here? What am I missing?

Give me some advice on how to avoid food poisoning as much as possible.

09:57 UTC


"Hello" Vietnam

"Hello" translate into Vietnamese is "Xin Chào". Here's a fun fact, no Vietnamese, and I mean no one in a colloquial sense would utter "Xin Chào" to another Vietnamese when they greet each other. When someone say "Xin chào bạn", to a Vietnamese they sound like "Salutations, friend". Weird stuff.

How do they greet in a real life, you ask? Well, they say "hello anh, hello em, hello chị, hi em, hi anh, hi cô...." (far more common than you think) and if they are adamant of using Vietnamese, they say "chào cô, chào chú, chào bác, chào anh, chào em..."

"Xin chào" is rarely used in every day life. The word "Xin" is used to indicate politeness and you are asking for/ to do something from/ for the person. A few examples:

  • Xin cảm ơn (Thank you in a formal way)
  • Xin thứ lỗi (Apologize in a formal way)
  • Xin thưa (Address sth or s.o in a formal way)

So when you meet a VNese person, just say "hello" or "hi" instead, every one will understand because every one is saying that to each other here in Vietnam "Hế lô!!!" "Haiiiiiiiiii ✌️✌️"

The reason why I post is I noticed that a lot of Vietnamese are teaching 'Xin chào' to other foreigners. In a sense, it is not incorrect, we still understand it, but like I mentioned, it would sound weird. For my Vietnamese friends: yes, I know some Vietnamese do use it in some cases, like in a workplace, school, or any other formal settings. Hence the 'colloquial sense'

09:47 UTC


phim bộ Việt Nam

What phim bộ Việt Nam Can you recommend? I love family drama

09:19 UTC


Vietnam’s Backpacker Map

Sharing this map of Vietnam!🇻🇳 This includes the main cities and activities. Remember this is focus for the backpacker style🎒🎉🍺, share if it you like it and contact me on ig for more info and maps💪🏼

09:06 UTC


First rain in D7 HCMC early this morning. How are you guys doing?

08:46 UTC


Dynamic pricing

How do you feel or deal with dynamic pricing if you are a foreigner is it prevalent where you live at or is it only in the most common tourist/expats areas

I have been to a handful of countries and so far I only have witnessed it in cancun but somehow it is very common here

I get it still it’s very cheap despite paying 2-4x what locals do but do you feel ok paying extra ??

08:29 UTC

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