
Photograph via snooOG

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Minor drama in r/pics over stickers, vandalism, pissing on walls, and trans people

People suddenly pretend to care about something minor (sticker vandalism) now that it gives them an excuse to hate on trans people. I'm shocked.


OP posts a picture of a sticker that says "A trans person peed here and you were fine." A few slap fights over sticker graffiti and pissing on walls ensue.

Why did it "make your day" lol



(Link function wasn't working for one reason or another)

Why did it "make your day" lol

Exactly what I'm wondering.

I wonder if it made their day if I started slapping stickers in bathrooms that said "I, a random guy, just took a really fat dump here"

it just sarcasm. some people act like a trans person in the bathroom is the end of the world. so stickers like that exist to say “dude, you need to calm down, you lived, it’s fine”

They are a fan of vandalism so long as it agrees with them.

it’s a sticker, you can rip it off

Who the minimum wage worker who just wants to have an easy shift? Like please tell me who should “rip it off” like we all know it don’t just rip off.

Yeah and you can fix all vandalism, does it mean it's ok?

I feel like denying people basic human rights and labeling them all as rapists and pedophiles is a 100 times less ok than putting a sticker on a wall but that's just me

I am a fan of protest especially when it is for a just cause.

Because these degenerates have nothing else to offer in life so they obsess with trying to normalize mental illnesses and degeneracy.

This is so stupid lol

If so many people didn't care deeply about where trans people pee, I'd agree with you. But unfortunately, there are tons of freaks out there who want to force people to use the wrong restroom.

And this solves that problem

You mean a ton of normal people who don’t want freak males creeping in women’s bathrooms trying to act like women?

Ah yes women will feel very comfortable with a buff trans guy in their toilet Sound logic

The fact that you only refer to trans women here and don't even think of trans men shows you aren't seeing the full picture.

Imagine having to make a sticker to inform the world you’ve relieved yourself in this location. This is almost animalistic lol it’s like a cat spray, a corner or a dog scooting his butt on the floor

You're really trying hard to purposely misconstrue the point here, huh.

Then what is the point? If you have a cause you want to support, the worst thing you can do is associate it with disgusting behaviour like this. Peeing on walls is animal behaviour

Clearly they didn't pee on the god damn wall. It's saying a trans person used the bathroom, the same as anyone else, and that nothing bad happened. Understand?


Have you ever tried to remove a sticker?

SHE pulled out HER massive cock and pissed here

MLK didn't pee on a wall ya dingus.

better to pee in the sink than it is to sink in the pee.

No no sir! Walls are for booger display!

I haven't made a SRD post in a hot minute, so I hope I did alright :p

14:26 UTC


r/Helldivers on fire after Sony starts enforcing PSN linking to play on PC

Helldivers is a recently released and very popular online co-op game available on PC and PS5. From launch the PC version was supposed to always force players to link their Steam accounts to their PSN accounts(for cross play and cross-progression) but was disabled because of early server issues.

Well the last patch just went out announcing they are going to turn back on mandatory PSN linking the end of the month.

Store page is being bombed with negative reviews

Topic fully explaining why this is such a problem

TL;DR: PSN is not available world wide, not even in all countries of the EU. Sony has the right to ban everyone who uses wrong credentials.

Also pointed out by users is that This is a long standing problem with PSN.

Kazakhstan was not allowed either. But they still sell PS4/PS5 officially here but guess what? Nearest country was Russia and everyone created Russian accounts. And boom, sanctions against Russia, our accs are dead now and we can't migrate cause our country is not listed.

The entire front page of the sub has been basically taken over with people talking about this issue or making memes

14:12 UTC


(Bite-size) On a video of a baby being saved, someone does a rather controversial take on women and nobody is having it, especially one person.

09:07 UTC


r/Puertorico discusses "anti-American" sentiment on the island...

03:24 UTC


“You're not only subhuman, but subbear.” /r/Showerthoughts debates if they’d rather run into a bear or a man in the woods

#The Context:

A user makes a post decrying a hypothetical to /r/Showerthoughts. The hypothetical centers on if one would rather run into a bear or a man alone in the woods. As this hypothetical has made the rounds on social media, many women have noted they’d rather run into a bear.

The sub has a lot of thoughts on this. The slapfights are manifold and scattered. Some highlights are below:

#The Drama:

Aww your poor feefees 🥺 women don’t trust you on the internet and now you’re sad poor baby

Jokes on you, it's sh*t like this that made me never approach a girl in the 27 years that I've been here.

Praying you go another 27 🙏🏿

Thanks. I'll probably only go for 3 more at most and end it myself though.

It be like that sometimes

"I feel safer with bears because when I get mauled there won't be victim blaming." This your argument?

Well then it’s a fucking stupid way to illustrate a point because how do you not take probability into account?

I would rather risk a 50% chance of something terrible happening over a 1% chance of something terrible because at least people would believe me? The people get think that illustrates the point clearly are exactly the sort of idiots who would go fuck with bears

If you think coming across a bear means a 50% chance of an attack you've never stepped foot in the woods lol

I have spent a fair amount of time in the woods, however I am from the UK. The scariest apex predators we have are foxes or otters.

Then maybe you don't need to speak on women's experiences and call us idiots when you don't even know most bears that people encounter are pretty harmless


Well this is why it’s a stupid fucking analogy because it relies upon a knowledge of the relative danger of bears to humans. Something most people don’t know, and couldn’t know because the question doesn’t even tell you what type of bear you are dealing with.

It’s deliberately opaque to cause internet arguments and doesn’t really tell us anything except that people have wildly varying views of the danger of wildlife, which was already demonstrated by the Human vs Goose differential.

The survey almost certainly never even happened and was just dreamt up by a genius who wanted to cause arguments on the internet. You are an idiot. I am an idiot. We are all idiots for engaging with it.

At least if a bear attacked me, when I told the police they wouldn’t go and tell my parents I was making it up for attention.

I mean.. congrats I guess? Totally logical reason to pick the bear.

Congrats on being assaulted? That’s the attitude that leads women straight to bear

I’m honestly not sure your grasp of the English language is tight. No where in your comment did you say you were assaulted by a man and no where in my comment did I congratulate you for that. I’m congratulating your moral victory on choosing the bear because “people will believe you.”

Yeah they’d believe you.. because you’d be torn to pieces.

Wow, a congratulations followed by insults and explaining a bear attack. Don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel.

I love how women are just talking about their unsafe feelings, coming together to talk about this shit, and a bunch of people go "oh it must be for attention, they're not being delusional, they're not arguing in good faith" it's so disgustingly disingenuous. Like fucking hell for real ? Women are allowed to exist and have their thoughts and talk about and feel about shit without you being a part of the equation. They're not "doing it for attention" they're doing it to express their opinions about something. To come out with such bollocks as "nah can't see it, they're just baiting" shows how much of a problem you are.

r/whiteknighting called mate.

Nobody here is saying women aren't "allowed to exist or have their thoughts". You can have all the delusional thoughts you want. Just because you're a woman however doesn't preclude your ideas from criticism. Women are also allowed to have awful opinions and people are allowed to comment on them.

Could've put money on someone bringing that up. Everything is an agenda, anyone who makes a point empathetic to women is not sincere or is otherwise false. Could set a clock to it.

Are you under the impression that people do things for zero underlying purpose whatsoever, especially when those things are pertaining to social issues?

What an asinine thing to say.

You said I was white knighting. This isn't about people who may or may not do what you're saying. You said I was white knighting, and I called you out for it, because the idea that I being sincere in my point just flabbergasts you it seems.


I don't think you're insincere. You are sincere in your white-knighting.

Is empathy for what is pretty much half the fucking human race so alien to you ? Anyway no point in this. For one, you're calling me a liar and lol fuck that. But ya can't really talk to someone whose only come back isn't about their point, it's that they steadfast refuse to believe the other person's point.

You wanna grow up lad.

You can have empathy for what women go through without white knighting for them or being wrong.

And you'll just keep doing that. You're basically just saying "nuh uh" in various ways. You're a joke.

Whatever helps you sleep at night son

Well, I mean, its target audience is women…obviously it’s not meant to be logical. (Amiright?)

No your not. Men can't understand the fact that most women live with fear of men every day of their lives and most men can't understand that what women fear most is not being killed. Being killed is the lesser of evils in this situation. Men look at the situation as "which one is going to kill me?", women's perspective " what are they going to do with me before and after killing me?". It’s not death that we fear.

Stop generalizing all men.

Did you read the comment to whom i responder?

Doesn't matter. Your whole statement is men this men that men, men, men. It's clear how you view all men.


  • proceeds to blatantly ignore the comment generalizing women*

He was clearly being sarcastic. While you weren't.

I have only made one comment on this post, learn to read please.

I don't know how to read. I'm just a dumb man who can't read between the lines according to you.

proceeds to blatantly ignore the comment generalizing women

My first comment on the post and you respond by telling me I wasnt being sarcastic, what comment were you referring to with that statement?


Okay I'll be a grown up and admit I got you mixed with the other one. Entirely my bad. Maybe I can't read hahaha

🎉 Congratulations for: admitting your own mistake, an increasingly rare trait nowadays 🎉

I can be egotistical, but there's strength in vulnerability. So thanks for the recognition.

Same argument boomers used against black peoples and Mexicans. You are no better “I’m protecting myself” is an excuse. You want protection get a gun like everyone else your safety is up to you. Bitching isn’t changing anything

You want protection get a gun like everyone else

Bitching isn't changing anything

The lack of self awareness is astounding. 'Just arm yourself so you can potentially murder an assaulter and stop, ahem, bitching'. And you guys wonder why women pick the bear.

Oh, we're well aware why you'd pick the bear. It's because you're a bigot.

No it shows how sexist most women have become that they hate men that much.

We don’t hate men. We fear them because they can be dangerous. And now men are freaking out on social media because some women had the audacity to say it. Those same men probably bitch about women being emotional but can’t handle their own feelings about a hypothetical situation they read about online.

I read a post from some dude who gets wary looks when he walks solo in a park from women afar and deemed it toxic lmao, get over yourself mate and get an actual problem.

Thanks for proving my point that you're part of the sexism problem.

EDIT: you blocked me so I can't respond to you so I'll put it here.

Do you know what qualifiers mean? It's the difference between most and all. All would be sexism. Most is just reality.

There is definitely discrimination happening. The discrimination happening isn't because of sex or gender. It’s because of a history of behavior.

