r/vex is an unofficial subreddit designed for discussion of the VEX Robotics Platform, and the competitions and memes around it.
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our first comp, so proud of my team !!
Whats a good rpm for 12t gears when using a lady brown mech for the second stage? we're trying to have a faster intake and want to know if 600rpm will be viable for compression fit or if we need to use a different version for 600rpm or if 600rpm is even is just too fast for an intake anyways
So as a hypothetical robot that ran 90rpm on 3.25 with a 15 inch wide and 14 inch long base that had a 14 inch long and wide wheel base weighing 18.8 pounds. The robot slips when trying to push robots out of corners. We run 8wheel drive (3 omni with the back middle ones being traction) and have noticed when trying to push a bot out of the corners the wheels just slip out from underneath the robot
We can't make the robot much heavier and really are planning on doing some things to lighten it a bit, how can we increase traction with the ground enough to beable to push robots out of corners better?
And yes I know people will say just don't run that run cause it's so slow. We have a few ways to combat that to make our robot competitive still at that rpm. But wondering how to increase traction
So my team went to a tournament today and ended up winning the whole thing, but the team number is worrying me on if it actually qualified them for the state championship. The reason I’m conflicted is because 18 teams signed up for the tournament and were registered (more than the 16 requirement) but only 13 of the teams actually showed up, so would REC foundation go based off of registered teams or would they subtract the no-shows?
Which one is better for high stakes intake?
For reference
This is what I’m trying to do and I did work on some concepts like the intake and other things and it works but I don’t think I have enough to even build one
My teams robot is currently one of the better teams in the leagues we compete in, but we have trouble clearing positive corners. Would it be beneficial to implement a h drive to wedge a plate between the wall and rings to pull them out?
I can't find this info anywhere really. So we have two notebookers (by their choice) and one is writing the notebook as she has very good handwriting. The other is then taking that page and typing it up in Google Slides, adding the photos, and scanning any drawing/diagrams/etc. We are in VexIQ middle school. Is that okay? I like the handwritten one, but I think it looks messy when scanned, so the digital is typed but an exact copy. Is it dinged if it is typed?
Let me start by saying I am not a programmer!
But i had the genius idea to Volunteer myself and my 8 year old to build a simple VEXiq for Stem night at our school. I found a the super cute segway tutorial online and it include the code. I was like we can do this. Got the robot build easy. Now i cannot get the code work using VEXcode IQ.
Does anyone have the code that will work? help a non programming momma out
So long story short i have a photo go off every time i clamp, and was wondering how i could print a random photo from them each time.
Hey everyone, I am making some significant changes to our tournaments this year, one of which is a live stream switching between our 3 fields from cameras mounted in the rigging above our auditorium stage. The goal is to seamlessly switch between fields for each match while also being able to show the overlay which displays the timer, team names and alliances, etc. Think like the display you see at Worlds or Sig events.
Has anyone done this before? Do I need to do this through Vex Tournament Manager? Or is it a third party software that this is done through? I can't seem to crack this nut. Any advice is welcome.
Hi, I am currently looking into the deeper workings of PROS and I stumbled upon a comment in their README:
# Hey! Why can't I build the PROS 3 kernel?
The PROS 3 kernel depends on VEX's proprietary Software Development Kit (SDK), which is not publicly available.
This makes no sense to me, because you obviously need said SDK to compile for the target platform, so it has to be included in PROS. Also, why is Vex keeping their SDK so secretive? I found a post in which they claim that they don't even give PROS the full SDK, because some features can change and they only want to support it internally. Which IMO doesn't make any sense either, since this would also break compatibility with older applications and therefore break backwards-compatibility.
So in conclusion my questions are:
As the title says I’m currently trying to build a intake for high stakes and I’m really struggling so any suggestions or tip is appreciated
Does anyone know which type of rubber band is better? Synthetic Silicone EPDM
Is there a meta in vex robotics or not? Like is there one build of robot that out competes all others, or is it truly just best design and best player wins
My son is in his 2nd year of Vex, but his coach seems to really suck. I’ve gone to all my kid’s competitions and the coach is aloof and stand-ofish and each day after school during the time they’re supposed to be working on their robot, I am told that the coach sits at his desk and watches YouTube. This causes the kids to repeatedly change their robots with no specific trouble shooting/trial & error. The coach held them from competing this past weekend because they weren’t ready, but didn’t do anything to try to remedy the issue or perform any kind of hyper care with the kids.
At competitions, I see other coaches giving their students pep talks and lending them a hand. Our coach stalks around and doesn’t really engage with anyone.
I really want to give this coach benefit of the doubt, but I first want to know what is the expectations of a coach? I’m willing to volunteer any and all days of the week, but I don’t know how to approach it because the team just seems like an S show.
me and my buddy are wanting to build a double ball shooting robot for the iq game rapid relay and we wanted to see if anybody had built one and if they had any tips for it. we built a catapult bot (swish) so we kind of know what we are doing but this would be our first bot we design ourselves ( I dont think there's any double shooter plans out there but if there is please link them up)
So is my first time building a six moter drive and am totally lost on how to program it to run in sync. Sidenote I don't use c++ or Python I just use brick but I am open to learning how to use either of them.
had a challenge for a class a while ago and was wondering how i could do it better (repeated for honors robotics), it’s IQ and essentially a cable car that has to dump ping pong balls, what would be the best design to load them into the bot? we can’t dump the goal into the bot. 3d printing would be allowed, i was thinking of chambers lined up with a funnel at top? just wondering how we would limit the amount of balls, 45 is the amount that fits into the box reliably.
I need recommendations because when I tried to code my elevator it wouldn’t go at all. Also the platform isn’t stable at all.
Hi I can’t find any online so does anyone know if there are any high stakes robots out there that can actually do a tier 3 climb, or even tier 2?
So with our robot we have just to many buttons for the standard 4 button scuffs. Does anyone know where I can find some with 6 or 8 buttons? As we only need 5 but that likely doesn't exist anyways
I saw a post about some 6 button ones on the vex forum for last year but the cad model no longer exists
I tried to cad but I didn’t have enough time to learn it but I have some ideas but I need a cad software designer to do it so if you’re interested dm me or is there a ready to build design