A subreddit for iOS tweak developers, iOS theme artists, jailbreak developers and anyone who is interested in the jailbreak development community.
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i want to compile something on the phone but i do not want to get into cross compiling but the project i want to compile uses GCC
Had a relative pass away and we want to get into the phone, I know they have third party sources that might be able to unlock in but I need a away to bypass the Lock Screen and still keep all the data on the phone. If anyone knows a method for this please lmk.
Just as much as the title says, wondering if something like it already exists or thinking of making it by myself
dlerror() - cannot dlopen main executable "/usr/libexec/backboardd"
iOS 15.2 Fugu15_Rootful - classdump-dyld build self
void * ref=nil;
BOOL opened=dlopen\_preflight(image);
const char \*dlopenError=dlerror();
if (opened){
printf("Will dlopen %s",image);
ref=dlopen(image, RTLD\_GLOBAL);
printf("Did dlopen %s",image);
if (ref == NULL) {
printf("dlopen failed: %s\\n", dlerror());
Added check and it fails with that error.I have no clue how to fix it.Any hlp is appreciated.
I'm trying to write a very simple library (for now) and I'm trying to get it to link to another project... so far I'm having nothing but issues - if there are any open sources libraries which are theos based, that would be a huge help -- the more basic the better
Hello can someone with the right tools compile this github tweak https://github.com/pNre/Automa into a deb file so i can install it ? thanks in advance
Idk what to do - i cant even build it, not even use. I just get error:
/opt/theos/sdks/iPhoneOS11.2.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/FileProvider.framework/Headers/NSFileProviderDomain.h:8:9: fatal error: could not build module 'Foundation'
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
And a lot of other places where there is IOSurface or Foundation.I dont have 11.4 sdk anywhere - i have searched for solutions here and on github.
My makefile:
#TARGET = simulator:clang:11.0
#TARGET = macosx
#TARGET = iphone:clang::6.0
export TARGET = iphone:clang:11.2:9.2
export ARCHS= arm64 arm64e
#export ARCHS=x86_64
include /opt/theos/makefiles/common.mk
TOOL_NAME = classdump-dyld
classdump-dyld_FILES = main.xm
classdump-dyld_LDFLAGS = -Wl,-segalign,0x4000
classdump-dyld_CODESIGN_FLAGS = -Sent.plist
include /opt/theos/makefiles/tool.mk
include /opt/theos/makefiles/library.mk
SUBPROJECTS += classdumpdyldlib
include $(THEOS_MAKE_PATH)/aggregate.mk
Hi everyone,
I have an old iPad that's stuck on iOS 10.3.3, I don't want to use it for meaningless things like e-reader or for pdf files.
I’m at the point where I just want to completely replace iOS with something more functional. Whether it’s Android, Windows, Linux, or anything else that can bring new life to this device, I’m open to all options.
Ideally, I’m looking for a way to completely ditch iOS and install an entirely new operating system.
If anyone has experience with this or knows of reliable guides/tutorials on YouTube that could help me, please share!
Thanks in advance
I have iOS 14.4.1 with Taurine and MilkyWay3 version 0.2.15 installed.
I noticed that if I'm mirroring my iPhone screen to my FireTV with the help of apps such as AirScreen or AirReceiver.
If I open pictures in my Photos app, everything shows fine, but when I try to play some videos there, instead of showing me the videos, it shows the message:
This video is playing on the TV using AirPlay"
This issue is gone when I disable the MilkyWay3 tweak.
I want to automate this, so when I start screen mirroring, I want to disable the tweak and then when I stop screen mirroring, I want to enable it again. I already have the command to enable/disable a tweak, but is there a screen mirroring event that I could link it with somehow through Activator/Shortcuts/Powercuts, etc?
Thank you.
Hi there! A very nice guy has created the following app: https://github.com/danylokos/LiveView . What it does is communicate with a USB UVC camera through the Lightning to USB 3 adapter. The app was developed for iOS 14, however, but I have an iPhone 6 on iOS 12 that serves as my car "infotainment" system and it does so pretty well. The only pience missing is the ability to view the backup camera on the iPhone screen. I have somehow managed to get the .deb to install on the iOS 12 (jailbroken with checkra1n) device and it opens but does not seem to detect the camera. The same .deb file, when installed on a jailbroken (with unc0ver) iOS 14 works just fine, meaning that I have not "damaged" the code too severely. I should mention I know nothing about iOS development and am using Chatgpt as the only guide; just an avid upcycling fan.