The behavior in question (violence, rape) is largely perpetrated by one sex in particular onto the other sex. Thats just numbers.

I hope the women I care about are discriminating against men every day because men are statistically dangerous to them and I want them to be safe. Its that simple.

Their safety is more important than your hurt feelings. Stop being a child.

That's literally discrimination based on gender. Lorena Bobbit cut off her husbands penis you don't see men posting how they feel safer around a bear than a kitchen knife.

EDIT you blocked me so I'll reply here

Plenty of men are remember for their crimes. And now days just being accused is enough to ruin a man's life. Thanks for proving that you have blinders on to real discrimination.

#The Flairs:

23:59 UTC


A photo of some university students protecting the American flag leads to debates about free speech, wokeism, and Islamophobia

Original post, sorted by controversial


Props to Tanner, Conner, Jaxson, Jackson, and Remington for their sacrifice. If only Toby Keith was still with us to see this, just think of the power ballad we’re missing out on

Props to Abdul, Muhammad, Muhammad, Shareef, Amir, Muhammad, and Omar. If only Osama was still alive to see this

You’ll get banned for this. He won’t. It’s pathetic.

9 year olds for everyone!

Again with the inaccurate Islamophobic comments! The prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), did not marry a nine-year-old. Aisha was six at the time of the marriage.. nine at the consummation. [...]

Police be upon him🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

so you understand how cultures are similar, that's good.

Oh dang good one, you’ve totally made me see the light

Just say you hate brown people.


The woke left has made something as innocent as liking your own countries flag, something to be scared of... so it's pretty refreshing to see people standing up for themselves in the USA.

ThE wOkE LeFt The script you people follow is so fucking pathetic.

hey bud, if you support Gaza, why dont you join them in their fight?

Right this way buddy! [Link to "How to join the IDF"]

Did I say I supported Israel???


The person you initially replied to never said they were supporting Gaza, what's your point? Also, way to edit your previous comment. Truly the sign of someome with conviction...

oh no a random internet troll thinks less of me [...]

Lol, well this is ironic... Bahahaha you're spineless. Keep up the good work

How will I ever recover from this

I'm sure you'll just go troll elsewhere and pretend this never happened. Don't worry, buttercup, you'll figure it out... eventually...

Damn another lethal blow to my self esteem

None of what I'm saying is really that impactful or hurtful. You just seem to want to interpret it that way. Hmmmm, I wonder why someone, initially so aggressive, would make lame attempts to up-play their victimhood?? Are you okay dude?

Wow now you’re making me feel weak by appealing to me at a more personal level[...] You’ve truly gotten the upper hand now!

[This goes on for a while...]

More people move from left to right than right to left. What is it about becoming older, wiser, and richer that pushes people to the right? [...]

What is it about statistically having more wealth that makes people favor policies that benefit the wealthy at the expense of the country? Hm I wonder


The more accurate statement is: motivated and successful people are wealthier and thus begin to align with republicans more because of republicans’ fiscal policies[...]

So you people just lie to yourselves to cope with the fact you’re unpopular? Damn that’s fucking pathetic lmao.

You don’t interact with real people much do you

Is your mom a real person?


THIS is how Americans should act... I applaud these young people for standing up for what is right...

Send all the pro Gaza protestors taking down the flag to Gaza and let them see how they like it there.

Send the people to the warzone they’re protesting against?

I mean if they love Palestine more than their own country I don’t see why they shouldn’t go there instead of harassing our people here.

Being against children being killed means you want to live in Gaza?

Burning an American flag is protected speech according to our own Supreme Court[...]

Then it should be protected speech to burn the trans flag

Is it already? Any incidents of people getting sent to jail or are you just manufacturing fictional scenarios to make yourself mad.

If some kids took a trans flag down and burned it it would be national news so fast. Trust me.

It being viral and controversial alone wouldn’t make it illegal

Haha yeah bullshit. Those kids would be banned from the college so fast. The trans flag is essentially the crucifix to these people. It might as well be a religious thing

Is the college banning them proof they violated the campus code of conduct? (probably) Is the college banning them proof that what they did was illegal? (On its own still no)

oh please if someone put the lgbtq flag in chalk on a roadway and someone erased it the person erasing it would be charged with a hate crime so fast their heads would spin.


[Some link I didn't read.]

Was he charged with a hate crime?

I’m sure if it wasn’t FL he would have been

So you only have hypotheticals to defend your point. Interesting.


Yes! This country is not perfect, but in my opinion still one of the best. Protect the flag at all cost!

Except when it's being worn as a cape on Jan 6!!

It always comes back to 1/6 lol yall can’t let go

You gotta let go of 1865 first.

That makes no sense.

[User continues to not get the joke at all.]

Why would you let go of an attempted coup? Fuck the insurrectionists and anyone who tried to downplay their efforts. Fucking traitor.

You gotta chill dude

Nah, you don’t chill when domestic terrorists try to overthrow your government. You deal with them the same way we’ve always dealt with them.

Ur so brave

And you're a coward

Thank you for using your online comments to keep me safe

Defining moment in American history[...] Sorry we can't let your attempted coup go lol

Y’all also burned down cities and looted hundreds of thousands of dollars from small businesses and resulted in the death of nearly 900 people. Just to top it all off you tried to get a 17 year old life in prison for protecting himself.

Damn what cities did I burn down? Sounds like I really fucked up 😬

Notice how the word “y’all” which is a contraction of the words “you” and “all”, which is not referring to a single person.

Hey I looked that up and that's not the name of a city I burned down?? Are you ok? Do you smell toast?

You really believe a group of unarmed people tried to overthrow the government?

I’m sure they smeared shit on the walls and chanted hang mike pence in a totally sarcastic patriotic way right??

I think you know how silly it sounds to argue a group a shit smearers without any weapons could overthrow the US government.

Mate it's a piece of fabric calm your tits

It’s a sign of respect. Especially for those who died defending it.

They didn't die to defend a flag. They died to defend a country.

Do we just… not believe in the concept of symbols anymore?

Not when we start roping dead people into an argument over what they died and killed for.

Defending it from what exactly? Brown people existing?

Wow, that’s racist. Many who died in its service had brown skin. Your history knowledge must only go back to BLM during the Trump election huh?

Lmao leftists cannot help their racism any longer it's hilarious

Racism is when you correctly identify white supremacy. Further proof that conservatives lack basic reading comprehension.

The flag is extremely important in the US[...] Feel free to read the lyrics to our national anthem of you're confused. Then go bow down to your king and lick some more royal boots

Your national anthem doesn’t even qualify as a national anthem, musically

Fuck does that even mean lol gatekeeping national anthems is a new one

Note: I copied these comments around 16:00 EST yesterday - many of them now show up as [deleted]. That being said, they were copied directly with omissions cited with [...]

13:00 UTC


Accusations of bot-ism are levied in r/wunkus as one user suspects another of being a sold account. Drama results and hair starts to fly.

CONTEXT: r/wunkus is a meme/shitpost subreddit focusing on humorous clips and photos of any and all animals. Ordinarily, it's a tame sub with a fun, welcoming community and no drama whatsoever. However, a user points out on one post that it is a repost. The conversation begins to get wild from there as one user goes all in on accusations of the OP being a bot or bought. Behold some bite-sized, low stakes drama as things get hairy.

The dispute

I am the one who reposts

No. You're using an account that was scrubbed and sold for karma farming.

I can't believe you'd call me a fake redditor. All my loser points are AUTHENTIC and REAL!!!

Yes, that must be why all of the excessive posts and comments on the account are only from 1 month ago despite the account being made in 2021.

Schizoid delusions

Sure, sure. Do anything but reply to what is pointed out.

The user continues to double down as others insist to calm down

yo this guy is wunkin out rn, someone call the reddit police

Go ahead. But before you do, perhaps they should try answering the question.

We post wunks here, sir

I know, sir. But of late, karma farming accounts have also been active on less "mainstream" subs.

Is this a being lifeless competition?

How many karma farming accounts have you seen that engage with comments in a way that makes sense

Quite a number, actually. The owner of the bot network still gets notifications and sometimes replies to pretend that they're not using karma farming accounts.

And they refuse to call it quits in their attempt to defend r/wunkus from the bots

If the account had been used for karma farming you’d think it would have more karma

It's only been a month since it started posting and commenting. Scroll down on the history. That's usually how most sold accounts look.

i did. but like all their karma comes from the posts and comments they currently have up so who gives a shit

Karma farming accounts are later used to astroturf and post links to sites with malware or which will steal data. So people should give a shit.

Yes, because when my 89-year-old demented ass is raw-dogging the Internet, the first thing I do before clicking random links is... check the poster's "karma" and account age.

Finally, the accused continues their work of clearing their good name!

I think you're taking this a little too seriously, pal

Just respond to what's been pointed out, buddy.

How can I prove to you that I'm a loser without a life?

By telling us why this account has only been excessively active in the past 1 month despite being made in 2021. If you're a "loser without a life", why do you suddenly have a life in the past month?

I was a lurker until now. I have no job, no hobbies, nothing. My life is reddit. This is why I've been able to post such a ludicrous amount. If you really care so much, you can add up all the karma from my posts and comments.

Your life is reddit, but you only started posting and commenting in the past 1 month? Why?

Honestly, the fact that I've spent this much time talking to you should be proof enough that I genuinely have nothing better to do than post on reddit all day and collect karma

For being a small thread with only one user being the focus of drama, there is some surprisingly choice flair like "How can I prove to you that I'm a loser without a life? ", "All my loser points are AUTHENTIC and REAL!!!", "Is this a being lifeless competition?", "If you're going to pretend to be a reddit sleuth, at least do it right", and "I genuinely have nothing better to do than post on reddit". I hope you enjoyed the wunky spat.

08:57 UTC


Youtuber fakes her pregnancy and miscarriage to comment on parasocial relationships and promote her new patreon. Her subreddit debates if it's the birth of a new era or a miscarriage of justice

Youtuber carolinekonstnar, known for generally edgy and off-beat sketch videos, had recently taken a long break from posting videos.

Then, all of a sudden, she came back with a video called "I have an announcement" where she announces her pregnancy at the age of 20.

While at first it seems like a gag, it ends with a seemingly sincere segment about having health issues that may cause this to be her only pregnancy and her embracing this choice and continuing with life.

