The Vaporwave VHS Tapes Club Thread from the Virtual Plazas of Neo-Tokyo, Japanwave
Do not Sell VHS Tapes and make people pay through wire transfer
Always make it about VHS Tapes!
If you are to buy something, Do not use Friends and Family on paypal, that is a sign of a SCAMMER, if you want to get a correct price, use http://thefeecalculator.com/
You can also post VHS Rips if people don't have VCRs.
Have fun! Don't shitpost!
Vaporwave VHS Labels
For Sale:
Luxury Elite - Fantasy: $50
Luxury Elite - High Society: $50
Nmesh - Dream Sequins (sealed): $50
Telepath and Vaperror - Eternity: $50
Deaths Dynamic Shroud - Virtual Utopia Experience The Movie: $30
||nothing|| - Modern Living: $20
All: $200
Shipping is $6 but if you get two or more I’ll ship it for free.
Only have Venmo at the moment (which has Goods and Services like PayPal)
Thank you for creating this sub. Could have made this message longer but... recorded over that part by accident.
I know this sub seems pretty dead but I talked to llnothingll and he said he plans to release a repress of Modern Living in both the cassette and VHS formats on October 13th via Gulf Audio Company.