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a long time ago I found a especific site that had all to love ru episodes frame by frame, and also had some "exclusive" illustraions and some of them were these ones that appear in the first ending but without all these effects in the way.
So I was wondering if some of you might have these illustrations or know a place that has them, because I'm looking for weeks and I cannot find it, the images are the images that appear on the ending credits of season one but without the effect.
Pls if you can help me in anyway I will appreciate it!!
I made a drawing of Mikan, but I am not very happy with it and compared to my recent ones, I don't like it. That's why I didn't color it. Reverence: https://www.zerochan.net/1997768
It's not worth saying Rito.
If you can vote on the link below before the poll ends I’d appreciate it a ton 🤝👇👇🔥