
Photograph via snooOG

Have an idea for a tweak or theme? Looking for great ideas for your next project? /r/TweakBounty is the place for you! Come join us in our mission to bring iOS users and developers closer together.

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  • Have a tweak idea? Looking for ideas for your next project? /r/TweakBounty is the place for you! Come join us in our mission to bring iOS users and developers closer together.

How To Use

  • At /r/TweakBounty, you can share your tweak ideas with the Jailbreak community, with a small bounty to go with it! Others who like your ideas can add to the bounty, adding to the incentive for a developer to make them a reality. If one of your ideas gets developed into a tweak, the bounty is sent to the developer!


1. Minimum Bounty

  • The minimum amount to create a bounty is $10. If you wish to contribute to an existing bounty, the minimum is $5. There is no maximum bounty, but never make it more than you can afford.

2. Sending Bounties

  • If you are the only contributor to a bounty and your idea gets developed, simply send your bounty to the developer individually, and ask him to confirm that you have done so in a comment.

  • Please specify your currency in your post title using the appropriate short code if not using US Dollars ($10 CAD, £10 GBP, €10 EUR, etc.). Pay the developer in the currency you specify.

  • Do not send bounties directly to the developer when there are multiple contributors. Instead, send your part of the bounty to this PayPal address so that a Moderator can forward the bounty to the developer in one piece. After you have sent the payment, inform a Moderator. This makes it easier for us to track who has completed the payment process, and who has not.

3. Be polite

  • Do not come here to blatantly disrespect developers. They work hard to keep us happy. Do not insult others. The only type of criticism that is tolerated here is that which is constructive. Failure to follow this rule could result in a ban.

4. Post Formatting

  • All bounties must feature a similar format to this: [$10][11.3.1][OPT] A Really Cool Tweak! Note the brackets.

  • If the bounty for your idea is added on to by someone else, this can be expressed in a flair placed by the OP or by a moderator.

  • Please include your iOS version in your bounty request title, like this: [10.2], [9.3.3], or [9.0.2, 10.1.1] if you need more than one.

  • The [OPT] tag should be placed after your bounty like this: [$10][OPT][10.1.1] A Really Cool Tweak! The [OPT] tag stands for optional'. When you attach it to your bounty, it means that you can specify optional features in your idea that would be worth extra.

  • If you do want a jailbreak detection bypass, you need to 1) include [BP] in your title of your post (like [$10][iOS 11.3.1][BP] A Really Cool Tweak!) and 2) You MUST link to the app in question.

5. Flairs

  • Use link flairs respectively. Add a 'New Bounty' flair if someone has offered to add to your bounty. Use 'In-Development' if a developer has started to work on your tweak. Finally, use 'NB: $ | In-Dev' if the bounty has been raised and a developer has started work on your tweak.

  • If you are a developer and want a developer flair, message the moderators linking to a bounty which you have fulfilled.

  • If you have successfully paid a bounty, message the moderators for a 'Verified Trustworthy' flair. This lets developers know you are... well, trustworthy! In your message, link to the bounty you paid as well as a proof of transaction. This can be a confirmation by the developer, or a transaction screenshot.

  • Read here for more information on flairs

6. Acknowledge Tweak Development

  • A developer who accepts Tweak Development must make it clear that he/she is working on the tweak. The OP must acknowledge this as well. If you don't acknowledge that you have begun developing a tweak, you aren't entitled to the bounty.

7. Free Copies For Bounty Contributors

  • If the tweak developed from a bounty is paid, the OP and other contributors are entitled to a free copy.

8. Mark Posts As Completed

  • When development is complete and both parties are happy, (i.e. tweak is specified to users liking and developer has been paid) mark the post as 'Completed' by assigning the 'Completed' flair!

9. No Scams

  • You scam once. You're out. No strikes. No tolerance. Inactivity bans can be appealed once so long as the bounty is paid when you come back online.

  • If you suspect a user of scamming, report them to the moderators immediately. Watch out for users who haven't posted before.

10. No Illegal Content

  • Bounties must not be illegal in any way. Fraud, obtaining paid features for free, or anything else that may be perceived as illegal is not permitted.

  • Bounties can't relate to piracy in any way. Piracy hurts developers, and hurts the perception of Jailbreaking to the public. Piracy may not be discussed in comments. Period. No cheats for multiplayer games.

11. Payment Requirements

  • Bounties with more than one contributor, and a developer has acknowledged that it is being worked on, must pay half of said person's contribution upfront. (Example: You add $10 to a bounty, you must pay $5 at the time of dev's acknowledgement.)

Places We Like


  • The official jailbreak subreddit!