The video was received positively, and while there was certain skepticism, most people believed it was real -


This would be a very strange thing for her to goof about, and I just don't see that being the case

Today, she released a new video - "I lost the baby".

The thumbnail shows her being pregnant, next to her not being pregnant and crying.

The video starts with a joke of her physically trying to find the baby.

Then it quickly transitions to explaining the "bit" - something about parasocial relationships, how we don't her and she doesn't know us except for our monetary value.

Which then transitions to promoting her new patreon (with tiers of 7, 16 and 50$ per month).

The reaction has been divided - the thread of the video is mostly positive and joking about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/carolinekonstnar/comments/1ci22uy/it_was_a_joke_subscribe_to_her_patreon/

Stupid smart stupid narcissist.


Not every joke land for some people. That's humor, i guess.

However other threads have harsher takes, especially with fans that emphasized with her and had to go through similar things themselves:


She deserves a full cancellation. Period.

Super disappointed as well. CRAZY insensitive to make a joke like that. Her vids are entertaining but im definitely not subscribing after a stunt like that. Dealt with an ectopic pregnancy last year and that shit SUCKED

others disagree:

Just stop watching god damn I hate the internet now

“She deserves a full cancellation”

If someone offends you, watch someone else. Stop calling for an army

For Christ, she made a song about STD's and said all kind of funny/stupid things about sensible topics. She is the same, people just became too sensitive about everything they can joke about anything cause somewhere someone suffered about it?

I assume that soon enough this will balloon out of her fan area and will be covered to death by everyone, so get your fix while it's not insufferable


A thread from 10 days ago showing her having an ad for a fake pregnancy belly:


Yall are fucking crazy

I will say, if this is a bit, it's an unfunny and mean-spirited one.

06:51 UTC


Is it safer to meet a bear or a man in the woods? r/CuratedTumblr discusses (flairs at the end)

Background: there's some kind of viral video about random women being asked on the street whether they feel safer meeting a bear or a man while out in the woods. A user in /r/CuratedTumblr posts a meme someone made as a reference to said video.

The comments explode into discussions about the safety of various types of bears, statistics, Bayesian probabilities and all sorts of biases.

Here are some outtakes:

This thread in particular spawns some great takes

I totally understand why basically everyone says bear, my sister is very open about her experiences with creeps and I know that on a systemic level that there’s a lot of really shitty guys out there and that women are constantly punched down on and treated like garbage. But it still feels awful as a guy to hear it, even if I understand and empathize with the thought process. Like, whenever this topic comes up, I feel gross, like I failed somehow.

Shhh… just let internet strangers degrade you. It’s how you prove you’re one of the good ones. Nod appreciatively and say a word like ‘systemic’ or ‘generational’. They love that!

Waah, sexism isn't real, I'm one of the good ones, waah.

Fucking beta males

Another one off the same thread

Just swap "men" with "black people" or something similar and you see how this disgusting this rethoric is. "Would you prefer being alone with a bear or a black man?"

Pieces of shit, all of them.

Do you love cake?

Yeah well, swap "cake" with "9/11", not such a big fan of cake now are you?

A simple error to make, but unlike how black men are actually a subset of men, 9/11 is not a type of cake.

This thread spawns off some discussion of conservative men and russophobia

Wow, you're so right, my demographic is bad. Worse than animals even. No, I'm not offended you chose to say it that way. Bad things, very bad thing even, happened to your demographic so that justifies your communication. Suggesting that your wording could be better to actually communicating something that would lead to the very bad thing happening less would be tone policing. And of course turning my demographic into a synonym for perpetrators of crime is ok and the only reason I could not want that is because I identify with the perpetrators of crime.

misandry, racism against white ppl, and russophobia are becoming alarmingly acceptable

and people wonder why white males are increasingly conservative

this, just this lol

A woman being nervous alone in the forest with a man they don't trust is reasonable. There are some bad things that man could do. That man cannot tank 3 handgun rounds to the face before crushing your skull with his jaws. The man most likely won't charge at 30mph specifically to disembowel you.

As a man, I'd take most creatures over a bear. Bears are scary.

As a man, I bet I could take 3 handgun rounds to the face, I’m simply built different your honour

People going into specifics of the bear

Maybe it’s just me but think the question isn’t specific enough, who is the man? What kind of bear is it?

The man is specifically Andrew Tate, and the bear is actually a human man as well… just a big friendly hairy gay guy. That’s why all the women choose the bear.


You're deep in the forest and suddenly see a black bear. Totally normal. It's probably just as scared of you.

You're deep in the forest and suddenly see a strange man. Fuck that. Nope.

I mean, you’re in the deep woods alone, why is it weird for a man to be? Did you reserve the woods for yourself for the day? Unless he’s legit following you, you shouldn’t assume you’re going to be attacked even if it feels creepy


For a woman the difference between being attacked by a bear and a man is that if you survive a bear attack, no one will ask you what you were wearing to provoke the bear. Or if you were drunk and actually asking for it.

something about base rate fallacies


"I will kill people who try stealing from me"


"you win the internet today, good sir" ass comment


Shhh… just let internet strangers degrade you.


swap "cake" with "9/11", not such a big fan of cake now are you?


9/11 is not a type of cake.


Your "Good Boy" license can be retracted at any time.


Read Mein Kampf, it should be enlightening for you.

20:50 UTC


Spider-Gwen / Spider-Gwen / crawls through genders like a spider can - or can she? Across the Spider-Verse Release Season catches viewers in a cobweb of transvestigating one Gwendolyn "Gwen" Maxine Stacy

You heard it: Not Gwen Tennyson, not Gwen de la Total Drama

by the by, look: i get the negative and ILUMINATI CONFIRMED conspiracy-like connotations with "transvestigating" but i'm just working off the technicality and definition based on what's described by these posts, it's what it is

They got off okay and they are all in chill subs

Rest assured, though! The theorists here have wholly much more benign reasons

Trans folk are human folk like us, you all

Anyway, watch out!

here comes the Drama-Man



much later

my racist transphobe dad says the same thing about the race of star trek characters getting changed in newer versions. characters get changed in adaptation all the time and just because there are more diverse people writing the shows and movies now does not mean changes are happening "just to appease a leftist audience" diversity is not inherently political. characters being given new aspects is not inherently pandering. please note this is not me saying Peter and/or Gwen are definitely trans in spiderverse. if you are uncomfortable with an established character being changed to be trans or a different race in an infinite possibility multiverse iteration, that implies you think something about being trans or that race is wrong or bad or that that makes them less personally appealing to you, which is, in fact racist/transphobic. you dont have to be wearing a white costume or something equally big and awful for this to be the case. these little things also count.

r/Spiderman (no hyphen)



r/dccomicscirclejerk (found via samac.io = some of which we're flockin' to)


  • I am going to continue not engaging with your babble.
  • Finally tired myself out didya, kiddo?
  • how many times have I had to watch straight-Cis Peter Parker kiss straight-Cis MJ?
  • why are you focused on this teenager's genitals?
  • it’s fucked that you said the word fucked.
  • Isn't that the joy of being alive being able to disagree with others?
  • us sinister six cartel cabal of trans people have so much control over society. Obviously.
  • Thank you for saying my point back to me? Are you an idiot?
  • Yes I’m triggered because you say I am
  • I'd fuck the shit out of that spiderPUSSY🕷🕷, original or post-op✂️✂️ OliviaPG1
  • It's my God-given 🙏🙏 right to fantasize 🤤
  • "And we have found an incel everybody" What is an Intel?
  • I am just an honest man that wants some SPUSSY 🕷🕷🍑🍑
  • The only dense asses here are the future dementia patients who came to this conclusion
  • Further Centering Your Transphobic Cisnormative Ideology
  • keep cissplaining
  • There is no comic book movie gender police coming after you.
17:18 UTC


Is Frieren watched by pedophiles? A run-of-the-mill, anime-related internet slapfight erupts in... r/bonehurtingjuice?

CONTEXT: For those unaware, r/bonehurtingjuice is a sub where users post comics and memes with edited text for a humorous recreation that may differ in spirit from the original significantly, see exhibit A. In this case, one user posts a juiced comic, with its original referring to the titular character from the anime Frieren, who is a young elf, in a fetishistic sense in an attempt at humor. See where this is going? Still, most users loved both comics, laughs were had, memes were shared, that is until one user voiced their feelings regarding the image.

Is that a child? She looks like a child

after years of using reddit, i have come to the conclusion that redditors do not know what a child looks like

And there was no way they were going to back down now.

Have you never seen an adult woman before? Because they do not look like this.

Yeah, most woman don't have elf ears.

Or have the face of a 9 year old.

🙂 <--- this is pretty much her face. What are you on?

Might want to check an eyedocter if that's all you're seeing.

Bear in mind you are yelling at a crowd of people that apparently jerk off to this cartoon character's feet. I'm not sure what you hoped to achieve here

Some others agree that she looks too young to great contention

I don’t know the canon of this particular show, but elves often live for centuries, so she could be 50 for all I know. Trying to figure out how old an elf is based on appearance is a fool’s errand

This is code for “she looks like a child but they say she’s 100000 years old so I can continue being in denial about my sexual deviancy!!”

I don’t even know the name of the show, if she acts like a child it’s still bad, but looking young says next to nothing about an elf

If she looks young, and people are defending sexualizing her, its weird. That’s literally all that matters dude. Nobody that old looks like a child, and if someone looks like a child, it is fucking creepy to sexualize them full stop. I cannot believe I literally have to spell out “pedophilia bad”. Only on Reddit

Said user feels that the previous comic just panders to "loli fetish"

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone NOT get downvoted into oblivion for calling out weird redditor fetish shit (especially if it involves loli) This the type of behavior you find only on Reddit 🤦‍♀️

so you're admitting that you have no fucking clue about what you're talking about

Looked her up on a “manga” site and saw all I need to know. Y’all defending this shit are a bunch of shameless lolicon freaks.

person looks for porn, finds porn, surprised pikachu face; jokes aside, the porn wasn't made by the original creators: the manga she's from actually doesn't sexualise its characters at all, and makes it very clear that she's an adult

Wait, do u think I’m shitting on the anime itself? Is that why you people get so mad? Thats amazing that it doesn’t sexualize her, but that doesn’t mean more than half of you degens won’t at the drop of a hat

One user states that the show is not fetishistic, and the dissenting user responds that they have no interest

She really isn't. I heavily recommend the anime.

