This is a place for ladies and gentlemen to discuss news, technology and lifestyles of the period between 1837 and 1901. We are proper and well-versed in conversation but not a novelty.
This is for people who enjoy the time period but not necessarily steampunk. It's for a more authentic view of the Victorian era.
This is a place for ladies and gentlemen to discuss news, technology and lifestyles of the Victorian era.
Intelligent discussion about the period is encouraged, as well as sharing images of Victorian period. Images of clothing you've made are welcome.
Learn to govern yourself and to be gentle and patient.
Never speak or act in anger.
Remember that, valuable as is the gift of speech, silence is often more valuable.
Learn to speak in a gentle tone of voice.
Learn to say kind and pleasant things when opportunity offers.
Do not neglect little things if they can affect the comfort of others.
Learn to deny yourself and prefer others.
Beware of meddlers and tale bearers.
It’s from the 1891 census, above is clearly Widow and S, below clearly M, what in earth is the word that appears to start with a B for this person (individual listed as Lodger in the box immediately to the left.) Can anyone read the Victorian hand? Thank you!
Hello! My husband and I have searched for window treatments for our Victorian home for years now, but it's so hard to find anything! We're interested in just a basic valance and curtain duo. Everything we see is either not period appropriate or is way too long. Does anyone have suggestions for businesses that sell what I'm looking for?
Hi, I’m a newbie here, just starting to read about Victorian era. From what I know, the Queen wrote a lot in her diary and though lots of them were burned by her daughter, a good amount of the journal is still kept safe. Is there any book or place that I can read them? Or they are kept from the public?
This is an old family photo, but as so often the details have been lost. I'm hoping the English clothes will give a clue as to the likely date range, so we can make the search a little... Thanks in advance.
"SIR,-Let me appeal, to the Town Commissioners to interfere in a matter,which gravely affects the good name of Douglas. I refer to the gross indecency of the dresses worn by men bathers. They are dwindled to almost nothing. In old days, when men bathed with no covering, things were better; for women kept away, or were ashamed to be seen near the bathing places. Now, however, Port Skillicorn, is thronged with women gazing at the bathers. This being so, the dress worn ought to be decent. It should reach at, least from the waist to the middle of the thigh, as is the case at all other sea-side resorts that I have ever visited. Let the Town Commissioners see for themselves the apology for dress that is worn, I suppose to save the expense of a little more calico. It is a mystery to me that because men happen to be bathing, they should be allowed to appear in a public place in a state of undress which would lead to their being locked-up were they not bathing. It is also a mystery that women can be so lost to all sense of modesty us to haunt what is in fact an exhibition of naked men. The path past Port Skillicorn is a public path,and ought to be made possible for modest woman to use it in going to Douglas Head. I have been ashamed to hear the remarks made by visitors about "The customs of the Island.". Faithfully yours A Manxman"
This photo from 1895. Not a single deckchair in sight. (Imagine the poor bastards who had to hike these around). Wiki says 'folding steam (ship) chairs' became popular on beach fronts just a few years later.
Hey all, the title pretty much says it: I'm looking for both series and films that cover Victorian era criminal trials, preferably in London at the Old Bailey. This could also include the broader themes of Victorian policing, barristers, solicitors, detectives, etc. Any suggestions welcome! :)