Subreddit for residents of Tallahassee, Florida. Set events or post news here.
Welcome to the Tallahassee, FL Pokemon GO! subreddit.
Feel free to join us in the Discord chat: https://discord.gg/yS5Tqd4
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This is a global server for anyone who would like to make friends and talk about many different topics while we are all being locked away inside. We are chill group and welcome everyone. :)
We are working on hosting watch parties and other virtual events. If you would like to help out please let us know =)
Hello! I’ve just moved from Orlando to here, is there a discord or anything I can follow for go?
My Trainer Code is 3671 6066 8702!
Just got back into town and back into Pokemon Go. If someone could comment the new discord link that would be great.
Hi, I’m new to Tallahassee and pretty much new to Pokémon go. I’ve had it downloaded since day 1 but just now getting the addiction. I participated in eevee event at lake Ella and had a blast. Probably seen some of you there. Hoping to participate in raids. I am kinda new so I’m not fully optimized yet. My discord name is The66ryder
As the title suggests, we met a gentleman at Lake Ella who mentioned a discord channel for pokemon go. Seeking a invite to the discord channel.
By looking through post history here, it seems like you have to request the link be sent as a DM. Anyone in the chat currently able to send that over?
Been trying to make do with Facebook and it hasn't gotten me very far. Help a guy out?
I some how lost discord access. Can someone resend me an invite in PM. I'm hoping to find people for legendary raids. Thanks
Does anybody have a permanent discord invite link? None of the ones on here seem to work. Potentially moving back to Tallahassee, trying to gauge the community involvement, and this sadly seems pretty dead...
Hey everyone, I got a raid pass today for a pokestop at Wakulla springs, anybody else get it and want to coordinate a time/rides?
Is there a Facebook chat group for raids I’m coming down there for a week to visit daughter and would love to be able to raid but don’t know how to hook up with a group!
Ok I'm going to come to Tallahassee for a week anyone know where good valor raid group can be found?
I figured that since Pokemon GO shares many of the same elements, might find a few people interested in trying Ingress?
I'm Looking to recruit a few people to join myself and another friend for evening forays out and about in Tallahassee to play a mobile game called Ingress. Wiki Link with detailed explanation of the game: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ingress_(video_game) For those already familiar with Pokemon GO, the idea is much the same, but without Pokemon. You travel to locations and claim the territory using the app, and reinforce it to protect against players of the opposing faction from claiming it for themselves. You can play the game at your own leisure, by yourself, but taking territory tends to be easier with more allies to work with. Tallahassee already has a bountiful playerbase, with scores closely matched. I'm hoping to find a few people willing to join The Enlightened (the green team), and maybe meet up a few nights a week around 6:20PM-7:30PM to target specific areas for occupation. The existing local group has a main page, www.tmhenl.com/join which you can use to join us on Google+ If you're interested or would like to know more, you can contact me on Reddit, or on LINE (ID:helper2000x)
Anyone up for any raids?
My family and I are looking to join a Discord to do raids. Can someone give me an invite? I can find a valid code
I got a new phone, but for some reason i can't get back into the server and the invite off the bio doesn't work. Could anyone lend me an invite?
I ran into some people at a Lugia raid and they had to run off to their next raid rather quickly. They were all communicating through a Discord server. I'm looking to get involved with a local group so I can get in on these raids but I can't find an active link to any such discord. This seems like a dead reddit but maybe someone can PM me?
Any luck finding a Porygon in town or the surrounding areas? They're supposed to be increased for the event. I found a Lickitung at FSU and a Chansey at a Starbucks. But I cannot find a Porygon =(
Never seen one anywhere
Anybody still actively playing??
Hey I created a wiki guide for everyone to use to find all the restaurants in Tallahassee that are Pokestops. Take a look and enjoy a bite to eat while catching all the Pokemon!
Also, please feel free to help out and insert any additional restaurants you know of. Thanks, enjoy!
This sub is clearly dead. Does anyone care in reviving it? Anyone have any new spots, tips, etc. they wanna share?