I have no desire to watch shows that draw adult women like children, but thanks for the recommendation anyway.

dude what the fuck are you talking about she's not even sexualised ffs

I never said she looked sexualised? I said she looks like a child, which she objectively does in this image. I don't like it when cartoons draw adult women like children, there is literally nothing wrong with disliking those art choices.

This is a bad hill to die on you should watch the show

Another user gets a little unhinged in their supporting argument


YOU CAN TELL A WOMAN'S AGE BY THE SIZE OF HER BOOBS. Nobody said or implied that. She has the face of a child.

Have you ever seen how children look like in anime?

And finally Deep Rock Galactic/the dwarves show up.

She looks like an elf.

Angry dwarf noises


I know, I know, the anime/lolicon/1000 year old dragon slapfights are a little old hat, but seeing a massive thread appear in r/bhj of all places is a surprise. Some decent flair is "YOU CAN TELL A WOMAN'S AGE BY THE SIZE OF HER BOOBS.", "person looks for porn, finds porn, surprised pikachu face" and "Have you ever seen how children look like in anime?". I hope you enjoyed the drama on a classic subject.

09:10 UTC


A prominent Gamergater is caught bribing disgruntled backers to praise him on Twitter. r/KotakuInAction does not take it well when the journalist that exposed him shows up with receipts

00:57 UTC


anti-nuclear post reactivity increasing at r/NuclearPower, Mod team posting history scrutinized, chain reaction catches r/nuclear, meltdown in progress.

20:28 UTC


"Too late!! Flying spaghetti monster is the best"/"Bro please do not start a religion debate on an AdventureTime reddit comment section of all places" | Brief spat over Canon Events, Etymology of "Canon", and...Bible-debating?

15:39 UTC


"You must think Song of the South is valuable representation fuckhead" | r/IntoTheSpiderVerse is all stations alert to web up and debate a meme conspicuously showing POC Women on Little Mermaid Remake vs Men of all races on Spider-Verse

"I feel like I’m talking to a [geeks and gamers video thumbnail/pathetic disney shill that likes tokenism and sloppy second characters]"

Literally ignores the fact Miles the MC was created because Bendis wanted greater minority representation in comics. But whatever I guess. Pretty sure black women see themselves represented in plenty of non black female characters, don’t know why people disingenuously imply otherwise.

Do you think telling people to not use the format is going to make them stop? Did you see how well that trick worked on Hogwart's new legacy?

later this thread...

All the examples of "emasculated men" that you listed were still the centre of the plot in their respective media. You may not like how their arcs were written but it doesn't mean the writers hate men.

Also I wouldn't take Evangeline Lily's words as accurate cause she's also an anti vaxxer. Just because she's a woman doesn't make her right on this.


Please don't just repeat the same talking points about "wokeness" that you've heard from YouTube. Please just look at media for what it is instead of trying to find some hidden anti-male agenda. I promise you'll be happier without wokespotting all the time.

15:38 UTC


Man asks for help on r/realtionships, argues with everyone.

Jump into this wild thread from r/relationships where a dude's struggling with basic chores has sparked a massive debate. He claims he’s genuinely bad at tasks like cooking and laundry, but his girlfriend accuses him of "weaponized incompetence" to dodge chores.
Here's the drama: Thread Link.

Key moments:
*He messed up cooking, confusing tomato soup for pasta sauce and causing a culinary disaster.
*Laundry woes where whites turn pink, and he pleads ignorance.
*Every suggestion for improvement sparks an argument; he's either defending his errors or arguing about the imbalance in chore division.

Edit on the post, which he obviously didn't follow:
Edit: I do many other chores around the house. We have a even workload, I might even do more. I don’t know why everyone is so horny for me to be a lazy useless man but that’s not the case. Going to stop replying to comments for my own sanity.

People are divided; some say he's lazy, others think he’s just clueless.

The thread is a perfect storm of relationship tension and chores gone wrong. He's clapping back at nearly every comment, creating a saga of drama and disbelief. The guy just won't back down.

What's your verdict? Clumsy or cunning?

11:57 UTC


"Just drink slower or order less drinks then, genius." A bar-goer in Japan discovers that you can't ask for free water in a local watering hole and r/japanresidents has some words for them.

CONTEXT: If there is one thing to understand about the Japan subreddits, e.g. r/japanlife, r/japanresidents and r/tokyo, is that they can be contentious places, owed to Japan-living hopefuls and newcomers bumping heads with long-time residents, with said residents arguably looking down on them for not being in the know, being hopelessly ignorant about what it takes to move to and live in Japan, or for just being a newbie, doubly so if they aren't fluent in Japanese yet. This case is no different as one user asks why they can't get a free glass of water at a bar, and long-term locals give him the rundown in polite, and not so polite, fashion. Pettiness results.

Some bite-sized drama:

Sometimes it’s not about the law, but about reading a room.

OP said it’s a restaurant, not a bar. It’s weird making people pay for water at a restaurant. They already pay for a meal.

OP said it’s a bar and then added it’s kinda like a restaurant, but it’s not clear. They certainly didn’t say “it’s not a bar”, they literally led with the bar angle.

Apparently bars don't have to register as bars in Japan and a slap fight ensues:

There's no such thing as being "registered as a bar,"

I would expect any place that serves alcohol to also serve water in order to prevent alcohol poisoning. It's quite irresponsible to not do that, IMO.

Drinking water doesn't prevent alcohol poisoning. Diluting alcohol with water doesn't change how much alcohol you consume.

Encouraging people to sometimes drink water instead of a drink of alcohol so they get less drunk does, though, genius.

Just drink slower or order less drinks then, genius.

Ooh, italics! Aren't you fancy!

The classic foreigner-turned-resident mocking the newcomer:

Comes to japan. Expect them to be like your country. Was not like your country. Complains in Reddit. Very westerner.

Suddenly asking a question counts as "complaining"? Pretty bleak way to see life. I feel sorry for you.

OP is shocked that some countries only provide bottled water for a price:

When I ask for water, I receive a bottle and I pay for it.

When you ask for water you get a bottle? What kind of fancy-ass places are you eating at? Across three countries I've lived in, and dozens more I've traveled to, I could count the number of times that's happened to me on one hand.

Other users agree that it is bizarre that bars in certain places don't give free water:

It was a culture shock to see in both Japan and Korea it was like this. In Canada it’s a huge liability if a bar doesnt provide free water. Because if someone drank too much, they should be provided water…

This is my exact reasoning. Yet it seems people are downvoting me to the negative double digits for daring to say that many places in the world try to watch out for their customers like this. I don't see how this concept is so foreign to so many people here – it's, in fact, the standard.

Yup. It’s just Reddit. People act weird af on this app.

Specifically Japan Reddit… people here will defend anything, and then feel superior about it.

I guess too many people got banned over at r/japanlife so the miserable people there have started coming here.

Finally, a user lays down THE LAW!:

Spoiler: businesses have no obligation to provide free water

Not too many options for flair, but I am partial to "Just drink slower or order less drinks then, genius" or "There's no such thing as being 'registered as a bar'". I hope you enjoyed the diversion from the usual political drama.

07:43 UTC


“maybe they can add wiener physics to calm everybody down” r/CozyGamers discusses boob physics in a farming sim

Recently the team behind an upcoming indie farming sim Farm Folks posted a video of a character model with differing amounts of breast jiggle to twitter captioned “Alright, folks, it's time for some serious game development talk! We're tinkering with character physics in Farm Folks. Burning question: which version has the perfect breast jiggle physics? 🤔”.

This tweet was followed by another asking if people wanted to see "what 150% looks like"

The Farm Folks community manager went to discord to complain that the people offended by the tweets were complainers and that only pervy people are making the jiggle physics a sexualised issue

They received backlash and posted this apology soon after


The drama comes from r/CozyGamers as someone posted the original tweet to discuss it and disagreements break out

Full Post

I’m really glad this got screenshotted and posted to this community before they deleted it

They backed down after people had a hissyfit which begs the question, why get so upset over a video game? Just go outside...

The game looks cute I guess? Very mobile-like which is ehh. But this post is a major yikes given that the demographic they’re aiming for is not generally the demographic that goes feral for jiggle physics. 😬 I’m reaaaally not sure what response they were expecting from it.

u hate boobs?

This. I don't think most pubescent males play these games.

wtf, why y’all think you own this genre? Y’all cryin’ about sexism while being sexist.

No one’s acting like they own a genre. They’re saying that the demographic for farming simulators and the demographic for giant jiggly boob physics usually do not overlap because sexualization isn’t critical to being able to plant parsnips.

Are we gate keeping the cozy farm sim from men now? Only women enjoy cozy games? Dafuq. I’ve been playing cozy farming sim games like Harvest Moon since the 90’s.

No ones gate keeping anything. You're pretty passionate about jiggly boobs in games…

I just saw this thread on Twitter even the follow up “who wants to see 150%” 🤡 so creepy

It's OK, they're adding in cock and ball jiggle physics and a "femboy" character type so people here and on Twitter will be happy with that.

Welp I know which game I'm not supporting now

Don't worry, buying two copies now so the devs don't miss out on your purchase. Because that's what heros do.

People are upset… that the boobs… bounce? As a bouncy boob-haver, I’m taking offense to how many people are taking offense here. Who knew farm simmers were so conservative 😂

Because in a farm game why the fuck would I care about how much my boobs jiggle. What is even the point?

They aren’t making it just for you bruh, plenty of people like jiggly boobs

& plenty of women are sick and tired of being objectified down to "jiggle" in a video game. Of being demeaned down to a "wanna see 150% physics" tweet by a game developer/their twitter person. To the point that it's even infiltrating the farming genre. Is it really that hard to not objectify women in literally every aspect of your lives? And then when the disgustingness of it is pointed out, the far right crowd comes out of the woodwork to prove that respecting women is even considered "woke" now. We're seriously just pieces of meat to so many people.

Yeah I’m so far right… not just a queer woman with big, fat, jiggly boobies. Maybe I should tape mine down if jiggle physics upset everyone so much 😭 maybe they can add wiener physics to calm everybody down.

06:15 UTC


/r/NixOS Slap Fights About the Ethics of AI Drone Strikes

I'm going to give my TLDR of the slapfights in the subreddit

  • NixOS is an Open Source OS that many people volunteer their free time to build.
  • Anduril makes autonomous AI drones to kill people using NixOS. They have also hired multiple community members to do so.

