
Photograph via //r/Spiderman

The subreddit for the Marvel character, Spider-Man

The Subreddit for Spider-Man comics, movies, and TV series


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Comic Book Help

Most Current Runs
Some Heading Names
Amazing Spider-Man Amazing Spider-Man by Nick Spencer: As the title says, it is back to the basics of what makes Spider-Man great and is the best the book has been in yeaaaars. This run is ongoing and the first arc is very new-reader friendly.
Miles Morales Miles Morales: Miles Morales swings back into the spotlight! Balancing a normal life, school, friends, family and super-heroing has never been easy for Miles, but when the rampaging Rhino and a cadre of mysterious criminals start plaguing Brooklyn, things take a dark turn for the young Spider-Man
Spider-Gwen Spider-Gwen: Gwen Stacy, the Spider-Woman of Earth-65, makes her sensational return! And she's picking up right where she left off, fighting crime through her home reality - unaware that it sits on the precipice of interdimensional calamity!

Recommended Reads

Some Heading Names
Spider-Man: Blue Spider-Man: Blue: Spider-Man: Blue (Spider-Man: Blue #1-6). A limited series in which Peter is reminiscing events and encounters from his past and how he and Gwen Stacy fell in love.
Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt Spider-Man: Kraven's Last Hunt: (ASM Vol 1/1963 #293-294, Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1/1976 #131-132, Web of Spider-Man #31-32). A rightly beloved classic set very early during the Peter/MJ marriage, with a lot of raw emotion and drama, full of psychology and dark storytelling.
The Alien Costume Saga The Alien Costume Saga: (ASM Vol 1/1963 #252-263, Spectacular Spider-Man Vol 1/1976 #90-100, Web of Spider-Man #1). A bit long, but features some truly great stuff and has very often been misrepresented in media. This is not the story you may think you know from other adaptations and has a lot going for it like Black Cat.
If This Be My Destiny... If This Be My Destiny...: (ASM Vol 1/1963 #31-33). This storyline really highlights what makes Spider-Man work so well, letting Peter Parker's character truly shine with compelling drama.
Happy Birthday Happy Birthday: (ASM Vol 2/1999 #57-58, 500-502). Doctor Strange sends Spider-Man through time and space in order to help stop Dormammu. During his trip he encounters all of his greatest friends and foes.
Ock/Owl Gang War Ock/Owl Gang War: (Spectacular Spider-Man #73-79). One of the hands down best Otto Octavius storylines and one of the last times he was relevant for nearly a decade, this story also is the groundwork for the budding romance between Black Cat and Spider-Man that took hold in the early 1980s. Often an overlooked gem despite its immense historical impact on the webslinger.
Back to Basics Back to Basics : (ASM Vol 5/2018 #1-5). As the title says, it is back to the basics of what makes Spider-Man great and is the best the book has been in yeaaaars. This run is ongoing and the first arc is very new-reader friendly.
Side Reads
Some Heading Names
Venom: Lethal Protector Venom: Lethal Protector: (Venom: Lethal Protector #1-6). The recent Venom film is based on this 6 issue miniseries and although it's not the greatest storyline, it is a pretty good solo outing for Venom and a good start to his run as an antihero.
Sinister Spider-Man Sinister Spider-Man: (Dark Reign: Sinister Spider-Man #1-4). Mac Gargan is often regarded as one of the worst hosts for the Venom symbiote. And while I generally agree, this often overlooked 4-part miniseries really is something special. Written by Brian Reed, we see Mac working for Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers and how he handles being disguised as Spider-Man. The miniseries is delightfully twisted and laugh out loud funny. Reed’s writing is complemented with fantastic art by Chris Bachalo.
Venom Venom: Flash Thompson is given a chance to serve his country, on the condition he joins with the Venom Symbiote to become a hero once more.
Spider-Girl Spider-Girl: One of the first and longest running Marvel alternate universes remains the MC2, and for good reason! Meet Mayday Parker, daughter of the Amazing Spider-Man. Mayday remains what the standard of a legacy character should be, she is similar to her father but with a few core values changed. Seeing the supporting casts of classic ‘90s Spider-Man comics in this new but familiar world is always a treat and it really feels like what could have been had editorial been a bit different.

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Thanks to /u/tinman888 for the Spidey-Snoo

Thanks to /u/Climperoonie for the flairs


978,081 Subscribers


Which earth is it now?

I've watched across the spiderverse now with my gf and spiderman 2099 says that doctor strange and the nerd (I assume no way home context) are on earth-199999 but many other people say it's earth-616.

