
Photograph via snooOG

The torus or n-dimensional hypertorus is the shape of... well, everything. Ancient spiritual diagrams like the qabalistic Tree of Life or geometric patterns like the Flower of Life have attempted to decode this "sacred geometry" and its significance. This subreddit is a place for rigorous discussion and investigation of the relationships between numerals, qabala, vortex math, and toruses—and subjectivity, consciousness, and sorcery.

The torus is the shape of... well, everything. A variety of contemporary strands are converging in a study of toroidal metaphysics: a new qabalism that investigates the n-dimensional hypertorus, linking easily-intelligible numerology and easily-visualizable (or computer-animated) geometry with advanced metaphysics and a critical spirituality. In this subreddit, we will attempt to synthesize these strands into a rigorous understanding of toroidal metaphysics and its n-dimensional hypertorus based on a rigorous numerology that is accessible and critical. I call this populist approach neoqabalism.

On-topic posts are about:

  • toroidal metaphysics
  • critical numerology
  • Nick Land's numogram
  • neoqabalism
  • intelligible qabala
  • vortex math
  • toruses
  • sacred geometry
  • enneagram
  • orgone energy?
  • cymatics?
  • the vacuum of spacetime
  • theories of dimensional travel and other applications
  • links between these topics and shamanism/sorcery/dimensional travel
  • suggest more categories/related researches?

Pictures are welcome as long as they are educational and/or rigorous and not merely pretty or mysterious (animated torus gifs are great as they help us to visualize). Pure woo or schizophrenic numerological rambling will be deleted (the miracle of numerology is that it is intelligible!).

I expect a core group of researchers to develop, so self posts describing your personal revelations, researches, and ideas are most appreciated.

IRC: #sots on Snoonet (use reddit name) (shared channel with /r/sorceryofthespectacle)

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(Note: Flair is for identifying those who have SEEN THE GLORIOUS TORUS and can thus babble about it (non)sensically.)


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Magic Squares, Solfeggio Tones & 111Hz (The Golden Frequency)

19:02 UTC


Interesting discovery!

EDIT : Mobile Really messed up formatting, I'm sorry. Tried to fix it as well as I could EDIT2 : Look at bottom before reading

So recently I have been thinking about and studying the Yin Yang symbol and the Taeguek symbol, which is the red and blue version of the Yin Yang. I have learned that Yin Yang represnts the source of creation, or at least, the source that created this universe. Yin Yang is the causal field of this universe and Taeguek , the emenation of Yin Yang, is the physical universe. Its what is created when vibration and electricty[this universe is electric] are applied to the causal field, it is the matter created when redshift and blue shift affect the magnetic pulse of the causal field.

I was watching a video by doelow da pilotman(Archangel Uriel) about the nature of the Sun and the 9 dimensions when the idea to apply knowledge I had previously learned about Ying Yang, redshift and blueshift to the values of the 9 dimensions came to me. Using the layout of a Cartesian graph(xy axis graph) I applied the numbers 1 - 9 to both axes as representations of the value of each dimension and anti dimension, the x axis representing blue and red shift to the right and left, y axis representing blue and redshift up and down. I put zero at the center of the axes to represent the zero point of creation, the monad, Yin Yang.

Now, I didn't finish this number matrix as it was taking me FOREVER to type and format it( I started making it at 3:am, and gave up finishing it around 6) but once you have the first two quadrants down, the other two can be easily inferred as they are just the reverse of the quadrant opposite them. The numbers would just be reversed and/or negative. The first quadrant is the upper right block then It goes counter- clockwise toward the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quadrant. As you can see, I didn't finish the 2nd and 3rd quadrants. I also used a period to represent the negative numbers because the negative sign was making it impossible to format the matrix even half decently. Ideally, the completed matrix would form a square if formatted perfectly or a cube if I could do an xyz graph.

Anyway, from this matrix, I made a few interesting(in my opinion at least) observations, the biggest one you may have already observed for yourself. The 9s! If this matrix were complete you'd see a square who's perimeter only consist of the value 9 or in this case, a matrix where the perimeter is the 9th dimension. I find this interesting because I have heard God described as the perimeter or the limit of this realm of reality. Also, 999 is a number I've seen used to represent God and sometimes the completion of something as well the passage of time. If this matrix is an accurate representation of the dimensional values of our physical matrix, then I guess we really are caught in a time loop lol!