There's larger drama that spills outside of reddit on this but the TLDR is Anduril is sponsoring NixCon(an in person convention about NixOS) and people aren't too happy about it. A detailed explanation of the community drama can be found here if you care.

This culminated in one of the community members and Anduril employees receiving a temporary suspension to the project. The primary reason as I can surmise is because they were kind of a jerk about being against gender/minority representation in leadership.

Drama Thread 1

Employee of Anduril gets a temporary suspension from the NixOS Project, turns to the subreddit to say goodbye. https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/1cd5fod/in_case_im_unable_to_return_wish_you_all_the_best/

Goodbye! You have made yourself difficult to be missed!

Thanks derpface!

No problem! Your username remind me of someone who is directly complicit in creating tools used in a genocide, and who actively concern trolls about minorities. Cannot think of his name for the life of me, though.


After some digging, it appears that the root of this is that nix maintainers are limiting the involvement of people who work for defense companies (read: weapons manufacturers). ...

Why would that be reasonable? Those people make weapons that keep you safe. You’d be the first in the corner in a puddle of piss and years of you were invaded because your country didn’t have proper “weapons” to protect you.

Those weapons killed my innocent family members, 2 young girls who never hurt a fly in a war that probably happened before you knew how to type.


Hope you slip and fall into an unassuming volcano, or something equally awful



You did your best to prevent any constructive discussions and successfully failed to show any growth or sympathy.

Errmmmm ackshyually you are the one stifling constructive discussion good sir! Constructive discussion is when we never listen to minorities of any kind


To be fair you lost me when you called the need for minority representation "discrimination", again and again, like 10 times in the same thread. You failed to acknowledge the power dynamics at place, and how a "non political" stance just hurts us by default. And what's worse you just dismissed the need to hold a wider conversation on the basis of your own feelings about privilege and discrimination, while ignoring what people were telling you repeatedly 💀 Edit: See? That's why we just leave these spaces. Fuck the alt right and everyone who classifies ethnic and sexual minorities as "political", you ruin good spaces with your toxic waste of ideologies.

I'm an anarchist/libertarian "barefoot in the garden" ecology-loving homestead veteran hippie, with a decent sized LGBTQ+ friend group since I live near Seattle. They are good people if it weren't for the fact that most of them are lawyers.


Drama Thread 2: Clarification on why guy from thread 1 was suspended. https://www.reddit.com/r/NixOS/comments/1ceeg8h/transparency_about_jonringers_suspension/

Disgusting. Labeling a man based on an idea that would've been logical pre 2020. So much hearsay and putting words into his mouth. DEI needs to go away, as it is a plague of exclusion and oppression Olympics. It has no place in a free society. It has no place in open source. It's cultural shift with good intentions but naviagted terribly. Nix, this is just wrong and your hearing the man but not listening.


Is this about the project excluding defense companies? If so that doesn’t make sense to me. Open source should just be tools and allow anyone to contribute.

It's about control over Nix, and the defense sponsor was just the issue being seized upon.


If you label me as a "racist fascist bigot", then anything I say is malicious.

You've been posting like this a lot over the last couple days. This attitude indicates to me that you are not actually planning on changing anything about your behavior, and you don't actually take any criticism levied against you seriously. You simply frame it as a ridiculous caricature that can be discarded and ignored. So the whole "I take full responsibility" thing rings fairly hollow.

Who the fuck cares? Stop trying to wrangle out some kind of twisted confession. We have churches and preachers to do that. He's a volunteer... He doesn't owe you Anything.When are you going to stop being obnoxious.


Drama Thread 3

Multiple community members quit the project. Some because of the AI Drone strike thing, some because Guy from thread 1 got banned.


I for one support LGBTQ inclusion in autonomous murder drone manufacturing. It’ll fix both issues.


That's great, I don't disagree in principle. But what are we going to do about all the people leaving over this, though? A significant maintainer just left over the Anduril sponsorship fiasco, and over a dozen others have followed him. I think this deserves some airtime and discussion.

thats great, but what are we going to do when the unchecked mod team banned everyone that contributes and doesnt share their opinion? They clearly shift the allowed debate in their favor. This allows them to shape this project after their own liking. this deserves some discussion, but the mod blatantly flag or ban every critic they see. there is no healthy or solution oriented debate to be had under those conditions.


The thought of any of my work contributing to someone's death by drone makes me feel physically ill.

This can be said about almost any open-source contribution.
In fact, it can be said if you pay taxes in almost any well-developed nation (that uses drones to defend itself). A $10k per year sponsorship is pocket change. But heck, you can even think that's $10k they have less to spend on drone parts.


Why not try to be apolitical? For example here

"used for horrific things" "People have morals"

"horrific things" arent absolutist? you are saying horrific

People with morals means, that their side side is the good one that isnt absolutist? 2) If you take money from everyone, how not take it from one company could be political? Or at least less than not take it? 3) I would agree that isnt good argument, but not absolutist. You can still be against it, protest against, work against it etc. If he said for example "In fact, it can be said if you pay taxes in almost any well-developed nation (that uses drones to defend itself), so why try?" I would agree with you.


19:18 UTC


“Fuck you. You’re cock isn’t as big as your wife’s strap on” The governor of South Dakota tells a story about killing a puppy. /r/SouthDakota reacts

#The Context:

Kristi Noem is the Republican governor of South Dakota and has been discussed as a potential vice presidential pick for Donald Trump in this year’s election.

Noem has an upcoming book entitled “No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward.” According to The Guardian, Noem describes in the book putting down her 18 month-old wirehair pointer Cricket after he had a disappointing pheasant hunt, killed some neighbor’s chickens, and snapped at Noem.

Noem ostensibly tells this story to illustrate that “tough choices” often need to be made and that she is capable of making them.

Many on /r/SouthDakota have a different reaction to putting down a puppy. OOP posts a meme mocking Noem’s story, and that is where we pick up our popcorn.

#The Drama:

Let’s bring Fauci into this:

I missed your outrage when your Boi Dr Fauci was torturing dogs, but if you won't acknowledge your lord and master Biden is a Pedophile nothing is a surprise.

If Biden said the same thing about his former pet, they would be making excuses like there was no tomorrow. Meanwhile, how many women and children were needlessly murdered in Yemen under the Obama/Biden administration? More rules for thee but not for me.

Lol! Read this dudes posts! He’s a cuck. Which explains why he voted R. He wants to be owned and proves so with his vote. Idiot

Triggered by the truth 🤣 another one bites the dust

No. You are the fucking snowflake you dipshit


No. You are the fucking snowflake you dipshit

I’m done trying to reason with you idiots

Have a good night my friend!

Fuck you. You’re cock isn’t as big as your wife’s strap on

As I said, I’m done playing high road with your kind. You are an uneducated, moronic simpleton fuck. So enjoy your hillbilly life you fuck head. Fuck you.

It means the world to me that you are thinking about my pee pee ❤️


It means the world to me to know that you’re a cuck you little bitch.

Oh shit, or did that get you off?

Hold on, keep going!!! I’m almost there!!!

Can’t wait for November. Have fun watching your wife get fucked by better men with bigger dicks than yours. I bet you’re a fat fuck too. Have a good one!

My birthday is in November, I’m a Scorpio. I’m also unmarried. As far as weight is concerned, I mostly eat Paleo so I’m pretty thin. Actually, my body is very nice and attractive. I could probably hit the weights a bit and tone up the muscle, but honestly, I like what I see in the mirror when I’m naked. You probably would too. Sweet dreams baby cakes 😘


Then that’s all that matters. I’d you’re happy with yourself and content at the end of the day. Big hugs. Little kisses back at ya, muah! 🥰


Got two, back at ya.

For what it’s worth, I was trying to respond to Best-Hunter5327 comment…..soooo I retract what I said to you and I’m sorry about that! I’m also buzzed. 3 year old finally crashed out almost 2 hours ago and I’ve had some bourbon to chill. And clearly I wasn’t very chill. And directed to the wrong person. I’m sorry again, politics aside, we’re all Americans. Immigrants or born here. Doesn’t matter to me. All love. My fault here big time! Have a good rest of your night.


It sounds as if the dog was untrainable and not mentally stable. This is what ranchers and dog breeders do when they cull the herd. I understand why the blue team is having trouble with this practice.

Would you shoot pet with a shotgun?

It was a hunting dog not a pet

Couldn’t it just be “retired” from hunting and adopted?

What if you adopted the unstable dog and he attacked your or someone else's child, who would you blame.



Accusations of veganism are levied:

How many innocent animals have to die before the Botox Beast is held to account?

Hopefully she gets you on her way out. Simp.

Real life on a working farm or ranch, animals are killed all the time.

Say "thank you" because you're eating the food they grow and raise.

Thank you. I’m really enjoying my puppy meat stew tonight. It wouldn’t be possible without people like this.

You would have a point if she ate the dog.

Dude. Cut the country boy shit lol. I'm from her state, born and bred Midwesterner. What she did was fucked up and unnecessary and yes I know where my steak comes from and it's not from a 14 month old puppy who acted like a puppy.

She’s scum but what does your plate look like? Those animals are innocent and don’t want to die also. It isn’t that different 😉

Found the PETA activist

Please don’t make the argument that shooting your own dog in the face is the same as having some chicken with your rice and beans.

Fucking hell, vegans really suck at knowing what battles to pick. You're drawing a false and overly simplistic comparison, and trying to convince people of your beliefs should never start with bad faith arguments

Shooting horses is brought up:

She shoots horses, doesn't she?

Yes, though that is generally a common practice for aging or really sick...... that said, they killed two horses alongside it making it seem like it was more of a convience than that.

The common practice is to have a vet put them down. If you can afford the horse, you can afford the vet. shooting them is only acceptable if they are in sudden intense pain that would prevent the vet from getting to them without them suffering

This is how it was done for years. It’s no more or less humane you’re just more sensitive and detached from reality and nature. Not meant to sound harsh just being real.

You're 100% full of fucking shit. I'm a farmer, I hunted all my life. Shooting an animal is far more violent than putting them to sleep. Get a grip on reality. You're not being real, you're being a gun humping loser.


Agree with the [hgrant77]. You aren’t. If you know what you’re doing and you do it right they don’t even know what happened. The switch is flipped. And it’s WAY more personal and intentional.