/r/jailbreak Discord

  • The official Jailbreaking Discord!


  • If you are new to jailbreaking come here for help or to learn. If you aren't new come here to give help.


  • Help with development from community experts!


  • The official jailbreak subreddit for themes!


  • Share your crazy experience!


Moderator's Discretion

  • The /r/TweakBounty team reserves the right to moderate posts and comments at their discretion, with regard to their personal perception of said posts and comments for this subreddit.


  • If you have any questions, message the moderators!

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29,149 Subscribers


[$100][iOS 16] Tinder Purchase

I need the following tweak that will let you make a purchase easily - by just inputting the CC details.

Let me know your price and ETA.

NOTE: Scammers stay away! Im in online business for over 10 years, just dont waste your time.

Video preview of the tweak: https://streamable.com/bwvj8y

1 Comment
09:35 UTC


[$10USD][16.4][15.3] remove the “Are you sharing this post to someone? It looks better when you share it.” banner

basically after you take a screenshot on reddit of anything it says that and it’s very annoying

thank you!

13:23 UTC


[50$][16.4] JB bypass for a banking app

Looking for a native JB bypass for this app [ Elevate App ]

tried vnodebypass and choicy and a-bypass but nothing is working

1 Comment
09:15 UTC


[$50] [16.6] A Yubo tweak

A yubo tweak that works with serotonin/bootstrap or just an ipa where I can join a live I don’t have ownership of and kick and ban anyone I want. I’ll add $15 if there’s a way I can stay In a live but appears that I’m not.

1 Comment
08:23 UTC


[25$][16.1.1] Stop Wi-Fi from disconnecting when the device is locked

I need a tweak that forces the Wi-Fi to always stay connected to my home network while the device is locked. I can possibly pay more if someone can code a tweak that works for me. Thanks!

The issue is that my iPhone won't stay connected to my network after I lock it, even though Wi-Fi is enabled all the time 😔

16:00 UTC


[$10][14.8.1] Tweak that when turned on silent/mute the first call (not reject) and if a call again occurs from same number within a specified time it rings as normal.

The issue with do not disturb it reject the call instead of silent them


1- Can set a time in minutes

2- To share with me the tweak source code

17:36 UTC


[25$][14.4.2] Type cli

Looking to have a tweak that I can access via ssh and make it send text to the current application

Example: type-cli -t “Hello World”

It should then type hello world into the current application (notes for example )

19:26 UTC


[$10][15.4.1]Horizontal 2x1 CC Volume Slider

I’m looking for someone to make a tweak that changes the stock CC volume slider to a 2x1 horizontal slider. I’m currently using BetterCC but for that one module it is behaving wrong (it resized the module visually, but functionally remains the same and the icon is floating above the slider).

Price is negotiable and needs to work on an iPhone 13 Pro Max running 15.4.1

https://i.imgur.com/Sjxhty8.jpeg (Screenshot of current CC with bugged horizontal volume slider)

06:28 UTC


[$250] [15.4.1] Bumble web purchases

Bumble for some reason charges 10X the price when purchasing in the app. Looking for a way to either enable web prices in the app and preferably pay by card rather then apple pay.

19:41 UTC


[$10] [iOS 16] A tweak that ports the WhatsApp image editor into the iOS photo app

I would like to have a tweak that allows you to use the WhatsApp editor in the stock iOS photo app. I suggest accessing it via an extra “WhatsApp editor” button. However, I don’t want the photo to be opened in WhatsApp or something. I would like to be able to apply the same changes as I would do so in WhatsApp and instead of sending the photo the changes would be saved, just like with the iOS editor. The features of the WhatsApp editor are way handier imo.


11:13 UTC


[$20] [12.5.7][OPT][13] iMessage Automation Tweak

A Tweak that appears as an app that allows one to enable and disable immediately iMessage every 10 minutes

This seems weird but it's the only way to maintain a stable connection for my Beeper Mini app with my iPhone 6. Keep in mind, I do need this in the ROOTFUL version as I was successful only with Chimera/Sileo.

The optional 13+ could be arm64/64e to cover rootless for those as unlucky as I am with this.

13:01 UTC


[$30][16.5] NoMoreScrollstoTop or ScrollBack for rootless support

Looking for someone to revive NoMoreScrollstoTop (preferred) or ScrollBack to support Dopamine 2?

Tried Derootifier but it doesn’t work

1 Comment
03:45 UTC


[$50][16.1.1] Can someone please update Winter Mode For Apple Watch to work with 16.1.1 on Dopamine

It allows you to get notifications on both Phone and Watch when phone is locked.