Another thing you may have noticed are the rows and columns of the 369s or 396s. I find this interesting because represents the Yin Yang(and Taeguek) itself and the balance in between. The number represents many other things as well but that it appears so prominently in this number matrix confirms a lot thoughts I have had about the number. It certainly gives credence to Nikola Teslas comment about the wonder of the 369. He likely had some practical use for the number, but I don't doubt he perceived its spiritual significance.

Now, this may be a reach but I wonder if this was how computer binary was truly conceived. As you can see, there are 8 ones surrounding the zero point of the matrix. The number 255 is the maximum value for a Base2 8 digit binary number. In machine language(Binary) 255 is represented as 11111111, an 8bit byte and bytes are apparently the smallest most common form of data storage used in high level programming languages. Just something I thought was cool as I used to be into programming.

From this chart I have also inferred that to be pure in this realm of reality is to be Upright. Now I don't mean pure as in pious or in a moral sense necessarily, but pure as in the same throughout. The UPRIGHT quadrant is the only quadrant where the dimensional value types are all the same, in the case they are all positive. Perhaps to be pure of heart one really must be an upright person.

I Should mention that I used multiplication to generate this matrix and that I incorporated some numerology practices into it. Any number over 9 I simplified down to a single digit number. One last thing! See if you can figure out the numerical rules(how to arrive at the next number without using the multiplication I did to generate the chart)for each row and column. It's like a mathematical word search!

If anyone has any questions or any observations they would like to share, please leave a comment or feel free to dm me. If you've read this far I thank you for your time and apologize if this post seems incoherent or directionless. I know it doesn't look like much, but it really did take me a while to make and haven't gotten any sleep yet.

                                                      9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
                                                      8 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9
                                                      7 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 9
                                                      6 6 3 9 6 3 9 6 3 9
                                                      5 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
                                                      4 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 9
                                                      3 3 6 9 3 6 9 3 6 9
                                                      2 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7 9
                                                  .1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                          .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                         9   8   7  6  5   4  3  2
                         9   7   5  3  1   8  6  4
                         9   6   3  9  6   3  9  6
                         9   5   1  6  2   7  3  8
14:55 UTC


portals to the alter-culture

i suspect there is another set of inhabitants in our city, with a completely distinct and non-overlapping cultural paradigm. this means they don't go to any of the same places, they don't know any of the same references (they've never heard of michael jackson or coca cola). i am trying to find or create portals in order to communicate with these beings.

can you help me?

1 Comment
19:31 UTC


Why no new posts?

Everybody down the Rabbit hole?

02:08 UTC


I'm so happy I found you guys

I did a lot of introspection last year and arrived at the same conclusion as this sub. The torus is awesome!

I wrote a summary about my thoughts over here. A lot of my joy about the torus comes from being able to use it to understand human suffering and psychology. I talk about it a little in my post.

I know this sub isn't super active but I'm here if anyone wants to chat!

21:42 UTC


musical toroid

00:34 UTC


I don't know where the photos are at this moment but I made one of these before. Rodin Coil.

14:12 UTC


Born 07/17/95 at 17:17pm

I was just wondering, if anyone knew anything regarding this birthdate? Or if anyone could explain to me if there's any significance in it. I actually was born three weeks late and exactly nine months after my grandmother had passed away.

06:29 UTC


Kickstarter project: Wilhelm Reich Documentary Film Project. 19 days left, trying to reach $168,500. W.Reich was a famous Psychoanalyst/Psychotherapist, later a Orgone Biophysicist focused on the Cosmic Superimposition of Orgone energies, from physics to metaphysics to vortex-based science.

17:18 UTC


Superfluid Universe

14:35 UTC


Hmmmm hmmmmmmmmmm

02:12 UTC


9 is the Singularity and the Void

04:37 UTC


Torus Space Settlements

03:09 UTC

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