Do you think that the app is not working because of missing APIs or something else and do you think it is worth digging deeper into the matter?
P.S. I can easily get a second hand iphone 8 plus and use it for the same purpose but where is the fun in that? :)
All the best!
Hi, developers! Is there a way to add some space below the keyboard? I'm using Lynx tweak on my iPhone 6s with enabled fluid gestures setting in springboard section, and I’m unable to use the spacebar properly due to the white bar at the bottom blocking it. I’ve tried making my own tweak to fix this, but haven't had any success. I also want to mention that I’m on a palera1n (rootless) and running iOS 15.8.3. Could you please assist me? If you could provide the code, I’ll be happy to create and compile the tweak myself. Thank you!
Was watching some videos of people installing android on an iPhone and was wondering if anyone has gotten lumia on an iPhone. No prior knowledge to any of this, just an idea I got curious about.
Fugu15 rootful again:) When i am using Xcode installation - EVERYTHING works pretty good, but when i install it with trollstore (does not matter what installation is chosen), it just stucks on posix_spawn where jailbreakd’s helper is launching (stashd). Any idea why it can be like that?
New to tweaks development, I’d like to add a button on Sileo in packages tab, near the export button, that simply runs the “sudo apt —fix-broken install” command I have to use frida code manager because I can’t install dopamine or something else the Xcode simulator
Hey everyone,
I’ve recently gotten into the iOS tweaking and IPA sideloading community, and I’m absolutely fascinated by what’s possible. I’ve got a pretty niche idea for a tweak and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.
I’m looking to create (or have someone help me create) a tweak for TikTok that filters out all normal posts and only shows ads—like Spark Ads or anything labeled “Sponsored.” Basically, I want a custom feed made up entirely of ads.
I’m a developer myself but still new to iOS tweaks, and this feels way out of my depth right now. Is this kind of thing even feasible? If so, does anyone here offer paid services to create custom tweaks, or know someone who does?
Any advice or pointers would be massively appreciated!
If anyone could help me figure out how to get apps on my iPad please
Every program written in C that I try. to compile gives error: configure error cannot run /bin/sh ./config.sub iPad 6th gen iOS 15.5 Dopamine rootless
I am looking into the p0laris untether and plan to create a Virtual Machine for iOS 9.3.5 to conduct my experiments. Unfortunately, I do not have access to a macOS device, so I am requesting assistance from someone with a macOS device to complete the following steps and get in touch with me:
If there are any issues with the instructions or additional details needed, please let me know.
I recently wanted to visit the Limneos webiste for headers, but i can not really understand how to use. By that i mean nothing is displyed on the webiste. I open it from my device and trying to select the os, but nothing appears.
maybe i am too stupid, but it kinda just stucks? i select options and no results are appearing. like ios version and choose framework from below also does not display anything
Hello! I decompiled iOS kernel, symbolicated it and cloned XNU source to my machine.
I need to find the call to function ml_task_set_user_jop to find the offset of userspace PAC. Are there any professionals here, who can help me?
I wonder if there is any way to remove Google account data by deleting the "Data/Application" folder or something like that.
Can someone help me solve this problem? Thank you
The Title basically says it. I want to Patch an ipa into eg. Tips.app similarly to how trollrestore patches PersistenceHelper_Embedded to it. The thing is that PersistenceHelper doesn’t seem to be a (normal) ipa file but some other binary.
So the real question is: Would it be possible to create such a binary (ideally from an ipa) and then patch tips or something with it.
Any help is appreciated!
Hi, I'm trying to make a tweak that targets com.apple.springboard. I have a simple Tweak.xm. It compiles and works fine after I respring. The problem is as soon as I add a .mm & .h file (an additional class) and compile with this in the makefile: MyTweak_FILES = Tweak.xm $(wildcard **/*.mm)
, I get a blackscreen after I respring. Then I have to force reboot, rejailbreak with Dopamine 2 and tweak injection off so I can uninstall my tweak. Thing is I don't even use the class in my Tweak.xm yet. Also, this works fine when I target an AppStore app instead of the springboard.