What the do you think would happen if everything went to shit and you couldn’t call a vet? You going to just let them suffer? A real farmer understands the responsibility of caring for these animals and part of that responsibility is owning the role of putting them out of their misery and not taking the easy route of paying for someone that doesn’t care to put them out. Your garden doesn’t make you a farmer.

I already said you use a gun if you can't get a vet dumbshit. But it's not the appropriate or responsible first action. Accidents are WAY more likely to happen when you mix guns and sick/injured animals. Just admit you're chatting with your alt account and go home. You are right, the garden doesn't make me a farmer- the 2000 acres does.

Doubt it but good for you if true bud. Doesn’t make you a farmer though. If you are so adamant about this I really doubt your legitimacy but you don’t have to prove that. You can just keep posturing on the internet lol. Reality is reality and you can’t change it.

Okay toots. Have fun beating off to black gun forums, and justifying dog murderers. The best you have is saying that you don't believe I have the job I have, despite a myriad of posts in my history, unrelated to this one, where I talk about being a former quality engineer, and now farmer. But I suppose this post from a month ago was just part of a long con to make you look like a dumbfuck.


Or this post from two months ago


Or this post from two years ago


All part of a conspiracy I guess

LMAO you have way too much time on your hands. Good times hahah. I can’t stop laughing.


Cope harder loser

Ok bud

Just realized I was taking to a leftist ace. Explains a lot about your communication style haha


No you aren't

LOL- Go back to memestocks and buying harry potter shit. The only reason I'm posting is because I'm rained out of planting corn this weekend.

Sure you are kiddo

Keep bag holding, while propping up dog killers and transphobes, loser.

#The Flairs:

08:32 UTC


User on AITA asks if he should have gotten his girlfriend tampons, proceeds to sockpuppet his critics under multiple names

Full post

Someone responds:

YTA. You made making a non-emergency phone call your priority over her immediate physical needs.

User OrganicDifference776, whose account was created after the original post and who has only commented on that post, replies

Paper towels or toilet paper is an emergency short-term fix. Proper period items is very much a need... OP, YTA, and frankly, so is OrganicDifference776

Here enters user HopefulCow7697, whose account was created after the original post and who has only commented on that post.

If it’s a need, it sounds like she should carry tampons with her, right? A lot of women have backup tampons in case shit like this happens.

(HopefulCow proceeds to fight with every response to these comments)

YTA. You said the phone call was unimportant, so you could've called them back after you went to the store.

(In pops our friend OrganicDifference again!)

Yeah, and she could also get her own tampons. She’s the one with periods, not him.

how dare a person ask a favor of their partner 🙄

You can ask for a favor. But no need to be entitled. Her periods are her responsibility.

That last comment, of course, wasn't from OrganicDifference, it was from InitialAd8616, whose account was created after the initial post and who... you get the idea.

Don't worry though, HopefulCow is still at it too!

So she should carry it around in her purse like every other woman on the planet? If I go to a friends house and start my period, I don’t tell them to get me some? I usually bring tampons with me in a purse. Sounds like she’s irresponsible 

It's worth noting at this point that HopefulCow claims to be a woman who has periods, and this gives Hopeful a level of authority on this topic (assuming this claim is true, which I probably don't have to state my opinion on)

It's worth noting that there are several comments, both reasonable and misogynist, agreeing with OP that are from actual users.

04:34 UTC


A post in /r/BoomersBeingFools about candy bars gets personal when OP doesn't get the sympathy comments they thought they'd get.

The subreddit /r/BoomersBeingFools is, by their definition:

BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers and elders behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner.

The majority of posts on that subreddit are stories about an older person ignoring social norms and being rude and/or entitled, and the OP shares their annoyance of the situation.

This brings us to today's drama when the OOP makes a post, titled, 'Boomer snatched the candy bar out of my hands', and wrote their story as follows (image link here in case of deletion):

I was getting done with lunch and I decided I wanted to have a candy bar. My Boomer coworker is interested in that candy bar and snatches it out of my hand and takes a piece. This is not the first time he's done it but each time he does it leaves me utterly speechless. The fucking generation that taught us "please and thank" you apparently doesn't apply to these people. I just hope that majority of us don't give ourselves the privilege and entitlement that these knobs have.

One of the comment threads recommends OP report the person. (Redditors will be C1, C2, C3, etc. while OOP will be G for Gentle):

C1: This is at work? I’d report that shit.

G: I've had to report this guy two times already. He's a relatively new hire with years of experience. But I'm the one who has to placate this guy on a daily basis. As long as he can do the f****** job and leave me alone I'm happy. But it's one of those situations where you don't choose who you work with .

C2: You are right, you have no control over others actions. You can only control your reaction. And your reaction was to be a pussy and then complain here 🤷

G: I thought this was a place to share things about boomers since we're all having to deal with them. I want to f*** you so much that there's blood coming out of wherever it is that I want to stick my dick in

That first thread was one of the only ones not taking a dig at Gentle for "letting a candy bar be taken out of your hands". So let's get to the real comments, starting with this one below:

C1: I legitimately don't understand the lack of backbone some people have. You're really letting Old Biff steal your lunch money? Has to be rage bait.

G: Thanks instead of hearing me out and being like oh f*** boomers you're attacking me for some reason

C2: You're a very angry little man

G: Fuck off

C3: I mean, you came here to post about being a coward. What did you expect? Half this sub is just people who are afraid of confrontation coming here for validation

G: How about go f*** yourself

C3: 🤣 go take a fucking nap you child

G: I want you to listen to me very carefully to what I'm about to tell you, go f*** yourself

C4: Now take that energy and use it the next time you're coworker touches your candy bar. If you can't, then I guess he does it because it's like taking candy from a baby.

G: Apparently you're not very smart when I said go fuck yourself now piss off you insignificant shit.

C4: Apparently you can't read or you'd realize that wasn't me. Is this kind of trolling actually enjoyable for you?

G: Fuck off

C5: Well, apparently you can talk the talk… But you can’t keep an old man from snatching your candy out of your hand… And damn-At some point in your past someone must have called you ‘ insignificant, ‘ and it must have stung like hell….

G: Fuck off

C5: Lol if I was there, I’d take that candy bar from you and eat it in slow motion and we both know you wouldn’t do a gosh darn Thing about it… Except count the minutes until you can come to Reddit Lolol

G: I'd slap you, kick u in the Netherlands and piss on u

C5: No, you wouldn’t and everyone here knows that - that’s the whole point – you let an old man take food from your hand… That’s weak… that would make your daddy so ashamed- well, even more ashamed of you…

This redditor calls the OOP 'soft', which seems to set them off more:

C1: I mean, if you let a 60+ year old take something out of your hands then you're just soft.

G: Do not think that my tolerance of other people makes me weak. Fuck you, you pathetic insignificant piece of shit. I bet you wake up every day complaining about your life and that it's someone else's fault but not yours. Fuck you you fucking fuck hole.

C2: This response declares your weakness though unfortunately

G: If there was a competition between you and me I know I could beat you in everything.

C2: But you already lost homie, it was a contest of intellect. You brought emotion. We try again next time!!! You pick the game.

G: Fuck you! So much! I can't stand you fucking liberal contrarian smart asses

C3: LOL nice, now the subtle introduction of a political angle. I'm changing my initial downvote on your OP to an upvote in the hopes that more people get to see this and laugh. Quality trolling.

G: Good Lord and here we go. I'm so sick of people like you who try to act like they're elong musk trying to act like the class clown with this contrarian logic that is nothing more than you just being a f****** joke

Likely shortly after this exchange, Gentle edits their post with the following:

Edit: tried to share a story about the pain of dealing with boomers but most everyone wants to try to be clever contrarian smart asses like Elon musk. Just fuck all of you.

One redditor suggests Gentle should stand up for themselves in the moment:

C1: Holy projection Batman. If this is actually real you need to stop bottling that energy up to unleash on random internet strangers and actually stand up for yourself in the moment when you're being bullied.

G: Here I thought I could share a story with you fuck holes about boomers and this is what I get. P no wonder the world is going to end soon

C2: What fucking disgusting projection. You sound like ignorant dirty brown water trash. You're a tiny little emotionally unregulated child throwing a tantrum. You don't get to complain about problems you refuse to rectify.

C3: Yeah, but the reason you didn’t have any sweet, delicious candy is your fault and no one else’s… Because you have little baby hands that are weak

G: Fuck off

Another redditor tells Gentle if they were in that situation, they would spit in the coworker's coffee:

C1: I’d spit in his coffee while looking him dead in the eye. Wtf

G: Thank you! Out of all the asshats replying to this you were one of two people that actually is on my side. I'm getting hounded by f****** morons who are trying to take a contrarian smart-ass angle and somehow calling me a fucking bitch

C2: Well, if you’d act like a man, we’d call you, sir… But you have the spine of a plate of mashed potatoes

G: Fuck off

C3: No, this person is asking why you didn’t do the equivalent of spit in his coffee. They’re still tacitly agreeing with all the people calling you soft as shit.

G: Fuck off

C4: Yup apparently the OP is the office bitch. So much so that even the new boomer clown doesn't take him seriously and has gotten used to pushing his ass around. And when OP decides to come to this sub for moral support and doesn't find any, decides to roleplay fake tough guy.

OP is the epitome of the phrase "taking candy from a baby"

Throughout the whole thread, I never did see what candy bar they had bought in the first place...

23:57 UTC


"The lack of self awareness in this comment is outstanding. It’s like a chefs kiss of ignorance." - the wolves of /r/thelastofus2 ask why they're called "misogynists and a bigots" when they root for the gay person against the straight person.

19:55 UTC


“Hey what are the chances that I dig into your history and find a lot of crypto discussion?” /r/ExplainTheJoke talks about John Hinckley Jr. and the Reagan assassination attempt

#The Context:

A user posts a meme about John Hinckley Jr. and his attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan to /r/ExplainTheJoke. Some users take immediate exception to the meme and decry it as being in poor taste.

A libertarian also makes a guest appearance.

#The Drama:

A user objects:

Not funny, and Hinkley missed Reagan anyway. He was hit by a round that ricocheted of the limo door without exploding.

No one asked if it was funny, they just wanted it explained.