Can someone help us, understanding the mcu? :D Thanks

1 Comment
21:24 UTC


Spider-Man black suit and blood variant by checchetto

21:19 UTC


Ultimate Spider-Man issue 10 cover by Ben Harvey

1 Comment
21:11 UTC


Spider-Man 4 update kinda new look

Hopefully, we get something this weekend btw this suit is still 🔥🔥

20:39 UTC


Where can I start Spider-Man’s comics ?

I’m a huge fan of every spider-man movies and I was wondering which and where in the comics should I start. It doesn’t have to be a Peter Parker variant, I just need somewhere to start, honestly there’s just so much comics that I don’t know which one to choose.

20:23 UTC


Does anyone know if this wallet is rare or anything?

I tried to search it on google and got nothing, i’ve had this since I was a kid and have been holding onto it thinking it might be rare or something.

1 Comment
20:22 UTC


New October 2024 Solicit for Mayday Parker/Spider-Girl

1 Comment
20:11 UTC


New October 2024 Solicit for Black Cat and Mary Jane/Jackpot

1 Comment
20:10 UTC


New October 2024 Solicit for Jessica Drew/Spider-Woman

1 Comment
20:09 UTC


Just found earlier Joe Kelly ASM stuff at my LCS!

I’ve only just started but I’m digging the idea of him coming back. I took ASM off my pull list a while ago now and this is the first time I’ve thought of picking it up again.

19:37 UTC


New October 2024 solicit for Conquest 2099, with Miguel O'Hara involved

19:34 UTC


New October 2024 Solicit for Spider-Gwen

19:32 UTC


New October 2024 solicit for Chasm: Curse Of Kaine

19:32 UTC


New October 2024 Solicit for Miles Morales

1 Comment
19:31 UTC


USM #10 variant cover by Bengal

19:16 UTC


Regardless of who the bride is, how to write a complete Spiderman wedding arc like King's Batman?

Regardless if it's MJ or Felicia or if it happens tomorrow, in 2 years, 5 years or 10 years....If a complete arc of 4-6 issues were to be made, and even an event, how could it be done?

In my mind, and having the money to do it, I see May managing the place and the guest list, Felicia and MJ spending the night together after getting drunk (it doesn't matter who gets married), and Peter tied up in the sun on a rooftop after a crazy night with Flash, Johnny and Ben. But this in a comedy tone. In a more serious context, I don't really have that many ideas, but I don't think anyone would want an event like that in a dramatic tone either.

Now, it doesn't matter who the bride is, but for obvious reasons there are limitations to the stories depending on who it is. With MJ, you can't bring in ex-partners to create conflict because she doesn't have ex-boyfriends. With Felicia you can because she has Tamara as a former officer and Odessa's obsession with her. Also the classic story of the kidnapping on the wedding day is different depending on who it is because the survival capacity of each is different and the number of people interested in them is also different.

If, for example, a catastrophe were to occur, would it be of an invasive nature such as a demonic or extraterrestrial crisis? multiversal in nature as a dimensional collision? of an earthly nature like a gang war?


19:13 UTC


is there any good spider-man comics that anyone would recomend?

i wanna get into spider-man comics and idk any to get

19:00 UTC


Help me find a old Spider-Man Drawing Tutorial - black sharpie

When I was a kid I used to watch a lot of drawing tutorials especially of Spider-Man. There was one that stood out. It was of Spider-Man, perched with one hand on the floor and his other hand I guess pointed outwards. It was in black sharpie. That’s all I remember. This was a long time ago maybe a decade old or even more but I do know it was on YouTube. Thanks.

17:42 UTC


Marvel legends spiderman villain tier list! Pretty cool!

17:34 UTC


If you were put into a similar situation as Peter was in NWH where everyone saw you as a murderer/public enemy would you or would you not ask Dr. Strange to make everyone forget about you?

Picture this, you are living your life as Peter Parker or as yourself. Everything is fine and dandy until one day some guy who has a clear vendetta against you exposes you for who you are. In this case, your secret identity as Spider-Man or it's something you immensely regret doing in the past and everyone finds out who you are and what you did.

It isn't a matter of time until you become the most hated individual on the planet and the biggest public enemy on social media. You know that after this, nothing will ever be the same so you decide to take matters into your own hands. You visit Dr. Strange and ask him for his assistance and he tells you that he can fix this. But at the cost of making everyone forget about you. That means your friends, family, loved ones and everyone close to you will no longer know who you are.

Dr. Strange then gives you some time to consider his offer and instead of doing what Peter initially did in the movie you take the time and weigh your options. So now the question of the day is, would you take up the Doctor's offer and make everyone forget about who you are in order to protect your loved ones from being dragged into the crossfire or would you suck it up and continue to live life as is regardless of the ostracization and having to life with the fact that everyone knows who you are and what you did.

17:33 UTC

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