If anyone can help me out on this, I would greatly appreciate it.
Hello everyone,
I do not have an Apple developer account but i need to push notifications to my jailbroken iPhone (rootless) i want to do this over my local network so i though maybe i could run a websocket server and send some stuff from my local server.
After watching some tutorials and with my little to no knowledge of tweak development i came up with this
#import <UserNotifications/UserNotifications.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <rootless.h>
#include <syslog.h>
@interface SBHomeScreenViewController : UIViewController
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSURLSessionWebSocketTask *webSocketTask;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSURLSession *session;
- (void)listenForMessages;
- (void)receiveMessageWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(NSURLSessionWebSocketMessage *, NSError *))completionHandler;
- (void)pushNotificationWithMessage:(NSString *)message;
%hook SBHomeScreenViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
@try {
// Create a URLSession
self.session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:[NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration]];
// Initialize the WebSocket task
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"ws://"];
self.webSocketTask = [self.session webSocketTaskWithURL:url];
// Open the WebSocket connection
[self.webSocketTask resume];
// Start listening for messages
[self listenForMessages];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
NSLog(@"An error occurred: %@, %@", exception.name, exception.reason);
@finally {
// Method to listen for incoming messages
- (void)listenForMessages {
[self.webSocketTask receiveMessageWithCompletionHandler:^(NSURLSessionWebSocketMessage * _Nullable message, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error receiving message: %@", error);
// Process the received message
if (message.type == NSURLSessionWebSocketMessageTypeString) {
NSString *receivedText = message.string;
NSLog(@"Received message: %@", receivedText);
[self pushNotificationWithMessage:receivedText];
// Continue listening for messages
[self listenForMessages];
// Method to send messages (if needed)
- (void)sendMessage:(NSString *)message {
NSURLSessionWebSocketMessage *webSocketMessage = [[NSURLSessionWebSocketMessage alloc] initWithString:message];
[self.webSocketTask sendMessage:webSocketMessage completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error sending message: %@", error);
// Push notification method
- (void)pushNotificationWithMessage:(NSString *)message {
UNMutableNotificationContent *content = [[UNMutableNotificationContent alloc] init];
content.title = @"New Message";
content.body = message;
UNNotificationRequest *request = [UNNotificationRequest requestWithIdentifier:@"UniqueID" content:content trigger:nil];
[[UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter] addNotificationRequest:request withCompletionHandler:nil];
however the code above does not work i also do not know if i should hook into SBHomeScreenViewController, i am not famialiar with low level languages
Lastly it must run on rootless
Any help is appreicated
Check out the repo to contribute to this
Hi, i'm havent made a preference bundle in awhile. It's my first time doing that with Dopamine 2. I added the rootless thingy in the makefile but when i tap on my section in the Settings app, it crashes. My Root.plist is almost empty, i'm not sure why it crashes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>aaa First Page</string>
The crash log says:
Exception type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
Exception subtype: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE: 0xdac11a30
Hey everyone! I'm new to jailbreaking and had a quick question about a tweak I came across. Recently, I saw an app or tweak that allows you to pause and play TikTok or Facebook Live streams while spoofing the camera feed with a 2-3 hour pre-recorded video. I was wondering if this is a known tweak, and if so, where I might be able to find it. Since l've only just jailbroken my iPhone, l'm looking to explore and experiment with different features. Any guidance or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
It's a bit disappointing. I've recently developed an interest in tweak development and have been trying to create my own tweak. I wanted to run and debug them on the simulator with simject, but it seems that it doesn't work. On my Mac with macOS 15, it appears that the simulator's directory can no longer be modified 。Apple is too unfriendly to developers
Recently i was working on repo and started to collect lots of tweaks. The problem is every time i need to zip my Packages file into .bz2 . i know that you can do not do that but i am doing it for the sake of speed.
So, every time when i add new deb to it i need to zip it. the problem is everytime it zips it all togehter. basically when i add one new deb file it zips everything one more time.
Is there any way to easily just separate zips? for example if i have big zip can i just make new one? or something. Basically way to not have one huge zip everytime, but multiple so older tweaks will not be rearchived cause i dont need it.
i hope you understand.
I want to jailb. My iPhone 11 Pro Max. Is there any way to do that???