Also nice "He missed Reagan but he hit Reagan"

Didn't figure it would be popular to not like a post saying Reagan should have been killed. Don't care. And I explained that the joke really doesn't work anyway because Hinckley missed Reagan. But if Reagan and Brady had received each other's bullets, Reagan would have been uninjured (bullet instead exploding on impact with the car), and Brady would have been killed (bullet penetrating into his brain, rather than exploding on the surface of his skull). The homemade gun that killed Abe only had two rounds, Hinkley had six. True that they were only 22 rimfire, but they were filled with an explosive. One was a dud, which deflected off the armored limo and into Reagan under his arm. That also meant the surgeon had to remove not just a flattened bullet, but a live explosive. And even if you could give Hinckley the homemade gun, he still probably wouldn't have killed Reagan...possibly not even hurt him at all.

Dude people celebrate controversial politicians dying all the time wdym you didn't figure it would be popular? Just last year when Henry Kissinger died there were literally millions of people celebrating not just in the U.S.A. but all over the world. And considering all the bad policies and social divide Reagen created of course people are gonna celebrate the idea of his failed assassination attempt succeeding since he was so controversial.

Do you really equate Reagan and Kissinger?

Is this a left vs right thing?

Yeah because democrats do everything right and republicans do everything wrong.

Imagine defending Regan in 2024, clown behavior

Imagine being a communist in 2024 - turd behavior

Is the communist in the room with us right now?

We aren’t in a room together. Are you feeling well?


Feeling fine dude. But if the implication was that I'm a communist I hate to disappoint.

I think you love to disappoint frankly

Idk what to tell you man, you can be anti-regan and not a communist lol


You’re halfway right.

It’s very rare the democrats do the right thing, but you can always count on republicans being 100% wrong.

Child level thinking

Okay clown boy

Is everyone in the comments evil?

God, you all are so wrong and a bit evil. Cheering for the assassination of a president…

Have you met MAGA?


Hmm I get what you mean, but I'd be interested where you draw the line.

If killing Reagen to prevent the ruining the lives of tens of millions is wrong, would it also be wrong to kill people like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pol or Mussolini?

Because on principle, the idea is the same. You shoot one guy and make the entire world a lot better since the damage they would have done can hopefully been avoided.

Idk, this is more of a thought experiment. Sadly we cannot kill Hitler. Would be good tho ngl

Maybe go read some more history books. Then engage in thought experiments.

Reagan literally destroyed the US. If he had been assassinated we wouldn’t be facing nearly the economic problems we are now

Start with the dictionary.

Any particular word? Or have you actually sat down and read through a dictionary before


Start with literally and destroyed.

Oh sorry didn’t realize you don’t talk to people irl. But that’s how language works… it’s generally easier to speak in hyperbole because most people having the reading comprehension to understand what it means. Maybe you should go back to high school so that you can develop it

Oh I talk to people in real life, I don’t watch weird anime crap.

That’s such a weird assumption, I fully do not watch anime. wtf are you on about

If you want more specifics than “literally destroyed,” Reagan was the one who cut taxes on the rich which sent the government spiraling into uncontrollable debt. He also pushed for college to be less affordable which is the reason that particularly millennials and Gen Z are facing crushing debt despite being young and will probably never be able to afford a house (aside from all the hoarding that boomers have done)

But just in general him encouraging the wealthy to hoard is the reason that nothing is affordable now, even when it comes to just rent prices when compared with the average salary. The divergence started in the 80s

Not to mention his reaction to the AIDS crisis and the Iran Contra affair

The guy’s a Texan and cybertruck defender; religion and CrossFit fan, and who has a username that is an unimpressive deadlift. Just thoroughly mediocre across the board, so of course he’s a huge Raegan fan.


Love how Americans need to add guns even to jokes. I imagine that not vote actors and clowns as president takes too much brainpower

This is referencing a real assassination attempt

I know. Again, Americans and guns. We are more mild, we throw stuff at politicians. Like a miniature duomo to Berlusconi

You know if y'all had more guns Mussolini wouldn't have gotten as far as he did right?

There were executions all over Europe and Asia during the cold war and the french literally beheaded their King during the French Revolution

You are incredibly absurdly poor, we get it.

Trickle down economics is debated:

Trickle down economy would work if we hadn't given government the right to print away our money. Up until the cancelation of the Bretton Woods agreement, the wealth of all socio-economic classes grew at the same pace

That isn’t even remotely true.

So you're telling me that an inbuilt 5% annual devaluation of your earnings and wages doesn't favor folks who are rich enough to own assets they can borrow against? Please do explain, I'm already fascinated by what you'll tell me

You're not owed a debate for being wrong

Well I wouldn't be putting out these takes if anyone were ever to point out why I'm wrong. But the closest anyone has ever gotten was saying "Well new monetary theory says you wrong". When that sh#t is literally the flat earth theory of economics


Flat earthers go around thinking they're right, because everyone else is sick of their bad faith "prove me wrong while I ignore you and deflect" arguing, and so they get ignored. They take this as "proof" that they're right, and that nobody can prove them wrong. Sound familiar?


And this, children, is why we do not sniff glue

It seriously boggles my mind that every single example of fiat currency had the same outcome and we can clearly tell based on our current trajectory that we're in phase 4 out of 5, and yet somehow I am the glue sniffer. At least I'll get ro tell y'all I told you so when we're all starving

Yeah, no monetary manipulation or market crashes under the gold standard

"Checks history book"


No digging required when you instantly see “libertarian” subs and “the left can’t meme”. It’s the same every single time.

Oh no I just want to be left alone to make choices for myself. That must mean everything else I say is also radical gobbeligook. Man if I had a nickel for every time y'all just change the topic instead of making your own argument, I'd be rich enough to be viewed as evil by you folks

#The Flairs:

17:45 UTC

16:54 UTC


“Hey buddy. I know you're having big feelings about this and it makes you really mad and confused…” Table top RPG sub /r/pathfinder2e plunges into chaos over charges of orientalism

A big thank you to user Firecyclones for sending this along and providing some context. I am very much out of my element here with Pathfinder, so if any of the below is incorrect, I welcome the feedback.

Edit: We seem to be having a guest appearance by one of the mods in question below.

#The Context:

Pathfinder is a tabletop fantasy role playing game and /r/Pathfinder2e is the main sub for the 2nd edition of the game, launched in 2019.

Recently, the “Tian Xia World Guide” was released for sale — a book detailing the “history, cultures, and peoples of Tian Xia” — a fictional world within the game. The world itself is inspired by various Asian cultures and is the source of the drama.

A mod posts a megathread warning users to observe the sub’s “rules and principals” when discussing the book’s release. The post does a dive into where D&D (the basis for Pathfinder) has fallen short in the past when it came to Asian tropes and racist characterizations.

The post specially calls out fans asking for “samurai” or “ninja” homebrew classes for play.

The discussion around this has become very heated in the sub, with mods deleting multiple threads asking for clarification.

The sub itself seems split by the reaction — with someone understanding the mod’s desire to create an inclusive space, and others finding it heavy-handed and over the top — with it leaning towards the latter.

#The Drama:

One user in a now-deleted thread longs for the times where he was called slurs while gaming:

Some people take policing of problematic content too far. If no reasonable limit is set, then it becomes a game of constantly shifting purity tests and the community will eat its own.

It hurts especially because it feeds the conservatives' "the wokes have gone too far" delusions.

Im not a conservative but yea it does go too far. I remember when everything was basically unfiltered and while that was not ok, I think it was better than people being outed for saying something that accidently offends people. Never thought I would miss people screaming the n word at me in game chat but I kind of do lol

this is genuienly insane lol

It's on the positive side of upvotes too lmao, people are crazy now

Not sure if you are agree with me or saying that me wishing to go back is insane lol. Happy cake day, and if you question my decisions, you may be right to lol


saying that you kind of miss people screaming a racial slur is insane

If you had to choose between an asshat screaming racial slurs or have oppressive censorship, which would you pick? I can laugh at an ignorant jerk, but I cant do nothing about an authority figure abusing their power.

id choose neither? i dont like censorship, that doesnt mean i have to "miss" people screaming the nword

In another thread titled “Samurai = Racism” a user responds to this comment: “It was explained to you that having a Samurai character/class as the sole representation of any Asian cultures and people isn't great”

Nobody has ever asked for Samurai to be the sole representative of Asian cultures. The existence of Samurai as a class or archetype does not preclude the existence of any other Asian-culture-inspired class or archetype.

People ask for Samurai because they're cool and popular in media, including Japanese media.

Nobody is arguing in favor of an explicitly racist presentation of a Japanese warrior. They want to be able to play a character that is similar to an existing media character that they like. Reflavoring Fighter doesn't do the trick.

Yes you can. They give you every tool that exists to do that. It doesn't matter if Japanese media includes it, they can do whatever they want. Saying that Japanese media does it so I can do it is just, "I have a [minority] friend..." with more steps.

It's not reflavoring, it is right there. The only difference is a neat little aesthetic seal of approval that segregates it from fighter and that is called othering. That's segregation.

A distinct archetype of mythologized character in a fantasy game is the same thing as people being banned from public spaces because of their skin color?

Hey buddy. I know you're having big feelings about this and it makes you really mad and confused. But you have to really think about this not from your own perspective but others. This hurts people who don't look like you and just because this is something you like doesn't mean that it's something that other people don't like. You may not understand it, but you don't have to! That's the thing about these complex problems.

In the future you should try to understand how it is harmful rather than how much it must make you confused and scared. Telling minorites what is and isn't racist is racist! That's big and scary, but if you take a few deep breaths and just think about it for a while, maybe we can help you get to where you should be, ok?

The comment above comes from a mod which causes its own drama:

Users accuse the above mod of breaking the sub rules in a deleted post:

I. How is that not a violation of rule 2. The whole big feelings thing and the entire tone of that is just hilariously condescending and disrespectful. Especially with "Community members are encouraged to ask questions or seek advice, and should be able to expect respectful and courteous answers" being most of that rule and this is a mod shutting down a question with condescension

I always giggle when people react to mods acting like this especially in game/tt spaces.

If you didn't think you were going to have someone volunteering to moderate a board on reddit to interject their smarmy, passive aggressive ideological crusade I don't know what to tell you.

One wonders why leftists are doing this:

why are some online leftists like this? just wildly rude and didactic when they're so far up their own ass?

It’s not entirely their fault. When you spend so much of your time combating actual reprehensible views online, it can be really hard to resist falling into the habit of treating ALL disagreement that way. That is to say: when you spend all your time surrounded by and dealing with bad faith “opinions” that absolutely don’t deserve your respect, it can be all too easy to forget that there are still plenty of opinions that do.