This is the original repo: https://repo.dynastic.co/wintermode

23:28 UTC


[$50][16.5] ToothModule update

Looking for someone to revive ToothModule. A tweak to add Bluetooth Quick Toggle CCModules for selected devices.

00:25 UTC


[50$][16.6] Shadow of War Mobile Server Hosting

I’d be willing to pay for help here

Hello! I’m hoping to play an old mobile game I played several years back. I have its files and I think it just needs a server to host it??? I’m not quite sure, regardless the game is called “Middle-Earth: Shadow of War Mobile.” Please help, feel free to ask any questions:))

21:45 UTC


[$50] [15.8] Tinder Tweaks

Hello we can either discuss price or pay per project at $50 . I need the following tweaks made

  • Device faker which spoofs the information of the iPhone to be able to make multiple accounts per phone

  • gps spoofer that works on tinder and does not get detected

  • camera inject tweak that injects the photos when creating profile on tinder

Any questions message me thank you

21:02 UTC


[$20][16.5] Tweak to display current weather/condition on the Weather app icon

Hi. Looking for someone to create a tweak to display current weather/condition on the Weather app icon. Basically, like Asteroid or Meteor used in pre rootless times.

16.5 Dopamine JB.

thank you

Bumping it to $30. If anyone willing to try to make it.

03:27 UTC


[20€][16.0.2] Tweak to swipe down and up Dynamic Island for notched devices

Using DynamicCow is great but having Spotify and navigating on instagram or putting a new address on google maps, becomes stressful, if there was a way to swipe it up or down would be amazing, perhaps by playing with it’s location together with visible island or mineland could do the trick, but don’t know if possible just throwing ideas

1 Comment
19:25 UTC


[30$][13.0] tweak to fetch the domains from api and block them inside that specific application.

a tweak so that it retrieves domain names from my API, and then blocks these domains in any application where the tweak has been injected ( must support iOS version 12+ .

09:15 UTC


[15€][16.0.2] tweak that get rid of “pasted from” pop up

Tried many options but they are either for rootful or not IOS 16 compatibile

14:27 UTC


[$15][17.0] TikTok ghost mode for profile views

TikTok has this stupid stupid feature that notifies people when they view your profile but it’s mutual. Meaning you can disable the notifications from your side, but then you can’t see who views you. If there is anyone who can make a tweak that lets me view other profiles without showing the notification let me know

07:09 UTC


[$10][16.5] Disable 60hz Limit on Low Power Mode

Using LPM can be an eye sore due to it limiting the refresh rate, only using it for last resort. It can be a cc tweak for on-the-fly activation.

03:41 UTC


[$50] [15.4.1] Can someone remake groups for 15.4.1 dopamine?

This tweak is huge for work productivity, would love if someone could make this!


20:58 UTC


[$20][16.7.6] Manage Crane through CLI

From what I understand, Crane exposes its functionality to other tweaks.


I need something so that I can manage crane from the shell.


crane-cli --create <name> <app>

This shuld return the `containerIdentifier` so that it can be deleted later.

The functionality I need the most would be:

-create a new container for an app

-delete a specific container for an app

-list all containers and get the ids.

04:29 UTC


[500$] [16.1.1] Dopamine 2 AppStore Apple Pay Reset

I need a tweak or bypass that will let me add several Apple Pay cards without device ban

1 Comment
12:49 UTC


[100$][15] Price can be discussed: Messaging with GPT3, automated swiping tweak

Looking for a tweak to inject using Sideloadly to message with GPT3 using API and to automate swiping. Price can be discussed more detail in pm.

21:32 UTC


[100$][16] Copylog update

Looking for updated for version of copylog and please don't suggest the trollstore version it doesn't run as i need, looking for someone to update it to iphone 13 pro max iOS 16.4

can pay the mods ahead to make sure that i am going to pay

10:34 UTC


[$30] [16.2]dopamine update secretshot tweak

I know there used to be a Secretsnap or secret shot that blocked screen recording notification on I know snap idk about other apps. But that tweak has not been updated in forever , just wondering if it’s possible now, it needs to be like snapper 2 and not actually hook into snap since they can detect that. If not possible all good


04:43 UTC


[$10] [15.1] update invisiblewidget for rootless support dopamine


00:42 UTC


[$100][16.4.1] [Starfish Replacement/Update]Starfish the tweak that modified the home screen natively & beautifully :)

I really would love if somebody can create a replica and/or update the Starfish tweak by Ayden Panhuyzen! It’s one of my favorite tweaks.

  • Free Release as the tweak is currently free

Tweak Depiction

1 Comment
09:22 UTC

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