It’s not entirely their fault.

It is

When you spend so much of your time combating actual reprehensible views online

They're not though, they're spewing their own reprehensible racist views. They're no different from maga racists

Maga racists legitimately harass people and get people killed. The mod is being a complete ass, but they aren't going to inspire others to carry out harm with their beliefs. This is a terrible comparison that doesn't serve this discussion at all.

A user asks for clarification and a mod responds:

I would certainly appreciate more discussion from the mods as to what is going on. Understanding comes from conversation, not being told what is and isn't right.

We will do what we can to make expectations and the reasons for them as clear and understandable as possible. However; to some extent the idea that you have to understand is fundamentally flawed. Properly understanding requires tons of education and/or lived experience that most people simply do not have, and that nobody can have on every topic. At some point you have to just ask yourself if you're willing to continue to do harm merely because you don't understand how it's harmful.

What is happening is that we are collectively committing to better enforce rule 1 so as not to allow the perpetuation of stereotypes and circumstances that do harm, with the guidance of both academic resource and individual people who do have that experience. We understand that for people who do not see the harm this may be a difficult or confusing time and thank you for your patience.

Edit: Many of the removals and suspensions in the last few days have been for varying degrees of toxicity and harassment, with varying degrees of subtlety and levels of racially charged undertones.

However; to some extent the idea that you have to understand is fundamentally flawed.

we are collectively committing to better enforce rule 1

How are people supposed to follow Rule 1 if the mystical leylines drawing the barrier between healthy respect and damaging stereotype are impossible to see with mortal eyes? This is not a matter of being "willing to continue to do harm", this is a matter of the moderation team taking a stance that the community clearly does not properly understand and then stubbornly declaring that the bannings will continue until morale improves and people stop asking pesky questions.

Also, yes, some of the removals and suspensions have been for varying degrees of toxicity and harassment. No, it is not all of them and this tacit admission is insufficient. We are able to see the comments that have been removed, we can see how many people are having their comments removed without any obvious reason other than disagreeing with the moderation team or attempting to highlight the unfair treatment people have been receiving. We know, because the comments are visible right here.

And no, calling out [luck_panda] for violating Rule 2 and being consistently uncivil, condescending, and rude with just about everyone they interact with is not "harassment" nor is it grounds for their comments to be removed. They do not get to complain about anyone questioning their ultra-specific takes on cultural representation as merely "racists insisting that anti-racism is the REAL racism" and then turn around to say that anyone calling them out for harassing people are the real harassers with a straight face.

Please spend some time thinking about how all of this looks, because I will say with no vague sarcasm that it is very much not good. It reflects poorly on the moderation team and it reflects poorly on Paizo by extension. I love Paizo as a company and do not want to see anyone turned away from the game by the actions of the official subreddit's moderation team.

Not the stances of the moderation team, the actions of the moderation team.

We are not affiliated with Paizo.

Yes we know how tools like undelete work.

While we are attempting to educate people on what the problems are, we are not going to go around attempting to educate every user on every moderator action that they do not understand because they do not have the full context. That is a fools errand.

Nor can you twist peoples statements to conflate targeted harassment with mere criticism, as evidenced by the fact that quite a lot of criticism and complaints are still clearly visible (though some will inevitably be removed) and I have taken the time to speak with you rather than simply ban you.

I locked the post for a reason, I would advise against knowingly circumventing this by simply responding to a separate post higher up to say the same thing you were going to say anyways, or I will be forced to take moderator action.

#The Flairs:

10:04 UTC


is $250 too much to pay for a game? r/EscapeFromTarkov Falls into chaos after a new premium edition of the game is released.

Hi all, this is now my second EscapeFromTarkov drama post I've made, it's been a while. Naturally Reddit goes down while I am typing this initially so it is now impossible for me to view the subreddit as I am writing this. I'll have to go back later in the day and hopefully I didn't get scooped in the meantime. Let me give you some context before I dive into the fun parts. TL;DR at the bottom.

EscapeFromTarkov (EFT) is an online-only PvPvE FPS game that focuses on realistic and immersive gameplay where you play as a private military contractor (PMC) that is in the Tarkov region, a fictional location. The general gameplay loop is to load into a game session (raid), move around the map fighting players or AI, looting items for progression, and completing quests. The game will reset after a set amount of time, usually 6 months IRL with a 'wipe', resetting everyone back to square one to do it all over again. There are a number of things I am not mentioning as a part of the nitty gritty for the gameplay loop, but they are not relevant for this post. It is worth mentioning that the game has been in a playable state either in alpha or beta since August of 2016. The game and the company has had its fair share of drama in the past ranging from mild to wild, but nothing has been as intense as what it seems like the developers have opened the floodgates to with their recent action.

BattleStateGames (BSG)'s primary source of income from this game is of course from game purchases. They have several different editions of the game, with the base edition being $50, then progressively getting more expensive with the EOD version being worth $140 as a premium edition that would allow you free access to all future DLC, as well as a number of in-game bonuses. This EOD edition was already lauded by some as being considered Pay-To-Win (P2W) for some since it would provide the user with better gear at the start, better reputation with traders, more stash space for more loot, and a special un-lootable container, called a secure container, that was I believe double the size of the Standard version's container. This edition has since been discontinued as an edition to purchase since it was supposed to be a "Beta-only" premium edition, intended to call attention to the early supporters, and as BSG attempts to close out a 1.0 release, they decided it was time to pull the plug on new EOD purchases. They did this by aggresively advertising that EOD was going away and that it would be the last time you could ever buy it.

Another piece of information worth knowing is that BSG has been opening avenues for monetization as of late since the game has been in development for so long, and they have had no MTX to this point since they did not believe in them being a good business model. This door cracked open a little bit lately once they introduced some cosmetics that can only be bought with real world currency. Nothing crazy, they don't look particularly nice in my opinion, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Now the drama.

BSG's crack in the door was blown wide open with their most recent edition. The Unheard Edition. As per their website, this edition includes amenities such as an Enhanced stash size (10x72), Unique in-game ID, Expanded PMC pockets, Increased Fence standing, More slots on the Flea Market, Unique in-game melee weapon, Free access to all subsequent DLCs (Season pass), Access to the Early Test Server (ETS), and some other small details. On the surface, this was actually very similar to the EOD version which they had since removed from their website.

All of this alone would be enough for people to kick and moan about this new edition being P2W, and rightfully so since this edition essentially allows you to speedrun the progress of what could be 20 levels worth of skill grinding, task progression, and flea market farming. However, the main kicker is what I did not include in the above.

This edition also includes: "Access to PvE co-op mode with persistent progression. Progression will not be reset with wipes." This is a game mode that players have been BEGGING for since EFT has a bit of a cheating problem, and a number of people simply do not enjoy the PvP aspect of the game. This addition is functionally, DLC, that was not included for any EOD player to have access to despite EOD having the promise of all future DLC. So, EOD players who already shelled out $140 were screwed. But traditionally the cost difference between editions was between $20-$30 so it's not too bad, right? That also changed when it was revealed that this new edition was going to be an astounding $250. So, players who had already bought the most expensive, exclusive version of the game, would have to pay an additional $110. Players with the Standard Edition would have to pay an additional $200.

Queue the firestorm that is r/EscapeFromTarkov.

It was insanely hard for me to find much beyond some older posts that had actual substance to them since the mods initially had deleted a LOT of posts basically as they were coming out, to the point where the subreddit is a bit of a husk of itself rn in terms of average post frequency. I would anticipate this will skyrocket as the day progresses further and more people get home/leave work.

The first and most notable thing in the subreddit is a new sticky post. This is a post made by the mods that signifies that they are no longer enforcing Rule 8 of the subreddit in response to this edition. This post is found here if anyone wants to dive into the specific comments. The PSA reads:

Good Morning r/EscapefromTarkov !
Let's start this off right - we (the mod team) are just as livid about this situation as you are.

As of this post:

Rule 8 will not apply to any discussion around the new unheard edition. Post as many threads as you want.
We were initially enforcing rule 8 however after an internal vote, looking into the new edition and some discussion we have all come to the conclusion that it sucks.
Complain away, it's P2W and a betrayal of players trust / support of this game over the years.
Sorry for removing your posts, that was a mistake. Moan at us if you want but rule 3 still applies so don't get yourself banned.
Also, when one of the most positive streamers says this, you know its bad.

This is the general consensus around the new edition and all over the subreddit. Another post here shows what the old page for the EOD edition included in the package. Some comments from that:

But how are they gonna sell another overpriced edition of tarkov to help fund the next 5 years of “beta” gameplay. THINK OF THE COMPANY!!

The same company that’s spent millions on gun range days and renting tanks for twitch con?

they won't call them dlc, the community manager already called it something else. Pretty scammy move

im more surprised people aren't mad at the price. it's one of the most if not the most expensive premium edition of any game going at the minute at ~€280 incl. tax. reminder that the game isn't even technically out yet, charging €280 for a game in beta should be fucking criminal

destiny 2 with all current dlc is cheaper than this without being on sale. let that sink in for a second

Putting EOD in a panic buy state by having a countdown timer till its removal and having people believe they would receive all content just to release the "Unheard Edition" is one of the most greedy and deceptive things ive ever seen in the gaming space.

So far they haven't even created any 'DLC', they tried to release Arena as a standalone as well until they got called out on their bs, this is 100% dlc and if it's not included then it just goes to show how badly this company is hurting.

It’s not downloadable content, but installable content!

And for reference, here is a reddit post that calls attention to a previous reddit post by the CEO of the company explicitly saying that offline Co-op would be an EOD feature

A post showing off some additional, totally not P2W inclusions with the new The Unheard edition.

The bosses will also give you a quick suck at the extraction point, right before the timer runs out

Nice of BSG to help Grey Zone get off to a flying start.

Another post here shows what the community manager's take on the situation is.

As well as a post about opening up a lawsuit against the company

Bro I am in. Hit me up if there is anything

Hit me up, if he hits you up

Hit me up, if he hits you up cause he hit him up l

Hit me up, if he hits you up, if he hits him up and he hits him up

My cum, is in your hands

And my hands in your cum 🤝


BattleStateGames went back on their word for promising future DLC to all EOD owners by releasing a new edition that contains DLC that requires a new purchase. This new edition also being $250 is another major point of contention from several different angles. There's tons of drama outside of the subreddit as well, but this isn't called r/SocialMediaDrama

20:09 UTC

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